Trump has Finally Admitted that Russia Meddled in the 2016 Election, So...

How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.”

So Hillary purchased info from source A and B. Well done dems. Well done. You should be saying, Bad Hillary. Bad!

How about all 17 intel agencies, genius? Does an unsophisticated Repug bozo like you now know more than they do?
Lol. Man it is fun watching you turds squirm. All I did was quote the article from Vanity that discussed where Steele got his info. It's not my fault Hillary used the wrong commies.

Nah, it's just your fault for being an idiot, having a careless disregard for facts, and supporting a traitor like Trump. That's all.
Or...Maybe the DNC and Hilldog need to stop rigging primaries and purchasing info from top level intelligence agents that work at the Kremlin.

What did they "rig"?

What did they do that was illegal?
Purchasing info from Russian intelligence agents at the Kremlin, hoping to throw an election, is textbook collusion.

Regarding the primaries, not the least bit surprised you have no idea what happened. Liberals are clueless.
Lol. Man it is fun watching you turds squirm. All I did was quote the article from Vanity that discussed where Steele got his info. It's not my fault Hillary used the wrong commies.

Nah, it's just your fault for being an idiot, having a careless disregard for facts, and supporting a traitor like Trump. That's all.
Or...Maybe the DNC and Hilldog need to stop rigging primaries and purchasing info from top level intelligence agents that work at the Kremlin.

And what does this have to do with Russia helping Trump? You got nothing, lightweight. You suck at this shit.

So, you must know something that even Rosenstein doesn't know as emphatically stated Russia had no affect on the outcome of the election.

Amazing. You are truly an idiot. You simply can't comprehend what I just said. Trump's job as President is to prevent something like this from happening again.
What should we do about Obama's interference in multiple elections around the world?
Lol. Man it is fun watching you turds squirm. All I did was quote the article from Vanity that discussed where Steele got his info. It's not my fault Hillary used the wrong commies.

Nah, it's just your fault for being an idiot, having a careless disregard for facts, and supporting a traitor like Trump. That's all.
Or...Maybe the DNC and Hilldog need to stop rigging primaries and purchasing info from top level intelligence agents that work at the Kremlin.

And what does this have to do with Russia helping Trump? You got nothing, lightweight. You suck at this shit.

So, you must know something that even Rosenstein doesn't know as emphatically stated Russia had no affect on the outcome of the election.

Amazing. You are truly an idiot. You simply can't comprehend what I just said. Trump's job as President is to prevent something like this from happening again.
Trump's job is pissing off losers like you.
How about all 17 intel agencies, genius? Does an unsophisticated Repug bozo like you now know more than they do?
Lol. Man it is fun watching you turds squirm. All I did was quote the article from Vanity that discussed where Steele got his info. It's not my fault Hillary used the wrong commies.

Nah, it's just your fault for being an idiot, having a careless disregard for facts, and supporting a traitor like Trump. That's all.
Or...Maybe the DNC and Hilldog need to stop rigging primaries and purchasing info from top level intelligence agents that work at the Kremlin.

What did they "rig"?

What did they do that was illegal?
Purchasing info from Russian intelligence agents at the Kremlin, hoping to throw an election, is textbook collusion.

Regarding the primaries, not the least bit surprised you have no idea what happened. Liberals are clueless.

Funny. It wasn't purchased from Russian intelligence - it was purchased from an American company (Fusion GPS) who hired a British spy (an ally) to do the research. It's called "opposition research". Not illegal. However, what Trump did was illegal. BTW, there's a big difference between collusion and "criminal" collusion. We all know Trump had collusion with the Russians - but Mueller is investigating whether it was "criminal" collusion.
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Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide
Reuters › article › us-usa-russia-cyber-id...

