Trump has complained about America all his life

Voters have a distinct choice. And if you even think that you don't, I don't know what to tell you.
We have:

A. A loudmouth narcissist who has demonstrated a commitment to liberty on a VERY limited scale.
B. A bunch of loudmouth narcissists who have demonstrated a commitment to liberty on a VERY limited scale.

I would not call that a choice.

Trump is the worst president ever, he did not build the economy, unemployment has reduced by 1 point during his time and he's creating fewer jobs than Obama. Elect him again and watch what happens.
I don't know the numbers on economy and unemployment, so I can't agree or disagree. I'll take your word for it.

Trumps is a reflection of the dissatisfaction felt by a large chunk of the America people about "business as usual" in D.C.

He is nowhere close to a perfect president or human being. Anyone thinking otherwise has their head in the sand.

If the opposition to Trump doesn't offer a viable alternative to Trump (an effective non-D.C. type), he WILL get re-elected.

I don't have much faith, based on what I have seen.


Every one of the top democrats are a far superior choice than Trump. This man is a liar and crook but he has snowed people into believing he is solely responsible for things he hasn't done. His legislative record is piss poor and he had 2 years of total republican control. He has been ineffective and as a manager incompetent. But just as long as he can race bait and race pimp, he can get some to blindly support him.
All any one of them has to do is demonstrate a commitment to all aspects of individual liberty and a limit on government power, and they will have my vote.


Trump isn't doing that. When has this country ever been for individual liberty FOR EVERYONE and not just one group?
Total incoherency.

America is beyond reproach....because she came here from Somalia as child?

She is an America citizen and an elected congresswoman fully entitled to her opinion about how to better America.
But that's not what she said. Everybody is trying to better America (at least they pretend to be trying).

She said:

the U.S. exports “American exceptionalism,” but it does not live those values domestically.

Then, goes on about American Hypocrisy.

How are we supposed to interpret that comment?


She wants America to live up to the values it exports, what is wrong about that?

None of that means America is not great, it just means it's not perfect as I'm sure anyone sane would agree.

She says she loves America and wants it to be greater yet. I take her at her word, not Trump's.
Merit Based Immigration Law Is an American Value.

Stop making up bs.


We can talk about merit based emmigration, but thats certainly is not how America has done it historically.
That's from a poem about how American Liberty can help even the lowliest of people succeed.

That has never been America's policy on immigration.

But, if all those immigrants were committed to maintaining and maximizing liberty, I welcome them with open arms.

Trump is the worst president ever, he did not build the economy, unemployment has reduced by 1 point during his time and he's creating fewer jobs than Obama. Elect him again and watch what happens.
I don't know the numbers on economy and unemployment, so I can't agree or disagree. I'll take your word for it.

Trumps is a reflection of the dissatisfaction felt by a large chunk of the America people about "business as usual" in D.C.

He is nowhere close to a perfect president or human being. Anyone thinking otherwise has their head in the sand.

If the opposition to Trump doesn't offer a viable alternative to Trump (an effective non-D.C. type), he WILL get re-elected.

I don't have much faith, based on what I have seen.


Every one of the top democrats are a far superior choice than Trump. This man is a liar and crook but he has snowed people into believing he is solely responsible for things he hasn't done. His legislative record is piss poor and he had 2 years of total republican control. He has been ineffective and as a manager incompetent. But just as long as he can race bait and race pimp, he can get some to blindly support him.
All any one of them has to do is demonstrate a commitment to all aspects of individual liberty and a limit on government power, and they will have my vote.


Trump isn't doing that. When has this country ever been for individual liberty FOR EVERYONE and not just one group?
Like I said, we don't have much of a choice, do we?

I am telling you that I am committed to individual liberty for EVERYONE. Do you believe me?

Are you accusing me of basing my understanding of Omar's political leanings on her LOOKS???

Fuck you!!!!

YOU are the one bringing up her looks. YOU are the fucking bigot!!!


Well you just said you KNOW what she means by the comments.

Can you rationaly explain HOW you know it?

Take your cries of bigotry and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS!!!


Assert assert assert.

If what you say is true and you really paid attention then you should be able to QUOTE what she said that makes you think you KNOW that she hates America. I just don't see it.

I didn't say she hates America.

In fact, I agree with her on a lot of issues.

Ilhan Omar on the Issues

  • Fight for the liberation of our LGBTQ community. (Jun 2018)
  • Decrease penalties for protesters, sex offenders, and others. (Nov 2018) (I think they meant "prostitutes" not protesters)
  • Supports cannabis legalization. (Sep 2018)
  • Support recreational marijuana. (Aug 2018)
  • Don't use military to prevent nuclear proliferation. (Aug 2018)
  • Cut defense to balance budget. (Aug 2018)
  • No U.S. military intervention in the Mideast. (Aug 2018)

She has unfortunately thrown here lot in with known communist/socialist types, and refuses to answer some very informative questions. I am left to decide based on the information I have.

