Trump Has You Democrats Running Scared! And YOU Should BE!

I'd think that if Trump had the Democrats "scared" they wouldn't be going so far out of their way to point out pretty much everything he says.

Shades of Palin.

Trump has never been close to being middle class. You may like him for various reasons, but calling him middle class or implying that he has ever been middle class is just delusional. He was born with the proverbial silver spoon. He was born into great wealth and inherited great wealth. So what other things are people believing that are so obviously delusional?
His words deny what you are saying................

He is talking about trying to get jobs back here................and tariffs are the key point of the same...................
That is what the middle class needs..............JOBS....................

The only question it real or is it memorex.
This is what a huckster does. He is hitting all the right buttons to scam people. The right buttons are specifically mentioning all the problems and negative things going on in society, government and the whatever throwing darts at the wall come up with. The mentioning of the problems in a loud and emotional war convince you that he is just like you. He recognizes the same things you and everyone else recognizes as things that need to be fixed. Problem are, you can hire a team of experts to figure out what the most important and popular buttons are and you don't have to give realistic solutions to any of them. Make Mexico build a wall and bomb the oil wells in Iraq and Syria. His followers are so enthralled and blinded by his hucksterism that they don't recognize the stupidity of those unrealistic and con job solutions.
Show me the one liners on bombing the oil in Iraq and Syria.............................I remember in the 2012 time frame he said he take some oil to pay for our involvement there..................but not bomb them......................

The fence is an open question book..........................It doesn't have to be a physical fence but an electronic one with enough border agents to intercept.............but ultimately enforcing the laws of this land will stem the flow not increase it under current policy and rhetoric........................

Most politicians talk to the masses based on polls.....................just as the dems do as well...........................

whether he's the real deal is still in question with me...............but I like what I see so far.
Watch how he distracts attention away from his answer. He is given a simple, yet very important question, and what does he do, he bloviates and fills his response with those distractions to make his actual answers only a very minor part of his response. What he says is he will bomb the hell out of ISIS at the oil wells, send in commercial oil companies to repair the destroyed oil wells and here is the topper, surround the commercial workers repairing the well with a ring of US troops to protect them. His solution is not original or smart. His solution is to invade Iraq and, get this, Syria with enough troops to surround all the oil wells with American military forces. His solution is actually to insert a larger force than what was used in the Iraq Bush war and invade two countries instead of one. But hey, he campares himself to Generals Patton and MacArthur so he must know what he is talking about.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.

Unfortunately I don't think this is true. People even on a forum like this aren't interested in real change. They're interested in slagging each other off. Trump supporters are using Trump in a like "my friend's the most popular kid in school, neh neh" and trying to put down Democrats as they normally do.

He's forcing debate on what? Immigration, foreign policy. Not really getting to the essentials of the way government works at all.

In the UK UKIP was really popular. The same hysteria for Trump could be seen with Farage. People would defend him no matter what he said, they got blinded by his charisma, they got blind by the thought that everything he said was "common sense", at the beginning people talks about the non-PC bull, but them when non-PC bull started to attack Farage and UKIP they suddenly dropped this, as all parties do eventually.
UKIP got one seat. They were predicted (by themselves) to cause an earthquake, what they did is they brought back the status quo of one party controlling the House of Commons.

Trump is nothing new, he's nothing special. He's been in the Presidential Republican Candidate Race before, and he lost to people who lost to Obama. Great. Just like Hillary, who lost to Obama too.

He's forcing "real debate" on certain issues which won't change a thing. Same old, same old, nothing new.
And the status quo will fix it for us.........................NOT..................

So your answer to same old same old...................IS SAME OLD SAME OLD...............

Which I agree..............IS NOTHING NEW.

Donald Trump is pretty much the "same old" too! Sorry, I'm not seeing anything that really separates him from the rest of the republican people. The stances on all the issues are literally identical. No to gay marriage, no to abortion, no to social services supports. Yes to the death penalty, yes to tax cuts for the wealthy and super rich (but not for the rest of us poor saps). He is anti immigration, and I agree with him on that issue. He wants to change the way we trade with several other countries, and I agree with him on that. The rest of his platform sucks.
I would accept a republican nominee who was more "liberal" when it comes to social issues.
Oh, and I also agree with him on second amendment issues, but besides those three things, there is nothing there that I'm impressed by, and I HATE his stance on most social issues that really do effect us.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.

Unfortunately I don't think this is true. People even on a forum like this aren't interested in real change. They're interested in slagging each other off. Trump supporters are using Trump in a like "my friend's the most popular kid in school, neh neh" and trying to put down Democrats as they normally do.

