Trump-Hating Liberal Media Like 'World-Ending' Cult Leaders


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Leftist Trump-hating media who facilitated the failed coup attempt for the last 2+ years are like those Cult Leaders who promise their followers that the world will end on a certain date...and who make excuses and try to re-invent themselves / create a new false narrative when that date comes and goes.

CNN and the other Leftist Anti-Trump Cult Leaders promised Trump's world would come to an end when Mueller's investigation ended.

That day has come and gone....and the only world that has come to an end is the fictional delusional world of non-existent Russian Collusion created by treasonous Obama administration Agency Directors and members of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI and by the liberal fake news agencies who now have been fully exposed as fake news collaborators.

It saved them against Nixon, so they keep trying for another Watergate. Nixon was elected by a landslide and was making serious progress on ending the Vietnam War on favorable terms. They kept trying for another Watergate with Reagan. Now, they're trying for another Watergate with Trump.

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