Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

So far things look encouraging and it's a direct result of president Trump's actions.
A direct result of Kim Jong Un accidentally blowing up his nuclear program on its last test, and needing help to stop the fallout leaking from the ruins

Anything but Trump I see, you must have TDS from watching to much CNN. See a Republican as fast as you can for the antidote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The truth is not TDS :itsok:

He could murder somebody on 5th Avenue, abd still get your vote, right? :rolleyes:
He shot Hillary on 5th Ave. and she went down like a drunken sailor. Still beat the pantsuits off her.
A fantasy of yours? :cuckoo:
She went down like she was shot. Maybe you missed it while you were out campaigning for that loser.
Gonna stun some of you but this is the most significant thing since the US elected a black man as a President
Liberals are now refusing to accept Kim's actions on Trumps watch. Just like they could not accept election results. They need to launch an "investigation" into why and how Kim did this as certainly it must be foreign interference and could not possibly be attributed to any quality efforts from Trump

Obama’s comments in 2008 and 2009 about talking to strongmen “without preconditions,” and his efforts to work with both North Korea and Cuba’s communist governments, were greeted by conservatives with scorn. So it seemed odd to some on the right that Trump doing the same was being feted as a victory for American foreign policy.

“I’m not certain why meeting with Kim without preconditions is suddenly a grand coup when we would have gone nuts had Obama done the same,” said conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, who criticized Obama back in 2009 and is now often critical of Trump.

National Review’s Jim Geraghty wondered the same. “Remember how much we condemned then-senator Barack Obama’s pledge to ‘meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?’ That wasn’t wrong,” Geraghty wrote.


Obama , Hannity and right wing nuts had a fit, Tump its a good move.

Obama’s comments in 2008 and 2009 about talking to strongmen “without preconditions,” and his efforts to work with both North Korea and Cuba’s communist governments, were greeted by conservatives with scorn. So it seemed odd to some on the right that Trump doing the same was being feted as a victory for American foreign policy.

“I’m not certain why meeting with Kim without preconditions is suddenly a grand coup when we would have gone nuts had Obama done the same,” said conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, who criticized Obama back in 2009 and is now often critical of Trump.

National Review’s Jim Geraghty wondered the same. “Remember how much we condemned then-senator Barack Obama’s pledge to ‘meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?’ That wasn’t wrong,” Geraghty wrote.


Obama , Hannity and right wing nuts had a fit, Tump its a good move.
There is no Left representation. It was a facade that had you fooled the whole time. They can legally ignore your votes.
Sorry - it won't work and you need a reboot of some sort Trumpbot.
Trump can't even get congress to pay for it -
Donald's big, beautiful, stupid wall ain't gonna happen so purge it from your squirming brain.
That don't WANT it to happen. But it's going to, and of course Mexico will pay for it. And they'll be paying for more than that. All their nastieness and imperialism of our us economy.

They've had it good at our expense, with airhead US presidents letting them get away with it. That is stopping now.

I'm at a loss for words :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

How about YOU pay for it - But after you pull your imminent domain goofiness ...

First be prepared to ward off a few hundred lawsuits from property owners.

The Grammatically Defective Cheated Their Way Through College

It's eminent domain. The truly educated must start standing up to you school-educated frauds who are incapable of learning accurately. You just pick out a word that you think will make you sound smart, but you are too lazy and careless to get it right. But you do have a pleasant audience among the mob of Netwits who will gush, "Gee, he must be extremely intelligent; he uses all them big words!"
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.



Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


a. A drug or course of medical treatment used to restore health: discovered a new cure for ulcers.
b. Restoration of health; recovery from disease: the likelihood of cure.
c. Something that corrects or relieves a harmful or disturbing situation'


What EXACTLY has been agreed to - in writing - that has permanently 'corrected or relieved' the North Korean nuclear buildup situation?

I grant you - thinks are looking much better. And I give Trump some credit for that.

