Trump has been losing approx. 1.5 or 2 approval points per month

Why on earth would the denialists believe that Trump's approval is actually high? He's fucking up everywhere.
Denialists? Trump is doing what he said he would and has a high approval rate no matter what the liars claim. Media is fixing to take a hard one.

Doing what he said he would be doing??

No healthcare repeal or replace.

No defeat of ISIS.

No wall.

Job growth, no different than under Obama. Fewer deportations than this point last year.

Health insurance industry in chaos because they have no idea what's going to happen.

If you ejected Trump to destroy the tourism industry, to alienate and insult your allies, and to cozy up to the world's worst despots, it's working.

If you elected Trump to sow chaos and disorder, congratulations. It's working.

If you elected him to run your country. To deal with poverty, unemployment, to be Commander-in-Chief, and to show respect for the electorate and the promises he made you, you picked the wrong guy.

The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?
The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.
Why on earth would the denialists believe that Trump's approval is actually high? He's fucking up everywhere.
Denialists? Trump is doing what he said he would and has a high approval rate no matter what the liars claim. Media is fixing to take a hard one.

Doing what he said he would be doing??

No healthcare repeal or replace.

No defeat of ISIS.

No wall.

Job growth, no different than under Obama. Fewer deportations than this point last year.

Health insurance industry in chaos because they have no idea what's going to happen.

If you ejected Trump to destroy the tourism industry, to alienate and insult your allies, and to cozy up to the world's worst despots, it's working.

If you elected Trump to sow chaos and disorder, congratulations. It's working.

If you elected him to run your country. To deal with poverty, unemployment, to be Commander-in-Chief, and to show respect for the electorate and the promises he made you, you picked the wrong guy.

The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

No one is obstructing him - he's just that incompetent.
Of course, Trump supporters will hide behind the mantra that polls are part of the "fake news" cabal, but for others who can still think on their own, polls are devastating for Trump.

However, there is a discouraging circumstance for Trump's approval ratings to soar from the low 30s.....and that is either a terror attack within our country, OR the start of a war.

Hopefully, even the most ardent of Trump supporters will hope that neither of these circumstances will happen.

Considering the constant drumbeat of bullshit lies from the vile media, I would be shocked if there was NOT some drop.

Though of course, we can't trust the polls or the vile liars who report them.

Going into the election, the ny times was giving hillary 98% chance of winning.
Dude not only do you need a hug, you need a fuckin brain transplant...from some demented Trump supporting idiots are beyond stupid, your out right pathetic and sick

Right, because having over ELEVEN MILLION unvetted illegals in this country is nothing to be upset about.

You are the one who is beyond stupid, you fucking moron.
And polls indicated Hildebeast would have a definitive win.

Same old fucking shit........Most polls gauge popular voters'opinion NOT the electoral college.....and in THAT regard, they were right on target.

The pollsters, the pundits, the media, they had the state by state break downs, and made their predictions based on that.

AND THEY WERE WRONG. Very, very wrong.
The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.
And polls indicated Hildebeast would have a definitive win.

Same old fucking shit........Most polls gauge popular voters'opinion NOT the electoral college.....and in THAT regard, they were right on target.

The pollsters, the pundits, the media, they had the state by state break downs, and made their predictions based on that.

AND THEY WERE WRONG. Very, very wrong.

Being wrong and being wrongly interpreted are two entirely different things.
The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.
AND THEY WERE WRONG. Very, very wrong.

Bullshit.........Pollsters were only slightly wrong in assessing states like MI, WI and PA, where the difference in popular votes was at times about .07%
And polls indicated Hildebeast would have a definitive win.

Same old fucking shit........Most polls gauge popular voters'opinion NOT the electoral college.....and in THAT regard, they were right on target.

The pollsters, the pundits, the media, they had the state by state break downs, and made their predictions based on that.

AND THEY WERE WRONG. Very, very wrong.

Being wrong and being wrongly interpreted are two entirely different things.

They had polls showing HIllary winning certain states, and those polls were wrong.

They had garbage data so their predictions were wrong.
The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.

TO the Political Class, he is a dangerous outsider, who is not part of the system and has a platform of real change.

That's the issue. That is why he is so hated, but the Political Class and their whores in the media.
AND THEY WERE WRONG. Very, very wrong.

