Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
So it was a charitable contribution to help distressed porn stars and prostitutes?

It wasn't a charitable contribution anymore than it was a political one.
Well, if it wasn't a charitable contribution and wasn't a political contribution, then you are saying it was payment designed to protect Trump's good reputation and had nothing to do with the fact he was running for president and claiming to be a Christian who read his bible every night.

Well, if it wasn't a charitable contribution and wasn't a political contribution,

Then it didn't violate the campaign laws.
I think you would have a hard time convincing a jury that he paid these women off for any reason other than enhancing his chances of election which certainly makes it a campaign expense. Nobody is going to believe Trump's primary interest was to protect his reputation because his reputation has been that of an adulterer, and a womanizer.
No crime has been proven even in the slightest, yet youre saying that you hope the military changed the presidentially nuclear launch codes. Your position reeks of extreme political bias. Youre hoping for treason for crying out loud! WHAT?!
What form of proof would satisfy you? Trump instigating the 3rd World War?
Extreme political bias? To start with I think there are as many fools in the Democrats as there are in the Republican Party. Maybe a little less dangerous but even that’s debatable.
As to US politics, I’m not a US citizen but an observer of the insane circus of US elections and Government from another country. And no, I’m not in any way a supporter of the Russians (whom your President has been happy to conduct business with over the years) or Chinese or any other dictatorial form of criminal state capitalism . As to ‘hoping for treason’ you should learn not to play amateur psychologist, you’re not very good at it.
Speaking of which here are a few who are much better at it then you are, not that it takes much.

"The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump"

Psychiatrist: Trump Mental Health Urgently Deteriorating

Trump is now dangerous – that makes his mental health a matter of public interest | Bandy Lee

We’re Psychiatrists. It’s Our Duty to Question the President’s Mental State.
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
So it was a charitable contribution to help distressed porn stars and prostitutes?
At least he didn't rape any one and tell them to put ice on the lip he just bit a hole in. And you folks LAPPED UP the lawyerese as "unconscionable." on your watch. Is hush money to prevent a loved one from having a broken heart that kind of unconscionable?

<<<<<< G O N G !!!! >>>>>>>

I just don't think so. Your religious right comment is based on your superior attitude, nothing more. The only difference between religious folk and atheists is a matter of belief in forgiveness from a loving Christ just for asking. Nothing more, except ya have to try harder not to screw up. :)
If you're trying to say, Trump paid hush money to protect Melania from a broken heart, you know nothing about Trump's sordid past. He has had 12 women accuse him of molestation. He was having an affair with Marla while he was married to Ivanka. He hooked with Melania before he was divorced from Marla. And while all this was going on he was a frequently guest on the Howard Stern show discussing his latest conquests, his insatiably sexual appetite, his daughter's ass, and sex with Milania.
I think you would have a hard time convincing a jury that he paid these women off for any reason other than enhancing his chances of election which certainly makes it a campaign expense. Nobody is going to believe Trump's primary interest was to protect his reputation because his reputation has been that of an adulterer, and a womanizer.
True, but remember, President Toadstool has a habit of hiring incompetant legal teams.
If you're trying to say, Trump paid hush money to protect Melana, you know nothing about Trump's sordid past. He has had 12 women of accuse him of molestation. He was having an affair with Marla while he was married to Ivanka. He hooked with Melania before he was divorced from Marla. And while all this was going on he was a frequently guest on the Howard Stern show discussing his latest conquests, his insatiably sexual appetite, his daughter's ass, and sex with Milania.
None of that surprises me or has me foaming at the mouth apart from the endless series of lies coming from President Toadstool. What I find disturbing is how these women could find money such a powerful aphrodisiac they could have it off with him . YUK!
It would seem that the reason for the payments is important.

Cohen’s reason was to influence the election.

President Trump’s reason could have been strictly personal.

They don’t have to have the same reason.

This also seems like something the President could make go away by simply repaying the money to those who coughed up the money.

Reimbursement effectively means he made the payments himself.

Whatever the specific truth is, it’s all just bullshit nonsense by the sore loser left.

