Trump has been losing approx. 1.5 or 2 approval points per month

The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

It is estimated that 90% of stock market holdings are the property of the top 10% earners in our country.. Folks in WV and KY who "rejoice" that the stock market is going up under Trump's tenure, exemplify how truly DUMB many voters are.

The value of the stock market is, in many ways, a false indicator of the fiscal health of the nation. It rewards high profits above all else, rewarding companies which cut workers wages and other bad behaviour.

Back in the 1970's an economist groused that the Harvard Business School model of bottom line management would be the death of the American economy. That putting profit above all else was rewarding companies for breaking up and selling off assets which destroyed jobs but gave the bottom line a big jump.

At the time I thought this guy deranged. After all, wasn't it right and proper that companies were more profitable? It turns out, he was right.

The pursuit of higher profits lead Walmart to structure the staff around welfare handouts intended for the poor. Walmart padded profits with massive wage subsidies of food stamps, Medicaid, and other government programs totalling $9 billion, and Walmart became the second most profitable company in America. The thing is that Walmart could have given all of their employees raises so that they no longer qualified for government assistance, and they would still have been a highly profitable company, just not #2 in America.

This is a lot like "teaching for the test". When governments started standardized testing of students and publishing results, school stopped providing well rounded education and began teaching students the things they would need to get good test results. Education has gone downhill ever since.

Corporations need to be profitable to survive. Companies which lose money don't last long. But padding profits at the expense of workers so that you boost the stock price, is a fool's game. It's picking up the peanuts while Being trampled by the elephants.

Corporate executives are so insulated from their front line workers, it's painful to watch.

Every time I watch the show "Under Cover Boss", you see some CEO go to work in entry level jobs within his company, and he or she sees decent, hard working people struggling to do right by their job, their families, and their communities. Invariably, the gift these deserving workers with free tuition, or a new car or some other expensive item which the employees can't afford on their current wages.

Wouldn't it be better for these CEOs to give all their deserving employees raises so that they can afford these things without appearing on a reality TV show?
If they had just been wrong in one state, or two, that would likely have NOT screwed the pooch so badly.

But they were always wrong and always in the same direction.

When's the last time we had a Democrat upset that was not predicted by the polls?

The GREATEST gift to the modern GOP has been the electoral college....and, of course, gerrymandering.

Your post did not address anything in my post.

I have come to realize that this is something libs do, when they realize that they cannot even pretend to challenge my point, and that this is what you do instead of admitting that you realize that I am right.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.

TO the Political Class, he is a dangerous outsider, who is not part of the system and has a platform of real change.

That's the issue. That is why he is so hated, but the Political Class and their whores in the media.

To everyone with eyes in their head he is dangerously incompetent, with authoritarian tendencies.

This is nonsense, of course, BUT, in a radical departure from the lefty norm, you ACTUALLY attempt to support it, with a list of points.

I will show you the respect of seriously addressing each of your points to demonstrate that your conclusion is silly.

Trump didn't drain the swamp. He stocked it with alligators. Like his campaign staff, there's a revolving door on the West Wing.

If true, than this is the complete and total norm, and you have nothing to complain about.

The "real change" he proposes is not thought through in the least. He has no idea how to accomplish his agenda and little interest in learning.

How hard is it to know that A. millions and millions of unvetted illegals living in our nation is bad, and that B. massive and ever growing trade deficits are bad?

IF his opponent had vastly more experience and wanted to address those problems and had detailed and concrete plans, than your complaint would be valid.

Instead his opponent accepted those terrible problems as the norm that Americans just need to learn to live with.

Advantage Trump. BIG TIME.

The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

Dividends are money that will flow to shareholders who will then have that money to live on, or in my case, to allow my retirement fund to grow.

That's a form of growth.

Countries doing business with the US are finding it difficult to get goods into the US because the understaffed Department of Commerce isn't getting import permits out.

