Trump has until tomorrow to implement Russia sanctions ordered by Congress

Oh my, here is PC protecting her favorite Commie. LOL What hypocritical bitch she is. Calling everyone else commie, then jumping to the defense of the traitors sucking Putin's dick.
Oh my, here is PC protecting her favorite Commie. LOL What hypocritical bitch she is. Calling everyone else commie, then jumping to the defense of the traitors sucking Putin's dick.

Gutter language is a well-known trait of one who recognizes that they've lost the argument. Defaulting to vulgarity proves that your thoughts are no more articulated on this subject than on any other.: a second-rater with a third grader's vocabulary.

Here...let's prove it together.

This post, the facts, will leave you speechless.

From FDR on, Democrats and Russians/communists have been joined at the hip.

The Kremlin
a. produced an anti-Trump dossier aimed at sinking his candidacy
b. Putin bribed Hillary per the uranium deal
c. The Kremlin paid (Bill) Clinton speeches that fetched $500,000 or more,
d. The Podestas were given $millions by Russians
e. Suddenly, the dumbest among the Russians are in favor of Trump

Can you really be this stupid????
Do you have to work at it???

"...the media narrative is collapsing with new facts showing the misbehavior of certain FBI officials. Besides not showing any collusion, we can now look back to see “inappropriate” briefings by intelligence officials of the Congress using this discredited information.

... the use of the dossier to obtain surveillance on Trump administration officials a “scandal of epic proportions.” In addition, America is also learning of the post-election whisper campaign to delegitimize President Donald Trump."
If The Classified Memo Is Released, Here’s What It Might Show
Now the year I was born, we, and the Russians, were engaged in a life and death struggle with Nazi Germany, and the Empire of Japan. Today, we have a nation, Russia, that is trying to destroy our influence, and an administration that is bent on helping them do that. We have a powerful economic rival in China that is doing big things that will make it the dominant economic power in a decade. We have what was once our ally, but the present admin is doing it's best to create an adversary, the EU, that is also and economic powerhouse.

And, in this critical time, we have people like you that live in the past, with no dreams for the future, that admire tyrants, and would have one for our nation if you got your way. Go back to where ever you came from, we don't need your kind here. A hard working Mexican would make a better citizen for this nation.
Now the year I was born, we, and the Russians, were engaged in a life and death struggle with Nazi Germany, and the Empire of Japan. Today, we have a nation, Russia, that is trying to destroy our influence, and an administration that is bent on helping them do that. We have a powerful economic rival in China that is doing big things that will make it the dominant economic power in a decade. We have what was once our ally, but the present admin is doing it's best to create an adversary, the EU, that is also and economic powerhouse.

And, in this critical time, we have people like you that live in the past, with no dreams for the future, that admire tyrants, and would have one for our nation if you got your way. Go back to where ever you came from, we don't need your kind here. A hard working Mexican would make a better citizen for this nation.

Shuckin' and jivin'????

This was the post that left you speechless:

From FDR on, Democrats and Russians/communists have been joined at the hip.

The Kremlin
a. produced an anti-Trump dossier aimed at sinking his candidacy
b. Putin bribed Hillary per the uranium deal
c. The Kremlin paid (Bill) Clinton speeches that fetched $500,000 or more,
d. The Podestas were given $millions by Russians
e. Suddenly, the dumbest among the Russians are in favor of Trump

Can you really be this stupid????
Do you have to work at it???

"...the media narrative is collapsing with new facts showing the misbehavior of certain FBI officials. Besides not showing any collusion, we can now look back to see “inappropriate” briefings by intelligence officials of the Congress using this discredited information.

... the use of the dossier to obtain surveillance on Trump administration officials a “scandal of epic proportions.” In addition, America is also learning of the post-election whisper campaign to delegitimize President Donald Trump."
If The Classified Memo Is Released, Here’s What It Might Show've proven that everything in my post is 100% correct and accurate. can retreat to your closet.
What it might show? Fucking asshole words. What it might show, and probably will show, is that the FBI properly had surveillance on people in the Trump admin that were and have been improperly contacting Russian intel agents. Which is what the FBI is supposed to do. And those contacts are against the law, and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And then when President Pence stands for election in 2020, the voters will be reminded that the 'Conservatives' represent treason to this nation.
What it might show? Fucking asshole words. What it might show, and probably will show, is that the FBI properly had surveillance on people in the Trump admin that were and have been improperly contacting Russian intel agents. Which is what the FBI is supposed to do. And those contacts are against the law, and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And then when President Pence stands for election in 2020, the voters will be reminded that the 'Conservatives' represent treason to this nation.