So, take your assumptions and go play in the interstate.


Review time:

Trump said she hates America
I said he is full of shit.
You disagreed.
But now say you also do not think there is a reason to think she hates America.

So therefore
You're a dumbass who makes assumptions and has no sense of nuance or objectivity.

Case close.

Trump has complained about America all his life


An actual exchange between Bill O'Reilly and his guest:


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?

Oh wait...

It was Trump who said that on O'Reilly's show. But you can imagine how loudly Sean Hannity's head would have exploded if Obama had said such a thing.

  • Thanks
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Take your cries of bigotry and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS!!!


Assert assert assert.

If what you say is true and you really paid attention then you should be able to QUOTE what she said that makes you think you KNOW that she hates America. I just don't see it.

I didn't say she hates America.

In fact, I agree with her on a lot of issues.

Ilhan Omar on the Issues

  • Fight for the liberation of our LGBTQ community. (Jun 2018)
  • Decrease penalties for protesters, sex offenders, and others. (Nov 2018) (I think they meant "prostitutes" not protesters)
  • Supports cannabis legalization. (Sep 2018)
  • Support recreational marijuana. (Aug 2018)
  • Don't use military to prevent nuclear proliferation. (Aug 2018)
  • Cut defense to balance budget. (Aug 2018)
  • No U.S. military intervention in the Mideast. (Aug 2018)

She has unfortunately thrown here lot in with known communist/socialist types, and refuses to answer some very informative questions. I am left to decide based on the information I have.

So, take your assumptions and go play in the interstate.


Review time:

Trump said she hates America
I said he is full of shit.
You disagreed.
But now say you also do not think there is a reason to think she hates America.

So then

Christ sake, you're having difficulty with gender identity, one of the huge problems with being a liberal.
I don't.

But, I am not going to use government to shit on the rights of those who do. Why would I do that?

Why would any liberty-loving American do that?

Principles over personal preference.


I think we need to drop the illusion of individual liberty and not wanting to use government when the side that barks the loudest about these things is working to pack the courts with judges and justices that could change laws they don't like thereby erasing the liberty of others by forcing people to live only by their rules.
Well you just said you KNOW what she means by the comments.

Can you rationaly explain HOW you know it?

Take your cries of bigotry and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS!!!


Assert assert assert.

If what you say is true and you really paid attention then you should be able to QUOTE what she said that makes you think you KNOW that she hates America. I just don't see it.

I didn't say she hates America.

In fact, I agree with her on a lot of issues.

Ilhan Omar on the Issues

  • Fight for the liberation of our LGBTQ community. (Jun 2018)
  • Decrease penalties for protesters, sex offenders, and others. (Nov 2018) (I think they meant "prostitutes" not protesters)
  • Supports cannabis legalization. (Sep 2018)
  • Support recreational marijuana. (Aug 2018)
  • Don't use military to prevent nuclear proliferation. (Aug 2018)
  • Cut defense to balance budget. (Aug 2018)
  • No U.S. military intervention in the Mideast. (Aug 2018)

She has unfortunately thrown here lot in with known communist/socialist types, and refuses to answer some very informative questions. I am left to decide based on the information I have.

So, take your assumptions and go play in the interstate.


Review time:

Trump said she hates America
I said he is full of shit.
You disagreed.
But now say you also do not think there is a reason to think she hates America.

So therefore
You're a dumbass who makes assumptions and has no sense of nuance or objectivity.

Case close.


Name call, assert, assert, refute nothing.

We've seen that movie before.
BLITZER: Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker?

TRUMP: When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war! For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction.
I think Trump owned her sorry Muslim ass.

Then why is Trumps own party attacking his statement?

Omar IIhan ......WINNING!

IDGAF about establishment Republicans. They're actually globalist turds.
Trump could run on his own ticket and still win, bitch. Omar Ilhan(it's really Ilhan Omar)=Muslim invader that needs to go, along with all the invaders in her district.

Fuck the parties, that's a bunch of bullshit.

We missed our chance after 9-11. We should have kicked every Muslim in America right the hell out.

I do believe Trump could run as an Indi and win. The man has proven to be one great POTUS.

Oh and neither party is worth a flying fuck.