But without agreements - in writing - nothing has been 'cured'.
I think that Rocket Man entering South Korea is the biggest diplomatic accomplishment of any president ever.
Word has it that Kim did it for two reasons. His military knew they could never win a conflict with the USA and South Korean troops so they gave him the ultimatum of suing for peace. Without military support, he could never survive 24 hours.
There is a large number of electronic devices in the north and people are seeing the blooming economy and good lifestyle of the south and they want it for themselves.
I don't see a reunification for at least another decade. There will be some kind of bilateral agreements where the north receives more access to the south in return for reducing the size of their military. Those military personnel will be transferred to some kinds of jobs where the north can gain income from trade with other countries.
And, while both sides have agreed to end the conflict, a peace accord will not be reached until all those who participated in the conflict come to the table and sign it. That means the following will have to sign off:

The UN
The United States
The United Kingdom
New Zealand
Greece '
South Africa

Soviet Union
Notice that some of them don't even exist anymore.
A direct result of Kim Jong Un accidentally blowing up his nuclear program on its last test, and needing help to stop the fallout leaking from the ruins

Anything but Trump I see, you must have TDS from watching to much CNN. See a Republican as fast as you can for the antidote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The truth is not TDS :itsok:

He could murder somebody on 5th Avenue, abd still get your vote, right? :rolleyes:
He shot Hillary on 5th Ave. and she went down like a drunken sailor. Still beat the pantsuits off her.
A fantasy of yours? :cuckoo:
She went down like she was shot. Maybe you missed it while you were out campaigning for that loser.
He took that drunk bitch down again with a golf ball. The proof is in my sig line.
Oh yeah, Dodge, an American company Trump wanted to disappear. That’s off topic though, why are you bringing them up?

Dodge, that's an auto manufacturer owned by Fiat is it not? They're based in Detroit right? Oh, right, the company is registered in the Netherlands with their headquarters in London.

Specifically, how does that make Dodge an American car company.

The Dodge Brothers established it, here, 104 years ago, after having been parts suppliers for Henry Ford. That's how. And actually it's owned by Chrysler, who bought them out long ago.

/waythefuckofftopic (but true)
So far things look encouraging and it's a direct result of president Trump's actions.
A direct result of Kim Jong Un accidentally blowing up his nuclear program on its last test, and needing help to stop the fallout leaking from the ruins

Anything but Trump I see, you must have TDS from watching to much CNN. See a Republican as fast as you can for the antidote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, no, no, no, no! We don't want these idiots cured. The entertainment value alone is priceless.
"collapsed under its own weight"? :lmao:

Yep. You got it right. The Norks greatly underestimated the dangers, complexity and difficulty of pushing a nuclear program as Little Kim was doing and keeping all the ducks in order, and Trump simply gave him the impetus to keep pushing his program until cracks developed into fissures and a major disaster of its own brought in down upon itself. Anyone with a brain could see it coming. This guy was bound to sooner or later shoot his own foot off. This guy was shooting rockets over Japan and everywhere just daring some eventual calamity to happen! My only regret is that he didn't bring one down on his own head. I'd now give real thought to the UN sending him a bill for the billions of dollars he cost us and other countries wasted in preparing for his nonsense! Donald Trump, once again winning another war without having ever even needing to fire a shot!

The flaw in that reasoning is that every other POTUS between the Korean War and the present, put the same pressure on the North, so Rump's posturing was simply continuing what his predecessors did. So nothing changed in that.

None of those previous POTUSes however were in office when NK blew up its own facility, and a mountain with it, which directly threatened its nearest neighbor and closest ally (and its lifeline) in a way that cannot be ignored. China's status as NK's lifeline, without which it literally couldn't exist, gives it enormous power in deciding whether it will indeed continue to exist. As far as the Dim Dung regime is concerned, China is Mommy. Whelp, Mommy has now decided she's had the fuck enough.

Obviously Dim Dong got himself into that by recklessly blowing up Mantap. Now you could argue (free tip here) that Rump's Nixonian "Madman Theory" incited NK to accelerate its nuke juke, causing Dim Dung to try to do too much too fast, resulting in mountaincide (hee hee mountaincide I kill me). But not only would that be a stretch in the blatantly partisan quest to attach a personal causation to a random event, there would be no way for Rump to guarantee that result, which absent such an operational catastrophe could have ended very VERY badly, so if you want to go out on that limb you also have to bring its baggage with it, which is that it would be an immeasurably reckless gamble to play using the world's population as poker chips.

