Trump Has You Democrats Running Scared! And YOU Should BE!

Good news for the Left is that the GOP field is full of RINOs who want to be liked. Jeb Bush is another McCain and Romney. Conservatives want a candidate with balls that is going to come back fighting when the Left's attack dog media and other pawns try and smear and shame a conservative candidate. Trump called out an immigration problem where are large number of Mexicans and those crossing the Mexican border are doing so in a manner that breaks US Law and has negative impact and ramifications. He did not say ALL LATINOS are doing this or that ALL LATINOS are causing problems.

GOP Candidates would be wise to fight more like Trump instead of trying to appease like McCain and Romney. The Media is going to smear whomever is the final candidate as a racist, anti-woman's rights, and anti-immigrant no matter what so you damn well better get a sense of fight, fuck off, and not give a shit about the Left's tactics. Milquetoast Republicans are the worst.

I agree that the GOP candidates need to tap into what is angering Americans--that is key to gaining support.

But how they do it and how to address the problems are also. necessary. Trump is throwing out some wild ideas on how to address immigration. However, his ideas have been shown not to be feasible.

You need workable plans, else people are going to point the flaws out and leave you for another candidate.
Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.

"cares about the US" seems to me to be rhetoric, nationalistic nonsense that means nothing. Obama "cares about the US", as did Bush and others. What this actually means is different. Bush cared about it in his own way, and wanted to move forward in his way, just as Obama does.

Being rich is a problem, however the problem doesn't seem being too rich, it seems they have to rely on the rich to "get their message across", read advertising people to death so they vote for you with name recognition or image or whatever it is they're spending all that money trying to get across.

What you should want is someone who is competent. Someone who can get Congress on side, who can deal with foreign countries, who can do the job.

But it's a popularity contest. I think most voters don't even know what the President's role is. They think he's like the executive in the UK or other countries where they have a lot more power internally. The President is more an external leader. Obama has done well in that role. He's got countries on his side, he's made the US look a little less like an ugly war monger, but then he went and bombed Libya. What a stupid thing to do.

No they don't care about us. Stop fooling yourself!! They care about their party politics and who is going to line their pockets, and that is all.

I didn't say they cared about the people. I said they cared about the US . That's different.
Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.

"cares about the US" seems to me to be rhetoric, nationalistic nonsense that means nothing. Obama "cares about the US", as did Bush and others. What this actually means is different. Bush cared about it in his own way, and wanted to move forward in his way, just as Obama does.

Being rich is a problem, however the problem doesn't seem being too rich, it seems they have to rely on the rich to "get their message across", read advertising people to death so they vote for you with name recognition or image or whatever it is they're spending all that money trying to get across.

What you should want is someone who is competent. Someone who can get Congress on side, who can deal with foreign countries, who can do the job.

But it's a popularity contest. I think most voters don't even know what the President's role is. They think he's like the executive in the UK or other countries where they have a lot more power internally. The President is more an external leader. Obama has done well in that role. He's got countries on his side, he's made the US look a little less like an ugly war monger, but then he went and bombed Libya. What a stupid thing to do.

No they don't care about us. Stop fooling yourself!! They care about their party politics and who is going to line their pockets, and that is all.

I didn't say they cared about the people. I said they cared about the US . That's different.
:cuckoo: Since when did the people not mean the US...........................

Saying that with a grain of salt as the political parties stop caring about that a long time ago.
Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.

"cares about the US" seems to me to be rhetoric, nationalistic nonsense that means nothing. Obama "cares about the US", as did Bush and others. What this actually means is different. Bush cared about it in his own way, and wanted to move forward in his way, just as Obama does.

Being rich is a problem, however the problem doesn't seem being too rich, it seems they have to rely on the rich to "get their message across", read advertising people to death so they vote for you with name recognition or image or whatever it is they're spending all that money trying to get across.

What you should want is someone who is competent. Someone who can get Congress on side, who can deal with foreign countries, who can do the job.

But it's a popularity contest. I think most voters don't even know what the President's role is. They think he's like the executive in the UK or other countries where they have a lot more power internally. The President is more an external leader. Obama has done well in that role. He's got countries on his side, he's made the US look a little less like an ugly war monger, but then he went and bombed Libya. What a stupid thing to do.

No they don't care about us. Stop fooling yourself!! They care about their party politics and who is going to line their pockets, and that is all.

I didn't say they cared about the people. I said they cared about the US . That's different.

They do? They could have fooled me! What you mean to say is that they tell us they care and they pretend to care. All they really care about are themselves and their respective parties and towing the party line.
Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.

"cares about the US" seems to me to be rhetoric, nationalistic nonsense that means nothing. Obama "cares about the US", as did Bush and others. What this actually means is different. Bush cared about it in his own way, and wanted to move forward in his way, just as Obama does.

Being rich is a problem, however the problem doesn't seem being too rich, it seems they have to rely on the rich to "get their message across", read advertising people to death so they vote for you with name recognition or image or whatever it is they're spending all that money trying to get across.