How the hell can hush money to mistresses influence an election when everyone already knew he was an adulterer?
In the early months of 2016 Trump was on the primary trail fighting for every vote. In a TV interview he said he was a Christian and he spoke of his early years. He said he didn't get to go to church as much as he wanted to but he kept a bible by his bed that he read every night. Trump was doing his best to make sure he got the votes from the religious right. It was in this environment that he paid hush money to keep his affairs secret. I seriously doubt a jury would be convinced that he paid hush money for any reason other than getting votes.
It would seem that the reason for the payments is important.

Cohen’s reason was to influence the election.

President Trump’s reason could have been strictly personal.

They don’t have to have the same reason.

This also seems like something the President could make go away by simply repaying the money to those who coughed up the money.

Reimbursement effectively means he made the payments himself.

Whatever the specific truth is, it’s all just bullshit nonsense by the sore loser left.

How the hell can hush money to mistresses influence an election when everyone already knew he was an adulterer?
You can't make influencing an election go away after the election is over with reimbursements. Lol! How stupid is that? He influenced the election by hiding the affair through hush money that wasn't his.

Hiding an affair isn’t influencing an election.
Says who, you? Lol!
We already knew that he’s an adulterer and it’s none of your damn business anyway.
It is when it becomes an illegal payment with stolen money to hide an affair and that person is running for president. You bet your sweet ass it's my business. He's using stolen money and not reporting it. That is my business because it's stealing from me. What the hell ails you man?

The public doesn’t have an inherent right to know what someone does in his or her personal life, especially if laws aren’t being broken.
They are being broken with unreported stolen money. I HAVE AN INHERENT RIGHT BEING A TAX PAYER. What is wrong with you ignoramuses?

The only thing that matters in this case is intent.

We know what Cohen’s intent was.

It will be next to impossible to prove 2 President Trump’s intention was anything other than personal.
Lol! You are so lost to the world. The intent was to hide an affair from the voters. My business. The intent was to use stolen money, which he did. My business. The intent was to not report the money. My business. There are no excuses or counter arguments that can be logically and intelligently made to rebut those facts.

Speechless, or still dont' know how to post?

Odd that Clintons affairs were none of our business, but Trumps are.

and it STILL doesn't make the election 'illegal'.
Trump, not the Clintons are the subject of this thread.

The 2016 election was certainly legal but that does not make the actions of Trump and his minions legal.
No crime has been proven even in the slightest, yet youre saying that you hope the military changed the presidentially nuclear launch codes. Your position reeks of extreme political bias. Youre hoping for treason for crying out loud! WHAT?!
What form of proof would satisfy you? Trump instigating the 3rd World War?
Extreme political bias? To start with I think there are as many fools in the Democrats as there are in the Republican Party. Maybe a little less dangerous but even that’s debatable.
As to US politics, I’m not a US citizen but an observer of the insane circus of US elections and Government from another country. And no, I’m not in any way a supporter of the Russians (whom your President has been happy to conduct business with over the years) or Chinese or any other dictatorial form of criminal state capitalism . As to ‘hoping for treason’ you should learn not to play amateur psychologist, you’re not very good at it.
Speaking of which here are a few who are much better at it then you are, not that it takes much.

"The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump"

Psychiatrist: Trump Mental Health Urgently Deteriorating

Trump is now dangerous – that makes his mental health a matter of public interest | Bandy Lee

We’re Psychiatrists. It’s Our Duty to Question the President’s Mental State.
I see no "3rd world war", and political bias is not a good reason to impeach a president because, if it was, every president would be impeached.

I dont know what country you come from, but here in the US you need to prove someone did something wrong before you can punish him. I find it odd that i even need to type those words.
It would seem that the reason for the payments is important.

Cohen’s reason was to influence the election.

President Trump’s reason could have been strictly personal.

They don’t have to have the same reason.

This also seems like something the President could make go away by simply repaying the money to those who coughed up the money.

Reimbursement effectively means he made the payments himself.

