Trump has acted disgracefully, says the Bill Clinton worshipers.


Could that be the dress?


Don't you love it when the libs reveal their fucking hypocrisy by chiding down from their pitiful moral platitudes?

Compared to Bill Clinton, Trump has acted disgracefully. What did Clinton do? He cheated on his wife, multiple times, he lied to Congress, he got impeachment proceedings against him, he's done dodgy deals and the like, and he's still BETTER than Trump.

There we have it. Clinton cheating, harassing and raping women is not as disgraceful as Trump tweeting the word "bleeding".

What Trump doing is bullying. He's also a cheat, don't forget that a year into his current marriage he was trying to pick up women, he's on his third wife for a reason, don't forget that.

Did Trump rape anyone? Don't know, he, like Clinton, has not been convicted. Don't think this is just about the bullying, but the bullying is there. Imagine that this is the image we get of Trump, what don't we get?

No, what the left wing media and their Antifa followers are doing is bullying. Trump is the leader and fighter we elected to stand up to media bullies and he hasn't disappointed.

Right. Now he's using threats of articles by the National Enquirer against his enemies. That is extortion by that obese orange clown,
The words moral and leftist should never ever be used in the same sentence....unless lack of is also used
Morality and liberal/progressivism are diameterically opposed to each other.

No, what you deem morality and liberalism are opposed to each other, but that doesn't mean your morality is "correct" or consistent.
Well if you have no sense of right or wrong I can see how you'd be confused.

I do have a sense of what is right or wrong.

One thing I think shows someone who doesn't really know right from wrong is someone who goes around insulting on the internet.

Watch this video. The idiot Democrat woman admits that not only are they giving refugees welcome baskets but they are including voter registration forms. She thinks that when these refugees come here they're automatically Unites States citizens.

Unbelievable the stupidity of these people.

I think by now it's clear that these "Protestors" have a screw loose.
Folks, these are the same brain-dead college students that helped elect Obama in the first place which helped send us down the road we're on.

Basically I typed in "idiot" and then you as member, and I've got 17 pages of you insulting people.

And you're telling me you know right from wrong?

I typed in "stupid" and your name as member and I've got 17 pages of you insulting people.
I typed in "asshole" and your name as member and I've got 17 pages of you insulting people.
I typed in "prick" and your name as member and I've got 17 pages of you insulting people.
I typed in "moron" and your name as member and I've got 17 pages of you insulting people.
I typed in "dumbass" and your name as member and I've got 17 pages of you insulting people.

And you're still going to tell me you're a moral person huh?
Why are you still so obsessed with Bill Clinton? You realize that blow job was more than 20 years ago don't you? You need new material.
Yet the libs were apoplectic over a private conversation Trump had as long ago. It's just a difference in values. Your's make no sense whatsoever.

Yours don't make any sense. Had a fit about Bill, and now your elect a guy on his 3rd wife. Amazing.

Could that be the dress?


Don't you love it when the libs reveal their fucking hypocrisy by chiding down from their pitiful moral platitudes?

Compared to Bill Clinton, Trump has acted disgracefully. What did Clinton do? He cheated on his wife, multiple times, he lied to Congress, he got impeachment proceedings against him, he's done dodgy deals and the like, and he's still BETTER than Trump.

There we have it. Clinton cheating, harassing and raping women is not as disgraceful as Trump tweeting the word "bleeding".

What Trump doing is bullying. He's also a cheat, don't forget that a year into his current marriage he was trying to pick up women, he's on his third wife for a reason, don't forget that.

Did Trump rape anyone? Don't know, he, like Clinton, has not been convicted. Don't think this is just about the bullying, but the bullying is there. Imagine that this is the image we get of Trump, what don't we get?

No, what the left wing media and their Antifa followers are doing is bullying. Trump is the leader and fighter we elected to stand up to media bullies and he hasn't disappointed.

The difference is that the media is there to report on elected officials. And they do that. It's not bullying, they can be biased, they can make stuff up, but they also say stuff that they believe is the truth.

Trump isn't a leader, who is he leading exactly? The fighter, yes, he's a fighter, because he causes so many problems that he has to spend his whole time fighting and no time actually governing.

It's taken him more than 90 days to get a 90 day ban on people from Muslim countries that aren't so friendly with the US, while Qatar, which Trump said supported terrorists, Saudi Arabia, which almost certainly supports terrorists, aren't on this list. And the whole point of the 90 days, was, apparently (but bullshit) was to have time to be able to come up with a plan on dealing with this. But more than 90 days have gone and Trump, instead of coming up with a plan, spent the whole time FIGHTING.

What the fuck?

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