Trump going from Win to Win to Win

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After Barack Insane Obama was elected president, conservatives won every special election - including the backyard of the Kennedy's when Republican Scott Brown won the Senate seat. It got so bad for the Democrats, they literally asked Barack Insane Obama to stop campaigning for them because they had lost every special election in which he threw his weight behind.

Not only is it an incredibly bright outlook for the U.S. that conservatives continue to win special elections even after President Trump's victory, but also while the left is throwing ungodly money to purchase the elections.

Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 5.46.32 PM.png

One number puts the Democrat loss in Georgia in stunning perspective
Our beloved Pres, Trump is systematically dismantling the Democrat party on a daily basis.

And there is nothing the loony liberals can do to stop him. ..... :thup: .. :cool:

The only thing Trump is winning, is his fight for fast food. LOLOLO
After Barack Insane Obama was elected president, conservatives won every special election - including the backyard of the Kennedy's when Republican Scott Brown won the Senate seat. It got so bad for the Democrats, they literally asked Barack Insane Obama to stop campaigning for them because they had lost every special election in which he threw his weight behind.

Not only is it an incredibly bright outlook for the U.S. that conservatives continue to win special elections even after President Trump's victory, but also while the left is throwing ungodly money to purchase the elections.

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One number puts the Democrat loss in Georgia in stunning perspective
Democrats are losing gerrymandered districts and rightly so......what is in play, however are those districts in 18 that aren't gerrymandered. Keep in mind also, that our choices for candidates lack severely. Also keep in mind, every single state that elects the GOP is suffering because it and rightly so.
Also keep in mind, every single state that elects the GOP is suffering because it and rightly so.
Also, keep in mind, that everything you just stated is 100% false. Every area that elected Republican's is flourishing (Scott Walker turned around Wisconsin after the Democrats destroyed it, John Kasich turned around Ohio after the Democrats destroyed it, etc.).

Conversely, Detroit filed bankruptcy after 65 years of complete and total Democrat control. Illinois is on the verge of filing bankruptcy and just raised their tax rates to an astounding 32% (this of course on top of the 32% of the federal government), and California will soon follow Illinois.

Let me know if you'd like me to correct any of your other misinformation.
President Trump continues to have among the most successful first few months of any president in U.S. history...
The number of employed Americans hit a record high of 153,168,000 in June, according to latest numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 245,000 more Americans who gained employment over the month and more individuals joined the labor force as well.
Here's the Astronomical Number of Americans Who Now Have Jobs
Sorry.......2017 is still the Obama ECONOMY!!!! Trumps economy starts in 2018!!! Good Luck.
Sorry.......2017 is still the Obama ECONOMY!!!! Trumps economy starts in 2018!!! Good Luck.
Bwahahahahaha! You wish, snowflake. 2017 is still the Obama federal budget. But the economy became the unofficial responsibility of President Trump in January. Good luck on your propaganda!
I'm feeling good about having a president who isn't afraid to say things that upsets the snowflakes living amongst us.
The VERY fact that he's keeping socialist OPEN borders liberals (who want us to become Europe) OUT of office is a HUGE win!!
Our beloved Pres, Trump is systematically dismantling the Democrat party on a daily basis.

And there is nothing the loony liberals can do to stop him. ..... :thup: .. :cool:
Only in your mind.

The U.S. may only be six months into President Donald Trump's term, but many voters are already looking ahead to 2020—and thinking Democratic.

Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey results released Tuesday showed that Trump, a Republican, would lose in matchups against former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. About 12 percent of would-be Biden voters and 13 percent of would-be Sanders fans backed Trump in November, meaning the incumbent would have lost their support.
It's looking like we couldn't have asked for a better president. :2up:
I'm shocked. I was one of the biggest "Never Trumpers". Man was I wrong. He has been the polar opposite of what I expected. I expected Barack Obama and instead we got an ultra-assertive George Washington. He's one of the last people I would have expected to reject power from the Oval Office, but that is exactly what he has done. He's returned it to Congress and the states just as the constitution calls for.
The VERY fact that he's keeping socialist OPEN borders liberals (who want us to become Europe) OUT of office is a HUGE win!!
Trump is insane. post a video of certified bat-shit crazy Keith Olbermann (who has been fired from every job he ever had - including radical MSNBC) as "proof" that President Trump is "crazy"? Bwahahahahahaha! :lmao:
Sorry.......2017 is still the Obama ECONOMY!!!! Trumps economy starts in 2018!!! Good Luck.
Bwahahahahaha! You wish, snowflake. 2017 is still the Obama federal budget. But the economy became the unofficial responsibility of President Trump in January. Good luck on your propaganda!
Yeah you keep telling yourself that. Trump's economy starts in 2018. Obama left Trump with a stable economy. Now lets sit back and watch Trump and the GOP screw up the economy!!!!
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