Whatever the specific truth is, it’s all just bullshit nonsense by the sore loser left.

How the hell can hush money to mistresses influence an election when everyone already knew he was an adulterer?
In the early months of 2016 Trump was on the primary trail fighting for every vote. In a TV interview he said he was a Christian and he spoke of his early years. He said he didn't get to go to church as much as he wanted to but he kept a bible by his bed that he read every night. Trump was doing his best to make sure he got the votes from the religious right. It was in this environment that he paid hush money to keep his affairs secret. I seriously doubt a jury would be convinced that he paid hush money for any reason other than getting votes.
Maybe the White House was his road to redemption from past errors, Mr. Flopper. He now knows he has to behave himself and make amends to his wife Melania. He may like what he finds on the side of humility and fidelity that he has been through and adopt it as his future. Seems to me he has a pretty good start now that he's in the fishbowl of the Executive Branch. Even the prodigal son was welcomed home, after all, and his life was as bad as it gets from the description rendered in the good book.
Anerica has the opportunity to make a comeback. I'm pretty sure President Trump just wants to do his part. Of course, the ninnyhammers in the press do not want good to come about, but it's been that way since he received the Republican nomination. Our nation became strong by exercising discipline in the changing of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch transitions from time to time, and since Federal Judge Bork lost his chance at the Supreme court, even the Justice Department nominees have become political targets.

We need to work harder on peaceful transitions. It would be easier if we went back to the discipline the press used to have of giving elected people a year to see what they come up with before starting in with the hatchet jobs. Also, I understand there have been political ladies men around from Colonial times, but back then, private lives pretty much were left private because people cared that political wives didn't have to be shamed with too much information. Political winners seem to be on a lot of aggressive womens' targets, and some men are weak to that appeal, some remain loyal to their wives. I know it seems idealistic, but I loved Jimmy Durante's song back when for a disciplined trait I admire in hetero men:

Oh, yest, and an edit:

I see no "3rd world war", and political bias is not a good reason to impeach a president because, if it was, every president would be impeached.

I dont know what country you come from, but here in the US you need to prove someone did something wrong before you can punish him. I find it odd that i even need to type those words.
There’s not much point in having a discussion with anyone who reads into other’s posts content that isn’t there. I find it odd that you bother to type anything, ever.
It would seem that the reason for the payments is important.

Cohen’s reason was to influence the election.

President Trump’s reason could have been strictly personal.

They don’t have to have the same reason.

This also seems like something the President could make go away by simply repaying the money to those who coughed up the money.

Reimbursement effectively means he made the payments himself.

Whatever the specific truth is, it’s all just bullshit nonsense by the sore loser left.

How the hell can hush money to mistresses influence an election when everyone already knew he was an adulterer?
You can't make influencing an election go away after the election is over with reimbursements. Lol! How stupid is that? He influenced the election by hiding the affair through hush money that wasn't his.

Hiding an affair isn’t influencing an election.
Says who, you? Lol!
We already knew that he’s an adulterer and it’s none of your damn business anyway.
It is when it becomes an illegal payment with stolen money to hide an affair and that person is running for president. You bet your sweet ass it's my business. He's using stolen money and not reporting it. That is my business because it's stealing from me. What the hell ails you man?

The public doesn’t have an inherent right to know what someone does in his or her personal life, especially if laws aren’t being broken.
They are being broken with unreported stolen money. I HAVE AN INHERENT RIGHT BEING A TAX PAYER. What is wrong with you ignoramuses?

The only thing that matters in this case is intent.

We know what Cohen’s intent was.

It will be next to impossible to prove 2 President Trump’s intention was anything other than personal.
Lol! You are so lost to the world. The intent was to hide an affair from the voters. My business. The intent was to use stolen money, which he did. My business. The intent was to not report the money. My business. There are no excuses or counter arguments that can be logically and intelligently made to rebut those facts.

Speechless, or still dont' know how to post?

Odd that Clintons affairs were none of our business, but Trumps are.

and it STILL doesn't make the election 'illegal'.
Trump, not the Clintons are the subject of this thread.

