Trump Has You Democrats Running Scared! And YOU Should BE!

Most democrats correctly see Trump as the reaffirmation of a reactionary GOP hostile to change, diversity, and individual liberty, a GOP whose agenda attracts racists and bigots who continue to find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and a GOP unwilling or unable to reject the ignorance, hate, stupidity, racism, and bigotry Trump seeks to propagate.
Couple more speeches like this and EVERY Rino EVERY Democrat will be looking for cover. Arizona WAS proud to have him and would GLADLY welcome him back again. 26 minute speech but he has the crowd AMPED!

TWENTY THOUSAND in attendance and they NEEDED room for more. He kicks Rino's AND he kicks Democrats! FANTASTIC speech!

It lost sound for me at about 13 minutes into it..................but up to that point I'm loving it.
Couple more speeches like this and EVERY Rino EVERY Democrat will be looking for cover. Arizona WAS proud to have him and would GLADLY welcome him back again. 26 minute speech but he has the crowd AMPED!

TWENTY THOUSAND in attendance and they NEEDED room for more. He kicks Rino's AND he kicks Democrats! FANTASTIC speech!

It lost sound for me at about 13 minutes into it..................but up to that point I'm loving it.

There will be other speeches. The point being though with HIS worth between 5 and 9 BILLION you can't buy Trump.
All you have to do with Hillary is look at her foundation supporters and you KNOW who OWNS her.
Awesome thread, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, awesome!

Donnie Trump is the greatestest!!!

He is gonna roool teh whirled!!!

Show me a candidate willing to throw up a protective trade barrier against Mexico at a rate of 35% to prevent FORD from hauling ass to Mexico.............

He's against Free Trade and is willing to stop the offshoring of jobs to other parts of the world instead of here.........................Which will get me in an argument with many of the Republican side here.......................I'd tariff their asses off to protect jobs here...................and bring back manufacturing.............................

If he's willing to do that..................he's got my vote.

Most democrats correctly see Trump as the reaffirmation of a reactionary GOP hostile to change, diversity, and individual liberty, a GOP whose agenda attracts racists and bigots who continue to find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and a GOP unwilling or unable to reject the ignorance, hate, stupidity, racism, and bigotry Trump seeks to propagate.
And a MAJORITY of Americans see Hillary as a LIAR.
The left wants Trump to get the nomination. Is that running scared? Your ilk is running scared because of an 'old woman'.
The left SAYS they want Trump to get the nomination but anyone can tell they're SHITTING BRICKS at the prospect he might actually do it.
No one is shitting bricks. Put Palin on the ticket too. We would love it.
Your fear is so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife and your nervousness jumps out of every comment you post. You're scared shitless.
Could you give us an example here, after you mix yourself another drink.
Yeah, the fact that you have to try to divert from the substance of what Trump says. Instead, you attack his hair, his wealth, his success. That shows your fear.
When did I attack his hair? You are making things up. Out of fear?
Awesome thread, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, awesome!

Donnie Trump is the greatestest!!!

He is gonna roool teh whirled!!!

That's what a typical Statist does..............he doesn't like that word by the him butt hurt...............

What we need is someone against the Status Quo in this country...............who lays it out like it is and isn't afraid to state his opinions openly............even if he gets mud in his face for doing so..............Too many politicians walk on egg shells these days....................and if nothing else he'll hold their feet to the fire and call them out for it......................

He had several points that struck hard for was that he'd impose tariffs to protect American jobs................two he mentioned the fiat currency and liquidity trap of Japan and devaluing the currency.............three..............hard nosed negotiation with wimpy assed negotiations.............

There is a down side..........for me..............he's a Wild card...........which can be dangerous to foreign policy...............but so far............until the sound cut off I agree with it................

In the comments he made on the Wall and Mexico................he didn't back down to the attack dogs of the media.................and I like that as well...............I know he would enforce the immigration laws on the books..............

So, good hell with the whiney assed liberals on this............and even the GOP's who will trash talk over Free Trade.
Most democrats correctly see Trump as the reaffirmation of a reactionary GOP hostile to change, diversity, and individual liberty, a GOP whose agenda attracts racists and bigots who continue to find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and a GOP unwilling or unable to reject the ignorance, hate, stupidity, racism, and bigotry Trump seeks to propagate.
And a MAJORITY of Americans see Hillary as a LIAR.
Anyone who can't tell Hillary is a Liar and Obama as a Liar are.................................IDIOTS or have an agenda and no ethics and morals................My dog ate my emails...................can't manage to email accounts...............landed under sniper are tools.
I'm hoping Trump's surge in the polls will make the reluctant Republicans realize that telling the truth will make people like you more than being politically correct. THEN we might see a real campaign based on honesty and candor.
I just re-watched the entire speech. He COULD win he IS saying the right things. NOT the PC things but the right things.

The far right things. Candidates don't win by alienating half of their voters.

So far he's managed to appeal to hard core Republican voters who would vote Republican no matter what. He hasn't appealed to voters who could vote either way, or potentially democratic voters who might change vote.

Hispanics don't really vote Republican, they're an easy target. However 30% of Hispanic voters (more or less) voted Republican in 2012 and 2008. More in when Bush won, he had 35% and 40%. So for a Republican to win they're looking at getting more of the Hispanic vote than McCain or Romney.