China had already denied nuke technology to its dependent 'child' since Truman threatened NK with being on the receiving end of same in 1950 --- part of the reason Truman is one of the four worst POTUSes since 1900 --- but NK went shopping elsewhere and by at least fifteen years ago was dabbling in real nukes, regardless of China's "Mommy Says No". In other words this could have gone down, say, five years ago, and it would have been equally specious to claim "Obama did it with his teleprompter".

Hate to break it to the world but sometimes things happen out there between other parties that this navel-gazing nation had nothing to do with. So if there's a question of "who to thank", the best answer seems to be "our lucky stars". With a supporting role by China, which to be fair should have pulled the plug on the wacko regime decades ago.
"collapsed under its own weight"? :lmao:

Yep. You got it right. The Norks greatly underestimated the dangers, complexity and difficulty of pushing a nuclear program as Little Kim was doing and keeping all the ducks in order, and Trump simply gave him the impetus to keep pushing his program until cracks developed into fissures and a major disaster of its own brought in down upon itself. Anyone with a brain could see it coming. This guy was bound to sooner or later shoot his own foot off. This guy was shooting rockets over Japan and everywhere just daring some eventual calamity to happen! My only regret is that he didn't bring one down on his own head. I'd now give real thought to the UN sending him a bill for the billions of dollars he cost us and other countries wasted in preparing for his nonsense! Donald Trump, once again winning another war without having ever even needing to fire a shot!

The flaw in that reasoning is that every other POTUS between the Korean War and the present, put the same pressure on the North, so Rump's posturing was simply continuing what his predecessors did. So nothing changed in that.

None of those previous POTUSes however were in office when NK blew up its own facility, and a mountain with it, which directly threatened its nearest neighbor and closest ally (and its lifeline) in a way that cannot be ignored. China's status as NK's lifeline, without which it literally couldn't exist, gives it enormous power in deciding whether it will indeed continue to exist. As far as the Dim Dung regime is concerned, China is Mommy. Whelp, Mommy has now decided she's had the fuck enough.

Obviously Dim Dong got himself into that by recklessly blowing up Mantap. Now you could argue (free tip here) that Rump's Nixonian "Madman Theory" incited NK to accelerate its nuke juke, causing Dim Dung to try to do too much too fast, resulting in mountaincide (hee hee mountaincide I kill me). But not only would that be a stretch in the blatantly partisan quest to attach a personal causation to a random event, there would be no way for Rump to guarantee that result, which absent such an operational catastrophe could have ended very VERY badly, so if you want to go out on that limb you also have to bring its baggage with it, which is that it would be an immeasurably reckless gamble to play using the world's population as poker chips.

China had already denied nuke technology to its dependent 'child' since Truman threatened NK with being on the receiving end of same in 1950 --- part of the reason Truman is one of the four worst POTUSes since 1900 --- but NK went shopping elsewhere and by at least fifteen years ago was dabbling in real nukes, regardless of China's "Mommy Says No". In other words this could have gone down, say, five years ago, and it would have been equally specious to claim "Obama did it with his teleprompter".

Hate to break it to the world but sometimes things happen out there between other parties that this navel-gazing nation had nothing to do with. So if there's a question of "who to thank", the best answer seems to be "our lucky stars". With a supporting role by China, which to be fair should have pulled the plug on the wacko regime decades ago.
Trump gives credit to China. China, NK and SK give credit to Trump.

As far as all POTUS' putting the same pressure on NK, I thought Bill Clinton solved that problem when he gave them $4 billion.
The flaw in that reasoning is that every other POTUS between the Korean War and the present, put the same pressure on the North,

Pure Rubbish. They talked nice, they talked sanction, they didn't talk war and park a flotilla of international battleships and war games right on his front porch with hard talk of bombing him till Doomsday. It's amazing how the Left just rewrites history to suit themselves.

None of those previous POTUSes however were in office when NK blew up its own facility, and a mountain with it.

