Trump Has You Democrats Running Scared! And YOU Should BE!

Sounds like he doesn't have many ideas at all.

And he just lost the support of big Republican donors in the weapons industry.

He doesn't care about the Status quo donors and lobbyist....................he made that clear...............

The only question for me he another Ross Perot....................which gave Clinton the presidency...........he ends up a 3rd party candidate over this.....................then I'd say he's Perot all over again.

Yep, and that's one of the reasons why he won't win the candidacy.

He's another Palin. Hot air. He's not going to get the support of his "own" party. He's going to alienate most of them.

He's no Palin...............He's has the funds to finish a fight against the media attack dogs......................He doesn't apologize and he sways between the party lines based on the issue at hand.............

I get into arguments with my so called side all the time on issues...................
Free trade causes bitter fights between me and those supposedly on my side all the time............I've been against Free Trade since it's inception.
Currency manipulation..................I've been against these policies for a long time............I get into it over it all the purposely lower the value of your own currency to deal with trade import export balances as the world does today is utter BS.................and is not in the best interest of this country.
Immigration.................both sides don't enforce the laws for their own selfish side more for the votes..............and the other side for cheap labor.....

Our country is being sold out and the American people know it..................Trump is a ROUGE ELEMENT and could bring these issues center stage in a debate where it is FORCED to take a STAND AND A SIDE instead of SIDE STEPPING and performing the art of saying nothing at all. Or as I refer to it, talking in circles.
The reason why I like trump now, is because he has nothing to gain and he is doing it to help the middle class, that has no power

All trump is a middle class guy , blue collar guy with billions of dollars that's not afraid of the elite..

He never forgot us, he says what no one else wants to say, unless to lose big donations.

I support trump against the old lying hag from park ridge Illinois who never left her womanizer husband
Trump has never been close to being middle class. You may like him for various reasons, but calling him middle class or implying that he has ever been middle class is just delusional. He was born with the proverbial silver spoon. He was born into great wealth and inherited great wealth. So what other things are people believing that are so obviously delusional?
Trump has never been close to being middle class. You may like him for various reasons, but calling him middle class or implying that he has ever been middle class is just delusional. He was born with the proverbial silver spoon. He was born into great wealth and inherited great wealth. So what other things are people believing that are so obviously delusional?
His words deny what you are saying................

He is talking about trying to get jobs back here................and tariffs are the key point of the same...................
That is what the middle class needs..............JOBS....................

The only question it real or is it memorex.
Couple more speeches like this and EVERY Rino EVERY Democrat will be looking for cover. Arizona WAS proud to have him and would GLADLY welcome him back again. 26 minute speech but he has the crowd AMPED!

TWENTY THOUSAND in attendance and they NEEDED room for more. He kicks Rino's AND he kicks Democrats! FANTASTIC speech!

Oh yes...we're very frightened.
Couple more speeches like this and EVERY Rino EVERY Democrat will be looking for cover. Arizona WAS proud to have him and would GLADLY welcome him back again. 26 minute speech but he has the crowd AMPED!

TWENTY THOUSAND in attendance and they NEEDED room for more. He kicks Rino's AND he kicks Democrats! FANTASTIC speech!

The left wants Trump to get the nomination. Is that running scared? Your ilk is running scared because of an 'old woman'.

The left SAYS they want Trump to get the nomination but anyone can tell they're SHITTING BRICKS at the prospect he might actually do it. found us out.
Couple more speeches like this and EVERY Rino EVERY Democrat will be looking for cover. Arizona WAS proud to have him and would GLADLY welcome him back again. 26 minute speech but he has the crowd AMPED!

TWENTY THOUSAND in attendance and they NEEDED room for more. He kicks Rino's AND he kicks Democrats! FANTASTIC speech!

Oh yes...we're very frightened.


How's the polls for illegals coming.............or is your side digging up votes at the graveyard again.

Trump has never been close to being middle class. You may like him for various reasons, but calling him middle class or implying that he has ever been middle class is just delusional. He was born with the proverbial silver spoon. He was born into great wealth and inherited great wealth. So what other things are people believing that are so obviously delusional?
His words deny what you are saying................

He is talking about trying to get jobs back here................and tariffs are the key point of the same...................
That is what the middle class needs..............JOBS....................

