Trump has complained about America all his life

Well for the "worst" President we have ever had he's doing a damned fine job.

The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs all over the country.

You sure are a whiny little half assed shit.
Actually he is destroying our reputation around the world

For a "destroyed reputation" we're doing pretty darned good.

Unlike your stupid ass I really don't give a shit what the "rest" of the world thinks. The only time they like America is when they need money or someone to shed blood for them. Their opinion ain't worth much.

Carry on Mr. Worldly. LOL
We are not doing good

Trump has destroyed global alliances and promised something better

So far, he has delivered nothing

We are doing great. I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks. They sure don't do anything to assist us so who needs their useless asses.

You continue to worship them. I'll live in reality.
America used to be leader of the Free World
Not with Trump as our leader

That's a load of horse shit.

The US will ALWAYS be the leader of the free world no matter who is in the White House.

Oh and better get used to it. Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to moan, groan and be a whiny little shit.

Trump has complained about America all his life
So, you and him have an awful lot in common after all.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
Damn tootin. If Trump don't like the democrats, he can take it and go back to where he came from: QUEENS.

His family came from Germany and Scotland. So he has 2 choices.

Because those 4 women are all American citizens.
Actually he is destroying our reputation around the world

For a "destroyed reputation" we're doing pretty darned good.

Unlike your stupid ass I really don't give a shit what the "rest" of the world thinks. The only time they like America is when they need money or someone to shed blood for them. Their opinion ain't worth much.

Carry on Mr. Worldly. LOL
We are not doing good

Trump has destroyed global alliances and promised something better

So far, he has delivered nothing

We are doing great. I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks. They sure don't do anything to assist us so who needs their useless asses.

You continue to worship them. I'll live in reality.
America used to be leader of the Free World
Not with Trump as our leader

That's a load of horse shit.

The US will ALWAYS be the leader of the free world no matter who is in the White House.

Oh and better get used to it. Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to moan, groan and be a whiny little shit.


What are you going to do if Trump loses? He lost the popular vote in 2016. In 2020 people who did not vote, who were purged or suppressed are going to vote in those rust belt states. Trump is president by a fluke. So you might just want to fall back.

The US no longer leads the free world. This is because of Trump.

So if Trump wins, you are the one who will end up crying. You will learn a very hard lesson that you are not prepared to learn.
For a "destroyed reputation" we're doing pretty darned good.

Unlike your stupid ass I really don't give a shit what the "rest" of the world thinks. The only time they like America is when they need money or someone to shed blood for them. Their opinion ain't worth much.

Carry on Mr. Worldly. LOL
We are not doing good

Trump has destroyed global alliances and promised something better

So far, he has delivered nothing

We are doing great. I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks. They sure don't do anything to assist us so who needs their useless asses.

You continue to worship them. I'll live in reality.
America used to be leader of the Free World
Not with Trump as our leader

That's a load of horse shit.

The US will ALWAYS be the leader of the free world no matter who is in the White House.

Oh and better get used to it. Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to moan, groan and be a whiny little shit.


What are you going to do if Trump loses? He lost the popular vote in 2016. In 2020 people who did not vote, who were purged or suppressed are going to vote in those rust belt states. Trump is president by a fluke. So you might just want to fall back.

The US no longer leads the free world. This is because of Trump.

So if Trump wins, you are the one who will end up crying. You will learn a very hard lesson that you are not prepared to learn.

What will you do if he wins?? Which he will. Its the economy stupid.

I couldn't care less if the US leads the free world.

Let the free world take care of itself. We've done more than enough for the free world.

Let the free world defend itself. Let the free world take care of the problems of the free world.

I'd say the US has done more than enough and spent enough blood and treasure doing so.

More than works for me.
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.
Yeah record unemployment, record high stocks. Trust me I don't want to go back to the days of Obama telling me high unemployment is the new norm.

but it is just following the trend that Obama had started? where in the world do you even get comments like yours from? It's so dishonest and deceitful and deceptive when you view REALITY!


