Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

So WTF does that have to do with anything in this topic? And no, I don't celebrate St Patrick's day because I'm not Irish.
Yes it does, we are all immigrants.
And I'd you are not Irish than you from somewhere else, that's what I hear from all American born....the only once that can aim to be from here are native indians PERIOD.


  1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
  2. an organism found in a new habitat.
the definition of immigrant

I did not "migrate" here from another country. I was born here--you were not. You are not my equal in this country and never will be.
Lol I'm a US citizen I lived here less than you, English is my fourth language and I live ina better area than you, and I make more than you for sure.
The only difference I'm open minded about others coming here to better their lives, and you are a paranoid selfish ****.

The point here is that YOU are an immigrant and I am not. Glad I taught you something this morning.
You are an immigrant as well...we were taught that in schools around the world...the real Americans are native Indians, whites are immigrants and sons and daughters of immigrants. They didnt teaxh you lot of things about your history.
We both citizens and have equal rights, the only difference I pay more taxes and contribute a lot more than you do.

First off, read the definition I posted once again. I am not an immigrant--you are an immigrant.

Secondly, you don't know what I contribute to our taxation system.
I bet you celebrate St patricks day and you know nothing about natives holidays/traditions/languages.

So WTF does that have to do with anything in this topic? And no, I don't celebrate St Patrick's day because I'm not Irish.
Yes it does, we are all immigrants.
And I'd you are not Irish than you from somewhere else, that's what I hear from all American born....the only once that can aim to be from here are native indians PERIOD.


  1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
  2. an organism found in a new habitat.
the definition of immigrant

I did not "migrate" here from another country. I was born here--you were not. You are not my equal in this country and never will be.
Lol I'm a US citizen I lived here less than you, English is my fourth language and I live ina better area than you, and I make more than you for sure.
The only difference I'm open minded about others coming here to better their lives, and you are a paranoid selfish ****.

The point here is that YOU are an immigrant and I am not. Glad I taught you something this morning.
--------------------------------------- and many of these imported
fifth column' are against and work against American Rights and Freedoms .
So WTF does that have to do with anything in this topic? And no, I don't celebrate St Patrick's day because I'm not Irish.
Yes it does, we are all immigrants.
And I'd you are not Irish than you from somewhere else, that's what I hear from all American born....the only once that can aim to be from here are native indians PERIOD.


  1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
  2. an organism found in a new habitat.
the definition of immigrant

I did not "migrate" here from another country. I was born here--you were not. You are not my equal in this country and never will be.
Lol I'm a US citizen I lived here less than you, English is my fourth language and I live ina better area than you, and I make more than you for sure.
The only difference I'm open minded about others coming here to better their lives, and you are a paranoid selfish ****.

The point here is that YOU are an immigrant and I am not. Glad I taught you something this morning.
--------------------------------------- and many of these imported
fifth column' are against and work against American Rights and Freedoms .

Not to mention working against wage increases across the country.
Yes it does, we are all immigrants.
And I'd you are not Irish than you from somewhere else, that's what I hear from all American born....the only once that can aim to be from here are native indians PERIOD.


  1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
  2. an organism found in a new habitat.
the definition of immigrant

I did not "migrate" here from another country. I was born here--you were not. You are not my equal in this country and never will be.
Lol I'm a US citizen I lived here less than you, English is my fourth language and I live ina better area than you, and I make more than you for sure.
The only difference I'm open minded about others coming here to better their lives, and you are a paranoid selfish ****.

The point here is that YOU are an immigrant and I am not. Glad I taught you something this morning.
--------------------------------------- and many of these imported
fifth column' are against and work against American Rights and Freedoms .

Not to mention working against wage increases across the country.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy. only the right wing never gets it.
Illegals KILL 42,000 Americans each year, so yes these KILLERS must be stopped from entering our country.
immorals do all of the Bad Things. They should be stopped, first.

Illegals should be deported and their co-conspirator Dem's should be sent to prison.
our drug war is unconstitutional; the right wing should have to serve time for that.

Your idiocy is a waste of internet bandwidth. :icon_rolleyes:
Illegals KILL 42,000 Americans each year, so yes these KILLERS must be stopped from entering our country.
immorals do all of the Bad Things. They should be stopped, first.

Illegals should be deported and their co-conspirator Dem's should be sent to prison.
our drug war is unconstitutional; the right wing should have to serve time for that.

Your idiocy is a waste of internet bandwidth. :icon_rolleyes:
yours is worse.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.

What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.

My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.

What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.

My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
Leftists are CRAP at doing Memes, it's very embarrassing when they attempt to Meme.
Is this better?



Yes that is a great improvement, that is 8 out of 10 :eusa_dance:
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.

What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.

My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
We send those countries hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Doesn't sound to me like we are killing them or heartlessly ignoring their plight.

What would you like us to do? Invade the Honduras and occupy the nation until they can manage their own affairs?
That doesn't seem likely. Neither does just letting everyone enter the country that feels like they have a right to be here.

There are channels and procedures for legitimate asylum seekers. Joining a chanting, rock throwing, flag burning mob isn't one of them.
What about vice-versa of Brown people protecting their homeland by Massacring foreign White people??????

Like Palestine did in 1929 riots vs Jewish immigrants?

Like Crazy Horse & his Native Americans had vs White immigrants?

It seems there's a glaring hypocrisy, that ONLY White people tend to be hold to a certain standard, and no one else.
It's called RACISM.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.

My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
We send those countries hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Doesn't sound to me like we are killing them or heartlessly ignoring their plight.

What would you like us to do? Invade the Honduras and occupy the nation until they can manage their own affairs?
That doesn't seem likely. Neither does just letting everyone enter the country that feels like they have a right to be here.