The only question it real or is it memorex.
This is what a huckster does. He is hitting all the right buttons to scam people. The right buttons are specifically mentioning all the problems and negative things going on in society, government and the whatever throwing darts at the wall come up with. The mentioning of the problems in a loud and emotional war convince you that he is just like you. He recognizes the same things you and everyone else recognizes as things that need to be fixed. Problem are, you can hire a team of experts to figure out what the most important and popular buttons are and you don't have to give realistic solutions to any of them. Make Mexico build a wall and bomb the oil wells in Iraq and Syria. His followers are so enthralled and blinded by his hucksterism that they don't recognize the stupidity of those unrealistic and con job solutions.
Even if Trump jumps ship later..................this is going to be fun to watch..............

Trump has never been close to being middle class. You may like him for various reasons, but calling him middle class or implying that he has ever been middle class is just delusional. He was born with the proverbial silver spoon. He was born into great wealth and inherited great wealth. So what other things are people believing that are so obviously delusional?
His words deny what you are saying................

He is talking about trying to get jobs back here................and tariffs are the key point of the same...................
That is what the middle class needs..............JOBS....................

The only question it real or is it memorex.
This is what a huckster does. He is hitting all the right buttons to scam people. The right buttons are specifically mentioning all the problems and negative things going on in society, government and the whatever throwing darts at the wall come up with. The mentioning of the problems in a loud and emotional war convince you that he is just like you. He recognizes the same things you and everyone else recognizes as things that need to be fixed. Problem are, you can hire a team of experts to figure out what the most important and popular buttons are and you don't have to give realistic solutions to any of them. Make Mexico build a wall and bomb the oil wells in Iraq and Syria. His followers are so enthralled and blinded by his hucksterism that they don't recognize the stupidity of those unrealistic and con job solutions.
Show me the one liners on bombing the oil in Iraq and Syria.............................I remember in the 2012 time frame he said he take some oil to pay for our involvement there..................but not bomb them......................

The fence is an open question book..........................It doesn't have to be a physical fence but an electronic one with enough border agents to intercept.............but ultimately enforcing the laws of this land will stem the flow not increase it under current policy and rhetoric........................

Most politicians talk to the masses based on polls.....................just as the dems do as well...........................

whether he's the real deal is still in question with me...............but I like what I see so far.
Couple more speeches like this and EVERY Rino EVERY Democrat will be looking for cover. Arizona WAS proud to have him and would GLADLY welcome him back again. 26 minute speech but he has the crowd AMPED!

TWENTY THOUSAND in attendance and they NEEDED room for more. He kicks Rino's AND he kicks Democrats! FANTASTIC speech!

Oh yes...we're very frightened.


How's the polls for illegals coming.............or is your side digging up votes at the graveyard again.


I like your laugh track.
I'm hoping Trump's surge in the polls will make the reluctant Republicans realize that telling the truth will make people like you more than being politically correct. THEN we might see a real campaign based on honesty and candor.
I just re-watched the entire speech. He COULD win he IS saying the right things. NOT the PC things but the right things.

The far right things. Candidates don't win by alienating half of their voters.

So far he's managed to appeal to hard core Republican voters who would vote Republican no matter what. He hasn't appealed to voters who could vote either way, or potentially democratic voters who might change vote.

Hispanics don't really vote Republican, they're an easy target. However 30% of Hispanic voters (more or less) voted Republican in 2012 and 2008. More in when Bush won, he had 35% and 40%. So for a Republican to win they're looking at getting more of the Hispanic vote than McCain or Romney.

But Trump isn't going to get much at all.
He is telling the truth and we have over a year to go , what do you have to offer?

An old lying hag who stands behind a womanizer?

What do I have to offer? I'm not running and I'm not a Democrat, so.....
He's no Palin...............He's has the funds to finish a fight against the media attack dogs......................He doesn't apologize and he sways between the party lines based on the issue at hand.............

I get into arguments with my so called side all the time on issues...................
Free trade causes bitter fights between me and those supposedly on my side all the time............I've been against Free Trade since it's inception.
Currency manipulation..................I've been against these policies for a long time............I get into it over it all the purposely lower the value of your own currency to deal with trade import export balances as the world does today is utter BS.................and is not in the best interest of this country.
Immigration.................both sides don't enforce the laws for their own selfish side more for the votes..............and the other side for cheap labor.....

Our country is being sold out and the American people know it..................Trump is a ROUGE ELEMENT and could bring these issues center stage in a debate where it is FORCED to take a STAND AND A SIDE instead of SIDE STEPPING and performing the art of saying nothing at all. Or as I refer to it, talking in circles.

