Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.

1. There is nothing cowardly about being against Third World Immigration.

2. Your only "point" against number one, is to insult me. That is you admitting that you have no real argument in favor of the illegals and your support of them.

3. You lose.
When These Gullible Fools Hit The Mountains In January
They'll Freeze-Up, And All Run Home
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
11.4 million.
Actually it does work.... and we have tripled our Border Patrol agents and INS agents in the past decade or two.... and refugees and illegal crossings have been reduced greatly due to their presence.....

Under Clinton, we had as many as 1.6 million illegals and refugees trying to cross in a year.... we are down to around 300k, if memory serves....

1. 11 million is an old number based on shit.
2. Wow. 300 k a year more, and you consider that good enough?
3. If we let the caravan though, we will have a new method on invasion.

11,4 million is based on 2015, 3 different sources that track it

Calm down, at least 90% of those applying for refugee asylum, will be turned down in their hearings, and returned to their native land.

we need to staff the border crossings and the courts, to process quickly the ones that actually make it here....

1. All based on the same bullshit. And still an old number.

2. The numbers need to be NEGATIVE. The point is to SOLVE the problem, not have it get worse slightly slower.

3. We don't want them to make it here. If we did, we would not have immigration laws, just a welcome mat.
Leftists are CRAP at doing Memes, it's very embarrassing when they attempt to Meme.
Is this better?


Nobody wants anybody dead you moron. They stay in their respective countries and pursue their happiness at where they belong to. If they want to immigrate, follow proper channels and obey the laws of another country. I assume you are an alien squatter talking against the law of the land.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.

What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.

My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
Oh god we need to send army rangers immediately!
and tanks....we need to send tanks, lots of them...and a squadron of f-35's, if they can fly that is.
Oh rest assured I'm sure the Air Force is playing a part as this is a dastardly threat. It could come down to an all hands on deck situation for the Navy as well I hear they are being deployed to the Rio Grande as we speak.
^^^^ NPC-s are delusional when they think they are funny and sarcastic.
Oh god we need to send army rangers immediately!
and tanks....we need to send tanks, lots of them...and a squadron of f-35's, if they can fly that is.
Oh rest assured I'm sure the Air Force is playing a part as this is a dastardly threat. It could come down to an all hands on deck situation for the Navy as well I hear they are being deployed to the Rio Grande as we speak.
^^^^ NPC-s are delusional when they think they are funny and sarcastic.
View attachment 226412
You know what is most delusional and how you know you are basically a cult member? When you label anyone that doesn't believe in your god emperor as an NPC.
Oh god we need to send army rangers immediately!
and tanks....we need to send tanks, lots of them...and a squadron of f-35's, if they can fly that is.
Oh rest assured I'm sure the Air Force is playing a part as this is a dastardly threat. It could come down to an all hands on deck situation for the Navy as well I hear they are being deployed to the Rio Grande as we speak.
^^^^ NPC-s are delusional when they think they are funny and sarcastic.
View attachment 226412
You know what is most delusional and how you know you are basically a cult member? When you label anyone that doesn't believe in your god emperor as an NPC.

Nah, it's not the lack of "believing" in Trump that makes NPCs, NPCs.

It's their utter lack of independent thought.
Oh god we need to send army rangers immediately!
and tanks....we need to send tanks, lots of them...and a squadron of f-35's, if they can fly that is.
Oh rest assured I'm sure the Air Force is playing a part as this is a dastardly threat. It could come down to an all hands on deck situation for the Navy as well I hear they are being deployed to the Rio Grande as we speak.
^^^^ NPC-s are delusional when they think they are funny and sarcastic.
View attachment 226412
You know what is most delusional and how you know you are basically a cult member? When you label anyone that doesn't believe in your god emperor as an NPC.

Nah, it's not the lack of "believing" in Trump that makes NPCs, NPCs.