He's forcing debate on what? Immigration, foreign policy. Not really getting to the essentials of the way government works at all.

In the UK UKIP was really popular. The same hysteria for Trump could be seen with Farage. People would defend him no matter what he said, they got blinded by his charisma, they got blind by the thought that everything he said was "common sense", at the beginning people talks about the non-PC bull, but them when non-PC bull started to attack Farage and UKIP they suddenly dropped this, as all parties do eventually.
UKIP got one seat. They were predicted (by themselves) to cause an earthquake, what they did is they brought back the status quo of one party controlling the House of Commons.

Trump is nothing new, he's nothing special. He's been in the Presidential Republican Candidate Race before, and he lost to people who lost to Obama. Great. Just like Hillary, who lost to Obama too.

He's forcing "real debate" on certain issues which won't change a thing. Same old, same old, nothing new.
And the status quo will fix it for us.........................NOT..................

So your answer to same old same old...................IS SAME OLD SAME OLD...............

Which I agree..............IS NOTHING NEW.

No it won't. However it takes more than having a reality star in the White House. It takes people talking about real change. Whenever I've done it, it just gets met with silence. People aren't interested in real change. What they want is ENTERTAINMENT and Trump is providing.
He one cog of the system...................and one cog can stop the bs from continuing...............

He's not the one behind the curtain in the wizard of oz so to say.............but he forcing real debate already and I like it..................whether he's the real deal is still in question.

Unfortunately I don't think this is true. People even on a forum like this aren't interested in real change. They're interested in slagging each other off. Trump supporters are using Trump in a like "my friend's the most popular kid in school, neh neh" and trying to put down Democrats as they normally do.

He's forcing debate on what? Immigration, foreign policy. Not really getting to the essentials of the way government works at all.

In the UK UKIP was really popular. The same hysteria for Trump could be seen with Farage. People would defend him no matter what he said, they got blinded by his charisma, they got blind by the thought that everything he said was "common sense", at the beginning people talks about the non-PC bull, but them when non-PC bull started to attack Farage and UKIP they suddenly dropped this, as all parties do eventually.
UKIP got one seat. They were predicted (by themselves) to cause an earthquake, what they did is they brought back the status quo of one party controlling the House of Commons.

Trump is nothing new, he's nothing special. He's been in the Presidential Republican Candidate Race before, and he lost to people who lost to Obama. Great. Just like Hillary, who lost to Obama too.

He's forcing "real debate" on certain issues which won't change a thing. Same old, same old, nothing new.
And the status quo will fix it for us.........................NOT..................

So your answer to same old same old...................IS SAME OLD SAME OLD...............

Which I agree..............IS NOTHING NEW.

Donald Trump is pretty much the "same old" too! Sorry, I'm not seeing anything that really separates him from the rest of the republican people. The stances on all the issues are literally identical. No to gay marriage, no to abortion, no to social services supports. Yes to the death penalty, yes to tax cuts for the wealthy and super rich (but not for the rest of us poor saps). He is anti immigration, and I agree with him on that issue. He wants to change the way we trade with several other countries, and I agree with him on that. The rest of his platform sucks.
I haven't seen his whole platform........................some of what I've seen especially on trade are needed................

He can shake up the elections by forcing debate on the issues instead of the usual talking in circle bs we get now............If he accomplishes that...........then he has done something needed in the coming debates...............................and our path.............

Hillary has talking in circles down to an art form...............never really taking a stand on anything...................always leaving a way out....................when I hear a speech of hers...................I almost always left with...................SHE SAID NOTHING AT ALL.................which is an art form for many in politics......................So TRUMP changes that..............and hopefully forces then to finally pick a side......................we'll see..............
I haven't seen his whole platform........................some of what I've seen especially on trade are needed................

He can shake up the elections by forcing debate on the issues instead of the usual talking in circle bs we get now............If he accomplishes that...........then he has done something needed in the coming debates...............................and our path.............

Hillary has talking in circles down to an art form...............never really taking a stand on anything...................always leaving a way out....................when I hear a speech of hers...................I almost always left with...................SHE SAID NOTHING AT ALL.................which is an art form for many in politics......................So TRUMP changes that..............and hopefully forces then to finally pick a side......................we'll see..............

But all he's done so far is put himself into the circus ring. People are talking about HIM, not really about his policies. Immigration as a policy is old hat. Hilary knows how to play the system, get people on her side that she needs, she knows how to talk to people, Trump just has arrogance and a big mouth.
I haven't seen his whole platform........................some of what I've seen especially on trade are needed................

