Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

You need to be a snowflake to call that group an invasion...
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Nuff said. They have a foreign countries flag and are marching towards our borders to break in. THAT is an invasion
Invasion, my ass.
The last "invasion" consisted of 140 people that actually made it to the border last April.
So Trump is going to send 15,000 troops.
And you voted for him.
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Its clear as day son. We ALL know why you idiots want these invaders....Kate Steinle died so YOU leftists could have some more leftist voters.
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
I see you bought that line....They can only exist if they work and to work they must have a way to do it and wealthy folks hire them it isn't the poor...your denial of the truth doesn't change anything in reality...
The illegal immigrant who allegedly killed college student Mollie Tibbetts had worked for years at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family, a report said Tuesday night.
------------------------------------------------------------ We will see 'Care4' .

We will see our President behind bars and all the military men who used lethal force behind bars as well, is that what you really want?

Now we wouldn't
Sure we would....

the Military already knows they can not use lethal or any kind of force, to enforce our laws within the USA, and General Mattis has said such.... the military IS NOT GOING THERE to do anything but be helpful in logistics, for the border patrol officers.

The fact you have to repear this over and over certainly makes it seem like some here really want the military to do some shooting.
I know!

And I do not know who these people I once respected, are any more.... it's saddening to me.... :(

Fascism is a social disease.
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Nuff said. They have a foreign countries flag and are marching towards our borders to break in. THAT is an invasion
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Its clear as day son. We ALL know why you idiots want these invaders....Kate Steinle died so YOU leftists could have some more leftist voters.
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....
Oh fucks yes you do.
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Nuff said. They have a foreign countries flag and are marching towards our borders to break in. THAT is an invasion
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Its clear as day son. We ALL know why you idiots want these invaders....Kate Steinle died so YOU leftists could have some more leftist voters.
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
Not if they claim refugee status..
They aren't refugees. They were offered refugee in Mexico,they refused,The UN offered them refugee status ANYWHERE they were in Mexico,they refused...these are invaders.
You can't twist the meanings of words to fit your narrative..A court of law says so..
Lol....we'll see. We control the SC now....if they were such in bad shape ONE country and ONE huge organization has offered them asylum and they didn't want it. They just want welfare in America.
We control the Supreme Court...I think you are confused. The law controls the supreme court and a few ethics rules..
No AMERICANS control the SC,leftist Anti Americans don't. Thank god for that.
American controls the SC, ok I want to fire five of them, do it now...
We will see our President behind bars and all the military men who used lethal force behind bars as well, is that what you really want?

Now we wouldn't
Sure we would....

the Military already knows they can not use lethal or any kind of force, to enforce our laws within the USA, and General Mattis has said such.... the military IS NOT GOING THERE to do anything but be helpful in logistics, for the border patrol officers.

The fact you have to repear this over and over certainly makes it seem like some here really want the military to do some shooting.
I know!

And I do not know who these people I once respected, are any more.... it's saddening to me.... :(

LOL @ you respecting anyone. You spew the leftist crap over and over.

Anyone supporting this caravan crap needs to get the hell out. Now
Saying the military have to follow the laws of the land, is NOT leftist crap..... it is THE LAW OF THE LAND we live in.....
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
I doubt very seriously you could ever provide proof of your assumptions...
Now we wouldn't
Sure we would....

the Military already knows they can not use lethal or any kind of force, to enforce our laws within the USA, and General Mattis has said such.... the military IS NOT GOING THERE to do anything but be helpful in logistics, for the border patrol officers.

The fact you have to repear this over and over certainly makes it seem like some here really want the military to do some shooting.
I know!

And I do not know who these people I once respected, are any more.... it's saddening to me.... :(

LOL @ you respecting anyone. You spew the leftist crap over and over.

Anyone supporting this caravan crap needs to get the hell out. Now
Saying the military have to follow the laws of the land, is NOT leftist crap..... it is THE LAW OF THE LAND we live in.....

Too bad for you I don't take your leftist crap to heart. In fact I've had it up to my eyeballs with you anti American loons.

Go to Mexico and help your potential border jumpers out....then stay there
There is no invasion. The word "invasion" is a propaganda branding word used by Trump to insight his base of dupes and easy to scam followers.
Last edited:
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Nuff said. They have a foreign countries flag and are marching towards our borders to break in. THAT is an invasion
INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy,

Its clear as day son. We ALL know why you idiots want these invaders....Kate Steinle died so YOU leftists could have some more leftist voters.
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....
You don’t want any measures that seal the borders therefore you lie and do want open borders!
We will see our President behind bars and all the military men who used lethal force behind bars as well, is that what you really want?

Now we wouldn't
Sure we would....

the Military already knows they can not use lethal or any kind of force, to enforce our laws within the USA, and General Mattis has said such.... the military IS NOT GOING THERE to do anything but be helpful in logistics, for the border patrol officers.