Lol, was that before the magic wand comment Obama made. You know I can draw a graph also. I've seen the growth during Obama's reign and during Trumps.
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.
Yeah record unemployment, record high stocks. Trust me I don't want to go back to the days of Obama telling me high unemployment is the new norm.

but it is just following the trend that Obama had started? where in the world do you even get comments like yours from? It's so dishonest and deceitful and deceptive when you view REALITY!


Anyone knows the stock market and unemployment goes up and down.
Yep, but you loons predicted the economy would crash after Trump was elected. You were wrong, like you're always are.
Trump has complained about America all his life
So, you and him have an awful lot in common after all.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
Damn tootin. If Trump don't like the democrats, he can take it and go back to where he came from: QUEENS.

His family came from Germany and Scotland. So he has 2 choices.

Because those 4 women are all American citizens.

ERRRRRRRRRT! WRONG. So Trump has to go back to his great grandparent's native lands for speaking the truth but these filthy pieces of trash get to stay here and smear good Americans? Good ol' IM2. Always 270° out of phase with truth, common sense and reality.
He's complained about the Destructive Nature of Liberalism and Communists and Socialists attacks on America all his life.

You can leave now.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

No he has not. He's conned and lied to people all of his life.

He was a pro-abortion Democrats until he realized that Republicans were dumb enough to vote for him.
there is a reason they voted for him....its called hillary dont have to be stupid to avoid her....

They voted for him because of racism. He got 3 million less votes than Hillary. He's president because of a fluke.
everything is racism to must be one miserable motherfucker...

Knowledge of truth does not make one miserable. Your choice to deny racism means you have to lie to yourself. When you have to do this, you are living in misery.
going by your posts you are a miserable fuck...enjoy your self created misery...
if black people were the ones who taught everyone else what they know,what the hell happened?....

Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised and you'll find out.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....
Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised and you'll find out.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.
I think you all should go back to where your ancestors come from and let us brown and black people alone.
I was just kidding, we would fuck it up also. I don't want to be left alone with a bunch of brown and black people. I am one of them and hell no.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.
that has nothing to do with what i was asking....he and other blacks have said the black man taught the people Europe just about everything they know....that says they were smarter than everyone i was asking...what the hell happened?..what happened to all that intellect,did it just disappear?...why did the more advanced Africans let everyone walk all over them?..they should have been able to beat back any kind of invasions by those "primitive" answer that because I am 2 doesnt have a clue as to what happened,maybe you can tell me....
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.

still clueless?...
Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised and you'll find out.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

I know why. You go learn why.
No he has not. He's conned and lied to people all of his life.

He was a pro-abortion Democrats until he realized that Republicans were dumb enough to vote for him.
there is a reason they voted for him....its called hillary dont have to be stupid to avoid her....

They voted for him because of racism. He got 3 million less votes than Hillary. He's president because of a fluke.
everything is racism to must be one miserable motherfucker...

Knowledge of truth does not make one miserable. Your choice to deny racism means you have to lie to yourself. When you have to do this, you are living in misery.
going by your posts you are a miserable fuck...enjoy your self created misery...

Wrong. I'm quite happy and I enjoy busting your racist asses.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

I know why. You go learn why.
sure you would make a shitty teacher if thats your answer to everything....i will wait for a real black person to post and ask them...
there is a reason they voted for him....its called hillary dont have to be stupid to avoid her....

They voted for him because of racism. He got 3 million less votes than Hillary. He's president because of a fluke.
everything is racism to must be one miserable motherfucker...

Knowledge of truth does not make one miserable. Your choice to deny racism means you have to lie to yourself. When you have to do this, you are living in misery.
going by your posts you are a miserable fuck...enjoy your self created misery...

Wrong. I'm quite happy and I enjoy busting your racist asses.
i have asked you this 3 times already and your answer was the same each time,no comment....prove i am a racist....or will this be no comment no 4?...

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