What it might show? Fucking asshole words. What it might show, and probably will show, is that the FBI properly had surveillance on people in the Trump admin that were and have been improperly contacting Russian intel agents. Which is what the FBI is supposed to do. And those contacts are against the law, and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And then when President Pence stands for election in 2020, the voters will be reminded that the 'Conservatives' represent treason to this nation.

I love reducing you to drooling, spittle-flecked vulgarity.

Let's do it again:

This was the post that left you speechless:

From FDR on, Democrats and Russians/communists have been joined at the hip.

The Kremlin
a. produced an anti-Trump dossier aimed at sinking his candidacy
b. Putin bribed Hillary per the uranium deal
c. The Kremlin paid (Bill) Clinton speeches that fetched $500,000 or more,
d. The Podestas were given $millions by Russians
e. Suddenly, the dumbest among the Russians are in favor of Trump

Can you really be this stupid????
Do you have to work at it???

"...the media narrative is collapsing with new facts showing the misbehavior of certain FBI officials. Besides not showing any collusion, we can now look back to see “inappropriate” briefings by intelligence officials of the Congress using this discredited information.

... the use of the dossier to obtain surveillance on Trump administration officials a “scandal of epic proportions.” In addition, America is also learning of the post-election whisper campaign to delegitimize President Donald Trump."
If The Classified Memo Is Released, Here’s What It Might Show've proven that everything in my post is 100% correct and accurate.

And you say?
The Senate vote on this was 98 to 2. What's your prediction? Mine is more stonewalling. Question is whether the spineless and testicle-free Republicans will sit on their hands --- AGAIN

Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether he’ll comply on time after missing the last deadline.

Scrutiny is high, amid lingering suspicion of Trump’s eagerness to mend fences with Russia and with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation still digging into election meddling by Moscow. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle remain keen to get tough on Vladimir Putin’s government.

They have reason to worry about whether the popular sanctions package Trump reluctantly signed in August will be implemented just as hesitantly. The Russia provisions of the bill were designed as a response to Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, which the president himself has downplayed.

Furthermore, the last time Trump’s administration confronted a deadline to set in motion penalties against Putin’s government, it took more than three weeks — and a nudge from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — for Trump’s team to comply.

An even more critical moment arrives Monday. The Treasury Department is required to begin imposing sanctions against entities doing business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors as well as to produce a hotly-anticipated list of oligarchs maintaining close ties to Putin. Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress’ authority.​

Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions
There is no deadline imposed on the Trump regime to implement sanctions on Russians. The OP is bogus. It's called fake news.

as with pretty much everything else said by trumpsters, that is false.

Opinion | Time’s up for Trump to implement new Russia sanctions

it is not "fake news" because you and the orange sociopath don't like it.

It is unimaginable and mind-blowing just how many Putin enablers we have in this forum. Debating them is literally a waste of time as they are under an orange spell of some sort and entirely out of touch with reality.

Might be time to re-up the Jade Helm deprogramming centers in abandoned Walmarts connected by underground tunnels :)

Old Rocks

You are accusing the president of violating US law, a very serious allegation. What section of the law is he violating? You should be able to answer this simple question.

CLEAR Obstruction of Justice combined with probable conspiring with a hostile foreign entity to influence a US election.
I gave you a direct link to the law in question.
The Senate vote on this was 98 to 2. What's your prediction? Mine is more stonewalling. Question is whether the spineless and testicle-free Republicans will sit on their hands --- AGAIN

Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether he’ll comply on time after missing the last deadline.

Scrutiny is high, amid lingering suspicion of Trump’s eagerness to mend fences with Russia and with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation still digging into election meddling by Moscow. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle remain keen to get tough on Vladimir Putin’s government.

They have reason to worry about whether the popular sanctions package Trump reluctantly signed in August will be implemented just as hesitantly. The Russia provisions of the bill were designed as a response to Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, which the president himself has downplayed.

Furthermore, the last time Trump’s administration confronted a deadline to set in motion penalties against Putin’s government, it took more than three weeks — and a nudge from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — for Trump’s team to comply.

An even more critical moment arrives Monday. The Treasury Department is required to begin imposing sanctions against entities doing business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors as well as to produce a hotly-anticipated list of oligarchs maintaining close ties to Putin. Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress’ authority.​

Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions
There is no deadline imposed on the Trump regime to implement sanctions on Russians. The OP is bogus. It's called fake news.

as with pretty much everything else said by trumpsters, that is false.