But Trump isn't going to get much at all.
Watched a few more of his videos...............
Said it like it is in Libya...................the so called Rebels were from places like Iran who were fighting us in Iraq.............
Was against going into Iraq because of the influence later with Iran...................once going into Iraq you have an obligation to stay there to protect the outcome...........
Big fan of Patton and Mac on strategies to win a war once engaged..............................

My opinion of Iraq before we went in................was against a long invasion and occupation because of the culture of the region..........My point then was to hit them hard and fast and LEAVE..............and leave them no one to shoot at once your gone.................
After invasion..................once you've entered a War...................WIN IT.................which means you have to break out the brass knuckles and slug it out and not allow your men to die for nothing and have ensured Iran's influence to increase in the region instead of making it stronger................... can't trade one TYRANT FOR MANY TYRANTS...................It is a shit hole today rife with Civil War as Jihadist strongholds in the south carry out military campaigns in the north..................It is a foreign policy nightmare.........

The current negotiations with Iran are a complete Joke................and are similar to the deals cut with North Korea by Clinton which did nothing but ensure they got the bomb while promising the exact opposite.............

Our foreign policy is a Joke now..................and Trump is saying the same.

Sounds like he doesn't have many ideas at all.

And he just lost the support of big Republican donors in the weapons industry.

He's calling a spade a spade........................Libya was a failure...........the country is still in ruins..........and is under constant attack by the likes of ISIS...........Primarily based in South Libya and Northern Chad..................

The only reason Chad didn't fold was by direct Military intervention from GUESS WHO..................FRANCE.............That's right............FRANCE SAVED CHAD'S COLLECTIVE ASS...................from the extremist who intended to use Chad as a hub to attack around the region............France drove them into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya preventing the expansion of the same...................

His point on Iraq................not to go in to begin with..............and back in the day I said the same.............quoting the history of Israel and endless fights...........
and once you go in and are committed to WIN THE FIGHT even though you don't like the prevent expansion of the radicals and Iran's Influence of the region........

Sounds like he doesn't have many ideas at all.

And he just lost the support of big Republican donors in the weapons industry.

He doesn't care about the Status quo donors and lobbyist....................he made that clear...............

The only question for me he another Ross Perot....................which gave Clinton the presidency...........he ends up a 3rd party candidate over this.....................then I'd say he's Perot all over again.

Sounds like he doesn't have many ideas at all.

And he just lost the support of big Republican donors in the weapons industry.

He's calling a spade a spade........................Libya was a failure...........the country is still in ruins..........and is under constant attack by the likes of ISIS...........Primarily based in South Libya and Northern Chad..................

The only reason Chad didn't fold was by direct Military intervention from GUESS WHO..................FRANCE.............That's right............FRANCE SAVED CHAD'S COLLECTIVE ASS...................from the extremist who intended to use Chad as a hub to attack around the region............France drove them into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya preventing the expansion of the same...................

His point on Iraq................not to go in to begin with..............and back in the day I said the same.............quoting the history of Israel and endless fights...........
and once you go in and are committed to WIN THE FIGHT even though you don't like the prevent expansion of the radicals and Iran's Influence of the region........

It was a failure. So was Iraq. However that doesn't mean that the powers that be who want their own man in the White House will support a man going against Trump.

Then again Obama has been half non-interventionist. He went into Libya because of pressure from the right. A silly decision, but he made it none the less.

When Trump has to work with the Republicans and Democrats as President, and then he goes against everything his "own" party stands for, how well is he going to do?

He's doing reality TV right now. Saying sensationalist stuff and getting support. But this won't last for 16 more months. People will get bored of listening to him waffle on about mexicuns and ay-rabs.

Sounds like he doesn't have many ideas at all.

And he just lost the support of big Republican donors in the weapons industry.

He doesn't care about the Status quo donors and lobbyist....................he made that clear...............

The only question for me he another Ross Perot....................which gave Clinton the presidency...........he ends up a 3rd party candidate over this.....................then I'd say he's Perot all over again.

Yep, and that's one of the reasons why he won't win the candidacy.

He's another Palin. Hot air. He's not going to get the support of his "own" party. He's going to alienate most of them.
I'm hoping Trump's surge in the polls will make the reluctant Republicans realize that telling the truth will make people like you more than being politically correct. THEN we might see a real campaign based on honesty and candor.
I just re-watched the entire speech. He COULD win he IS saying the right things. NOT the PC things but the right things.

The far right things. Candidates don't win by alienating half of their voters.

So far he's managed to appeal to hard core Republican voters who would vote Republican no matter what. He hasn't appealed to voters who could vote either way, or potentially democratic voters who might change vote.

Hispanics don't really vote Republican, they're an easy target. However 30% of Hispanic voters (more or less) voted Republican in 2012 and 2008. More in when Bush won, he had 35% and 40%. So for a Republican to win they're looking at getting more of the Hispanic vote than McCain or Romney.

But Trump isn't going to get much at all.
He is telling the truth and we have over a year to go , what do you have to offer?

An old lying hag who stands behind a womanizer?

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