It's their utter lack of independent thought.
Sure bud, trump is your god emperor that can do no wrong, but it is the others that don't think independently.
Oh god we need to send army rangers immediately!
and tanks....we need to send tanks, lots of them...and a squadron of f-35's, if they can fly that is.
Oh rest assured I'm sure the Air Force is playing a part as this is a dastardly threat. It could come down to an all hands on deck situation for the Navy as well I hear they are being deployed to the Rio Grande as we speak.
^^^^ NPC-s are delusional when they think they are funny and sarcastic.
View attachment 226412
You know what is most delusional and how you know you are basically a cult member? When you label anyone that doesn't believe in your god emperor as an NPC.

Nah, it's not the lack of "believing" in Trump that makes NPCs, NPCs.

It's their utter lack of independent thought.
Sure bud, trump is your god emperor that can do no wrong, but it is the others that don't think independently.

Trump is a politician, that I support, but have criticized many times when I disagreed with him or his actions.

That this is confusing to you, says a lot more about YOU, than it does about me.

And yes, it is you libs that so many of, don't think independently.
You know what is most delusional and how you know you are basically a cult member? When you label anyone that doesn't believe in your god emperor as an NPC.
You are an NPC after all assuming that everybody who obeys the law and demands others to obey the laws is a Trump supporter.
It seems like the "Orange_man_bad.exe" is running in your head using all the memory up. It is time to upgrade, don't you think?
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no it isn't.... refugees are civilian law enforcement duties, NOT THE MILITARY
What refugees? I wasn't aware of any war in Latin America. They are invaders disrespecting and disobeying the law of the land especially when forcefully enter the country.

Most of the savages are running away from Socialist Latin American nations that have been destroyed by Socialist policies, the SAME Socialist policies that American Leftists WANT happening in America, which illustrates that IF that happens then America WILL become a Third World Shit Hole like Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba etc.

Guatemala & Honduras are no more Socialist than fast growing China.

Guatemala had a 36 year civil war with 200,000 dead to protect Americas Capitalist interests.
Nobody wants anybody dead you moron. They stay in their respective countries and pursue their happiness at where they belong to. If they want to immigrate, follow proper channels and obey the laws of another country. I assume you are an alien squatter talking against the law of the land.
Oh calm down little one. It's a meme, a satirical take-off of the movie "Kill Bill". As to any actual murdering of immigrants by the blood and guts types that advocate such a process, in this forum, (usually the far right) I sure hope not.
Oh calm down little one. It's a meme, a satirical take-off of the movie "Kill Bill". As to any actual murdering of immigrants by the blood and guts types that advocate such a process, in this forum, (usually the far right) I sure hope not.
What gave you the illusion that anybody is worked up over here? Maybe you cannot process conflicting information. Time for a memory upgrade.
BTW? were you upset when the IDF was shooting some people because they were throwing rocks at them? I know, you cannot process this question until you get reprogrammed.


You are an immigrant as well...we were taught that in schools around the world...the real Americans are native Indians, whites are immigrants and sons and daughters of immigrants. They didnt teaxh you lot of things about your history.
We both citizens and have equal rights, the only difference I pay more taxes and contribute a lot more than you do.

You were taught wrong in school. It always amazes me how uneducated you Moon Bats are.

What you were told were "real Americans" were nothing more than descendants of immigrant Asians.

Are you a racist that somehow think that descendants of Asians are more entitled to this land than descendants of Europeans?

Because that is how racists think.
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no it isn't.... refugees are civilian law enforcement duties, NOT THE MILITARY
What refugees? I wasn't aware of any war in Latin America. They are invaders disrespecting and disobeying the law of the land especially when forcefully enter the country.

Most of the savages are running away from Socialist Latin American nations that have been destroyed by Socialist policies, the SAME Socialist policies that American Leftists WANT happening in America, which illustrates that IF that happens then America WILL become a Third World Shit Hole like Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba etc.
federal republics. thank goodness for left wingers like FDR.

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