Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

The president of South Korea treated Kim with respect while Orange Jesus sat on the sideline. End of story.
He's not on the sideline. Trump is who made all this happen, not the S.Korean president or anybody else. And Trump and Pompeo will be meeting with Kim in the near future, Clean your glasses.
Trump is making this happen how?
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.

trump hasn't done anything but look insane. and you don't know what the orange moron is going to give up to the little dictator or if it's even going to resolve.

you'd know that if you weren't a trumpscum
Trump is making this happen how?
1. Trump is unpredictable. He makes a threat to use conventional forces to destroy the Norks nuclear program believable.

2. He threatened to punish the Chicoms with tariffs and going after them for currency manipulation if the did not bring little Rocket Man to heel.

3. Trump agreed withe the South Koreans to engage in parallel talks toward peace and reconciliation with South Korea, possibly even reunification.

I could go into additional reasons, but I doubt your libtarded mind could comprehend it.
Yeah North Korea accidentaly deciding it’s ability to pursue nuclear weapons had nothing to do with them stopping their program to pursue nuclear weapons :rolleyes:

Then again, you’re probably stupid enough to still believe Mexico will build us a wall and that Ted Cruz is an illegal immigrant
You mean you're stupid enough to think that Mexico can AVOID paying for the wall ? Wow.

Obama failed miserably in his two terms keeping his vow to close Gitmo.

By the end of his two terms, President Trump sill have the Wall built.

Mexico will have paid for it, one way or another.

Believe that!
We`re going to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one with something that will cost a tiny fraction of Obamacare. Did you believe that too?

Ask me that at the end of President Trump's second term, as I asked about Gitmo after President Obama's second term. Didn't he promised to close Gitmo on the day he took office?

Apples to apples?
Trump completes a major pass for a touchdown but Libbies don't keep score and this sort of success makes their baby feelings all confused
So far things look encouraging and it's a direct result of president Trump's actions. But it's no time for a victory dance now or even after whatever formal aggreement(s) ensue because NK has a history of saying they'd do one thing and instead doing something else or nothing at all. Time will tell.

what does Trump have to do with it again?
Donald Trump hasn't done one got damned thing other than tweet stupid tough boy shit....these moron's best wake the hell up and stop buying this Trump shit....Kim's bluff never worked, he's been talking shit for years; haven't done one damn thing, he just needed attention and Obama just didn't give him any....Trump did. Because God forbid he focused on the infrastructure bill he's saving for 2020 or other major shit we got going on in this country....Kim see's America, like everybody else; at its weakest its ever been and he's ready to move into the 21st century and take over with the rest of em....while we figure out the best use for coal and how to define a Trump tweet...our future is gonna look like hell in a few years and people just don't see it coming!!
Trump completes a major pass for a touchdown but Libbies don't keep score and this sort of success makes their baby feelings all confused
Dude, If Kim was all that bad and love fuckin over the US when its at its weakest, as with Obama, why didn't he do something then???? Obama was weak, he had a chance, why in the fuck didn't he do something? Answer that or shut the fuck up!!
China, North and South Korea all give Trump credit for recent developments. But they can't fool you lol.

BTW, has anyone mentioned Trump's refusal to meet with Un until he has dismantled his nuke factories?
Trump completes a major pass for a touchdown but Libbies don't keep score and this sort of success makes their baby feelings all confused
Dude, If Kim was all that bad and love fuckin over the US when its at its weakest, as with Obama, why didn't he do something then???? Obama was weak, he had a chance, why in the fuck didn't he do something? Answer that or shut the fuck up!!
Good to see you claim that Obama was weak. Else, why didn't he do what Trump did?
It's called leadership...Trump has it Obama did not....

Its called a new potus in S. Korea. and Kims want to get rid of American interference.
Don't forget that NK literally blew up its test site
Everyone is saying Obama was weak and Trump is strong....question? If you were threatening a country, when do you strike, when you have weak leadership or when you have strong leadership? I'd say when you see your enemy at its weakest, yes? They why didn't NK strike under Obama???? Why? Because the fat fuck just needs attention, Obama ignored the bitch, Trump did not!! Kim like most the world, NOW SEES AN OPPORTUNITY TO PUT THE US ON PERMANENT SHUT OUT, SHUT DOWN WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD....THANKS TO TRUMP!!...AND THERE WILL BE NO TRUMP MEETING!! YOU HEARD IT HEAR FIRST...WHAT THE HELL DOES THE ASIANS NEED WITH THE US?
Liberals just do not know what effort, winning and success are
They are so blinded by feelings that they are now saying the NK SK talks really didn't happen. They are void of fact and blinded by feeling-they dislike Trump therefore he has nothing to do with the successes he is creating
Trump completes a major pass for a touchdown but Libbies don't keep score and this sort of success makes their baby feelings all confused
Dude, If Kim was all that bad and love fuckin over the US when its at its weakest, as with Obama, why didn't he do something then???? Obama was weak, he had a chance, why in the fuck didn't he do something? Answer that or shut the fuck up!!
Sonny boy
I'm not your dude and me shutting the fuck up over your tantrum will not be happening
Does your mommy know you are using the F word?
You do know the average old white fart takes 40 % more in benefits than they put in?
No, my Aussie friends have a few brains and have no guns in schools.
When was the last school shooting there again?
Apologies but I'm a filthy rich corporatist.
Never voted for a dem in my life
Seniors on Social Security receive a tiny fraction of what they put in. You simply don't have a focus on what "they put in", and thus shouldn't be speaking those words.