What you should want is someone who is competent. Someone who can get Congress on side, who can deal with foreign countries, who can do the job.

But it's a popularity contest. I think most voters don't even know what the President's role is. They think he's like the executive in the UK or other countries where they have a lot more power internally. The President is more an external leader. Obama has done well in that role. He's got countries on his side, he's made the US look a little less like an ugly war monger, but then he went and bombed Libya. What a stupid thing to do.

No they don't care about us. Stop fooling yourself!! They care about their party politics and who is going to line their pockets, and that is all.

I didn't say they cared about the people. I said they cared about the US . That's different.
:cuckoo: Since when did the people not mean the US...........................

Saying that with a grain of salt as the political parties stop caring about that a long time ago.

I meant "us" when I said that anyway, not the "United States," but I don't believe they care about us or the US.
Good news for the Left is that the GOP field is full of RINOs who want to be liked. Jeb Bush is another McCain and Romney. Conservatives want a candidate with balls that is going to come back fighting when the Left's attack dog media and other pawns try and smear and shame a conservative candidate. Trump called out an immigration problem where are large number of Mexicans and those crossing the Mexican border are doing so in a manner that breaks US Law and has negative impact and ramifications. He did not say ALL LATINOS are doing this or that ALL LATINOS are causing problems.

GOP Candidates would be wise to fight more like Trump instead of trying to appease like McCain and Romney. The Media is going to smear whomever is the final candidate as a racist, anti-woman's rights, and anti-immigrant no matter what so you damn well better get a sense of fight, fuck off, and not give a shit about the Left's tactics. Milquetoast Republicans are the worst.

I agree that the GOP candidates need to tap into what is angering Americans--that is key to gaining support.

But how they do it and how to address the problems are also. necessary. Trump is throwing out some wild ideas on how to address immigration. However, his ideas have been shown not to be feasible.

You need workable plans, else people are going to point the flaws out and leave you for another candidate.

I agree. What we are going to end up having do is to grant these people citizenship because it is pretty much impossible to find them all, round them all up and deport them all. So what else should we do with them? After we figure that out, then we need to strengthen border security. I don't see a "wall" as being the answer. They will find ways around walls. What we need to do, IMO, is start imposing HARSH penalties on employers who hire illegals. If there are no jobs for them, then they will stop coming. Also, in no way should we be offering them any of the benefits that LEGAL American citizens enjoy, like drivers licenses, social services, etc. No other country on the PLANET is as "welcoming" to illegal immigrants as is America. :rolleyes-41: It is retarded, and NOT good for our country or our economy. That is one of the main issues where I disagree with most liberals.
They do? They could have fooled me! What you mean to say is that they tell us they care and they pretend to care. All they really care about are themselves and their respective parties and towing the party line.

No, what I mean is you're not getting what I'm saying.

Caring about the USA, the political system, the economic system, the nationalism, all that goes to make up the US, it has made some of them very rich and they care about that immensely.
Good news for the Left is that the GOP field is full of RINOs who want to be liked. Jeb Bush is another McCain and Romney. Conservatives want a candidate with balls that is going to come back fighting when the Left's attack dog media and other pawns try and smear and shame a conservative candidate. Trump called out an immigration problem where are large number of Mexicans and those crossing the Mexican border are doing so in a manner that breaks US Law and has negative impact and ramifications. He did not say ALL LATINOS are doing this or that ALL LATINOS are causing problems.

GOP Candidates would be wise to fight more like Trump instead of trying to appease like McCain and Romney. The Media is going to smear whomever is the final candidate as a racist, anti-woman's rights, and anti-immigrant no matter what so you damn well better get a sense of fight, fuck off, and not give a shit about the Left's tactics. Milquetoast Republicans are the worst.

I agree that the GOP candidates need to tap into what is angering Americans--that is key to gaining support.

But how they do it and how to address the problems are also. necessary. Trump is throwing out some wild ideas on how to address immigration. However, his ideas have been shown not to be feasible.

You need workable plans, else people are going to point the flaws out and leave you for another candidate.

I agree. What we are going to end up having do is to grant these people citizenship because it is pretty much impossible to find them all, round them all up and deport them all. So what else should we do with them? After we figure that out, then we need to strengthen border security. I don't see a "wall" as being the answer. They will find ways around walls. What we need to do, IMO, is start imposing HARSH penalties on employers who hire illegals. If there are no jobs for them, then they will stop coming. Also, in no way should we be offering them any of the benefits that LEGAL American citizens enjoy, like drivers licenses, social services, etc. No other country on the PLANET is as "welcoming" to illegal immigrants as is America. :rolleyes-41: It is retarded, and NOT good for our country or our economy. That is one of the main issues where I disagree with most liberals.
That was tried and didn't stop the flow under Reagan............all it did was encourage more to come..............

