Trump has complained about America all his life

look up the definition of what a patriot will say it is a person who vigorously supports their i will ask again which of the people mentioned is doing that? are giving me what you think a patriot is....try the accepted definition...

Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
That would be New York. Omar has to go back to shithole.

Omar is an American from Minnesota.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

This is what she escaped from.

Somalia had every reason to succeed: an advantageous geographical situation, oil, ores and only one religion and one language for the whole territory; a rare phenomenon in Africa. Somalia could have been a great power in the region. But the reality is completely different: famine, wars, lootings, piracy, bomb attacks. How did this country sink? Why has there been no Somali government for approximately twenty years? Which scandals stand behind those pirates who hijack our ships? In this new chapter of our series “Understanding the Muslim World”, Mohamed Hassan explains for us why and how imperialist forces have applied in Somalia a chaos theory.

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research

Europe and America created the shithole son.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
That would be New York. Omar has to go back to shithole.

Omar is an American from Minnesota.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

This is what she escaped from.

Somalia had every reason to succeed: an advantageous geographical situation, oil, ores and only one religion and one language for the whole territory; a rare phenomenon in Africa. Somalia could have been a great power in the region. But the reality is completely different: famine, wars, lootings, piracy, bomb attacks. How did this country sink? Why has there been no Somali government for approximately twenty years? Which scandals stand behind those pirates who hijack our ships? In this new chapter of our series “Understanding the Muslim World”, Mohamed Hassan explains for us why and how imperialist forces have applied in Somalia a chaos theory.

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research

Europe and America created the shithole son.
Still don't like her. Had a boss who flew a chopper there. He was an asshole.
look up the definition of what a patriot will say it is a person who vigorously supports their i will ask again which of the people mentioned is doing that? are giving me what you think a patriot is....try the accepted definition...

Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
That would be New York. Omar has to go back to shithole.

Omar is an American from Minnesota.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

This is what she escaped from.

Somalia had every reason to succeed: an advantageous geographical situation, oil, ores and only one religion and one language for the whole territory; a rare phenomenon in Africa. Somalia could have been a great power in the region. But the reality is completely different: famine, wars, lootings, piracy, bomb attacks. How did this country sink? Why has there been no Somali government for approximately twenty years? Which scandals stand behind those pirates who hijack our ships? In this new chapter of our series “Understanding the Muslim World”, Mohamed Hassan explains for us why and how imperialist forces have applied in Somalia a chaos theory.

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research

Europe and America created the shithole son.
Still don't like her. Had a boss who flew a chopper there. He was an asshole.

You don't have to like her. Just understand that she's American.
look up the definition of what a patriot will say it is a person who vigorously supports their i will ask again which of the people mentioned is doing that? are giving me what you think a patriot is....try the accepted definition...

Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.
Lets all go home-that will stop the fighting.
They will only protect the liberty that they value and will SHIT on the liberty they do not.

That is NOT a commitment to liberty.

True commitment is one defending the liberty he/she finds most abhorrent and intolerable.


You mean, like the liberty to bamboozle every granny out of her pension, and to hang you at the next tree? Nope, I won't defend that liberty. You now accuse me of insufficient commitment to liberty?

Or were you just running your mouth, confident that throwing around the word "liberty" would spare you the scrutiny of your bloviation?

You're replying to a person who doesn't know the honest meaning of the world Liberty.

The honest meaning of that word is the right to live in your native country without the government persecuting you or kicking you out.

trump wants to kick three of those women out of their native country. It's trump who is persecuting those four women simply because he doesn't like what they have to say.

So much for liberty and freedom of speech and expression.
  • Thanks
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Funny.......Trumps classless statement made him the bad guy
Freshman Congresswomen kicking his ass
Any time you defend American Values it's a classy act of Patriotism.

The Four Demonic Horseman of The DemonCrat Party hate America, and need to leave this country,

So do you.

Only 9% of the general American Public like Omar and Cortez.

Less than that like you.