The fact you have to repear this over and over certainly makes it seem like some here really want the military to do some shooting.
I know!

And I do not know who these people I once respected, are any more.... it's saddening to me.... :(

Fascism is a social disease.

Anglo-Saxons are a genetic disease, and therefor a violent disaster.
(MOST Americans are of Anglo & Saxon bloodlines so why is it surprising THEY"RE calling for more BLOOD, and BODIES strewn all over???????????????

In the late 1800's the LEAST Fascist country, called Britain, also the MOST Capitalist & MOST pro-jewish WAS THE MOST VIOLENT.

The Late Victorian Holocausts PEAKED with about 30 million killed in the late 1800's by BRITAIN, this tragedy peaked during
the time of Benjamin Disraeli ruling Britain an ELECTED JEW who ruled a violent empire of bloodthirst.

Also note that Poland in the 1930's Jozef Beck killed basically no one, despite being basically a Fascist country of anti-Semitism.

Jozef Beck's Poland became MORE PEACEFUL than Jozef Pilsduski's Poland in the 1920's which saw some "Small wars"

However, Jozef Beck's Poland became more Nationalistic, Fascistic, and anti-Semitic.

Now, WHY IS THAT?????????????? Why didn't the bodies get strewn all over the place by Polish Jozef Beck's Fascist like & anti-Semitic regime???????

Maybe because Poles are Human & Anglos & Saxons are SOMETHING ELSE???????????????
The Democrats are not all leftist, just like all Republicans are not all rightist...Those being the fringe groups that are the minority...
Kate Steinle died as part of the Democrat population replacement program.
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....

See my previous post, I don't take any quack's musings serious anymore. You people lie, cheat and steal in your quest to implement your agenda. I'm done with all of you. The Kavananugh BS was the last straw
She certainly did and so did that dead girl in Iowa!
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....
For instance. What kind of immigration reform? What kind of border security?
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
I hope nothing happens, but if they try to hurt our soldiers. Fire away, less we will have to pay to take them back to their country.
It's ILLEGAL for the military to be used as a Force, for this type of situation where it is a civil law enforcement duty of Border Patrol, inside the USA....

Posse Comitatus Act.

Try reading it.... inform yourself.
It's the duty of the military to keep us safe. Maybe if we had the wall built, we wouldn't be talking about this.
Who worked on a farm owned by Republicans...So tell us again how it's always just the Democrats?
I don’t think so. DemonRats want open borders. Republicans do not!
Democrats do not want open borders....

that's right wing propaganda, made up bull crud, that was created by Republican operatives to use as a marketing strategy....

Yeah right, you quacks have never met an illegal you didn't embrace
That's simply not true....

We need Republicans and Democrats to get together and pass immigration reform and border security....

my suspicion is no one wants to actually do something, so they can pit the two sides against each other, and try to win seats in elections off of it.

President Trump was given a bipartisan bill, giving him 25 BILLION for border security, with giving the DACA's a pathway to citizenship, and Trump turned it down.... and got only 1.2 Billion for border security in his budget bill that he signed.

He didn't want it settled either..... he too wants to use it as a political tool and not really build the wall and beef up security at the border....

YOU ARE BEING played like a violin by him....

See my previous post, I don't take any quack's musings serious anymore. You people lie, cheat and steal in your quest to implement your agenda. I'm done with all of you. The Kavananugh BS was the last straw
Yep, they messed up with Kavanaugh, and hopefully they lose big time Tuesday.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
I hope nothing happens, but if they try to hurt our soldiers. Fire away, less we will have to pay to take them back to their country.
It's ILLEGAL for the military to be used as a Force, for this type of situation where it is a civil law enforcement duty of Border Patrol, inside the USA....

Posse Comitatus Act.

Try reading it.... inform yourself.
It's the duty of the military to keep us safe. Maybe if we had the wall built, we wouldn't be talking about this.
DemonRats don’t want a wall.
The Military can't do a damn thing but be back up support for logistics for border Patrol, that's the LAW... unless congress passes a temporary law, allowing their use, for a specific otherwise use.
------------------------------------------------------------ We will see 'Care4' .

We will see our President behind bars and all the military men who used lethal force behind bars as well, is that what you really want?

Now we wouldn't
Sure we would....

the Military already knows they can not use lethal or any kind of force, to enforce our laws within the USA, and General Mattis has said such.... the military IS NOT GOING THERE to do anything but be helpful in logistics, for the border patrol officers.

The fact you have to repear this over and over certainly makes it seem like some here really want the military to do some shooting.
------------------------------------ [don't know WHO you are adressing but i assume and suppose that the Military will do what they are ordered to do Coyote .

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