The 2016 election was certainly legal but that does not make the actions of Trump and his minions legal.
You're right in that it's easy to get sidetracked when office holders from either side of the aisle go astray, and the differing way in which we view one on the opposite side of the continuum between spend all and save all. Most of us are nearer to the center than we realize, and sometimes, not.

So far the minions on the Trump side have taken the heat, but the common drumbeat that never seems to come to fruition is proof positive that Trump pandered to a hostile government. I do not view foreign relations in a way that makes a candidate for President have to shun talking to foreign leaders in order to show clean hands. Candidates in years past have had free access into discussing issues with foreign governments. Now, the press is so paranoid that if there isn't out-and-out wrong doing, the press claims there is if it is someone they dislike (doesn't bribe), and if it's someone they like (pays them) it slips their notice. You may think I'm lost to the world, but I prefer positive or humorous views of the garbage in garbage out tradeoffs peculiar to political speak.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
So it was a charitable contribution to help distressed porn stars and prostitutes?

It wasn't a charitable contribution anymore than it was a political one.
Well, if it wasn't a charitable contribution and wasn't a political contribution, then you are saying it was payment designed to protect Trump's good reputation and had nothing to do with the fact he was running for president and claiming to be a Christian who read his bible every night.

Well, if it wasn't a charitable contribution and wasn't a political contribution,

Then it didn't violate the campaign laws.
I think you would have a hard time convincing a jury that he paid these women off for any reason other than enhancing his chances of election which certainly makes it a campaign expense. Nobody is going to believe Trump's primary interest was to protect his reputation because his reputation has been that of an adulterer, and a womanizer.

I think you would have a hard time convincing a jury that he paid these women off for any reason other than enhancing his chances of election which certainly makes it a campaign expense.

There are plenty of things that candidates do to "enhance their chances" which aren't campaign expenses.

Nobody is going to believe Trump's primary interest was to protect his reputation

So what?
Look, everyone knew what they were getting when wanting a businessman to come in and get the economy back on track. He has done it, and is doing it to the embarrassment of the establishment. So to soothe the butt hurt of the opposition or embarrassed, they are attempting to use his being a huge success as a business man, his past as a business man, his celeb status in Hollyweird etc as a way to try and make something out of it all, and to make something stick.

So the people have to decide, are they going to support the results Trump has given to them as a President or are they going to let the butt hurt opposition party attempt to take him down no matter how much better the economy and security has gotten under this President in which they (the voters) had chosen to do that very thing ???

It's pure hyperbole and speculation on the opposition's part in suggesting that Trump alledgedly paid Stormy off to keep the opposition from using her to try and stop his chances of being President.

The opposition fueling these attacks on Trump outside of the positive job he is doing for the country as was expected, makes them a part of the deep state who is aiding and abedding the likes of those who have been super active in attempting to blackmail this President over his past in which has nothing to do with his current business of being the chosen President of this nation.

Now if anyone has something on Trump relating to his job at hand, then bring it, but the desperation to try and bring the man down for a past the country already knew about or because of past sexual encounters he might have had as a billionaire business man is as stupid or ridiculous as it gets.

After reading alot of the exchanges here, I can see that most of the case against Trump is pure speculation of his intentions in which there is absolutely no way that it can be proven what his intentions were other than him being in a NDA that Stormy decided to break under pressure by those who were out to stop Trump from becoming President for far greater reasons than it was over a porn star etc.

The porn star thing or anything like it was just to try and weaken Trump down by way of a million paper cuts until they bring him down is their hopes.

They hate the fact that Trump included regular Americans into his campaign because they hate blue-collar America other than what they can steal from them. America was fed up, and they will vote Trump in for a second term.
Last edited:
I see no "3rd world war", and political bias is not a good reason to impeach a president because, if it was, every president would be impeached.

I dont know what country you come from, but here in the US you need to prove someone did something wrong before you can punish him. I find it odd that i even need to type those words.
There’s not much point in having a discussion with anyone who reads into other’s posts content that isn’t there. I find it odd that you bother to type anything, ever.
This is your quote, right?

