Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

So far things look encouraging and it's a direct result of president Trump's actions.
A direct result of Kim Jong Un accidentally blowing up his nuclear program on its last test, and needing help to stop the fallout leaking from the ruins

Anything but Trump I see, you must have TDS from watching to much CNN. See a Republican as fast as you can for the antidote.

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The truth is not TDS :itsok:

He could murder somebody on 5th Avenue, abd still get your vote, right? :rolleyes:
He shot Hillary on 5th Ave. and she went down like a drunken sailor. Still beat the pantsuits off her.

Except for the 3000000
And what did you ever do for anyone genius?
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.
My assessment?
Nothing like an unbiased post. As they say, opinions are like aholes, everybody has one
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.
Seems like you are living in your 40s jeep and pontificating.
Ever lived in a shelter an had the crap bombed out of you mr old white fart?
You really don't want to go back to the 50s do you?
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.
Seems like you are living in your 40s jeep and pontificating.
Ever lived in a shelter an had the crap bombed out of you mr old white fart?
You really don't want to go back to the 50s do you?
Boy, weren't you ever taught to respect elders?

Obama’s comments in 2008 and 2009 about talking to strongmen “without preconditions,” and his efforts to work with both North Korea and Cuba’s communist governments, were greeted by conservatives with scorn. So it seemed odd to some on the right that Trump doing the same was being feted as a victory for American foreign policy.

“I’m not certain why meeting with Kim without preconditions is suddenly a grand coup when we would have gone nuts had Obama done the same,” said conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, who criticized Obama back in 2009 and is now often critical of Trump.

National Review’s Jim Geraghty wondered the same. “Remember how much we condemned then-senator Barack Obama’s pledge to ‘meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?’ That wasn’t wrong,” Geraghty wrote.


Obama , Hannity and right wing nuts had a fit, Tump its a good move.
What could be scatterbrained than an equivocation of Obama and Trump regarding just about anything, including foreign policy ? While the bowing wimp pandered chronically to foreign leaders, begging them and buying them, Trump, just the opposite, has taken the goodies AWAY from North Korea, and set a policy of making them pay for their thugishness. North Korea then wakes up one morning and says "Oh wow. This is bad!"

Obama would give a spoiled, tantrum-throwing 5 year old cake, candy, and ice cream to pacify him. Trump would give him nothing, and take away his video games, TV, and toys. Obama's kid gets worse. Trump's gets better.
Seems like you are living in your 40s jeep and pontificating.
Ever lived in a shelter an had the crap bombed out of you mr old white fart?
You really don't want to go back to the 50s do you?
In some ways, the 50s was a lot better than what we have now. (when girls were girls, and men were men, and gee, our old Bel-Aire ran great)

And wasn't it cool when Ike chased the illegal aliens back to Mexico, in Operation Wetback (1954) ? Mister, we could use a man like Eisenhower again (but hey, we've GOT HIM) :biggrin:

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You mean like dragging your wife by the hair before raping her?
5 deferments?
Said his VN sacrifice was avoiding a STD ?
Yup, a real leader
Listen to the bossy Aussie telling us Americans who are leader should or shouldn't be. With the mess you have down under, you've got a lot of work to attend to, without poking your nose into other countries.

PS - if Trump get deferred from going to war in Vietnam, more power to him.
My assessment?
Nothing like an unbiased post. As they say, opinions are like aholes, everybody has one
Nothing like a BIASED post that offers zero substance, or explanation for its position. Pass the Lysol, please!
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.

100% spot on!!
Still don't know the def of liberal?
And don't know you can start a sentence with "but"
There is a widespread belief—one with no historical or grammatical foundation—that it is an error to begin a sentence with a conjunction such as and, but or so. In fact, a substantial percentage (often as many as 10 percent) of the sentences in first-rate writing begin with conjunctions.May 29, 2014
BUT, :biggrin:, there are 2 ways of doing things >>

1. The protectionist way

2. The whole rest of the world.

Got it now ?
The president of South Korea treated Kim with respect while Orange Jesus sat on the sideline. End of story.
He's not on the sideline. Trump is who made all this happen, not the S.Korean president or anybody else. And Trump and Pompeo will be meeting with Kim in the near future, Clean your glasses.
You do know the average old white fart takes 40 % more in benefits than they put in?
No, my Aussie friends have a few brains and have no guns in schools.
When was the last school shooting there again?
Apologies but I'm a filthy rich corporatist.
Never voted for a dem in my life
Seniors on Social Security receive a tiny fraction of what they put in. You simply don't have a focus on what "they put in", and thus shouldn't be speaking those words.

And so you're a gun-free zone advocate, huh ? Well, when the shooter goons show up in your schools, have those lollipops ready. Or maybe you intend on throwing rocks at the guy. :rolleyes: This is tiring.
"Tweets" is it?

Remind us again how Rump's whiny tweets about Megyn Kelly forced her to back out of being a debate moderator. Regale us with tall tales of how Rump's tiny-whiny tweets about "O'bama tappped my wires" led to O'bama's confession and prison term. Refresh the court's memory on how Tweety-bird's fake meme about black crime droppings wasn't immediately exposed as completely fabricated.

Poster please. Nobody in the world takes Rump seriously, outside of just-enough gullible idiots that voted for him. The rest of the world sees right through this bullshit.

Mantap preceded all of that, and whatever China did in the way of laying down the law did too. It was DIRECTLY after that that Dim sends his sister down to the Olympics (generating butthurt threads here about the fact that she showed up) carrying olive branches and inviting Moon to the meeting that just happened. And it was long after that that Rump sent Pompeo to take a photo op to be timely released when Dim Dong and Moon met so that he could imply some kind of causation ---- but the signs were CLEARLY already there at the Olympics where the North and South hockey teams joined forces, a phenomenon that was drippingly symbolic.

Rump? His meeting is off in the future somewhere in a month or two. If you want to attribute causation of an event to something that postdates it, you'll need whatever LSD supply those wags who tried to blame O'bama for a recession that happened before the election were dropping.

Why don't you get "linear time"?
There MUST be a doctor in the house. I mean there really must be.

When you can't refute the point, pretend to not understand it.

Bottom line remains, YOU can't sit here and declare that BOTH Rump putting up a wall AND Dim Dung taking one down, are both good things. A wall dividing nations is either a good thing or a bad thing --- it's not one here and the other over there. As usual, having it both ways.....
FALSE! It all depends on WHY there is, or isn't, a wall. Like everything else in life, FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION. In the US, a wall is to keep out invaders, and help prevent the Mexican imperialism that plunders the US for $28 Billion/year in remittances$$ (Pew Research Center) + tens of billions$$ more via welfare, and the anchor baby racket, not to mention the loss of millions of US jobs + many other harms.
Yeah North Korea accidentaly deciding it’s ability to pursue nuclear weapons had nothing to do with them stopping their program to pursue nuclear weapons :rolleyes:

Then again, you’re probably stupid enough to still believe Mexico will build us a wall and that Ted Cruz is an illegal immigrant
You mean you're stupid enough to think that Mexico can AVOID paying for the wall ? Wow.

Obama failed miserably in his two terms keeping his vow to close Gitmo.

By the end of his two terms, President Trump sill have the Wall built.

Mexico will have paid for it, one way or another.

Believe that!

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