Trump Hits It Out Of The Park In Poland

Rips Russia for their destabilizing actions.

Reiterates our support for Article 5.

Praises the Polish people for their tenacity and spirit.

Praises the Polish for living up to their commitment of 2% of GDP for Nato defense.

CNN is melting down as I type. They hate progress. Now watch the fake news roll out of the libtardos.

Well good to see him finally criticize Russia after covering for them for so long.....Why won't he say Russia hacked the election? "Nobody really knows"?? Come on Donnie, you can do better than that

Why would ANY President not support Article 5? Why would it take him six months to say so?

Yes, the Polish people have tenacity and spirit. Most countries do

Poland spends 2% on their defense. Good to hear

Because Russia hacking the election has no evidence whatsoever behind it. You have been watching too much CNN.

Seems to be overwhelming evidence when even Putin admits the hacks came from within Russia

Russia hasn't admitted that they hacked the election. In fact, the same CNN you are viewing told us the election can't be hacked:

No, the 2016 presidential election can't be hacked -

Putin did not admit he did it but stated that some "patriotic" Russian had done it

It may be next to impossible to hack the voting process itself....but that does not mean Russia did not hack Hillary's campaign to influence the election

Trump used the information that Putin was providing him

Saudi Arabia gave millions to Clintons.

But she is all history now, as American people made the right choice.
Trump reminds me of when they give the really old guy who used to play football a handoff and everyone on both teams run beside him pretending to go for the tackle and throwing fake blocks cheering the whole time for not dropping the ball or having a huge coranary.
"Poland and it's neighbors will never be held hostage by a single supplier of energy (Russia)" - Trump

Obama would never say that. and would never say this: "the American people and the Polish people cry out: we want God!"
We want God?
What in hell ?
Rips Russia for their destabilizing actions.

Reiterates our support for Article 5.

Praises the Polish people for their tenacity and spirit.

Praises the Polish for living up to their commitment of 2% of GDP for Nato defense.

CNN is melting down as I type. They hate progress. Now watch the fake news roll out of the libtardos.
I haven't seen it yet. Hope it's all you say.
Polish government to bus people to Warsaw to cheer Donald Trump during his speech
Measure reminiscent of days of Soviet rule, when crowds would be bussed to Warsaw to ensure visiting bigwigs from Moscow saw a warm welcome on their arrival
Poland is going to bus crowds to Trump's speech to cheer him

Smoke and mirrors.
-------------------------------------------------- silly observation , neither YOU or I know the transportation system in Poland Reasonable .
Ok I have to go a tad off topic Ricky BUT Melania looked freaking gorgeous!

OMG OMG OMG OMG Bare arms!!!!Q Bare Arms !!!!! OMG OMG OMG
Trumps gives a speech where he does not have a major fuck up & the crowd goes crazy.
Polish government to bus people to Warsaw to cheer Donald Trump during his speech
Measure reminiscent of days of Soviet rule, when crowds would be bussed to Warsaw to ensure visiting bigwigs from Moscow saw a warm welcome on their arrival
Poland is going to bus crowds to Trump's speech to cheer him

Smoke and mirrors.

Hilarious. You dirtbags can't draw a crowd without busing in paid outsiders. You bus people to the polls or they'd never get there. You bus your fools to rallies and demonstrations. Thanks to your beloved communism, Poland has been on it's ass economically for the last 70 years yet they're back on their feet, but still poor enough to need a bus ride on occasion...cry me a river.
I find this Hilarious, especially when considering that "The Media" repeatedly tries to tell us, "Trump isn't popular in Europe" and then "Europeans" repeatedly show up en mass, and cheer, clap, and chant in unison praising The President..


Maybe you haven't looked at what's happening in Germany

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