Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Sadly for you, we are not yet a fascist nation.
We are not even a nation. Let's start with that. This is a multinational empire created by the Globalists and its development was accelerated with 1965 Immigration Act.
Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.
If a country's military is attacked on its own border, shooting the attackers is just and lawful. Rocks are weapons if they are intentionally used for harming someone including bodily injury and death. Criminal law could give you guidelines about that. These people planning to disobey the laws of the U.S. Why are you for lawlessness?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....
For instance. What kind of immigration reform? What kind of border security?
It's complicated and I don't really know all the statistics and facts to argue a good argument, either way.....

there are so many aspects of immigration and illegal immigration and asylum seeker refugees, and what to do with those illegals here for 10 years plus vs those who had just snuck in recently, and those who have American born kids vs those with no kids, and those with children brought here when very young illegally knowing no other country vs those brought here when 17..... and on and on and on and on.....

they get voted in and PAID the big bucks to solve these problems.... they need to do their jobs.

You are really confused about "asylum", aren't you? Typical for a low information uneducated Moon Bat.

The US doesn't give asylum for economic reasons. If you are living in poverty in your country that does not meet the criteria for asylum. Just because you want to get on the US welfare rolls doesn't mean you will be granted political asylum.

Asylum is narrowly defined and that is the reason why most of these burrito eaters from Central America are not granted it when they go before a judge. They know it and that is the reason 90+% of them don't show up for the hearing if they are released under Obama's filthy catch and release disaster.

Good for Trump for putting an end to this mass invasion of our country.

The burrito eaters need to go back to their home country and do what is necessary to produce a vibrant economy so that America's welfare system does not seem all that great.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.

What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.
no it isn't.... refugees are civilian law enforcement duties, NOT THE MILITARY
What refugees? I wasn't aware of any war in Latin America. They are invaders disrespecting and disobeying the law of the land especially when forcefully enter the country.
You're trying to meme but it is lame. Totally ineffective anymore.
Live stream: President Trump gives speech on immigration and border restrictions

Gonna hold kids and parents together,will NOT be releasing people. Oh! He just said he has told his military officers to consider the rock throwing as rifles aimed at his soldiers! AWESOME!
I have seen the tactics used in groups like this. Have any of you seen what a broken panel of glass can do when it is slung at you it is deadly as a rock, boards will maim and can kill, rebar is very bad. Throwing is not a good idea and for one would try to shoot to wound if someone would die is not my problem.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....
Liar. He didn't turn that down the democrats refused.
The US doesn't give asylum for economic reasons. If you are living in poverty in your country that does not meet the criteria for asylum. Just because you want to get on the US welfare rolls doesn't mean you will be granted political asylum.

And if that's all they got, they won't get asylum. Big fucking deal.

This isn't about reality. It's about Mad King Donald's fascist circle-jerk.
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?

You may be confused.

There is no such thing as "natives". What we call "Native Americans" are just earlier immigrants. There were four waves of human immigration to the Americas. The European wave was just the most recent one.

Of course if you want to look at that way anybody born in the Americas would be a native American.
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?

You may be confused.

There is no such thing as "natives". What we call "Native Americans" are just earlier immigrants. There were four waves of human immigration to the Americas. The European wave was just the most recent one.

Of course if you want to look at that way anybody born in the Americas would be a native American.
Treat It like the home invasion that it is
We are no longer the PC chumps and public relations Nation of the planet
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?

No, people came from overseas and created a country out of this land. We formed boundaries, laws, and civilization.

Once established, we incorporated a US Constitution.
The US doesn't give asylum for economic reasons. If you are living in poverty in your country that does not meet the criteria for asylum. Just because you want to get on the US welfare rolls doesn't mean you will be granted political asylum.

And if that's all they got, they won't get asylum. Big fucking deal.

This isn't about reality. It's about Mad King Donald's fascist circle-jerk.

What circle jerk?

Trump took an existing failed policy and improved it like most things he gets involved in. Catch and Release was a legal way to illegally gain entry into this country. Trump is stopping that. No more using our laws and kindness against us.
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?

No, people came from overseas and created a country out of this land. We formed boundaries, laws, and civilization.

Once established, we incorporated a US Constitution.
You mean killed millions stole their lamd and you wanna prevent others from coming in because you want to eat the whole pie by yourself.
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?

No, people came from overseas and created a country out of this land. We formed boundaries, laws, and civilization.

Once established, we incorporated a US Constitution.
You mean killed millions stole their lamd and you wanna prevent others from coming in because you want to eat the whole pie by yourself.

what are you talking about------DA HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE ----or
DA CALIPHATE aka dar al islam?
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
Actually in here are illegals except native indians....u were saying ?

No, people came from overseas and created a country out of this land. We formed boundaries, laws, and civilization.

Once established, we incorporated a US Constitution.
You mean killed millions stole their lamd and you wanna prevent others from coming in because you want to eat the whole pie by yourself.

And what do you want? To take advantage of stolen land as you call it?

Any foreigner that doesn't like or approve of how we created this great place can STF out of our country and put up with the country they were born in. Only then can you criticize ours.
for the record------the civilizations of those called "American Indians"-----did not have a concept of land "OWNERSHIP"----(I am not questioning the fact of the genocide committed against them by the HOLEY ROMAN

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