Trump has slight lead in 2 swing states

I'm still trying to get an answer from Trump supporters. What is Trump going to do about the two biggest questions effecting them today; low wages and the economy?
Bring jobs back to America. Good paying industrial jobs from China and Mexico.
Better luck in 2024, Libturds...

I'm sure many of you will be leaving the U.S. following President Trump's inauguration, so allow me to take this opportunity to bid you a bon voyage!

Swing-state stunner: Trump has edge in key states
I'm still trying to get an answer from Trump supporters. What is Trump going to do about the two biggest questions effecting them today; low wages and the economy?
Bring jobs back to America. Good paying industrial jobs from China and Mexico.

Those 'good paying' jobs are currently paying .50 cents per hour. How is Trump going to convince companies to pay their employees more?
LOL I remember this same empty braggadocio with McCain and Romney. The Romney landslide was amazing huh. LOL Face it folks the only segment of the population Trump is winning is uneducated while males. Are you in that group SeniorChief_Polock?

PS Congress is useless and in the pockets of Wall Street who also dislike Trump, for what's that worth.

Hillary will be our next president.
They keep talking about Nate Silver like he's the election oracle, but he's been wrong a total of 8 times in his predictions about the Trump ascendency. He's nothing more than a casino rat whose winning streak has ended.
LOL I remember this same empty braggadocio with McCain and Romney.

Yeah - but McCain was a fucking loser from Day 1 - especially after picking that idiot Palin, and Romney is a goddamned crybaby. I don't know where you're getting your historical statistics, but I would recommend you pull your head out of your ass and bend over. Trump's going to assfuck Hillary and turds like you on election day and you're too stupid - still - to realize you're fucking with Donald Trump, not some idiot like McCain or Romney.

Yeah, Trump 2016 bitch.

Better luck in 2024
I'm still trying to get an answer from Trump supporters. What is Trump going to do about the two biggest questions effecting them today; low wages and the economy?
Bring jobs back to America. Good paying industrial jobs from China and Mexico.

Those 'good paying' jobs are currently paying .50 cents per hour. How is Trump going to convince companies to pay their employees more?
When he puts a tariff on them to off set currency manipulation and stop dumping of foreign goods into U.S. market. How much industrial goods does U.S. Sell in China? None. Slants put a tariff on everything from foreign country and steal copyrights.
LOL I remember this same empty braggadocio with McCain and Romney.

Yeah - but McCain was a fucking loser from Day 1 - especially after picking that idiot Palin, and Romney is a goddamned crybaby. I don't know where you're getting your historical statistics, but I would recommend you pull your head out of your ass and bend over. Trump's going to assfuck Hillary and turds like you on election day and you're too stupid - still - to realize you're fucking with Donald Trump, not some idiot like McCain or Romney.

Yeah, Trump 2016 bitch.

Better luck in 2024
Democrats are voting Trump.
LOL I remember this same empty braggadocio with McCain and Romney.

Yeah - but McCain was a fucking loser from Day 1 - especially after picking that idiot Palin, and Romney is a goddamned crybaby. I don't know where you're getting your historical statistics, but I would recommend you pull your head out of your ass and bend over. Trump's going to assfuck Hillary and turds like you on election day and you're too stupid - still - to realize you're fucking with Donald Trump, not some idiot like McCain or Romney.

Yeah, Trump 2016 bitch.

Better luck in 2024

Did McCain pick Palin or was she picked for him?

The rich don't want a Republican in the White House. 'W' was such a miserable failure.
LOL I remember this same empty braggadocio with McCain and Romney.

Yeah - but McCain was a fucking loser from Day 1 - especially after picking that idiot Palin, and Romney is a goddamned crybaby. I don't know where you're getting your historical statistics, but I would recommend you pull your head out of your ass and bend over. Trump's going to assfuck Hillary and turds like you on election day and you're too stupid - still - to realize you're fucking with Donald Trump, not some idiot like McCain or Romney.

Yeah, Trump 2016 bitch.

Better luck in 2024
Palin is not an idiot. She is a successful author and a former governor.

Where do you peeps get off mimicing the Marxist media with their lies about Palin?

Palin is ten times smarter than 99% of Dimbocrats.
The rich don't want a Republican in the White House.

Damned straight. We want TRUMP in the White House. He's promised to GUT the RNC, as well as 3/4s of the miserably failing government agencies. Maybe you'll finally have your food stamps suspended and you'll have to find a fucking job.
Good luck with that.

Trump '16
Oh, wow. If ever you needed proof the rubes never learn...

It's deja vu all over again:

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords


Just How Bad Was It?
If you ever need proof that some pleabs never grow up just look at these losers who can't wait to say nanananabooboo......

If it weren't for loser trolls this site would be DEAD

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