"Personally I don’t care what happens to Trump so long as the military have used common sense and given him the wrong codes for the red button."

Without proving trump has done anything wrong, you want a military coup. You said it, so now you have to deal with the embarrassment of your folly. Dont say stupid shit if you dont want to be called out on it.
It would seem that the reason for the payments is important.

Cohen’s reason was to influence the election.

President Trump’s reason could have been strictly personal.

They don’t have to have the same reason.

This also seems like something the President could make go away by simply repaying the money to those who coughed up the money.

Reimbursement effectively means he made the payments himself.

Whatever the specific truth is, it’s all just bullshit nonsense by the sore loser left.

How the hell can hush money to mistresses influence an election when everyone already knew he was an adulterer?
In the early months of 2016 Trump was on the primary trail fighting for every vote. In a TV interview he said he was a Christian and he spoke of his early years. He said he didn't get to go to church as much as he wanted to but he kept a bible by his bed that he read every night. Trump was doing his best to make sure he got the votes from the religious right. It was in this environment that he paid hush money to keep his affairs secret. I seriously doubt a jury would be convinced that he paid hush money for any reason other than getting votes.
Pure speculation.
Stormy in a teacup — campaign finance case against Trump is laughably weak

washingtonexaminer ^ | 12/10/2108

the grounds for saying Trump broke a law are laughably flimsy.

The argument is that since the hush money was paid to “influence” the election, it was a campaign expenditure. But by that logic, every dime Chris Christie spent to lose weight before his 2016 run — the diet books, the StairMaster, the bariatric surgery — was a campaign expenditure. If Christie bought a SlimFast shake with his personal money, was he a felon?

Former Federal Election Commissioner Bradley Smith posited another hypothetical: “If a business owner ran for political office and decided to pay bonuses to his employees in the hope that he would get good press and boost his stock as a candidate, would that be a campaign expenditure, payable from campaign funds?”

If a candidate who normally gets a $12 haircut shells out $40 for a better cut, is he a criminal for paying out of his own pocket even though the idea is to look sharp in front of news cameras? If a candidate pays a contested past-due personal bill only to make the headache go away before the debates begin, is he legally required to pay out of his campaign coffers?

Paying such expenses out of campaign funds would probably be unethical and possibly be illegal. If you're damned if you don't and damned if you do, then it's a pretty good sign that either the law is an ass or someone is not reading it honestly.

Cohen pleaded guilty to this campaign finance violation to avoid prison time for more serious tax evasion issues. Just because he pleads guilty doesn’t make Trump a criminal.

Some advice for Trump........ Just stick with the business of the people, and run the country as the top chief executive officer. Quit being led into these petty traps being set for you, enjoy your Christmas with your family, and hey we know you aren't perfect, and no one expects that, but just stick with running the country in a positive way. Remember that you are the one that wanted to bring back the positive things you remembered as a child growing up in America, things like not being ashamed of Christmas, and celebrating it for the very reasons that it stands for in the face of your opposition. A great economy and security throughout as you once remembered, a powerful American military as you remembered, a great industrial base as you remembered, and the recognition of those who are against these things, and want to destroy you because of your open positions taken on these things.

You are in a once in a lifetime position in life, and that position is to do great positive things for your country, country men, and women. Quit getting drug down into the gutter with the gutter politics being played against you. Rise above it all, and become the better man, and honor the position that has been bestowed upon you.
Nope, I clicked on it and it took me to a page which contained no posts by you. In fact, your link took me to page #58 which is posts 571-580.

Are you blind, your post here is number 1255, on page 63.

My post #1243 is on page 58.

You have a problem since I can still reach post 1243 on page 58. I wonder if you are lying to me to avoid reading the filed MEMO that doesn't have the name of Trump anywhere in it.

Here is again straight from the MEMO website itself:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo
Ah, ok, I see what the problem here is.... you must be a conservative, i.e., dumb as shit.

In regards to your first link, page 58 for you goes to different posts for me on page 58 because we must have different settings for the number of posts per page.

