Trump has complained about America all his life

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.


I lived in 2 of the loser counties for a short time
Why would I wanna go back to the loser country's that are full of serfs? Especially when my ancestors fought for and built the most incredible nation on earth ... not to mention europe being over run by the super rapey ,super stabby ,super suicide bombing ,church burning third world savages from the middle east and Africa

We're over run but at least most Latin Americans are half way decent and christian

Whites ruined those countries boy. And that's a fact. Your ancestors did not build shit. But mine built this country. Europe is being "overrun" by people fleeing from problems in their country created by Europe.

Of course yas did you built the whole country ...OH lets not forget that blacks spearheaded every great advancement of WESTERN civilization ......

Every single one


A Chicago man takes a break from the welfare line...later on this evening he plans on doing a drive by

Chicago is majority white.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
It would help to give your assertion an once of credibility if you would have given at least one example
but because you didn't you don't have one there for you are talking out your ass

I am not going to play the white conservative game of you prove everything and we don't have to. My assertion is credible. And that's that.
learn the difference between an opinion and a statement of fact
you made a statement of fact which requires proof were is your proof

I know the difference and I am not playing your game.

You're failing to provide any proof to support your assertions. :dunno:

Why should anyone take you seriously, clown shoes?
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.
There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.
No need to wait until 2020, little buddy ... they already have caught up:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

No wonder our bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad to them. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
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According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.

Actually he's complained about American leadership, or should I say the lack there of. Now he's in leadership, and doing quite well if I say so myself. LMAO I just love commies whining, that means the country is winning.

Not really.
He is chocking economies but he's close to war in Iran and we have seen no benefit to America from what he's doing in China.
No we aren't and WTF is "chocking economies?" Is that like pumpkin chuckin'?
we've been close to war with iran for 40 yrs,,,and you must live in a different country and know nothing about whats happening here,,,

TDS is treatable so get help soon before your butthurt spreads,,,
It's too late for most TDS sufferers - their butt-hurt is on them like poison ivy - and we already had our war with Iran ... we just used Iraq to fight it.

Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia
You want to blame this on Trump too.?? This is on Democrats for supporting open borders. ;Democrats sanctuary city...Los Angeles, Calif.

MS-13 members hacked up one victim and cut out his heart, federal indictment says
(CNN)More than a 20 [URL='']MS-13 gangsters and associates have been indicted on federal charges of racketeering and murder for allegedly taking part in a violent Southern California crime spree that an indictment unsealed this week says included the slaying of one victim who was dismembered and had his heart cut out.[/URL]
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.
Yeah record unemployment, record high stocks. Trust me I don't want to go back to the days of Obama telling me high unemployment is the new norm.

but it is just following the trend that Obama had started? where in the world do you even get comments like yours from? It's so dishonest and deceitful and deceptive when you view REALITY!


Anyone knows the stock market and unemployment goes up and down.
So, understanding your own demented bloviation wasn't an option? Even less so, obviously, would then be to improve on it, and improvement it does need, desperately. Thought so. Also, of course, that you'd be just the man to blame me for your monumental, "most abhorrent" failure of a posting.
So, you are so completely fucking retarded that you actually believed that by saying that we should defend liberty we find abhorrent, that I actually mean we should defend some "right" to rape, steal, murder, etc (as if such a right exists)(it does not)?

Please tell me that you are just being a literalist dick and that you are not that fucking stupid.

Please tell me that you don't actually believe that rape, murder, theft, etc. are rights.

Please tell me that your response was made because you are an asshole and not because you so fucking stupid that you believe humans have such rights.

For the love of Thor.

When somebody tells you to go play in traffic, do you actually go out into the street and wait to get hit by a car?

By the way, did you miss this part?

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
—Thomas Jefferson

When you find the spine to own your quote, you can come back to discuss. Blaming me for understanding your nonsense better than you did is not cutting it.

Look, there is nothing at all simple about liberty. Jefferson's quote itself is deeply, thoroughly problematic, drawing on a non-existing difference between rights and laws to safeguard them to make a point more about the law than about liberty. That you just re-bleat the simplistic nonsense about the fabulous "liberty" you heard so much about without actually understanding any of it, you cannot but reveal with yet more simplicity piled upon your first blunder. Liberty, as Jefferson noted, stands in possible conflict with the law. Your own text confirms that. I pointed it out to you. Ever since you've been whining and squealing about it. Squealing at your own picture in a mirror, that is.

