Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

Oh yeah, Dodge, an American company Trump wanted to disappear. That’s off topic though, why are you bringing them up?

Dodge, that's an auto manufacturer owned by Fiat is it not? They're based in Detroit right? Oh, right, the company is registered in the Netherlands with their headquarters in London.

Specifically, how does that make Dodge an American car company.
Who cares? Trump wanted them gone. Meh.
The meeting is good news -

But Trump's belligerent, idiotic, 7th grade tweets about Little Rocket Man and the Size of his Button of his had NO role in this ..

If anything, this is Un and Moon thumbing their nose at the Dotard.

Think Lil Kim is gonna give up his nukes? Think again.

Are these talks taking place before or after President Donald Trump posted his tweets? Before or after North Korea competed with South Korea in the Winter Olympics? Before or after then CIA Director secretly met with Kim Jung-un?

Why do you find great success for America and the World so bitter and hateful?
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.
No way! I voted for Trump. Did the big bad man make Kim ill junk go poo-poo? What would have Hilary done if she was dominatrix-in-chief? Submit? Does this remind anyone of the Cuban Missile crisis? Slight echos?
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All it took was being a good negotiator and being strong.

Something other Presidents didn't and couldn't do. Clinton thought he could just buy them off. That dumbass Obama thought he could just ignore them.
Sorry - it won't work and you need a reboot of some sort Trumpbot.
Trump can't even get congress to pay for it -
Donald's big, beautiful, stupid wall ain't gonna happen so purge it from your squirming brain.
That don't WANT it to happen. But it's going to, and of course Mexico will pay for it. And they'll be paying for more than that. All their nastieness and imperialism of our us economy.

They've had it good at our expense, with airhead US presidents letting them get away with it. That is stopping now.
Actually the Wall is a fair comparison, if only in that it demonstrates how, while Dim Dong can find a way to start tearing his down, Rump is all about getting his up. And I understand he's having a few challenges getting it up.

Kind of poetic when Dim Dong has a more productive attitude to walling than Rump does.
Kim has a "more productive attitude to walling" ? :dunno:

There is one major problem with Pogo's posts. They just don't make any sense. None.
All it took was being a good negotiator and being strong.

Something other Presidents didn't and couldn't do. Clinton thought he could just buy them off. That dumbass Obama thought he could just ignore them.
Then we can name it the "Dotard" affect...
Sorry - it won't work and you need a reboot of some sort Trumpbot.
Trump can't even get congress to pay for it -
Donald's big, beautiful, stupid wall ain't gonna happen so purge it from your squirming brain.
That don't WANT it to happen. But it's going to, and of course Mexico will pay for it. And they'll be paying for more than that. All their nastieness and imperialism of our us economy.

They've had it good at our expense, with airhead US presidents letting them get away with it. That is stopping now.
You can thank corporate America for that one...But please go out and purchase a big ticket item today..
All it took was being a good negotiator and being strong.

Something other Presidents didn't and couldn't do. Clinton thought he could just buy them off. That dumbass Obama thought he could just ignore them.
What did the Bushes do?
What did Saint Reagan do?
Gawd, another essay.
7 (I can only stomach one) is total garbage, media are saying he may have something to do with it
You have no idea what the Koreans are thinking
Too much time sucking off your socialist benefits?
There is a life out there you know
Hey bossy Aussie,I forgot to add the economic sanctions against NK that Trump has brought about. They also have played a big part in this new summit atmosphere. But no, we don't all know what the Koreans are exactly thinking. and this isn't the first time they've gotten involved with summits. Actually, it's the third since 2001, but it is the first time we've had a US president with backbone, and that should help a lot.

PS - God is spelled G-o-d, not gawd.
Gawd, another essay.
7 (I can only stomach one) is total garbage, media are saying he may have something to do with it
You have no idea what the Koreans are thinking
Too much time sucking off your socialist benefits?
There is a life out there you know
Hey bossy Aussie,I forgot to add the economic sanctions against NK that Trump has brought about. They also have played a big part in this new summit atmosphere. But no, we don't all know what the Koreans are exactly thinking. and this isn't the first time they've gotten involved with summits. Actually, it's the third since 2001, but it is the first time we've had a US president with backbone, and that should help a lot.

PS - God is spelled G-o-d, not gawd.
Every president for forty years has had economic sanctions on North Korea..

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