Bullshit.........Pollsters were only slightly wrong in assessing states like MI, WI and PA, where the difference in popular votes was at times about .07%

Being "slightly wrong", always in the same direction, many times over, multiplied itself into a huge difference.

Very, very wrong.

If they had just been wrong in one state, or two, that would likely have NOT screwed the pooch so badly.

But they were always wrong and always in the same direction.

When's the last time we had a Democrat upset that was not predicted by the polls?
If they had just been wrong in one state, or two, that would likely have NOT screwed the pooch so badly.

But they were always wrong and always in the same direction.

When's the last time we had a Democrat upset that was not predicted by the polls?

The GREATEST gift to the modern GOP has been the electoral college....and, of course, gerrymandering.
If they had just been wrong in one state, or two, that would likely have NOT screwed the pooch so badly.

But they were always wrong and always in the same direction.

When's the last time we had a Democrat upset that was not predicted by the polls?

The GREATEST gift to the modern GOP has been the electoral college....and, of course, gerrymandering.
No, you are stating a falsehood yet again. The electoral college was a gift from the founder to this entire country and was one of the greatest things the did. It keeps large groups of uneducated poorly informed people from choosing a president.
The Constitution was written to keep the Donald J. Trump's of the world, in check. So far, it's working. And those who take their oath seriously, will not let America be taken over by an authoritarian despot.

Elected or otherwise.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.

TO the Political Class, he is a dangerous outsider, who is not part of the system and has a platform of real change.

That's the issue. That is why he is so hated, but the Political Class and their whores in the media.

To everyone with eyes in their head he is dangerously incompetent, with authoritarian tendencies.

Trump didn't drain the swamp. He stocked it with alligators. Like his campaign staff, there's a revolving door on the West Wing.

The "real change" he proposes is not thought through in the least. He has no idea how to accomplish his agenda and little interest in learning.

The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

Countries doing business with the US are finding it difficult to get goods into the US because the understaffed Department of Commerce isn't getting import permits out.

Deportations are down from last year, even though ICE is arresting thousand of law abiding undocumented workers.

Russia is now mounting a disinformation #fireMcMaster campaign as Russian government bot accounts are now slandering H.R. McMaster. The alt-right Trumpanzees have picked up the chant and we have two threads here wherein the least articulate post about the evil McMaster and the need for Trump to fire him.

But Russian interference in US government isn't a problem.
Perhaps stop obstructing?

Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.

TO the Political Class, he is a dangerous outsider, who is not part of the system and has a platform of real change.

That's the issue. That is why he is so hated, but the Political Class and their whores in the media.

To everyone with eyes in their head he is dangerously incompetent, with authoritarian tendencies.

Trump didn't drain the swamp. He stocked it with alligators. Like his campaign staff, there's a revolving door on the West Wing.

The "real change" he proposes is not thought through in the least. He has no idea how to accomplish his agenda and little interest in learning.

The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

Countries doing business with the US are finding it difficult to get goods into the US because the understaffed Department of Commerce isn't getting import permits out.

Deportations are down from last year, even though ICE is arresting thousand of law abiding undocumented workers.

Russia is now mounting a disinformation #fireMcMaster campaign as Russian government bot accounts are now slandering H.R. McMaster. The alt-right Trumpanzees have picked up the chant and we have two threads here wherein the least articulate poster about the evil McMaster and the need for Trump to fire him.

But Russian interference in US government isn't a problem.
Never even once proving anything, whatever you post is summarily discarded as the trash it is.
Actually the constitution was written to prevent people like Donald J. Trump from ever becoming president. The constitution forsaw a rich or popular huxter through fame or a cult of personality getting people to vote for him. Instead the constitution put their elected officials between the people, who they didn't trust, and the election of the plresident, with the EC the final safeguard.

It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.

TO the Political Class, he is a dangerous outsider, who is not part of the system and has a platform of real change.

That's the issue. That is why he is so hated, but the Political Class and their whores in the media.

To everyone with eyes in their head he is dangerously incompetent, with authoritarian tendencies.

Trump didn't drain the swamp. He stocked it with alligators. Like his campaign staff, there's a revolving door on the West Wing.

The "real change" he proposes is not thought through in the least. He has no idea how to accomplish his agenda and little interest in learning.

