Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

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Trump was wise enough to get the men on his side.

Trump scolded women who gave their interests to stars and not real heroes the military and the vets

Trump has the power. And he knows that is America's last chance.

Yes. Trump may well do that

Trump will do as president Andrew Jackson did and bring back the laws that the founders had
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
Hell, maybe Trump shouldn't have paid the slut off, then she could have come out and he would have won by a landslide.

Clinton was awarded for having sex with someone half his age

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?
Except he has not been so found to have committed crimes regardless of what the op says.

The op is a proven liar and idiotic fool.

Notice that the link is about Cohen not trump.

As usual the op is talking shit which his own link debunks.
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?

I don't think you know what implicated means and certainly must realize Trump has never been tried for these supposed crimes

It's freaking WAPO

I don't think you know what implicated means and certainly must realize Trump has never been tried for these supposed crimes

It's freaking WAPO

t's the weekly we got him now, BS....another nothing burger,

We're only in the NAME THE CRIMES phase! Hang in there, so many crimes to go!
Trump will implicate the crooked media and democrats as traitors and start the trials. Who will stop trump since he has the men on his side?
Trump was wise enough to get the men on his side.

Trump scolded women who gave their interests to stars and not real heroes the military and the vets

Trump has the power. And he knows that is America's last chance.

Yes. Trump may well do that

Trump will do as president Andrew Jackson did and bring back the laws that the founders had
The founders never created an amendment to protect criminals who hold the highest office. Try again.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.
Why does your headline reverse who reached out to whom? Are you a dishonest libtard?

Cohen, TRUMPS LAWYER, reached out at TRUMPS INSTRUCTION. RUSSIA REACHED BACK. It is neither dishonest OR hard to understand!
Nope! Libtard! Dude. What does your little red headline say? Ewe know moron. The effen link? Wut dew it say?
Are you having a stroke?
That guy is a total retard.
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?

I don't think you know what implicated means and certainly must realize Trump has never been tried for these supposed crimes

It's freaking WAPO

I don't think you know what implicated means and certainly must realize Trump has never been tried for these supposed crimes

It's freaking WAPO

t's the weekly we got him now, BS....another nothing burger,

We're only in the NAME THE CRIMES phase! Hang in there, so many crimes to go!
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.

He's not going anywhere....take that to the bank, kid
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.
We are fine as a nation and he has done nothing to merit removal.

You will live with him as president for years

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