We have to stop the influx, before dealing with those once that policy is implemented the flood gates open.
:cuckoo: Since when did the people not mean the US...........................

Saying that with a grain of salt as the political parties stop caring about that a long time ago.

Since maps were invented, or since 1776, whichever you choose.
Over your head unless you are saying us, versus the United States......................according to Chris it was us she stated and not the your comment the same...............................Because nations are made up of people and it would be stupid to not correlate them the same thing as the country.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.

Unfortunately I don't think this is true. People even on a forum like this aren't interested in real change. They're interested in slagging each other off. Trump supporters are using Trump in a like "my friend's the most popular kid in school, neh neh" and trying to put down Democrats as they normally do.

He's forcing debate on what? Immigration, foreign policy. Not really getting to the essentials of the way government works at all.

In the UK UKIP was really popular. The same hysteria for Trump could be seen with Farage. People would defend him no matter what he said, they got blinded by his charisma, they got blind by the thought that everything he said was "common sense", at the beginning people talks about the non-PC bull, but them when non-PC bull started to attack Farage and UKIP they suddenly dropped this, as all parties do eventually.
UKIP got one seat. They were predicted (by themselves) to cause an earthquake, what they did is they brought back the status quo of one party controlling the House of Commons.

Trump is nothing new, he's nothing special. He's been in the Presidential Republican Candidate Race before, and he lost to people who lost to Obama. Great. Just like Hillary, who lost to Obama too.

He's forcing "real debate" on certain issues which won't change a thing. Same old, same old, nothing new.
And the status quo will fix it for us.........................NOT..................

So your answer to same old same old...................IS SAME OLD SAME OLD...............

Which I agree..............IS NOTHING NEW.

No it won't. However it takes more than having a reality star in the White House. It takes people talking about real change. Whenever I've done it, it just gets met with silence. People aren't interested in real change. What they want is ENTERTAINMENT and Trump is providing.

Trump is nothing more then a side show who appeals to a segment of the GOP
:cuckoo: Since when did the people not mean the US...........................

Saying that with a grain of salt as the political parties stop caring about that a long time ago.

Since maps were invented, or since 1776, whichever you choose.
Over your head unless you are saying us, versus the United States......................according to Chris it was us she stated and not the your comment the same...............................Because nations are made up of people and it would be stupid to not correlate them the same thing as the country.

So you've decided that a nation must ONLY be said meaning the people, therefore it must be like that.

Jeez, this pedantic nonsense is rather........... boring.
:cuckoo: Since when did the people not mean the US...........................

Saying that with a grain of salt as the political parties stop caring about that a long time ago.

Since maps were invented, or since 1776, whichever you choose.
Over your head unless you are saying us, versus the United States......................according to Chris it was us she stated and not the your comment the same...............................Because nations are made up of people and it would be stupid to not correlate them the same thing as the country.

So you've decided that a nation must ONLY be said meaning the people, therefore it must be like that.

Jeez, this pedantic nonsense is rather........... boring.
For the People
By the People.
Of the People..

If it's not make up of people, under your statement then what is it then............made up of goats...........

Yeah......that is boring...............
:cuckoo: Since when did the people not mean the US...........................

Saying that with a grain of salt as the political parties stop caring about that a long time ago.

Since maps were invented, or since 1776, whichever you choose.
Over your head unless you are saying us, versus the United States......................according to Chris it was us she stated and not the your comment the same...............................Because nations are made up of people and it would be stupid to not correlate them the same thing as the country.

So you've decided that a nation must ONLY be said meaning the people, therefore it must be like that.

Jeez, this pedantic nonsense is rather........... boring.
For the People
By the People.
Of the People..

If it's not make up of people, under your statement then what is it then............made up of goats...........

Yeah......that is boring...............

For the people, by the people, of the people is there to make you all feel like you own the country that was sold to the highest bidders a LONG TIME AGO. Come off it.

The US goes to war in Iraq, 4,000 US soldiers lost their lives, 40,000 US soldiers lost limbs. Not one single rich person who used their money to buy influence to get the war to happen, nor one single politician who voted for it and was bought by big money died in Iraq. Not one.

The policy was not made to improve the lives of the normal American. What, if they had succeeded and managed to knock 10 cents of a barrel of oil, maybe you'd save a couple of dollars a week. But the rich guys, now, they'd be saving millions of dollars.

But I've explained my point, you refused to look at it and keep on your pig-headed course of only accepting what you want to accept. Fine, I don't care. You don't want to communicate, I'll stop communicating with those who don't want to.
The reason why I like trump now, is because he has nothing to gain and he is doing it to help the middle class, that has no power

All trump is a middle class guy , blue collar guy with billions of dollars that's not afraid of the elite..

He never forgot us, he says what no one else wants to say, unless to lose big donations.

I support trump against the old lying hag from park ridge Illinois who never left her womanizer husband

Trump is Blue Collar? Dumbest thing ever written. Period.

Please nominate this guy.

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