Jan 8, 2017 · U.S. President-elect Donald Trump (C) exits One World Trade Center following a meeting in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., January 6, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson. Reince Priebus said Trump believed Russia was ...
Trump acknowledges Russian involvement in meddling in U.S. ...
Washington Post › politics › 2017/01/11

January 11, 2017 Email the author. President-elect Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time Wednesday that he believes Russian operatives hacked the Democratic Party during the election, but he continued to dispute intelligence ...
Donald Trump Concedes Russia's Interference in Election - The ...
The New York Times › politics › trumps-...

Jan 11, 2017 · President-elect Donald J. Trump on Wednesday conceded for the first time that Russia had carried out cyberattacks ... TRANSITION BRIEFING. Trump Says 'I Think It Was Russia' That Hacked the Democrats JAN. 11, 2017.

He acknowledged it a loooonnnnnggggg time ago. You just chose not to hear him.

Incorrect, he has said repeatedly that it was "fake news". Trump said that he believed Putin when Putin told him that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election:

Trump says he believes Putin's election meddling denials - CNNPolitics

You hear what you want to hear and believe what you want to believe, like all Trump voters.

And why isn't Trump trying to stop it? That's what you should really be concerned about.

Is that why Trump didn't keep the sanctions on Russia..? Makes you wanna go Hummmm..
What's Trump going to do about it? Is he going to keep whining about how his campaign didn't collude with Russia, or is he going to actually perform his Constitutional responsibility and try to protect this country from Russian interference in the 2018 election?

Do you idiot Trump voters ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump to win? Does that thought ever cross your little minds? You're not even a little curious? Really??? Either Putin has something very damaging or embarrassing on Trump or Trump is just Putin's useful idiot or both.

Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave to see what the Repug Party has become...Russia's band of useful idiots. Trump and the Repug Party are a bunch of traitors to their country. Sadly, so are the vast majority of Repug voters. Repug voters are members of an insane cult....the Trump cult. Their first loyalty is to Trump, not their country.
except trump never said they never meddled at all - he said they were not a part of it, at all.

funny how people hear what they want to hear as long as it supports their pre-existing views.

Wrong, lightweight. Trump stated many times that Russia did not meddle in the election, as this link describes:

Trump says he’s never doubted Russian meddling. Here are the multiple times he has.
You hear what you want to hear. What you agree with, is right. What you don't, wrong.

There is videotape footage from Nov 2017 of Trump saying that he believed Putin and Russia did not meddle in the 2016 election.

Am I really hearing what I want to hear or are you just a shameless fucking Repug imbecile? I think it's the latter.
you're gonna believe what you want. at this point i simply don't care and i'm not following ANYONE so closely via our "media" to give a shit who says what anymore. when the left can collectively lose it as they have the only thing left is chaos. so while you scream and have spittle fly out of your mouth, my apathy to you keeps me warm.
What's Trump going to do about it? Is he going to keep whining about how his campaign didn't collude with Russia, or is he going to actually perform his Constitutional responsibility and try to protect this country from Russian interference in the 2018 election?

Do you idiot Trump voters ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump to win? Does that thought ever cross your little minds? You're not even a little curious? Really??? Either Putin has something very damaging or embarrassing on Trump or Trump is just Putin's useful idiot or both.

Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave to see what the Repug Party has become...Russia's band of useful idiots. Trump and the Repug Party are a bunch of traitors to their country. Sadly, so are the vast majority of Repug voters. Repug voters are members of an insane cult....the Trump cult. Their first loyalty is to Trump, not their country.
except trump never said they never meddled at all - he said they were not a part of it, at all.

funny how people hear what they want to hear as long as it supports their pre-existing views.

Wrong, lightweight. Trump stated many times that Russia did not meddle in the election, as this link describes:

Trump says he’s never doubted Russian meddling. Here are the multiple times he has.
You hear what you want to hear. What you agree with, is right. What you don't, wrong.

There is videotape footage from Nov 2017 of Trump saying that he believed Putin and Russia did not meddle in the 2016 election.

