Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Anglo-Saxons have been a ....

Fascism is a social disease.

No it's not, and never was.

That's called extreme propaganda, and biases.

Since the 2000's rolled on in, the MOST Violent country is the most Capitalist,most pro-Jewish, AKA the U.S.A like W. Bush's war.

Just before the 1900's rolled on in, the MOST violent Country was the most Capitalist, most pro-Jewish, AKA the British Empire, which the Great Victorian Holocausts peaked when the British people elected Jewish Benjamin Disraeli.

Now, why is that???????????

Maybe because Anglo - Saxons go Chimp, Chimp?????????/

Germans & English tribes AKA Anglo-Saxons ALWAYS are going NUTS looting, and shooting.

Get down with your fascist self!


Like regulating businesses against hiring Illegals.

Like regulating businesses against outsourcing.

Cracking down on those renting to Illegals.

Make it hard for Illegals to be here, and they'll self deport.

Also, the Fascists would promote peaceful eugenics, AKA Positive Eugenics, NOT sterlizations, and NOT killing.

But, rather the aim is to improve genetic quality, and ELIMINATE racial scums from being born, whether it be Bowers killing Jews at the Synagogue, or Paddock killing country music Hicks in a Jason Aldean concert, or Omar Manteen shooting up a Gay nightclub.

It's about LAW & ORDER.

Civilization requires regulation, government, taxes, anti-immigration methods, and so forth.

Fascism is a social disease. I'm pretty sure history has my back on this one. Your views are malignant, and lead to authoritarian, tyrannically government.

If I were an Anglo-Saxon dope dupe, I'd also be looking for government to blame for the fact that Anglo-Saxons in any system are INSANE & BRUTAL Barbarians.

Anglo-Saxons are ALWAYS killing, and most of the Anglo-Saxons on this forum are pro-Destruction & Death, be it in more subtle forms like Balkanization, and cultural replacement
in more overt forms like supporting terroristic massacres upon Muslims, or Latino Caravans.

Poland was an Authoritarian & anti-Semitic government in the 1930's of Jozef Beck.

A.) They became less war-mongering in the 1930's than Poland had been in the 1920's.

B.) They STOPPED a couple of little Pogroms.

C.) They were the FIRST to fight the Nazis.

D.) They ended up going onto create Zegota.

Yes, absolutely the Polish government under Jozef Beck was anti-Jewish & Authoritarian.

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Live stream: President Trump gives speech on immigration and border restrictions

Gonna hold kids and parents together,will NOT be releasing people. Oh! He just said he has told his military officers to consider the rock throwing as rifles aimed at his soldiers! AWESOME!

Invasion, my ass.
The last "invasion" consisted of 140 people that actually made it to the border last April.
So Trump is going to send 15,000 troops.
And you voted for him.

It is really pathetic to see how you filthy Libtards try to justify an invasion of this country by Brown welfare queens.

The only reason the asshole Democrats want them to come in is because they know they have to import welfare shitheads in order to have a voter base.

Poor thing. You really believe that, don't you?
Well-groomed....trumpanzees have been well-groomed.
You need to be a snowflake to call that group an invasion...
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Nuff said. They have a foreign countries flag and are marching towards our borders to break in. THAT is an invasion
Live stream: President Trump gives speech on immigration and border restrictions

Gonna hold kids and parents together,will NOT be releasing people. Oh! He just said he has told his military officers to consider the rock throwing as rifles aimed at his soldiers! AWESOME!

Invasion, my ass.
The last "invasion" consisted of 140 people that actually made it to the border last April.
So Trump is going to send 15,000 troops.
And you voted for him.
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Its clear as day son. We ALL know why you idiots want these invaders....Kate Steinle died so YOU leftists could have some more leftist voters.
Now you've done it....they will feel it's even safer to shoot down women and children.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?

Seems like you got one hell of an imagination and you can keep telling yourself whatever little story you want to.

Because reality is reality sadly the weak side chooses to stay in lalala land.
How'd that "Mueller is a rapist" thing work out for you?

That's the word for a leader who would have let the invasion cross over and caved into a corner, giving into their demands.

This is a man with balls, deflecting an invasion with overwhelming might.
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
Your in your home... And these criminals try an enter your home welding rocks and threats... You will just let them come on in and do what they want or are you going to shoot and protect yourself and YOUR HOME? You have 1/10 of one second to decide..

False equivalency.

So you would just let them in and do what they will.... Your an Idiot..

No. You are an idiot. You completely miss the fact that there are PLENTY of options between OPEN BORDERS and HARD BORDERS so you have to resort to "you want to let them all in". You do realize that don't you, that it does not have to be one or the other only? That's have the problem with this rhetoric - it presents it as only an either or scenario. You also completely ignore the fact that illegal crossings have fallen hugely over the past decade and even with the slight increase again, it doesn't come near the numbers in the 80's and 90's. So WHY is it suddenly a huge crisis needing more troops at the border than we have stationed in Iraq? Because it's political.
Stupid people can only think in binary.
Live stream: President Trump gives speech on immigration and border restrictions

Gonna hold kids and parents together,will NOT be releasing people. Oh! He just said he has told his military officers to consider the rock throwing as rifles aimed at his soldiers! AWESOME!