Trump is the worst president we have ever had. Trump lost the last election in the popular vote yet you guys think he is going to just walk over the competition and win easily. He's going to have to close all kinds of voting facilities and purge millions off voter rolls to do that, because you are going to see a record turnout of people who hate Trumps ass who didn't vote last time.

Well for the "worst" President we have ever had he's doing a damned fine job.

The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs all over the country.

You sure are a whiny little half assed shit.
Actually he is destroying our reputation around the world
Assert assert assert.

If what you say is true and you really paid attention then you should be able to QUOTE what she said that makes you think you KNOW that she hates America. I just don't see it.

I didn't say she hates America.

In fact, I agree with her on a lot of issues.

Ilhan Omar on the Issues

  • Fight for the liberation of our LGBTQ community. (Jun 2018)
  • Decrease penalties for protesters, sex offenders, and others. (Nov 2018) (I think they meant "prostitutes" not protesters)
  • Supports cannabis legalization. (Sep 2018)
  • Support recreational marijuana. (Aug 2018)
  • Don't use military to prevent nuclear proliferation. (Aug 2018)
  • Cut defense to balance budget. (Aug 2018)
  • No U.S. military intervention in the Mideast. (Aug 2018)

She has unfortunately thrown here lot in with known communist/socialist types, and refuses to answer some very informative questions. I am left to decide based on the information I have.

So, take your assumptions and go play in the interstate.


Review time:

Trump said she hates America
I said he is full of shit.
You disagreed.
But now say you also do not think there is a reason to think she hates America.

So then

Christ sake, you're having difficulty with gender identity, one of the huge problems with being a liberal.
I don't.

But, I am not going to use government to shit on the rights of those who do. Why would I do that?

Why would any liberty-loving American do that?

Principles over personal preference.


I think we need to drop the illusion of individual liberty and not wanting to use government when the side that barks the loudest about these things is working to pack the courts with judges and justices that could change laws they don't like thereby erasing the liberty of others by forcing people to live only by their rules.
You mean like the Southern Democrats did to keep slavery alive? You mean like FDR? You mean like any number of others have done for well over 150 years?

All are guilty of that bullshit.

They will only protect the liberty that they value and will SHIT on the liberty they do not.

That is NOT a commitment to liberty.

True commitment is one defending the liberty he/she finds most abhorrent and intolerable.

These "Southern Democrats" clearly hate Christians and would support gay marriage, the Voting Rights Act, Obamacare, free health care for illegal aliens, open borders, big government, federal preemption of state laws, high federal income taxes, and gun control:


Oh wait...

In b4 white phosphorous rains down on Ilhan Omar's Obama Muslim traitor-seeded district.

Obama did the same in Tennessee, that's why there was that recruiting office shooting.

If Obama had a son..

He's a traitor and should be tried and hanged as such.
The Democrats purposely altered and loosened our Immigration Laws and made it easy to claim Asylum, then Obama Bin Spying gathered up as many American Hating Muslims and Illegals as he could and shipped them around the US to try to change the Demographics here to favor Lib Tard DemNazis.
look up the definition of what a patriot will say it is a person who vigorously supports their i will ask again which of the people mentioned is doing that? are giving me what you think a patriot is....try the accepted definition...

Nope, I won't accept your simplistic dictionary definition. That's for dummies. Even if you refuse to think on your own feet, I still won't accept it. I'll answer your question regardless: All four are vigorously supporting their country, and its strife to become what it's supposed to be, and to live up to its promise. The vulgar talking yam, also known as Private Bonespurs, the wrecking ball tearing down whatever decency he can find, not so much.
of course you doesnt fit your world view....trump is also vigorously defending this country....because you dont like him he is not in your view....the 4 congress people also believe they are defending this country....i cant stand all 5 of them, but being that i am not as tainted as you are i can say that .....

Of course I won't, because it's overly simplistic. And still no sign of any thinking on your part.

Assume a country is taken over by a bunch of Nazis. According to your definition, a patriots are "vigorously supporting their country". Think about that for a while to recognize how hopelessly undercomplex your silly dictionary definition is.

Trump isn't defending his country. He's riling up his mouth-breathing "base", and tramples over humanity itself to get it done. Every moderately gifted third-grader can see that.
hey you see things the way you want them to be...your definition is no better than the one i gave....and like those woman were not "riling" up their mouth breathing base....dont let your hatred of someone cloud your simplistic thinking...even a 2nd grader can tell you hate the guy...
Voters have a distinct choice. And if you even think that you don't, I don't know what to tell you.
We have:

A. A loudmouth narcissist who has demonstrated a commitment to liberty on a VERY limited scale.
B. A bunch of loudmouth narcissists who have demonstrated a commitment to liberty on a VERY limited scale.