Countries doing business with the US should be spending their time wondering how they can make their trade with US more balanced before Trump comes up with a way to do it FOR THEM.

You ever visit a Rust Belt City? I live in one.

Deportations are down from last year, even though ICE is arresting thousand of law abiding undocumented workers.

That sounds like bullshit.

Russia is now mounting a disinformation #fireMcMaster campaign as Russian government bot accounts are now slandering H.R. McMaster. The alt-right Trumpanzees have picked up the chant and we have two threads here wherein the least articulate post about the evil McMaster and the need for Trump to fire him.

But Russian interference in US government isn't a problem.

Cold War is over. I'm more pissed off about all the anti-Trump shit our supposed friends in Western Europe had to say during the campaign that your lefty media shouted from the rooftops.
Even the wobbly Trumpies on here will cave when Trump goes down to 29%. Let the "told ya' so"s begin.
The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

It is estimated that 90% of stock market holdings are the property of the top 10% earners in our country.. Folks in WV and KY who "rejoice" that the stock market is going up under Trump's tenure, exemplify how truly DUMB many voters are.

These numbers often include large mutual funds as individuals in order to present a false picture of the situation.

DO you know if where you got your numbers did that?
Even the wobbly Trumpies on here will cave when Trump goes down to 29%. Let the "told ya' so"s begin.

Your desire to make this about polls, instead of Trump's policies are very telling.

Are you that confidence that his policies are not only popular, but will be successful?
Even the wobbly Trumpies on here will cave when Trump goes down to 29%. Let the "told ya' so"s begin.

With the margin of error in play, Trump's approval ratings could be higher, BUT they could ALSO already be in the high twenty range.........That solid Trump "base" may be crumbling.
The approval #'s for Trump are much higher than what's being reported by liberal pollsters.
Think back to when they had Hillary winning. lol
Where did this info come from? ? Your fat ass?
My fat ass? lol

Try reading my post again. I'm going to assume you missed something before I highlight your stupidity.
This genius thinks he has his own polling firm.
No really.
You thought Hillary was going to win because of what you saw from the polls.
Who's smiling now, dumbass. :)
Did not think she would win. two of my reasons, she is a women, we have been switching party's after 8 year runs, and that's with out all the trash talk.
But, doesn't it occur to you that if you have to avoid his policies because you know that they are popular and will be successful, that that means you are on the wrong side?

NO....Trump's policies are "popular" with 3 million LESS voters than Clinton's policies....Yes, rump became president with the EC as prescribed by the Constitution......BUT get off the bullshit that his policies are acceptable with the MAJORITY of [sane] Americans.......

You can thank me later for clearing THAT up for you.......LOL
The approval #'s for Trump are much higher than what's being reported by liberal pollsters.
Think back to when they had Hillary winning. lol
Where did this info come from? ? Your fat ass?
My fat ass? lol

Try reading my post again. I'm going to assume you missed something before I highlight your stupidity.
This genius thinks he has his own polling firm.
No really.
You thought Hillary was going to win because of what you saw from the polls.
Who's smiling now, dumbass. :)
Me!!!! I'm the one smiling. trump at a 33 % approval rating, lowest in history and an abysmal 24 % believes what he says.
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina....
But, doesn't it occur to you that if you have to avoid his policies because you know that they are popular and will be successful, that that means you are on the wrong side?

NO....Trump's policies are "popular" with 3 million LESS voters than Clinton's policies....Yes, rump became president with the EC as prescribed by the Constitution......BUT get off the bullshit that his policies are acceptable with the MAJORITY of [sane] Americans.......

You can thank me later for clearing THAT up for you.......LOL

Really? US voters really love the idea of exporting jobs and importing third world labor?

Or did you get them to vote for Hillary by lying to them that Trump was the next Hitler who would get US killed in a nuclear war and then oppress them and such shit?

The more you lefties get hysterical and dishonest, the more you show that you know that your policies and their results are not popular.

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