Invasion, my ass.
The last "invasion" consisted of 140 people that actually made it to the border last April.
So Trump is going to send 15,000 troops.
And you voted for him.

It is really pathetic to see how you filthy Libtards try to justify an invasion of this country by Brown welfare queens.

The only reason the asshole Democrats want them to come in is because they know they have to import welfare shitheads in order to have a voter base.

Poor thing. You really believe that, don't you?
Well-groomed....trumpanzees have been well-groomed.
Being well groomed is a sign of a Trump supporter?

That sure explains why you never brush your teeth, shampoo your hair or wash your clothes .

Thanks for letting us know.
If I were an Anglo-Saxon ...

Sorry. I can't really entertain your fixation on genetics and breeding. Race doesn't make someone good or bad. Actions do. Fascism has proven itself, time and time again, to bring out the worst in people. Not interested.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.

What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
Or how about Charles (The Hammer) Martel repelling a Muslim invasion of Europe in 732 of brown skinned Muslims and Berbers? He sent the rapacious Muslim armies back to the Middle East for good.

Whether you are indignantly cherry picking examples of whites as immigrants (your Jewish example is strained
and may not at all be appropriate but I'm not wasting time on that) or not we don't owe it to any mob to open our country up wide to them because they demand it.

You might also want to consider how many non white people there are living in America who don't fancy an invasion
of rock and incendiary device throwing thugs from Central America but I doubt that would fit your narrative.
You don't seem like a real nuanced thinker.
"Of course CNN, that broadcast trump’s ridiculous press conference yesterday in its entirety, just cut off the Obama speech to show trump’s rambling lies to the press again."
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....
For instance. What kind of immigration reform? What kind of border security?
It's complicated and I don't really know all the statistics and facts to argue a good argument, either way.....

there are so many aspects of immigration and illegal immigration and asylum seeker refugees, and what to do with those illegals here for 10 years plus vs those who had just snuck in recently, and those who have American born kids vs those with no kids, and those with children brought here when very young illegally knowing no other country vs those brought here when 17..... and on and on and on and on.....

they get voted in and PAID the big bucks to solve these problems.... they need to do their jobs.
I miss the days when the left was liberal and supported labor interests.

These sheeple who are all lining up to support internal corporation schemes for flooding the West with cheap labor are all too stupid to even understand why supporting the working stiff is important

Fucking brainwashed fools.

They're Democrats. They do whatever they are told without question.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
I hope nothing happens, but if they try to hurt our soldiers. Fire away, less we will have to pay to take them back to their country.
It's ILLEGAL for the military to be used as a Force, for this type of situation where it is a civil law enforcement duty of Border Patrol, inside the USA....

Posse Comitatus Act.

Try reading it.... inform yourself.
It's the duty of the military to keep us safe. Maybe if we had the wall built, we wouldn't be talking about this.

Or maybe if Democrats and MSM didn't carry on so about children and adults being separated, this wouldn't be happening today.
We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

The Democrats threatened to shutdown the government if Republicans tried to include money for border security. Our immigration system does not need reform. We allow one million people to become citizens every year. This is on top of our generous work permits and student VISA's. No other industrialized country in the world does this EXCEPT the United States of America.

What does reform mean? It means outsiders don't like our laws and insist we change our laws to meet their approval.
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....
You don’t want any measures that seal the borders therefore you lie and do want open borders!
Democrats gave Trump 25 billion to secure the border in the Senate's bi-partisan bill that he asked for and swore he would sign, and the Trumpmeister TURNED IT DOWN and settled for 1.2 billion in the budget spending bill.

Trump is the one who really does NOT want this issue settled.... he needs it to scare and rile you to vote for him.... :rolleyes:
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Nuff said. They have a foreign countries flag and are marching towards our borders to break in. THAT is an invasion
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Its clear as day son. We ALL know why you idiots want these invaders....Kate Steinle died so YOU leftists could have some more leftist voters.
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Now tell us Democrats don't want the illegals in the country either. They want all the illegals out of the country.
We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

The Democrats threatened to shutdown the government if Republicans tried to include money for border security. Our immigration system does not need reform. We allow one million people to become citizens every year. This is on top of our generous work permits and student VISA's. No other industrialized country in the world does this EXCEPT the United States of America.

What does reform mean? It means outsiders don't like our laws and insist we change our laws to meet their approval.
The Democrats in a bipartisan bill Trump asked for, gave Trump $25 BILLION for the wall and border security....

Trump turned it DOWN.

He ended up getting only 1.2 billion in the Republican spending bill for it.... me thinks Trump is not as great a negotiator as you all think....
We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

The Democrats threatened to shutdown the government if Republicans tried to include money for border security. Our immigration system does not need reform. We allow one million people to become citizens every year. This is on top of our generous work permits and student VISA's. No other industrialized country in the world does this EXCEPT the United States of America.

What does reform mean? It means outsiders don't like our laws and insist we change our laws to meet their approval.
The Democrats in a bipartisan bill Trump asked for, gave Trump $25 BILLION for the wall and border security....

Trump turned it DOWN.

He ended up getting only 1.2 billion in the Republican spending bill for it.... me thinks Trump is not as great a negotiator as you all think....


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