Telling citizens to return to their own country just because they disagree with you is not an American value
Telling them to return to their own country because they are trying to destroy ours is an American Value.

Get the Fuck out of my Country.
It is far from an American value

Americans value free speech
So is this why The Four Whores of The Apocalypse are pissed at Trump for calling them out on their Anti-Semetic Jew Hating and America Hating Speech?

Trump hates America and so do you.
Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.
Lets all go home-that will stop the fighting.

No, just accept that America is not the sole property of whites.
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
They will only protect the liberty that they value and will SHIT on the liberty they do not.

That is NOT a commitment to liberty.

True commitment is one defending the liberty he/she finds most abhorrent and intolerable.


You mean, like the liberty to bamboozle every granny out of her pension, and to hang you at the next tree? Nope, I won't defend that liberty. You now accuse me of insufficient commitment to liberty?

Or were you just running your mouth, confident that throwing around the word "liberty" would spare you the scrutiny of your bloviation?

You're replying to a person who doesn't know the honest meaning of the world Liberty.

The honest meaning of that word is the right to live in your native country without the government persecuting you or kicking you out.

trump wants to kick three of those women out of their native country. It's trump who is persecuting those four women simply because he doesn't like what they have to say.

So much for liberty and freedom of speech and expression.
He said they could leave-that is not throwing them out. It is NOT Omar's native country and she acts it. The 4 girls swore more at him and called him racist, while he called them anti American because of their comments about our border guards.
Any time you defend American Values it's a classy act of Patriotism.

The Four Demonic Horseman of The DemonCrat Party hate America, and need to leave this country,

So do you.

Only 9% of the general American Public like Omar and Cortez.

Less than that like you.

Telling citizens to return to their own country just because they disagree with you is not an American value
Telling them to return to their own country because they are trying to destroy ours is an American Value.

Get the Fuck out of my Country.
It is far from an American value

Americans value free speech
So is this why The Four Whores of The Apocalypse are pissed at Trump for calling them out on their Anti-Semetic Jew Hating and America Hating Speech?

Trump hates America and so do you.
Any time you defend American Values it's a classy act of Patriotism.

The Four Demonic Horseman of The DemonCrat Party hate America, and need to leave this country,

So do you.

Only 9% of the general American Public like Omar and Cortez.

Less than that like you.

Telling citizens to return to their own country just because they disagree with you is not an American value
Telling them to return to their own country because they are trying to destroy ours is an American Value.

Get the Fuck out of my Country.
It is far from an American value

Americans value free speech
So is this why The Four Whores of The Apocalypse are pissed at Trump for calling them out on their Anti-Semetic Jew Hating and America Hating Speech?

Trump hates America and so do you.
Any time you defend American Values it's a classy act of Patriotism.

The Four Demonic Horseman of The DemonCrat Party hate America, and need to leave this country,

So do you.

Only 9% of the general American Public like Omar and Cortez.

Less than that like you.

Telling citizens to return to their own country just because they disagree with you is not an American value
Telling them to return to their own country because they are trying to destroy ours is an American Value.

Get the Fuck out of my Country.
It is far from an American value

Americans value free speech
So is this why The Four Whores of The Apocalypse are pissed at Trump for calling them out on their Anti-Semetic Jew Hating and America Hating Speech?

Trump hates America and so do you.
I gave you credit for more intelligence than THAT!
According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
He's complained about the Destructive Nature of Liberalism and Communists and Socialists attacks on America all his life.

You can leave now.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

What has been destructive is right wing extremist, fascists and totalitarian attacks on America ..

You can leave now.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

How is saying America is broke and crime infested vigorously defending this nation?

Three of the four women were. born and raised here in America. One of them is Native Indian. So since the USA is where they come from, trump is saying the USA is broke and crime infested.

Native Americans are NOT from here ...theyre originally from Asia
If any of them dont like it .........Well They can go back to where they came from to :04:

They were here when whites got here. Take your ass back to Europe.
Lets all go home-that will stop the fighting.

No, just accept that America is not the sole property of whites.
Whoever said it was?

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