Am I really hearing what I want to hear or are you just a shameless fucking Repug imbecile? I think it's the latter.
you're gonna believe what you want. at this point i simply don't care and i'm not following ANYONE so closely via our "media" to give a shit who says what anymore. when the left can collectively lose it as they have the only thing left is chaos. so while you scream and have spittle fly out of your mouth, my apathy to you keeps me warm.

In other words, you won't admit that you are wrong. You are pathetic and intellectually dishonest. Seriously.
If only this were true...and the nightmare would end...

Nah, it's just your fault for being an idiot, having a careless disregard for facts, and supporting a traitor like Trump. That's all.
Or...Maybe the DNC and Hilldog need to stop rigging primaries and purchasing info from top level intelligence agents that work at the Kremlin.

And what does this have to do with Russia helping Trump? You got nothing, lightweight. You suck at this shit.

So, you must know something that even Rosenstein doesn't know as emphatically stated Russia had no affect on the outcome of the election.

Amazing. You are truly an idiot. You simply can't comprehend what I just said. Trump's job as President is to prevent something like this from happening again.
Trump's job is pissing off losers like you.

Really, Trump being a traitor and pissing me off is really his job??
Or...Maybe the DNC and Hilldog need to stop rigging primaries and purchasing info from top level intelligence agents that work at the Kremlin.

And what does this have to do with Russia helping Trump? You got nothing, lightweight. You suck at this shit.

So, you must know something that even Rosenstein doesn't know as emphatically stated Russia had no affect on the outcome of the election.

Amazing. You are truly an idiot. You simply can't comprehend what I just said. Trump's job as President is to prevent something like this from happening again.
Trump's job is pissing off losers like you.

Really, Trump being a traitor and pissing me off is really his job??
Same one Obama had.
And what does this have to do with Russia helping Trump? You got nothing, lightweight. You suck at this shit.

So, you must know something that even Rosenstein doesn't know as emphatically stated Russia had no affect on the outcome of the election.

Amazing. You are truly an idiot. You simply can't comprehend what I just said. Trump's job as President is to prevent something like this from happening again.
Trump's job is pissing off losers like you.

Really, Trump being a traitor and pissing me off is really his job??
Same one Obama had.

Russia didn't help Obama get elected, dumb ass.
What's Trump going to do about it? Is he going to keep whining about how his campaign didn't collude with Russia, or is he going to actually perform his Constitutional responsibility and try to protect this country from Russian interference in the 2018 election?

Do you idiot Trump voters ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump to win? Does that thought ever cross your little minds? You're not even a little curious? Really??? Either Putin has something very damaging or embarrassing on Trump or Trump is just Putin's useful idiot or both.

Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave to see what the Repug Party has become...Russia's band of useful idiots. Trump and the Repug Party are a bunch of traitors to their country. Sadly, so are the vast majority of Repug voters. Repug voters are members of an insane cult....the Trump cult. Their first loyalty is to Trump, not their country.
Attempted Hack of US Voter Database Traced to IP Address Used by US Government

What's Trump going to do about it? Is he going to keep whining about how his campaign didn't collude with Russia, or is he going to actually perform his Constitutional responsibility and try to protect this country from Russian interference in the 2018 election?

Do you idiot Trump voters ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump to win? Does that thought ever cross your little minds? You're not even a little curious? Really??? Either Putin has something very damaging or embarrassing on Trump or Trump is just Putin's useful idiot or both.

Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave to see what the Repug Party has become...Russia's band of useful idiots. Trump and the Repug Party are a bunch of traitors to their country. Sadly, so are the vast majority of Repug voters. Repug voters are members of an insane cult....the Trump cult. Their first loyalty is to Trump, not their country.

Attempted Hack of US Voter Database Traced to IP Address Used by US Government

From really?
The same site that gives us
Putin Has Weaponized Giant Killer Squids
Even Rosenstein admitted they had no effect on the outcome of the election. So, what would you have Trump do, start a war over basically a non-event?
The investigation isn't over, so how could he, or anybody make such a claim?

BTW, can you post a link where you got this info from? Thanks.

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