Trump has complained about America all his life

Now he's in a position to fix things.

He is fucking up what was fixed.
There is a crisis on the border because those before him did not fix it. Still meddling in the middle east and our men are still dying because those before him started and endless war from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Illegal aliens and drugs still crossing the southern border because those before did nothing to stop it. Another amnesty on the way because 11 million people entered illegally since the last amnesty and those before did nothing to stop them. Trump is trying to fix what they broke but little obstacles like democrats keep getting in his way and some of his own. This is the America he complains about
They will only protect the liberty that they value and will SHIT on the liberty they do not.

That is NOT a commitment to liberty.

True commitment is one defending the liberty he/she finds most abhorrent and intolerable.


You mean, like the liberty to bamboozle every granny out of her pension, and to hang you at the next tree? Nope, I won't defend that liberty. You now accuse me of insufficient commitment to liberty?

Or were you just running your mouth, confident that throwing around the word "liberty" would spare you the scrutiny of your bloviation?

You're replying to a person who doesn't know the honest meaning of the world Liberty.

The honest meaning of that word is the right to live in your native country without the government persecuting you or kicking you out.

trump wants to kick three of those women out of their native country. It's trump who is persecuting those four women simply because he doesn't like what they have to say.

So much for liberty and freedom of speech and expression.
He said they could leave-that is not throwing them out. It is NOT Omar's native country and she acts it. The 4 girls swore more at him and called him racist, while he called them anti American because of their comments about our border guards.

America is not a fascist country. Omar has the right to air her grievances peacefully and to seek peaceful and constructive means to address them. She has done this. Trump is a racist and evil man. And these women were right about the border guards. These 4 women have equal standing as the president and are responsible for oversight in order to check the president. They have done their jobs correctly. Trump is just simply wrong.
How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.
Lets all go home-that will stop the fighting.

No, just accept that America is not the sole property of whites.
Whoever said it was?

People like you and Trump.
Now he's in a position to fix things.

He is fucking up what was fixed.
There is a crisis on the border because those before him did not fix it. Still meddling in the middle east and our men are still dying because those before him started and endless war from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Illegal aliens and drugs still crossing the southern border because those before did nothing to stop it. Another amnesty on the way because 11 million people entered illegally since the last amnesty and those before did nothing to stop them. Trump is trying to fix what they broke but little obstacles like democrats keep getting in his way and some of his own. This is the America he complains about

There was no crisis at the border until Trump created one. He entered office with border crossings at a 40 year low. The wars we are in was started by a republican and anyone opposing the lies these wars were started for were told they hate America just like people who oppose Trump are now. Trump is not trying to fix diddly squat. The America he complained about did not exist..
Now he's in a position to fix things.

He is fucking up what was fixed.
There is a crisis on the border because those before him did not fix it. Still meddling in the middle east and our men are still dying because those before him started and endless war from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Illegal aliens and drugs still crossing the southern border because those before did nothing to stop it. Another amnesty on the way because 11 million people entered illegally since the last amnesty and those before did nothing to stop them. Trump is trying to fix what they broke but little obstacles like democrats keep getting in his way and some of his own. This is the America he complains about

There was no crisis at the border until Trump created one. He entered office with border crossings at a 40 year low. The wars we are in was started by a republican and anyone opposing the lies these wars were started for were told they hate America just like people who oppose Trump are now. Trump is not trying to fix diddly squat. The America he complained about did not exist..
You have to be dumb, blind and deaf. The borders were never secure. He asked the Dumcrats for help and they denied him help. If Clinton and Obama had secured the border there would be no crisis. Trump did not invite them in. He is trying to change asylum laws, enforce immigration laws, secure the border and lots of things that the Dumcarts did not fix. Obamacare he tried to fix.
Now he's in a position to fix things.

He is fucking up what was fixed.
There is a crisis on the border because those before him did not fix it. Still meddling in the middle east and our men are still dying because those before him started and endless war from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Illegal aliens and drugs still crossing the southern border because those before did nothing to stop it. Another amnesty on the way because 11 million people entered illegally since the last amnesty and those before did nothing to stop them. Trump is trying to fix what they broke but little obstacles like democrats keep getting in his way and some of his own. This is the America he complains about

There was no crisis at the border until Trump created one. He entered office with border crossings at a 40 year low. The wars we are in was started by a republican and anyone opposing the lies these wars were started for were told they hate America just like people who oppose Trump are now. Trump is not trying to fix diddly squat. The America he complained about did not exist..
You have to be dumb, blind and deaf. The borders were never secure. He asked the Dumcrats for help and they denied him help. If Clinton and Obama had secured the border there would be no crisis. Trump did not invite them in. He is trying to change asylum laws, enforce immigration laws, secure the border and lots of things that the Dumcarts did not fix. Obamacare he tried to fix.

What I am, is right. Trump is not trying to fix Obamacare.
Got any quotes of Trump complaining about America? Not complaining about this or that government policy, but attacking America as a whole.
Your wish is my command.
"But he's [Putin] a killer," O'Reilly said to Trump.
"There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent? I think our country does plenty of killing also" Trump replied.
Can't this guy go back to Germany? He can leave right now.