He can shake up the elections by forcing debate on the issues instead of the usual talking in circle bs we get now............If he accomplishes that...........then he has done something needed in the coming debates...............................and our path.............

Hillary has talking in circles down to an art form...............never really taking a stand on anything...................always leaving a way out....................when I hear a speech of hers...................I almost always left with...................SHE SAID NOTHING AT ALL.................which is an art form for many in politics......................So TRUMP changes that..............and hopefully forces then to finally pick a side......................we'll see..............

But all he's done so far is put himself into the circus ring. People are talking about HIM, not really about his policies. Immigration as a policy is old hat. Hilary knows how to play the system, get people on her side that she needs, she knows how to talk to people, Trump just has arrogance and a big mouth.

I find Hilary just as repulsive as a candidate. What sets her apart?
liberals are doing this ......:bang3:
and this..........................:blowup:

and even this......................:9:

All because of

TRUMP 2016

A bully blowhard billionaire that speaks for real Americans
Last edited:
You know what is really sad and depressing here is that the "American dream" is dead for most Americans. Houses, cars, good paying jobs are all hard (very hard and sometimes impossible for some people) to come by nowadays.
liberals are doing this ......:bang3:
and this..........................:blowup:

and even this.......................:eusa_wall:

All because of

TRUMP 2016

A bully blowhard billionaire that speaks for real Americans

Do you really think so? Well, I consider myself a "real" American, and he does not speak for me.
I find Hilary just as repulsive as a candidate. What sets her apart?

I've said I don't think Hilary can win this. Why? She's not good looking enough. She knows the game. But increasingly in a big popularity contest you don't need to play the game.

Obama had very little experience, especially in DC. Bush had no experience in DC. Clinton had no experience in DC. The last with loads of experience was the last president not to make it to two terms, and we're talking 34 years.

Trump is playing the popularity game. However he's doing it from the reality TV point, he's doing what's been done before and what's proven to not work.

Why did Obama win? Well, he came across as presidential looking, smart, articulate, he had a meaningless message "change" that people could get behind without it alienating anyone at all.

Trump has alienated the Hispanics who don't vote much, but they're probably go an vote Democrat if Trump wins the Republican nomination, and those votes could kill him.
I find Hilary just as repulsive as a candidate. What sets her apart?

I've said I don't think Hilary can win this. Why? She's not good looking enough. She knows the game. But increasingly in a big popularity contest you don't need to play the game.

Obama had very little experience, especially in DC. Bush had no experience in DC. Clinton had no experience in DC. The last with loads of experience was the last president not to make it to two terms, and we're talking 34 years.

Trump is playing the popularity game. However he's doing it from the reality TV point, he's doing what's been done before and what's proven to not work.

Why did Obama win? Well, he came across as presidential looking, smart, articulate, he had a meaningless message "change" that people could get behind without it alienating anyone at all.

Trump has alienated the Hispanics who don't vote much, but they're probably go an vote Democrat if Trump wins the Republican nomination, and those votes could kill him.

Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.
I haven't seen his whole platform........................some of what I've seen especially on trade are needed................

He can shake up the elections by forcing debate on the issues instead of the usual talking in circle bs we get now............If he accomplishes that...........then he has done something needed in the coming debates...............................and our path.............

Hillary has talking in circles down to an art form...............never really taking a stand on anything...................always leaving a way out....................when I hear a speech of hers...................I almost always left with...................SHE SAID NOTHING AT ALL.................which is an art form for many in politics......................So TRUMP changes that..............and hopefully forces then to finally pick a side......................we'll see..............

But all he's done so far is put himself into the circus ring. People are talking about HIM, not really about his policies. Immigration as a policy is old hat. Hilary knows how to play the system, get people on her side that she needs, she knows how to talk to people, Trump just has arrogance and a big mouth.

I find Hilary just as repulsive as a candidate. What sets her apart?

Well, she is direct opposite of Trump

Trump speaks his mind, Hillary deflects the question

Trump Is not pc, Hillary is so pc that she is saying nothing

Trump brags about his money, Hillary acts like she is middle class(when she is not)

Trump is confrontational, Hillary avoid confrontation

Trump poll numbers are shooting up, Hillary numbers are slowly falling

Trump personality is loud yet magnetic. Hillary personality is coy and easy to overlook.

One thing I feel deeply that they do have in common:

Neither will win their party nomination.
Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.

"cares about the US" seems to me to be rhetoric, nationalistic nonsense that means nothing. Obama "cares about the US", as did Bush and others. What this actually means is different. Bush cared about it in his own way, and wanted to move forward in his way, just as Obama does.

