Trump has been stroking violence

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Biden Confirms That Trump Has Been ā€œStrokingā€ Violence
Sometimes you almost have to admire their gall. After not only validating but inciting Black Lives Matter violence for months on end, conspicuously refusing to put a stop to it where they have local control, shunning federal help when offered by Trump, and showily associating themselves with Black Lives Matter at the Democratic National Convention, Democrats learned from opinion polls that American voters donā€™t share their enthusiasm for burning the country down. So now they are blaming Trump for the riots:

Multiple Democrats on Sunday said President Donald Trump was responsible for inciting violence in Democrat-run cities.
Party apparatchiks were deployed to the Sunday shows, all reading from the same phony script as usual. Just as we were asked to believe that an obscure ā€œIslamophobicā€ video was to blame for Benghazi, we are now told that Donald Trump is the cause of leftist domestic terrorism.
In reality,

Trump has repeatedly called for ā€œlaw and orderā€ and offered federal support to cities that are struggling with riots. Some local Democratic leaders, however, have refused federal assistanceā€”Portland mayor Ted Wheeler, whose city has faced violent protests for more than three months, turned down Trumpā€™s offer of federal support on Friday. The mayor previously said that he plans to let the violence ā€œburn itself out.ā€
However, congressional Democrats agree that Trump has been trying to aggravate the violence. Adam Schiff says the purpose of sending in National Guard to stop the violence is to inflame the violence. Karen Bass says Trump will ā€œdo everything to disrupt law and order.ā€

As recently as August 15, after the riots had been going on for nearly 3 months, Trump proclaimed that ā€œthere needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as thereā€™s unrest in our lives.ā€ No wait, that was another congressional Democrat, Ayanna Pressley.

Since Biden doesnā€™t come out of his spider hole very often, we have to make the most of it when he does. He spoke in Pittsburgh yesterday, enlightening us as to the history of COVID-19 over the past hundred years. He also confirmed that yes, Donald Trump is to blame for left-wing violence, which he has been ā€œstrokingā€:

Being a prominent Democrat means never having to pass the laugh test.
On tips from and TCS III and Dragonā€™s Lair.

Cmon man
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