Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

I don't NEED a "source" to construct an ironic metaphor. I AM the source.
Well, if you're the source, then where is your evidence that Admiral Jackson did anything wrong ? Anything whatsoever.

So far, all the rest of us have is some anonymous nothing. If you have something of any substance, let's hear it. Yes, you need a source.

Where is your evidence that I even mentioned any "Admiral Jackson" let along "wrong"?

Here's my "source" to that-which-does-not-exist. Wanna see it again?

Reeding is trooly a loss tart.
A direct result of Kim Jong Un accidentally blowing up his nuclear program on its last test, and needing help to stop the fallout leaking from the ruins
Are you sure you're not confusing this with the 2016 election...may be a deja vu/senior moment brother
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The delusions of Lying Trump supporters is palpable. He's done nothing. But conservative wanting to take credit for something someone else did is their norm.
Im waiting for the part where you're going to describe what liberals did in this case.
^Ignorant comment. No liberal I've seen has claimed any shred of responsibility for what's happening in Korea nor should they.

The most constructive idea I've seen from the left is that NK undoubtedly has an agenda that they are following through on. It looks like the nuclear program and transgressions could have been advanced as a bargaining chip. There is not much else possible that could bring world powers to the table to appease them. Some have said their plan probably includes taking advantage of SK's economic strength along with other benefits of international recognition. They will be escaping years of sanctions and black balling. All of this is a perspective that I don't see many on the right giving credence too between their sweaty rounds of Trump worshipping circle jerks. If a NK agenda even partially like that exists then Trump is more like a pawn in their plan than anything.
^Ignorant comment. No liberal I've seen has claimed any shred of responsibility for what's happening in Korea nor should they.

The most constructive idea I've seen from the left is that NK undoubtedly has an agenda that they are following through on. It looks like the nuclear program and transgressions could have been advanced as a bargaining chip. There is not much else possible that could bring world powers to the table to appease them. Some have said their plan probably includes taking advantage of SK's economic strength along with other benefits of international recognition. They will be escaping years of sanctions and black balling. All of this is a perspective that I don't see many on the right giving credence too between their sweaty rounds of Trump worshipping circle jerks. If a NK agenda even partially like that exists then Trump is more like a pawn in their plan than anything.
An important word is missing from your post >> China. Try reading the OP.
The delusions of Lying Trump supporters is palpable. He's done nothing. But conservative wanting to take credit for something someone else did is their norm.
Im waiting for the part where you're going to describe what liberals did in this case.
^Ignorant comment. No liberal I've seen has claimed any shred of responsibility for what's happening in Korea nor should they.

The most constructive idea I've seen from the left is that NK undoubtedly has an agenda that they are following through on. It looks like the nuclear program and transgressions could have been advanced as a bargaining chip. There is not much else possible that could bring world powers to the table to appease them. Some have said their plan probably includes taking advantage of SK's economic strength along with other benefits of international recognition. They will be escaping years of sanctions and black balling. All of this is a perspective that I don't see many on the right giving credence too between their sweaty rounds of Trump worshipping circle jerks. If a NK agenda even partially like that exists then Trump is more like a pawn in their plan than anything.
So then you proceed with your "tin foil hat" theories to react to my ignorance. You might have large amounts of fluoride in your system.
Tin foil hat? Lol. That is reserved for the rights insanity. Look at what NK has to gain here. They will likely be the biggest winners of the whole thing. China is obviously involved but the op is more farfetched than NK looking out for itself. The op is one of the best case contrived perspectives possible for Trump and it is compiled by a trumpite. The ruby shades are strong with that one. Trump can get some credit for not invading and for pushing diplomatic and regional leadership and accountability. Making unhinged threats on Twitter is not good foreign policy, though. What an ass.

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