Yeah, I know, you think you can insult your way out of the quandary you're in. Rest assured, you cannot. And unless you find a way to think about, and amend, your nonsense, you'll never get out of that hole of your own making.
Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.
Lets all go home-that will stop the fighting.

No, just accept that America is not the sole property of whites.
Whoever said it was?

People like you and Trump and me.
You don't know who I am. You throw out bigoted comments, then play the race card. You must feel that whites should own America because blacks have not done enough to earn it. Can't help you with your poor self image.
There are valid complaints about the government and some people in America.

The job creators are taxed too much and too many undesirables have been let in.
When you find the spine to own your quote, you can come back to discuss. Blaming me for understanding your nonsense better than you did is not cutting it.
So, you do believe that murder is a right?

Or, were you just being a kunt?

You were just being a twat, weren't you?

It's okay. You can admit it. It's better than the alternative (being a fucking idiot).

Look, there is nothing at all simple about liberty. Jefferson's quote itself is deeply, thoroughly problematic, drawing on a non-existing difference between rights and laws to safeguard them to make a point more about the law than about liberty. That you just re-bleat the simplistic nonsense about the fabulous "liberty" you heard so much about without actually understanding any of it, you cannot but reveal with yet more simplicity piled upon your first blunder. Liberty, as Jefferson noted, stands in possible conflict with the law. Your own text confirms that. I pointed it out to you. Ever since you've been whining and squealing about it. Squealing at your own picture in a mirror, that is.
Of course he was talking about laws. He was basically reiterating the notion that laws cannot secure liberty--that laws enacted to defend liberty often become the very thing they are enacted to prevent.

"Liberty" and "rights" in the context of politics, are tied at the hip. Liberty is the free exercise of rights. Murder is not a fucking right. Theft is not a right.

You made that comment KNOWING that no reasonable person would interpret my comment that way. No reasonable person would believe that I was advocating the free exercise of MURDER, and you FUCKING KNOW IT.

You did so because you are a fucking twat, and for no other reason. Unless you are now admitting that you are so fucking stupid that you DO believe that murder is a right.

Which are you? Asshole or Dumbfuck?
Trump has complained about America all his life
So, you and him have an awful lot in common after all.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
Damn tootin. If Trump don't like the democrats, he can take it and go back to where he came from: QUEENS.

I lived in 2 of the loser counties for a short time
Why would I wanna go back to the loser country's that are full of serfs? Especially when my ancestors fought for and built the most incredible nation on earth ... not to mention europe being over run by the super rapey ,super stabby ,super suicide bombing ,church burning third world savages from the middle east and Africa

We're over run but at least most Latin Americans are half way decent and christian

Whites ruined those countries boy. And that's a fact. Your ancestors did not build shit. But mine built this country. Europe is being "overrun" by people fleeing from problems in their country created by Europe.
if black people were the ones who taught everyone else what they know,what the hell happened?....

Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised and you'll find out.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
He's complained about the Destructive Nature of Liberalism and Communists and Socialists attacks on America all his life.

You can leave now.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

No he has not. He's conned and lied to people all of his life.

He was a pro-abortion Democrats until he realized that Republicans were dumb enough to vote for him.
there is a reason they voted for him....its called hillary dont have to be stupid to avoid her....

They voted for him because of racism. He got 3 million less votes than Hillary. He's president because of a fluke.
everything is racism to must be one miserable motherfucker...
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
He's complained about the Destructive Nature of Liberalism and Communists and Socialists attacks on America all his life.

You can leave now.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

No he has not. He's conned and lied to people all of his life.

He was a pro-abortion Democrats until he realized that Republicans were dumb enough to vote for him.
there is a reason they voted for him....its called hillary dont have to be stupid to avoid her....

They voted for him because of racism. He got 3 million less votes than Hillary. He's president because of a fluke.
everything is racism to must be one miserable motherfucker...

Knowledge of truth does not make one miserable. Your choice to deny racism means you have to lie to yourself. When you have to do this, you are living in misery.
Whites ruined those countries boy. And that's a fact. Your ancestors did not build shit. But mine built this country. Europe is being "overrun" by people fleeing from problems in their country created by Europe.
if black people were the ones who taught everyone else what they know,what the hell happened?....

Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised and you'll find out.
i don't care what white people say.....what do black people say as to why they were crushed by the lessors?...did all that intellect just die out?...why did they let it happen?...

White people are not the only ones who wrote history. Go study history, not the halfstory whites have revised.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.

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