The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

Countries doing business with the US are finding it difficult to get goods into the US because the understaffed Department of Commerce isn't getting import permits out.

Deportations are down from last year, even though ICE is arresting thousand of law abiding undocumented workers.

Russia is now mounting a disinformation #fireMcMaster campaign as Russian government bot accounts are now slandering H.R. McMaster. The alt-right Trumpanzees have picked up the chant and we have two threads here wherein the least articulate poster about the evil McMaster and the need for Trump to fire him.

But Russian interference in US government isn't a problem.
Never even once proving anything, whatever you post is summarily discarded as the trash it is.

You've never been one to consider anything that doesn't conform to your selfish, narrow, white nationalist view of the world. That you bothered to comment at all is indicative that the post made you uncomfortable. That discomfort you feel in reading it is indicative of the essential truth it contains. What if everything they say about Trump is true?

When W was elected I held my breath and hoped he wouldn't screw up the country too badly. That didn't turn out well.

It took 8 long years to recover the jobs W lost, to cut the deficit W created down to less than a billion dollars. To restore some semblance of fiscal sanity to Washington.

There is no point in living in a society, or a country, unless you are prepared to share both the risks and rewards of doing so. When Republicans took over in 1980, poverty was declining, and poor people had a pretty good shot of working their way out of poverty through education.

After 40 years of Republican tax codes, close half the country is now on some form of social assistance. The top 5% have more of the nation's wealth the the rest of the country combined, and personal saving for the middle class are dangerously low.

But electing a racist con man isn't going to change any of that.
It did not occur to them that the Political Class would become so corrupt and incompetent that, someone like Trump would be the only possible solution.

Trump is prime example of the corrupt private sector.

TO the Political Class, he is a dangerous outsider, who is not part of the system and has a platform of real change.

That's the issue. That is why he is so hated, but the Political Class and their whores in the media.

To everyone with eyes in their head he is dangerously incompetent, with authoritarian tendencies.

Trump didn't drain the swamp. He stocked it with alligators. Like his campaign staff, there's a revolving door on the West Wing.

The "real change" he proposes is not thought through in the least. He has no idea how to accomplish his agenda and little interest in learning.

The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

Countries doing business with the US are finding it difficult to get goods into the US because the understaffed Department of Commerce isn't getting import permits out.

Deportations are down from last year, even though ICE is arresting thousand of law abiding undocumented workers.

Russia is now mounting a disinformation #fireMcMaster campaign as Russian government bot accounts are now slandering H.R. McMaster. The alt-right Trumpanzees have picked up the chant and we have two threads here wherein the least articulate poster about the evil McMaster and the need for Trump to fire him.

But Russian interference in US government isn't a problem.
Never even once proving anything, whatever you post is summarily discarded as the trash it is.

You've never been one to consider anything that doesn't conform to your selfish, narrow, white nationalist view of the world. That you bothered to comment at all is indicative that the post made you uncomfortable. That discomfort you feel in reading it is indicative of the essential truth it contains. What if everything they say about Trump is true?

When W was elected I held my breath and hoped he wouldn't screw up the country too badly. That didn't turn out well.

It took 8 long years to recover the jobs W lost, to cut the deficit W created down to less than a billion dollars. To restore some semblance of fiscal sanity to Washington.

There is no point in living in a society, or a country, unless you are prepared to share both the risks and rewards of doing so. When Republicans took over in 1980, poverty was declining, and poor people had a pretty good shot of working their way out of poverty through education.

After 40 years of Republican tax codes, close half the country is now on some form of social assistance. The top 5% have more of the nation's wealth the the rest of the country combined, and personal saving for the middle class are dangerously low.

But electing a racist con man isn't going to change any of that.
Yet you still never have proof, just your lunatic accusations.
If anyone takes the time to check the poll divisions (those few that will even give you a split of those polled) will find that conservatives/GOP are massively under represented. As much as a third less.
What they do show is at least 15-30% of those moderates/independents/dems polled and registered do approve. That has to be worrying to the left.
The stock market is going ever higher in anticipation of a large corporate tax cut and the dividends and merger frenzy to follow. This isn't growth.

It is estimated that 90% of stock market holdings are the property of the top 10% earners in our country.. Folks in WV and KY who "rejoice" that the stock market is going up under Trump's tenure, exemplify how truly DUMB many voters are.

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