I'm still seething over this "Kellyanne" daring to question someone else's ethnicity because this person asked her a question. So it turns out that she is a descendant of Irish settlers on one side. So am I. I remember when I was a kid at my grandparents' house, running to tell my father that the St. Patrick's Day parade was on, come watch. He said, "that's fine. But we are Americans." You don't ask what someone's ethnicity is when we are all Americans. I'll never do it, but part of me wants to frog-march little Kellyanne over to Lafayette Park and slap the shit out of her.
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.
Yeah record unemployment, record high stocks. Trust me I don't want to go back to the days of Obama telling me high unemployment is the new norm.

but it is just following the trend that Obama had started? where in the world do you even get comments like yours from? It's so dishonest and deceitful and deceptive when you view REALITY!


You mean, like the liberty to bamboozle every granny out of her pension, and to hang you at the next tree? Nope, I won't defend that liberty. You now accuse me of insufficient commitment to liberty?
What the fuck is this strawman bullshit?

Read my signature and take your bullshit elsewhere.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
—Thomas Jefferson

Or were you just running your mouth, confident that throwing around the word "liberty" would spare you the scrutiny of your bloviation?
Is that what you call that bullshit you just pulled from your ass?

Last edited:
You're replying to a person who doesn't know the honest meaning of the world Liberty.

This should be good.

Here is my understanding of liberty:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
—Thomas Jefferson

The honest meaning of that word is the right to live in your native country without the government persecuting you or kicking you out.
Is that it? Nothing else?


trump wants to kick three of those women out of their native country. It's trump who is persecuting those four women simply because he doesn't like what they have to say.
I thought he said "go back and fix it, then come back and tell us how you did it."

That's not telling them to leave and never come back. That is LITERALLY telling them to come back.

Do I need to link to Trump's tweet?

So much for liberty and freedom of speech and expression.
But, I thought the honest meaning of that word is the right to live in your native country without the government persecuting you or kicking you out. So that wasn't the honest meaning?


look up the definition of what a patriot will say it is a person who vigorously supports their i will ask again which of the people mentioned is doing that? are giving me what you think a patriot is....try the accepted definition...

Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.
so some of the shit coming out of their mouths is so much better?.....and who said america is broke and crime infested?..
You mean, like the liberty to bamboozle every granny out of her pension, and to hang you at the next tree? Nope, I won't defend that liberty. You now accuse me of insufficient commitment to liberty?
What the fuck is this strawman bullshit?

Read my signature and take your bullshit elsewhere.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
—Thomas Jefferson

Or were you just running your mouth, confident that throwing around the word "liberty" would spare you the scrutiny of your bloviation?
Is that what you call that bullshit you just pulled from your ass?


I know, it's horribly unfair, but let me quote you:

They will only protect the liberty that they value and will SHIT on the liberty they do not.

That is NOT a commitment to liberty.

True commitment is one defending the liberty he/she finds most abhorrent and intolerable.

If you put your mind to it, I am sure you may in a while understand your own words. Get cracking.

Once you're there understanding your own text, go take a second look at mine. Maybe, just maybe, it will dawn on you...
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
It would help to give your assertion an once of credibility if you would have given at least one example
but because you didn't you don't have one there for you are talking out your ass
I know, it's horribly unfair, but let me quote you:

They will only protect the liberty that they value and will SHIT on the liberty they do not.

That is NOT a commitment to liberty.

True commitment is one defending the liberty he/she finds most abhorrent and intolerable.
If you put your mind to it, I am sure you may in a while understand your own words. Get cracking.

Once you're there understanding your own text, go take a second look at mine. Maybe, just maybe, it will dawn on you...

So, you were being deliberately obtuse and retarded? That's what I thought.

Lynching people and stealing their shit is not what many of us consider liberty, pal. Maybe where you come from it is.

What kind of unobstructed murdering ass rape place do you come from?

I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.
Yeah record unemployment, record high stocks. Trust me I don't want to go back to the days of Obama telling me high unemployment is the new norm.

but it is just following the trend that Obama had started? where in the world do you even get comments like yours from? It's so dishonest and deceitful and deceptive when you view REALITY!



If these etch-a-sketch drawings are correct, I'm frankly amazed that Hillary didn't base her campaign on 'more of the same'.

Instead, she focussed her campaign on identity politics, transgender bathrooms, and disdain for middle America and its 'Deplorables'.

Frankly, anyone who makes a campaign mistake that grevious shouldn't be allowed anywhere near The White House.
Hey guys did you guys know that our president made it impossible to be able to claim Asylum if you went to another country to get here? This is the smartest thing I think he's ever done well you idiots are talking about his flame War with AOC and her gaggle of idiots you and media ignore the massive Ballzy thing he did on illegal immigration

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look up the definition of what a patriot will say it is a person who vigorously supports their i will ask again which of the people mentioned is doing that? are giving me what you think a patriot is....try the accepted definition...

Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.


I lived in 2 of the loser counties for a short time
Why would I wanna go back to the loser country's that are full of serfs? Especially when my ancestors fought for and built the most incredible nation on earth ... not to mention europe being over run by the super rapey ,super stabby ,super suicide bombing ,church burning third world savages from the middle east and Africa

We're over run but at least most Latin Americans are half way decent and christian

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