In regards to your next link, which goes directly to the court filing, you actually (and idiotically) claim it doesn’t mention trump at all. But you’re clearly brain-dead to assert such nonsense. It actually refers to him 23 times. Here’s an example...

During the campaign, Cohen played a central role in two similar schemes to purchase the rights to stories – each from women who claimed to have had an affair with Individual-1 – so as to suppress the stories and thereby prevent them from influencing the election. With respect to both payments, Cohen acted with the intent to influence the 2016 presidential election. Cohen coordinated his actions with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments. In particular, and as Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1. As a result of Cohen's actions, neither woman spoke to the press prior to the election."

The memo says the "principal purpose" of an agreement with "Woman-1" was to "prevent [her] story from influencing the election."

"After the election, Cohen sought reimbursement for election-related expenses, including the $130,000 payment he had made to Woman-2."

Where is the word TRUMP in that paragraph you quoted?


by the way I am Independent, you assumed wrong.
I said “conservative,” not Republican.

And dumbfuck, trump is referred to as “Individual-1” in that document.

Which leads to one of only two possibilities here.

Either 1), you’re as dumb as can be to not know Individual-1 is trump. Shit, even searching your conservative treehouse link for “trump” turns up, “Individual-1” is Trump; or 2)

You’re so dumb, you thought you could dishonestly fool the forum into believing trump isn’t mentioned at all in that document.

Either way, it doesn’t bode well for you.

Wow, you are a nasty person, which means a leftist democrat is what you are.

I didn't realize the word Trump is spelled Individual-1, what grade school did you graduate from?

Meanwhile you have NOT once showed that the MEMO claims Trump did anything illegal, how come that reality zooms over your head?
I may be nasty, but I can be nice when I want to be. You’re an idiot and you’re stuck with that for life. Want proof? Only an idiot would attempt your argument that Trump wasn’t mentioned in that court document. :cuckoo:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re looking at the wrong link. Actually, it’s you who’s making up his own definitions. No worries. As usual, it takes a Liberal to educate a conservative...

Endorsing candidates

Disbursements for endorsements made to the general public are not contributions or expenditures as long as the endorsement is not coordinated with any candidate, candidate committee or its agents; and disbursements for any press release or press conference are de minimis.

You left out an important part, moron.

Endorsing a candidate to the general public
A corporation or labor organization may endorse a candidate and may communicate the endorsement to the general public. The corporation or labor organization may communicate with candidates for the purpose of deciding which, if any, candidate to endorse. For example, the corporation or labor organization may discuss issues with the candidate in determining whether or not to make an endorsement. However, the corporation or labor organization may not coordinate the announcement of its public endorsement with any candidate, candidate committee or its agents without the endorsement resulting in a contribution or expenditure.

Disbursements for endorsements made to the general public are not contributions or expenditures as long as the endorsement is not coordinated with any candidate, candidate committee or its agents; and disbursements for any press release or press conference are de minimis. (Disbursements are considered de minimis if the press release and notice of press conference are distributed only to the organization’s usual media contacts when issuing non-political press releases or holding press conferences for other purposes.)

Sanders isn't a corporation or a labor organization.
He’s a member of one ... the DNC. Members of the DNC can certainly endorse fellow members without violating campaign finance laws.

Members of the DNC can certainly endorse fellow members without violating campaign finance laws.

You're the one who said a benefit to a campaign is a contribution.
She received a benefit, arguably one worth millions.
And I showed you where the FEC exempts endorsements. Time for you to realize you made up a stupid excuse in lieu of sound reasoning, lick your wounds and move on.

And I showed you where the FEC exempts endorsements.

Unions and corporations. You didn't show individual endorsements are exempt.
And if a benefit is exempt that means your previous claim, "a benefit is a reportable contribution"
was wrong.
Of course I did. Your denial is a lie. Bernie was a member of the DNC, which can endorse its own candidates. If the parties can’t enforce their own candidates without reporting that as campaign contributions to the FEC, as you idiotically claim, then show where trump reported his contributions from such party endorsements.....

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