That's right, blown up trying to force his program into an accelerated state it just wasn't capable of keeping up with in the effort of trying to meet the forced demands and threats of Trump. But I mean, here is a major military victory happening right under the actions of Trump with a year of intense interchange, threats and posturing, now the two are slated to meet and still you won't even concede the POSSIBILITY that Trump, if he didn't CAUSE IT, at least HAD A HAND in contributing to it, all the while Obumma got a NOBEL PRIZE just for talking shit! Blah blah this! And Blah blah that. BANG! Prize.

CAN YOU IMAGINE if Obumma had been in direct military talks and strident military action against a foreign threat promising to erase our mainland in a nuclear strike until the threat collapsed trying to meet the pressures while planning for face to face talks amidst a reunification of the Korean continent? Why, there would be ticker-tape parades with Obumma being carried down the street in celebration high on people's shoulders while front page on ever paper in the USA Obumma would be heralded as a masterful great leader! The persistent flaw to all of your reasoning is your eternal blindness to the obvious.

Actually the Wall is a fair comparison, if only in that it demonstrates how, while Dim Dong can find a way to start tearing his down, Rump is all about getting his up. And I understand he's having a few challenges getting it up.

Kind of poetic when Dim Dong has a more productive attitude to walling than Rump does.
Kim has a "more productive attitude to walling" ? :dunno:

There is one major problem with Pogo's posts. They just don't make any sense. None.

When you can't refute the point, pretend to not understand it.

Bottom line remains, YOU can't sit here and declare that BOTH Rump putting up a wall AND Dim Dung taking one down, are both good things. A wall dividing nations is either a good thing or a bad thing --- it's not one here and the other over there. As usual, having it both ways.....
The meeting is good news -

But Trump's belligerent, idiotic, 7th grade tweets about Little Rocket Man and the Size of his Button of his had NO role in this ..

If anything, this is Un and Moon thumbing their nose at the Dotard.

Think Lil Kim is gonna give up his nukes? Think again.

Are these talks taking place before or after President Donald Trump posted his tweets?


"Tweets" is it?

Remind us again how Rump's whiny tweets about Megyn Kelly forced her to back out of being a debate moderator. Regale us with tall tales of how Rump's tiny-whiny tweets about "O'bama tappped my wires" led to O'bama's confession and prison term. Refresh the court's memory on how Tweety-bird's fake meme about black crime droppings wasn't immediately exposed as completely fabricated.

Poster please. Nobody in the world takes Rump seriously, outside of just-enough gullible idiots that voted for him. The rest of the world sees right through this bullshit.

Before or after North Korea competed with South Korea in the Winter Olympics? Before or after then CIA Director secretly met with Kim Jung-un?

Mantap preceded all of that, and whatever China did in the way of laying down the law did too. It was DIRECTLY after that that Dim sends his sister down to the Olympics (generating butthurt threads here about the fact that she showed up) carrying olive branches and inviting Moon to the meeting that just happened. And it was long after that that Rump sent Pompeo to take a photo op to be timely released when Dim Dong and Moon met so that he could imply some kind of causation ---- but the signs were CLEARLY already there at the Olympics where the North and South hockey teams joined forces, a phenomenon that was drippingly symbolic.

Rump? His meeting is off in the future somewhere in a month or two. If you want to attribute causation of an event to something that postdates it, you'll need whatever LSD supply those wags who tried to blame O'bama for a recession that happened before the election were dropping.

Why do you find great success for America and the World so bitter and hateful?

Why don't you get "linear time"?
But don the con said they would PAY
You do know more come south than go north?
What are you trying to do? Keep them in and raise the IQ of our native old white farts sucking off SS And medicare benefits?
1. Your use of English is deficient. No need for "But". As I explained , Mexico will PAY (and I even explained how) You're welcome.

2. There needs to be MILLIONS going south, and NOBODY coming north.

3. Your racism and ageism is apparent. Not good even if you are oblivious.

4. Social Security and medicare are EARNED, so go jump, foreigner.

5. You can cease trying to look smart. If you were, you would have agreed with Post # . So hw do you Aussies propose to protect your schoolkids, without having armed good guys in the schools ? When the mass shooter arrives you offer him a lollipop ? And ice cream cone ? Sing him a song ? :rolleyes:
You do know the average old white fart takes 40 % more in benefits than they put in?
No, my Aussie friends have a few brains and have no guns in schools.
When was the last school shooting there again?
Apologies but I'm a filthy rich corporatist.
Never voted for a dem in my life
"collapsed under its own weight"? :lmao:

Yep. You got it right. The Norks greatly underestimated the dangers, complexity and difficulty of pushing a nuclear program as Little Kim was doing and keeping all the ducks in order, and Trump simply gave him the impetus to keep pushing his program until cracks developed into fissures and a major disaster of its own brought in down upon itself. Anyone with a brain could see it coming. This guy was bound to sooner or later shoot his own foot off. This guy was shooting rockets over Japan and everywhere just daring some eventual calamity to happen! My only regret is that he didn't bring one down on his own head. I'd now give real thought to the UN sending him a bill for the billions of dollars he cost us and other countries wasted in preparing for his nonsense! Donald Trump, once again winning another war without having ever even needing to fire a shot!

The flaw in that reasoning is that every other POTUS between the Korean War and the present, put the same pressure on the North, so Rump's posturing was simply continuing what his predecessors did. So nothing changed in that.

None of those previous POTUSes however were in office when NK blew up its own facility, and a mountain with it, which directly threatened its nearest neighbor and closest ally (and its lifeline) in a way that cannot be ignored. China's status as NK's lifeline, without which it literally couldn't exist, gives it enormous power in deciding whether it will indeed continue to exist. As far as the Dim Dung regime is concerned, China is Mommy. Whelp, Mommy has now decided she's had the fuck enough.

Obviously Dim Dong got himself into that by recklessly blowing up Mantap. Now you could argue (free tip here) that Rump's Nixonian "Madman Theory" incited NK to accelerate its nuke juke, causing Dim Dung to try to do too much too fast, resulting in mountaincide (hee hee mountaincide I kill me). But not only would that be a stretch in the blatantly partisan quest to attach a personal causation to a random event, there would be no way for Rump to guarantee that result, which absent such an operational catastrophe could have ended very VERY badly, so if you want to go out on that limb you also have to bring its baggage with it, which is that it would be an immeasurably reckless gamble to play using the world's population as poker chips.

China had already denied nuke technology to its dependent 'child' since Truman threatened NK with being on the receiving end of same in 1950 --- part of the reason Truman is one of the four worst POTUSes since 1900 --- but NK went shopping elsewhere and by at least fifteen years ago was dabbling in real nukes, regardless of China's "Mommy Says No". In other words this could have gone down, say, five years ago, and it would have been equally specious to claim "Obama did it with his teleprompter".

Hate to break it to the world but sometimes things happen out there between other parties that this navel-gazing nation had nothing to do with. So if there's a question of "who to thank", the best answer seems to be "our lucky stars". With a supporting role by China, which to be fair should have pulled the plug on the wacko regime decades ago.
Trump gives credit to China. China, NK and SK give credit to Trump.

As far as all POTUS' putting the same pressure on NK, I thought Bill Clinton solved that problem when he gave them $4 billion.

Agree but it has nothing at all to do with Mein Drumpf.

Let's hope the two world leaders sign a peace treaty between N and S. Maybe, just MAYBE that might lead to an end to the Korean conflict and an end to the armistice. That would give trump the opportunity to stop his baby trantrums for a few minutes and sign an end to the conflict with the US.

If N and S sign a peace treaty, they should get the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cross your fingers that idiot trump doesn't screw this up.
More liberal

Still don't know the def of liberal?
And don't know you can start a sentence with "but"
There is a widespread belief—one with no historical or grammatical foundation—that it is an error to begin a sentence with a conjunction such as and, but or so. In fact, a substantial percentage (often as many as 10 percent) of the sentences in first-rate writing begin with conjunctions.May 29, 2014
So far things look encouraging and it's a direct result of president Trump's actions.
A direct result of Kim Jong Un accidentally blowing up his nuclear program on its last test, and needing help to stop the fallout leaking from the ruins

Anything but Trump I see, you must have TDS from watching to much CNN. See a Republican as fast as you can for the antidote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The truth is not TDS :itsok:

He could murder somebody on 5th Avenue, abd still get your vote, right? :rolleyes:
He shot Hillary on 5th Ave. and she went down like a drunken sailor. Still beat the pantsuits off her.

Except for the 3000000

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