Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

Actually it's called "Mantap". Dim Dung blew it up and China's pissed about the fallout. The literal fallout.
That's why that fiasco was followed up by Dim Dung making nicey-nice with the South at the Olympics.

Funny, I saw no mention of Mantap in the OP.
No need to mention it. It's just additional, extra, unecessary information. :biggrin:

It's a direct catalyst. Were your thread genuinely interested in root causes as it pretends to be, Mantap should be at the top of your list.

But of course that's not what you're going for. It never is.
There is no indignity in losing. There is a lot of indignity in whining about it.
Now that this World Wonderful thing has happened, liberals must conjure up some poop so time for another whore or maybe have Mueller investigate Kim
winner!!! big winner !!!!!
along with all the other common sense policies that should've have been done many YEARS ago!!
Actually it's called "Mantap". Dim Dung blew it up and China's pissed about the fallout. The literal fallout.
That's why that fiasco was followed up by Dim Dung making nicey-nice with the South at the Olympics.

Funny, I saw no mention of Mantap in the OP.
No need to mention it. It's just additional, extra, unecessary information. :biggrin:

It's a direct catalyst. Were your thread genuinely interested in root causes as it pretends to be, Mantap should be at the top of your list.

But of course that's not what you're going for. It never is.
There is no indignity in losing. There is a lot of indignity in whining about it.

That's kind of my point.
Yeah North Korea accidentaly deciding it’s ability to pursue nuclear weapons had nothing to do with them stopping their program to pursue nuclear weapons :rolleyes:

Then again, you’re probably stupid enough to still believe Mexico will build us a wall and that Ted Cruz is an illegal immigrant
You mean your stupid enough to think that Mexico can AVOID paying for the wall ? Wow.

Nobody believes there is any way to get Mexico to pay for Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall ....

With the exception of a few isolated Trumptards.
Actually it's called "Mantap". Dim Dung blew it up and China's pissed about the fallout. The literal fallout.
That's why that fiasco was followed up by Dim Dung making nicey-nice with the South at the Olympics.

Funny, I saw no mention of Mantap in the OP.
No need to mention it. It's just additional, extra, unecessary information. :biggrin:

It's a direct catalyst. Were your thread genuinely interested in root causes as it pretends to be, Mantap should be at the top of your list.

But of course that's not what you're going for. It never is.
There is no indignity in losing. There is a lot of indignity in whining about it.

That's kind of my point.
No, that is you. You whine when you lose and you whine when your country succeeds.
what does Trump have to do with it again?

He failed to fuck it up being too busy screeching about Michael Cohen on Fox Noise.

Thanks for keeping him distracted, Fox Noise. Give Steve Douchy a Nobel prize.[/QUOTE]
It's a direct catalyst. Were your thread genuinely interested in root causes as it pretends to be, Mantap should be at the top of your list.

But of course that's not what you're going for. It never is.
Nobody believes there is any way to get Mexico to pay for Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall ....

With the exception of a few isolated Trumptards.
You're lost in the woods. Mexico isn't going to put foward anything. The money will be EXTRACTED from them, by reductions is remittances, foreign aid, trade changes, tariffs, or welfare $ reduction, after the wall is built, and a $ figure (cost) is established. Go back to sleep.
Anybody can declare whatever they want, in however they see it, but here's my assessment of the historic ending of 70 years of hostility between North and South Korea.

1. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced he would set tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the US.

2. The Chinese having a lot of economic leverage over North Korea, induced them to embark on a nuclear missle propaganda campaign against the USA, complete with a series of missle firings, thereby keeping Trump's tariffs at bay, as the US tried to get China pacify North Korea, and stop their missle posturing.

3. Trump, not intimidated, stood up firmly to the North Korean campaign, and announced a step-up of US military readiness regarding North Korea.

4. Then, after months of Chinese uncooperation (of course they instigated the missle campaign), Trump dropped the idea of working with the Chinese and announced the tariffs as new US policy.

5. Almost to the day, North Korea's missle posturing campaign stopped, as China saw it to be no longer useful, with the tariffs already announced.

6. North and South Korea now erasing a 70 year hostile division of the country.

7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.
Gawd, another essay.
7 (I can only stomach one) is total garbage, media are saying he may have something to do with it
You have no idea what the Koreans are thinking
Too much time sucking off your socialist benefits?
There is a life out there you know
You're lost in the woods. Mexico isn't going to put foward anything. The money will be EXTRACTED from them, by reductions is remittances, foreign aid, trade changes, tariffs, or welfare $ reduction, after the wall is built, and a $ figure (cost) is established. Go back to sleep.