Opinion | Time’s up for Trump to implement new Russia sanctions

it is not "fake news" because you and the orange sociopath don't like it.

It is unimaginable and mind-blowing just how many Putin enablers we have in this forum. Debating them is literally a waste of time as they are under an orange spell of some sort and entirely out of touch with reality.

Might be time to re-up the Jade Helm deprogramming centers in abandoned Walmarts connected by underground tunnels :)

I'm not the one under a spell. I'm the one thinking critically.
The Senate vote on this was 98 to 2. What's your prediction? Mine is more stonewalling. Question is whether the spineless and testicle-free Republicans will sit on their hands --- AGAIN

Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether he’ll comply on time after missing the last deadline.

Scrutiny is high, amid lingering suspicion of Trump’s eagerness to mend fences with Russia and with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation still digging into election meddling by Moscow. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle remain keen to get tough on Vladimir Putin’s government.

They have reason to worry about whether the popular sanctions package Trump reluctantly signed in August will be implemented just as hesitantly. The Russia provisions of the bill were designed as a response to Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, which the president himself has downplayed.

Furthermore, the last time Trump’s administration confronted a deadline to set in motion penalties against Putin’s government, it took more than three weeks — and a nudge from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — for Trump’s team to comply.

An even more critical moment arrives Monday. The Treasury Department is required to begin imposing sanctions against entities doing business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors as well as to produce a hotly-anticipated list of oligarchs maintaining close ties to Putin. Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress’ authority.​

Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions
There is no deadline imposed on the Trump regime to implement sanctions on Russians. The OP is bogus. It's called fake news.

as with pretty much everything else said by trumpsters, that is false.

Opinion | Time’s up for Trump to implement new Russia sanctions

it is not "fake news" because you and the orange sociopath don't like it.

It is unimaginable and mind-blowing just how many Putin enablers we have in this forum. Debating them is literally a waste of time as they are under an orange spell of some sort and entirely out of touch with reality.

Might be time to re-up the Jade Helm deprogramming centers in abandoned Walmarts connected by underground tunnels :)


that works.

I'm pretty sure the Walton family isn't going to allow their property to be used for that purpose though.

Old Rocks

You are accusing the president of violating US law, a very serious allegation. What section of the law is he violating? You should be able to answer this simple question.

CLEAR Obstruction of Justice combined with probable conspiring with a hostile foreign entity to influence a US election.
I gave you a direct link to the law in question.

Simple lesson for Tehon -

Google Nixon impeachment or Saturday Night Massacre.
The similarities are striking. We're in the midst of a slow-burning version of same.
Could happen when Mueller is fired but more likely in a year when we take back the House.

Buckle up
Old Rocks

You are accusing the president of violating US law, a very serious allegation. What section of the law is he violating? You should be able to answer this simple question.

CLEAR Obstruction of Justice combined with probable conspiring with a hostile foreign entity to influence a US election.
I gave you a direct link to the law in question.

Simple lesson for Tehon -

Google Nixon impeachment or Saturday Night Massacre.
The similarities are striking. We're in the midst of a slow-burning version of same.
Could happen when Mueller is fired but more likely in a year when we take back the House.

Buckle up

Google who was in charge of Congress back then
Old Rocks

You are accusing the president of violating US law, a very serious allegation. What section of the law is he violating? You should be able to answer this simple question.

CLEAR Obstruction of Justice combined with probable conspiring with a hostile foreign entity to influence a US election.
I gave you a direct link to the law in question.

Simple lesson for Tehon -

Google Nixon impeachment or Saturday Night Massacre.
The similarities are striking. We're in the midst of a slow-burning version of same.
Could happen when Mueller is fired but more likely in a year when we take back the House.

Buckle up

today is 44 years from the date that Richard Nixon said in his SOTU that the Watergate investigation had "gone on too long" and that it was time for him and everyone else to be cleared. seven months later he was living the White House.
Old Rocks

You are accusing the president of violating US law, a very serious allegation. What section of the law is he violating? You should be able to answer this simple question.

CLEAR Obstruction of Justice combined with probable conspiring with a hostile foreign entity to influence a US election.
I gave you a direct link to the law in question.

Simple lesson for Tehon -

Google Nixon impeachment or Saturday Night Massacre.
The similarities are striking. We're in the midst of a slow-burning version of same.
Could happen when Mueller is fired but more likely in a year when we take back the House.

Buckle up

Google who was in charge of Congress back then


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