Trump Goes There Again: Men And Women In The Military Leads To Rape

It makes sense to me. Put large amounts of men with women and you will have more rape. it is just a matter of statistics.
Homo's in the military increase of male rape not surprising. They are being empowered. And if you complain you're a homophobe.
Trump Goes There Again: Men And Women In The Military Leads To Rape

Donald Trump apparently still believes that if you put women and men together in the military of course it's going to lead to a lot of rapes.

Trump was confronted by Matt Lauer Wednesday night in the Commander-in- Chief forum with a three-year-old tweet of his

Trump defended his 2013 tweet suggesting that high rate of unreported rape allegations could have been predicted when men and women were allowed to serve in the military.

"It is a correct tweet. There are many people that think that is absolutely correct," Trump said to Lauer.

Trump Goes There Again: Men And Women In The Military Leads To Rape

This mans a pig! The fact is half of all rape is male on male. So I guess we should just abolish the damn thing.
Drumpf should not assume that all men are like him......
It does contribute to rape. If they weren't there they wouldn't be getting raped by servicemen. It's a pretty simple concept.
If the men weren't there, the women wouldn't get raped.....see? This game is fun!
Trump Goes There Again: Men And Women In The Military Leads To Rape

Donald Trump apparently still believes that if you put women and men together in the military of course it's going to lead to a lot of rapes.

Trump was confronted by Matt Lauer Wednesday night in the Commander-in- Chief forum with a three-year-old tweet of his

Trump defended his 2013 tweet suggesting that high rate of unreported rape allegations could have been predicted when men and women were allowed to serve in the military.

"It is a correct tweet. There are many people that think that is absolutely correct," Trump said to Lauer.

Trump Goes There Again: Men And Women In The Military Leads To Rape

This mans a pig! The fact is half of all rape is male on male. So I guess we should just abolish the damn thing.

It hardly ever leads to rape but does on a rare occasion by a twisted service member. I could shower with women in a military setting but I would not cover my eyes and never touch them. It is OK to look but don't touch.

the problem is the military response to rape and sexual assault....which is where dumb donald is a major fail.
You really are an ignorant, uninformed twat. The military's response is exactly what Donald criticized and said needed improvement. It's a miracle that you remember to breath. And a shame too. have problems with the UCMJ.....what part of it do you have the biggest issue with?
I don't see what is wrong with what Trump said. For a very long time women were kept away from men so it wasn't possible for any rapist to have an opportunity to rape but the minute you put them together in close quarters these same men now have an opportunity that they didn't have before. Maybe someone should have thought of that before they did all of this garbage.
Now that the whole world knows that Cosby is a serial rapist, any woman who spends any time with him, even for professional reasons, has nobody to blame but herself, if she finds a quaalude in her drink....
Homo's in the military increase of male rape not surprising. They are being empowered. And if you complain you're a homophobe.
In my day male rape in the military would result in a severe beating, but maybe times have changed.
Let's see .. Mix .. generally hormone popping younger folks, alcohol, great music, the possibility of being sent to a combat zone and being injured or killed, trained to kill and follow orders, a commitment of living dangerously ... much easier making judgements on the outside looking in is my guess.

Alas, rape or false claims of rape is inexcusable but you would hope a fair system of judgement is set up.
What is going on with men? Why can they not control themselves. Something very wrong with someone who cannot resist aa low strength surge. NOT normal.

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