Sorry - it won't work and you need a reboot of some sort Trumpbot.
Trump can't even get congress to pay for it -
Donald's big, beautiful, stupid wall ain't gonna happen so purge it from your squirming brain.
Nobody believes there is any way to get Mexico to pay for Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall ....

With the exception of a few isolated Trumptards.
You're lost in the woods. Mexico isn't going to put foward anything. The money will be EXTRACTED from them, by reductions is remittances, foreign aid, trade changes, tariffs, or welfare $ reduction, after the wall is built, and a $ figure (cost) is established. Go back to sleep.
But don the con said they would PAY
You do know more come south than go north?
What are you trying to do? Keep them in and raise the IQ of our native old white farts sucking off SS And medicare benefits?
7. US media, pretending that Trump had no role in this, let alone a major part in making it happen, have downplayed Trump, if they mention him at all.

How can they without given him a Nobel Prize? That would be the ultimate loss of face for them, to see Trump publicly recognized for his leadership! So the Nobel Prize committee, giving Obama a Nobel Prize for doing JACK SHIT goes to show the adamantine liberal bias of the world------ words count for more than actions, so Democrats have long known that all they need to do is SAY the right things, even if they never actually DO any of it.

THE REAL WINNERS are the North Korean people long starving who hopefully should eventually start seeing some economic opportunity. ITMT, Trump continues his campaign of misdirection long used in his business, first misdirecting the media for two years to parley millions of dollars of free advertising in his campaign, misdirecting the Chinese and Kim Jong-Un in getting them to shake apart their own program until it fell apart from within collapsed under its own weight, and for forever misdirecting the Left like a cat with a string so that they are forever consumed with his Tweets and other extraneous things while his hands are busy elsewhere.

I can't wait for the next State Of The Union Address!
No deflections about the Wall Libbies
The world's biggest threat just found religion via Trumps artful benefit selling
We know it's unfamiliar to you guys to deal with someone who gets things done what with your own lack of self sufficiency and hand always out and finger always pointing.
Next up-Ayatollahs Assaholeahs begin to step down and let the very well educated young people run the country
You can stop fretting about Global Warming and start participating in Global Winning via the end of Global Warring
Actually it's called "Mantap". Dim Dung blew it up and China's pissed about the fallout. The literal fallout.
That's why that fiasco was followed up by Dim Dung making nicey-nice with the South at the Olympics.

Funny, I saw no mention of Mantap in the OP.
No need to mention it. It's just additional, extra, unecessary information. :biggrin:

It's a direct catalyst. Were your thread genuinely interested in root causes as it pretends to be, Mantap should be at the top of your list.

But of course that's not what you're going for. It never is.
There is no indignity in losing. There is a lot of indignity in whining about it.

That's kind of my point.
No, that is you. You whine when you lose and you whine when your country succeeds.

Actually I'm not Korean so it's not my country succeeding but I'm elated for them. They've suffered far more than their share owing to the usual cause --- dickheads in charge.

I figured you were referring to the OP. You know, the whine steward.
No deflections about the Wall Libbies

Actually the Wall is a fair comparison, if only in that it demonstrates how, while Dim Dong can find a way to start tearing his down, Rump is all about getting his up. And I understand he's having a few challenges getting it up.

Kind of poetic when Dim Dong has a more productive attitude to walling than Rump does.
But we did warn you.

The world's biggest threat just found religion via Trumps artful benefit selling

Izzat so.

What did Rump do" Tweet Mantap into oblivion and make it look like Dim Dong did it?
Or maybe he set up Dim Dong with a visit from Stormy Daniels?

We know it's unfamiliar to you guys to deal with someone who gets things done what with your own lack of self sufficiency and hand always out and finger always pointing

Yes it is unusual to expect Ding Dong to get things done.. And time will tell, but at least he seems to have turned his back on the comical Department of Propaganda and Agitation rhetoric.

Meanwhile we're still waiting for Rump to do that.

Nevertheless, it must be insanely comical to consider what kind of rhetorical backflips Dim Dong's doing to undo all that bullshit his family has been feeding his people, in lieu of food. Which, speaking of food and the lack thereof, reminds us of what kind of hole a country digs itself into when it pours all its resources into military shit.
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