Basically he doesn't give a damn. He'd get into the White House and annoy everyone and be unable to do anything. Is that the sort of person needed in a system where the president is one of three cogs?

Yes, the country is being sold. But voting Trump isn't the answer. The problem stretches far beyond the president.

Sounds like he doesn't have many ideas at all.

And he just lost the support of big Republican donors in the weapons industry.
He don't need donars the guy has the money to do it alone, he represents us, that's not afraid of the pc police....

He hardly represents the people. He represents himself and he's getting a load of publicity again. Just what he wanted. He makes statements that are generally meaningless but win initial support.
He's no Palin...............He's has the funds to finish a fight against the media attack dogs......................He doesn't apologize and he sways between the party lines based on the issue at hand.............

I get into arguments with my so called side all the time on issues...................
Free trade causes bitter fights between me and those supposedly on my side all the time............I've been against Free Trade since it's inception.
Currency manipulation..................I've been against these policies for a long time............I get into it over it all the purposely lower the value of your own currency to deal with trade import export balances as the world does today is utter BS.................and is not in the best interest of this country.
Immigration.................both sides don't enforce the laws for their own selfish side more for the votes..............and the other side for cheap labor.....

Our country is being sold out and the American people know it..................Trump is a ROUGE ELEMENT and could bring these issues center stage in a debate where it is FORCED to take a STAND AND A SIDE instead of SIDE STEPPING and performing the art of saying nothing at all. Or as I refer to it, talking in circles.

Basically he doesn't give a damn. He'd get into the White House and annoy everyone and be unable to do anything. Is that the sort of person needed in a system where the president is one of three cogs?

Yes, the country is being sold. But voting Trump isn't the answer. The problem stretches far beyond the president.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.

Unfortunately I don't think this is true. People even on a forum like this aren't interested in real change. They're interested in slagging each other off. Trump supporters are using Trump in a like "my friend's the most popular kid in school, neh neh" and trying to put down Democrats as they normally do.

He's forcing debate on what? Immigration, foreign policy. Not really getting to the essentials of the way government works at all.

In the UK UKIP was really popular. The same hysteria for Trump could be seen with Farage. People would defend him no matter what he said, they got blinded by his charisma, they got blind by the thought that everything he said was "common sense", at the beginning people talks about the non-PC bull, but them when non-PC bull started to attack Farage and UKIP they suddenly dropped this, as all parties do eventually.
UKIP got one seat. They were predicted (by themselves) to cause an earthquake, what they did is they brought back the status quo of one party controlling the House of Commons.

Trump is nothing new, he's nothing special. He's been in the Presidential Republican Candidate Race before, and he lost to people who lost to Obama. Great. Just like Hillary, who lost to Obama too.

He's forcing "real debate" on certain issues which won't change a thing. Same old, same old, nothing new.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.

Unfortunately I don't think this is true. People even on a forum like this aren't interested in real change. They're interested in slagging each other off. Trump supporters are using Trump in a like "my friend's the most popular kid in school, neh neh" and trying to put down Democrats as they normally do.

He's forcing debate on what? Immigration, foreign policy. Not really getting to the essentials of the way government works at all.

In the UK UKIP was really popular. The same hysteria for Trump could be seen with Farage. People would defend him no matter what he said, they got blinded by his charisma, they got blind by the thought that everything he said was "common sense", at the beginning people talks about the non-PC bull, but them when non-PC bull started to attack Farage and UKIP they suddenly dropped this, as all parties do eventually.
UKIP got one seat. They were predicted (by themselves) to cause an earthquake, what they did is they brought back the status quo of one party controlling the House of Commons.

Trump is nothing new, he's nothing special. He's been in the Presidential Republican Candidate Race before, and he lost to people who lost to Obama. Great. Just like Hillary, who lost to Obama too.

He's forcing "real debate" on certain issues which won't change a thing. Same old, same old, nothing new.
And the status quo will fix it for us.........................NOT..................

So your answer to same old same old...................IS SAME OLD SAME OLD...............

Which I agree..............IS NOTHING NEW.
Well, I read his platforms on the issues, and I only agree with him on like two things. He is OUT for me because the rest of his platform is no different from any other conservative republican, which is to keep us in the dark ages basically.
Trump is playing to an audience that ultimately votes Republican anyway.

Obviously most of you RWnuts haven't gotten your pea brains around that.

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