And so you're a gun-free zone advocate, huh ? Well, when the shooter goons show up in your schools, have those lollipops ready. Or maybe you intend on throwing rocks at the guy. :rolleyes: This is tiring.

Not quite.
Shooter goons are not in civilized countries. They are specific to a country which killed millions of natives and had lots of slaves not that many generations ago.
I believe we are a nation founded by convicts and religious nuts and are inherently violent.
Genes persist.
So we may need guards at schools. Pretty pathetic commentary on our country.
On SS I will gather my data, you gather yours
I think it's amusing all our holier than thou old white farts are sucking off socialist benefits
You do know the average old white fart takes 40 % more in benefits than they put in?
No, my Aussie friends have a few brains and have no guns in schools.
When was the last school shooting there again?
Apologies but I'm a filthy rich corporatist.
Never voted for a dem in my life
Seniors on Social Security receive a tiny fraction of what they put in. You simply don't have a focus on what "they put in", and thus shouldn't be speaking those words.

And so you're a gun-free zone advocate, huh ? Well, when the shooter goons show up in your schools, have those lollipops ready. Or maybe you intend on throwing rocks at the guy. :rolleyes: This is tiring.

Well here's mine. Retire in 1960 and you take out 8x more than you put in. More recently at least 30%
Medicare and Social Security: What you paid compared with what you get
Your data?
Being a millionaire I don't really care. Recent tax breaks mean one more euro Vac home?
You? On your womanizer Ike trolley pontificating?
"Tweets" is it?

Remind us again how Rump's whiny tweets about Megyn Kelly forced her to back out of being a debate moderator. Regale us with tall tales of how Rump's tiny-whiny tweets about "O'bama tappped my wires" led to O'bama's confession and prison term. Refresh the court's memory on how Tweety-bird's fake meme about black crime droppings wasn't immediately exposed as completely fabricated.

Poster please. Nobody in the world takes Rump seriously, outside of just-enough gullible idiots that voted for him. The rest of the world sees right through this bullshit.

Mantap preceded all of that, and whatever China did in the way of laying down the law did too. It was DIRECTLY after that that Dim sends his sister down to the Olympics (generating butthurt threads here about the fact that she showed up) carrying olive branches and inviting Moon to the meeting that just happened. And it was long after that that Rump sent Pompeo to take a photo op to be timely released when Dim Dong and Moon met so that he could imply some kind of causation ---- but the signs were CLEARLY already there at the Olympics where the North and South hockey teams joined forces, a phenomenon that was drippingly symbolic.

Rump? His meeting is off in the future somewhere in a month or two. If you want to attribute causation of an event to something that postdates it, you'll need whatever LSD supply those wags who tried to blame O'bama for a recession that happened before the election were dropping.

Why don't you get "linear time"?
There MUST be a doctor in the house. I mean there really must be.


Preferably one who gets drunk on the job, overprescribes drugs, and then blames it on John Tester.
Not quite.
Shooter goons are not in civilized countries. They are specific to a country which killed millions of natives and had lots of slaves not that many generations ago.
I believe we are a nation founded by convicts and religious nuts and are inherently violent.
Genes persist.
So we may need guards at schools. Pretty pathetic commentary on our country.
On SS I will gather my data, you gather yours
I think it's amusing all our holier than thou old white farts are sucking off socialist benefits
Not quite.

1. Mass shooters are not specific to ANY country. And the US does not even rate in the top 10 among North American and European countries.


Sorry, Despite Gun-Control Advocates' Claims, U.S. Isn't The Worst Country For Mass Shootings | Investor's Business Daily

As for your definition of mass shooters being in countries "which killed millions of natives and had lots of slaves not that many generations ago", the countries on this list would have a disagreement with you on that.

2. What are you calling "our country" ? I thought you were an Australian.

3. Old people (of any race) receive Social Security, and it is EARNED.
Well here's mine. Retire in 1960 and you take out 8x more than you put in. More recently at least 30%
Medicare and Social Security: What you paid compared with what you get
Your data?
I told you before you aren't qualified to use the words "you put in", because you obviously are clueless regarding what seniors are putting in. And being a millionaire spoiled brat, you may never have any concept of what people who work hard all their lives "put in", including military service, and other dangerous jobs (police, firefighters, coal miners, etc). There are many ways that people put in, which are just known and recognized (to those not living in a mental vacuum), not assessed by "data" :biggrin:
Preferably one who gets drunk on the job, overprescribes drugs, and then blames it on John Tester.
Few things are dumber than repeating the irresponsible, outrageous, and IDIOTIC ravings, of political adversaries who can't even provide a single source for their wild and pitifully silly, anonymous accusations. You cheapen yourself. We'll keep that in mind. :rolleyes:

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