Being rich is a problem, however the problem doesn't seem being too rich, it seems they have to rely on the rich to "get their message across", read advertising people to death so they vote for you with name recognition or image or whatever it is they're spending all that money trying to get across.

What you should want is someone who is competent. Someone who can get Congress on side, who can deal with foreign countries, who can do the job.

But it's a popularity contest. I think most voters don't even know what the President's role is. They think he's like the executive in the UK or other countries where they have a lot more power internally. The President is more an external leader. Obama has done well in that role. He's got countries on his side, he's made the US look a little less like an ugly war monger, but then he went and bombed Libya. What a stupid thing to do.
Well, I for one am tired of the games. I want a candidate that cares about US, the little people trying to survive here in America! Not a one of them gives a damn. They are too rich and out of touch to even understand the ordinary American's every day struggles. That goes for the candidates in both parties.

"cares about the US" seems to me to be rhetoric, nationalistic nonsense that means nothing. Obama "cares about the US", as did Bush and others. What this actually means is different. Bush cared about it in his own way, and wanted to move forward in his way, just as Obama does.

Being rich is a problem, however the problem doesn't seem being too rich, it seems they have to rely on the rich to "get their message across", read advertising people to death so they vote for you with name recognition or image or whatever it is they're spending all that money trying to get across.

What you should want is someone who is competent. Someone who can get Congress on side, who can deal with foreign countries, who can do the job.

But it's a popularity contest. I think most voters don't even know what the President's role is. They think he's like the executive in the UK or other countries where they have a lot more power internally. The President is more an external leader. Obama has done well in that role. He's got countries on his side, he's made the US look a little less like an ugly war monger, but then he went and bombed Libya. What a stupid thing to do.

No they don't care about us. Stop fooling yourself!! They care about their party politics and who is going to line their pockets, and that is all.
You know what is really sad and depressing here is that the "American dream" is dead for most Americans. Houses, cars, good paying jobs are all hard (very hard and sometimes impossible for some people) to come by nowadays.
If we don't get our house in order then that will become the new norm.
It means stop offshoring of jobs.............aka in the past....
It means living within our means in regards to gov't...........and the destruction of the dollar.
It means stop job killing regs........
It means having a tax system to encourage investment.......but with strings attached.........provide these jobs or no tax break............

Our current path...........we are screwed...............with the status quo..............we are screwed.................with trump.............we are probably still screwed..............
at least we'll get a little entertainment on the way down the toilet...................

bottom line...........WE ARE SCREWED....................and we have to go outside the box to try something new.........
Good news for the Left is that the GOP field is full of RINOs who want to be liked. Jeb Bush is another McCain and Romney. Conservatives want a candidate with balls that is going to come back fighting when the Left's attack dog media and other pawns try and smear and shame a conservative candidate. Trump called out an immigration problem where are large number of Mexicans and those crossing the Mexican border are doing so in a manner that breaks US Law and has negative impact and ramifications. He did not say ALL LATINOS are doing this or that ALL LATINOS are causing problems.

GOP Candidates would be wise to fight more like Trump instead of trying to appease like McCain and Romney. The Media is going to smear whomever is the final candidate as a racist, anti-woman's rights, and anti-immigrant no matter what so you damn well better get a sense of fight, fuck off, and not give a shit about the Left's tactics. Milquetoast Republicans are the worst.
You know what is really sad and depressing here is that the "American dream" is dead for most Americans. Houses, cars, good paying jobs are all hard (very hard and sometimes impossible for some people) to come by nowadays.
If we don't get our house in order then that will become the new norm.
It means stop offshoring of jobs.............aka in the past....
It means living within our means in regards to gov't...........and the destruction of the dollar.
It means stop job killing regs........
It means having a tax system to encourage investment.......but with strings attached.........provide these jobs or no tax break............

Our current path...........we are screwed...............with the status quo..............we are screwed.................with trump.............we are probably still screwed..............
at least we'll get a little entertainment on the way down the toilet...................

bottom line...........WE ARE SCREWED....................and we have to go outside the box to try something new.........

And the way the two parties are dominating our government, all we will ever get is bickering and lies. None of these candidates can break ties with their respective parties even if they did actually disagree with them on some issues. If you run as a republican, you have to please the "base." Same as a democrat. I just hope that people can see and realize what it is going on with these two parties being in control of everything and start moving away from them. If our country has been ruined, I would tend to blame the two party system and the fighting and bickering and inability to compromise on ANY issue. I would like to see some candidates who are more fiscally conservative and less socially conservative from the republican party.

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