Trump hater says you are a mediocre negro..................


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
So if you are African American, do you take offense to the term mediocre negro? Or are you a mediocre negro, is Alveda King a mediocre negro because she voted for Trump?
Catz would probably define mediocre negro as 6 inches in length. That said, Catz would vehemently argue that no "real negro" would ever support Trump - her being an expert on real negroes and such - even dead ones.

Howevah, Catz is similar to a turnip that fell of the truck - several weeks ago that was allowed to ferment in a puddle and explode. Any mention of the word Trump and her hair catches on fire and results in incoherent babbling. Such is the life of the Leftist Pissed Off Bitches March attendees.
Some blacks are scared that Trump is reaching out and connecting to black communities. They know blacks are fed up with living on the Dem plantations, fed up with Dem's sending millions of young black men to prison and millions of young black women to Dem abortion centers.

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