I would not call that a choice.


We have A, but not b. You have been led to believe that by those who want A to remain in power so they can make certain their prime agenda item is done. Now you have a choice between a man who wants to eliminate liberty and people who are for a responsible way of insuring liberty for everyone, not the group who has the most liberty who are whining because others are asking for and in some cases getting, the same liberty.
So, here is what Omar Ilhan said:

“There is something I get criticized for all the time,” she said Saturday, speaking on a panel about foreign policy at Netroots Nation.

“It is that I am anti-American because I criticize the United States. I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born,” Omar said.

The Minnesota congresswoman said the U.S. exports “American exceptionalism,” but it does not live those values domestically.

“So, that hypocrisy is one that I’m bothered by. I want America the great to be America the great,” she said.

Ilhan Omar: ‘I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born’

Here is what Trump said in response:

"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly ... and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run," he tweeted Sunday morning.

"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how ... it is done,"

Trump has complained about America all his life

I think Trump may have a point.

I think Trump was outclassed bigly
You have to have class, and recognize class to make such a statement.
You are unqualified to make such a statement.
Funny.......Trumps classless statement made him the bad guy
Freshman Congresswomen kicking his ass
Any time you defend American Values it's a classy act of Patriotism.

The Four Demonic Horseman of The DemonCrat Party hate America, and need to leave this country,

So do you.

Only 9% of the general American Public like Omar and Cortez.

Less than that like you.
So, here is what Omar Ilhan said:

“There is something I get criticized for all the time,” she said Saturday, speaking on a panel about foreign policy at Netroots Nation.

“It is that I am anti-American because I criticize the United States. I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born,” Omar said.

The Minnesota congresswoman said the U.S. exports “American exceptionalism,” but it does not live those values domestically.

“So, that hypocrisy is one that I’m bothered by. I want America the great to be America the great,” she said.

Ilhan Omar: ‘I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born’

Here is what Trump said in response:

"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly ... and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run," he tweeted Sunday morning.

"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how ... it is done,"

Trump has complained about America all his life

I think Trump may have a point.

I think Trump was outclassed bigly

I think Trump owned her sorry Muslim ass.

The Four Morons of The Apocalypse had to have a press conference just to explain how much they hate America, hate our Immigration Laws, and Hate our President.


I did not coin the Four Morons of The Apocalypse but it fits these Mangina's perfectly.

Uhh, they have real vaginas. :uhh:
I doubt that, being that they are Liberals.

At least two of them have been hacked to pieces via Genital Mutilation.

According to The Left, there is only One Sex. Everyone has a Mangina.
Voters have a distinct choice. And if you even think that you don't, I don't know what to tell you.
We have:

A. A loudmouth narcissist who has demonstrated a commitment to liberty on a VERY limited scale.
B. A bunch of loudmouth narcissists who have demonstrated a commitment to liberty on a VERY limited scale.

I would not call that a choice.


We have A, but not b. You have been led to believe that by those who want A to remain in power so they can make certain their prime agenda item is done. Now you have a choice between a man who wants to eliminate liberty and people who are for a responsible way of insuring liberty for everyone, not the group who has the most liberty who are whining because others are asking for and in some cases getting, the same liberty.
Agree to disagree.

The two political parties are incapable of producing candidates committed to individual liberty. Their masters make sure of it.


Then why is Trumps own party attacking his statement?

Omar IIhan ......WINNING!

IDGAF about establishment Republicans. They're actually globalist turds.
Trump could run on his own ticket and still win, bitch. Omar Ilhan(it's really Ilhan Omar)=Muslim invader that needs to go, along with all the invaders in her district.

Fuck the parties, that's a bunch of bullshit.

We missed our chance after 9-11. We should have kicked every Muslim in America right the hell out.

I do believe Trump could run as an Indi and win. The man has proven to be one great POTUS.

Oh and neither party is worth a flying fuck.

Trump is the worst president we have ever had. Trump lost the last election in the popular vote yet you guys think he is going to just walk over the competition and win easily. He's going to have to close all kinds of voting facilities and purge millions off voter rolls to do that, because you are going to see a record turnout of people who hate Trumps ass who didn't vote last time.

Well for the "worst" President we have ever had he's doing a damned fine job.

The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs all over the country.

You sure are a whiny little half assed shit.
Actually he is destroying our reputation around the world

For a "destroyed reputation" we're doing pretty darned good.

Unlike your stupid ass I really don't give a shit what the "rest" of the world thinks. The only time they like America is when they need money or someone to shed blood for them. Their opinion ain't worth much.

Carry on Mr. Worldly. LOL

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