Trump hits 50% Approval today

Trump is brilliant in the way he took trade from being the number 100 issue to a top 5 issue that concerns americans, and made immigration the number 1 issue. when you think about it, immigration and trade are 2 sides of the same coin
Trump's approval is NOT at 50%.

It's 41.2 on average as per realclearpolitics

Right where it's been for over a year
polls represent emotions.

It seems to me that polls probably capture more than emotions. A given individual's assessment of Trump's job performance may very often depend on that individual's political ideology, policy preferences, and even some objective understanding of their own life situation, i.e. you might expect approval numbers to go up if more people perceive themselves to be economically better off. There's an emotional component to all of that, but it's not all emotion unless you think the people who respond to the polls make these assessments purely emotionally, which seems unlikely.

I'm not sure polls ought to be that important to anyone -- even more so any individual poll vs. some aggregate. But they are somewhat useful and occasionally interesting measures of public opinion. The funny thing, to me, is that they are mostly useful by way of providing context to historical assessments, or in other critical applications, where you're more interested in knowing just what happened rather than what should happen.

Today's political polls have marginal practical application. They're subjective and emotional, and at times agenda driven as demonstrated by their questions.

Who is more likely to take time to answer their fucked up phone calls, a Trump supporter like myself who doesn't answer or participate, or a pissed off feminist in her Prism who wants to be heard?

As for job performance, polls have no actual meaning. It doesn't matter whether or not he's doing us a good job, what matters is the propaganda thrown at the public 24/7, which is why the woman in the Prism takes the call.

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