There are channels and procedures for legitimate asylum seekers. Joining a chanting, rock throwing, flag burning mob isn't one of them.
our drug war destabilizes countries in that region. Government solutions from the Right Wing; who then, Blame the Poor.
What about Charles Martel driving out the brown invaders in Europe in 732?
What is the point of your cherry picking? Brown people have been trying to reclaim the USA for decades. So what? So what does this matter with regards to the invasion from Central
America? It won't happen.

My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
We send those countries hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Doesn't sound to me like we are killing them or heartlessly ignoring their plight.

What would you like us to do? Invade the Honduras and occupy the nation until they can manage their own affairs?
That doesn't seem likely. Neither does just letting everyone enter the country that feels like they have a right to be here.

There are channels and procedures for legitimate asylum seekers. Joining a chanting, rock throwing, flag burning mob isn't one of them.
our drug war destabilizes countries in that region. Government solutions from the Right Wing; who then, Blame the Poor.
Who blames the poor? I blame the cartels there that the governments have failed to deal with.
What are the governments there doing with all those millions of dollars? Building gold plated escape hatches?

Would you prefer to we turn the meth and heroin spigot to wide open and stop caring altogether?
Sounds like a leftist solution to me. That's why you people shouldn't even be trusted with
a parakeet, let alone our government.
Last edited:
My comment is calling out Liberal hypocrisy of chosing to complain about actions against this carravan defending their land. but then looking the other way over Palestians, or Native Americans defended their land.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
We send those countries hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Doesn't sound to me like we are killing them or heartlessly ignoring their plight.

What would you like us to do? Invade the Honduras and occupy the nation until they can manage their own affairs?
That doesn't seem likely. Neither does just letting everyone enter the country that feels like they have a right to be here.

There are channels and procedures for legitimate asylum seekers. Joining a chanting, rock throwing, flag burning mob isn't one of them.
our drug war destabilizes countries in that region. Government solutions from the Right Wing; who then, Blame the Poor.
Who blames the poor? I blame the cartels there that the governments have failed to deal with.
What are the governments there doing with all those millions of dollars? Building gold plated escape hatches?

Would you prefer to we turn the meth and heroin spigot to wide open and stop caring altogether?
Sounds like a leftist solution to me. That's why you people shouldn't even be trusted with
a parakeet, let alone our government.
The right wing "blames the Poor" at every capital opportunity. The right wing makes it seem, like the Poor are simply not capitally worth it, under any form of Capitalism. Special pleading in a vacuum is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; we have a problem Because of our drug war.
There probably isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been formed by one group taking the land of another including Native American nations that were constantly at war with each other and Palestine, which at various times was under the control of Alexander the Great, Rome, the Egyptians, Ottoman Turks, Crusaders and the Jews (Hasmonean Judea)
as well as many others.

We have no duty, morally or otherwise, to capitulate to the demands of a violent mob demanding entry into our nation.

I don't even see an issue here. No nation has a duty to surrender control of it's own borders when any group of people demand it.

Even the morons in the EU have greatly curtailed their policy of flooding member states with refugees from the Middle East and making them all wards of the state.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
We send those countries hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Doesn't sound to me like we are killing them or heartlessly ignoring their plight.

What would you like us to do? Invade the Honduras and occupy the nation until they can manage their own affairs?
That doesn't seem likely. Neither does just letting everyone enter the country that feels like they have a right to be here.

There are channels and procedures for legitimate asylum seekers. Joining a chanting, rock throwing, flag burning mob isn't one of them.
our drug war destabilizes countries in that region. Government solutions from the Right Wing; who then, Blame the Poor.
Who blames the poor? I blame the cartels there that the governments have failed to deal with.
What are the governments there doing with all those millions of dollars? Building gold plated escape hatches?

Would you prefer to we turn the meth and heroin spigot to wide open and stop caring altogether?
Sounds like a leftist solution to me. That's why you people shouldn't even be trusted with
a parakeet, let alone our government.
The right wing "blames the Poor" at every capital opportunity. The right wing makes it seem, like the Poor are simply not capitally worth it, under any form of Capitalism. Special pleading in a vacuum is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; we have a problem Because of our drug war.
So you are in favor of opening the heroin and meth spigot from South of the border. Why not just say so explicitly?
Your mischaracterizations of what the right wing thinks about the poor doesn't make for an argument. Only a good laugh.
we should not be waging wars or using our weapons of micro or mass destruction to create refugees, either.
We send those countries hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Doesn't sound to me like we are killing them or heartlessly ignoring their plight.

What would you like us to do? Invade the Honduras and occupy the nation until they can manage their own affairs?
That doesn't seem likely. Neither does just letting everyone enter the country that feels like they have a right to be here.

There are channels and procedures for legitimate asylum seekers. Joining a chanting, rock throwing, flag burning mob isn't one of them.
our drug war destabilizes countries in that region. Government solutions from the Right Wing; who then, Blame the Poor.
Who blames the poor? I blame the cartels there that the governments have failed to deal with.
What are the governments there doing with all those millions of dollars? Building gold plated escape hatches?

Would you prefer to we turn the meth and heroin spigot to wide open and stop caring altogether?
Sounds like a leftist solution to me. That's why you people shouldn't even be trusted with
a parakeet, let alone our government.
The right wing "blames the Poor" at every capital opportunity. The right wing makes it seem, like the Poor are simply not capitally worth it, under any form of Capitalism. Special pleading in a vacuum is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; we have a problem Because of our drug war.
So you are in favor of opening the heroin and meth spigot from South of the border. Why not just say so explicitly?
Your mischaracterizations of what the right wing thinks about the poor doesn't make for an argument. Only a good laugh.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. Apparently they forgot History. Prohibition doesn't work in the US; too much Yankee ingenuity.

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