Trump has slight lead in 2 swing states

Wow. Someone referred to Trump as the law-and-order candidate. :rolleyes:

This is of course the same Trump that steals peoples land, has multiple rape allegations against him, and is being sued by several states for his objectively fraudulent "university," and says that we should go back to medieval torture methods.
This is of course the same Trump that steals peoples land, has multiple rape allegations against him, and is being sued by several states for his objectively fraudulent "university," and says that we should go back to medieval torture methods.
Lol, yeah, run with that pack of lies, idiot.

Trump did not steal anyone's land, he was trying to get an imminent domain seizure, but he lost in court and let it go at that, and the target would be very wealthy had she agreed, so it was never a theft. No FBI director ever had to claim that though there was evidence to convict Trump of serious crime, he couldnt prove intent, so, 'oh well, we just gotta let it go.'

There is no one claiming Trump raped them, unlike Bill Clintons multiple rapes and sexual harassment cases that Hillary 'contained' via unknown threats and bribes, while posing as a Crusader against Rape, lol.

And of course Dimbocrat Attorneys General, in what states still let them have a majority, are going after Trump with frivolous law suits and using their network of political machines to do it, the same kind of political machines that run Chicago and Detroit into the dirt this very day, with high murder rates, unemployment and misery.

And water boarding is not torture, no matter how many libtards like yourself get your panties in a wad over the thought of discomforting a terrorist and piss yourself.

I'll take Donald Trump with all his faults over that criminal, 'The Law Cant Touch Me', Sold Out, Political Professional Whore, Her Highness Hillary Rodham of the Royal House Clinton any damned day of the week, shit4brains.

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