Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Trump was wise enough to get the men on his side.

Trump scolded women who gave their interests to stars and not real heroes the military and the vets

Trump has the power. And he knows that is America's last chance.

Yes. Trump may well do that

Trump will do as president Andrew Jackson did and bring back the laws that the founders had
The founders never created an amendment to protect criminals who hold the highest office. Try again.

Andrew Jackson was protected to stop the Supreme Court. Why. He had the MEN
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
Conspiracy not to do a deal in Russia
Is this IT!!?
Lol! Being a felon isn't enough? Damn, these Sheep have zero ability to think for themselves.
Doesn't rise to the level. haha
You know zero about the law. Get lost.

You know zero about politics..

The law keeps politics in check. Next!

Wrong. Might makes right and the laws. Just like Andrew jackson
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?

this stupid fuck troll never looks at the facts.
What facts do you have that Trump committed a felony? Retard! :laugh:

Cohen has plead guilty to a campaign finance felony, and admitted he committed that felony at the direction of the president.
Drumpf claimed he never knew about the payment. You are being led by a liar and carnival barker
And Bill Clinton said he never had sex with attempt to save his marriage...I didn't hear you bellyaching back then....its his personal life...remember?....Trump wasn't even president when he met Stormy...but slick boy was when he shoved a cigar up Monica...
So are you saying tRump is lying when he says he never had sex with Putin?
One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.
We are fine as a nation and he has done nothing to merit removal.

You will live with him as president for years
The survival of this Republic, the Constitution/rule of law depend on his removal.
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.
Really? Please give some examples

Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.
I think the Republic died when FDR locked up innocent Japanese Americans with impunity,.

Now they say he was one of our greatest Presidents.

Again, no crimes committed here

Just amazing, isn't it?
How many wars have been won against the white men??

The side that they are on will always win as history shows
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Trump is a felon. Lol! You live in an alternate universe chief.

Yeah but so are the clintons,Obama and Bush jr same as his father was.THEY are far worse criminals than trump which is WHY nothing will come of this.

"But Hillary" won't work this time.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

The Department of Justice Calls Donald Trump a Felon
By Jonathan Chait@jonathanchait

President Trump. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Federal prosecutors released sentencing recommendations for two alleged criminals who worked closely with Donald Trump: his lawyer MichaelCohen, and campaign manager Paul Manafort. They are filled with damning details. But the most important passage by far is this, about Trump’s fixer: “Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1.”

The payments in question, as the document explains, concern a payoff to two women who claimed to have affairs with Trump. The payments, according to prosecutors, were intended to influence the campaign, and thereby constituted violations of campaign finance law. They have not formally charged Trump with this crime — it is a sentencing report for Cohen, not Trump — but this is the U.S. Department of Justice calling Trump a criminal.

There is more. Under normal circumstances, the long list of charges federal prosecutors cited against Michael Cohen would be a political catastrophe for President Trump. One of the president’s closest associates turns out to have allegedly committed a long string of crimes, from tax evasion to making false statements to a financial institution, that would besmirch the good name of the man who worked at his side for years.

Of course Trump has no good name. But the fact that he is being called a felon by the United States government is a historic step. And it is likely the first of more to come.

Just as a recent sentencing report indicated that Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn is cooperating substantially, prosecutors wrote today that Cohen is providing helpful information on other crimes. Cohen reportedly gave the special counsel “useful information concerning certain discrete Russia-related matters core to its investigation that he obtained by virtue of his regular contact with Company executives during them.” And this contact continued into 2018. Cohen was not locked out and probably has access to some secrets.

recommendation for Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, contains very little detail that isn’t redacted. It describes Manafort as having lied repeatedly about his interactions with Konstantin Kilimnik, his business partner and Russian intelligence asset, and with the Trump administration. Trump has dismissed Manafort as a distant underling who worked for him only briefly, but the filing states Manafort’s contact with the administration continued into 2018. This does not prove anything, but it suggests Manafort’s guilt implicated people other than Manafort himself.

The special counsel sentencing recommendation for Cohen also reveals that Russian contact with the Trump campaign began as early as 2015, not the following spring. And Russians promised “political synergy” — which is essentially a synonym for campaign collusion — and “synergy on a government level.” That means a quid pro quo in which Russia would help Trump win the election and Trump, if elected, would give Russia favorable policy. This is the heart of Mueller’s very much ongoing investigation.

inRead invented by Teads
In the meantime, Trump’s own government has described him as a crook.


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The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.
We are fine as a nation and he has done nothing to merit removal.

You will live with him as president for years
The survival of this Republic, the Constitution/rule of law depend on his removal.
Sorry horseshit.

We as a nation are doing good and he is no threat

Salute your president
Thanks- Was it Russian Collusion?

One crime at the time. They are implicating Trump and Cohen in early 2015 for conspiracy to certain Russia related matters. Trump organization ties to Russia for Trump Tower project and for helping Trump get elected.
The people elected Trump. Russian meme trolls had zero impact.

Not according to the evidence.
You don't get it, do you?

Those that hate Trump only want him gone. They really don't care about how that happens.

Those that like him want him to stay, even if he is a little dirty the Swamp is far more foul than he.

I hope they do impeach him. The poo will really hit the fan then
He has to go. The survival of this Republic depends on it.

Why what did he do except piss in your Cheerios?


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