Trump hosts "American Victims of Illegal Immigration, livestreams on twitter


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
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I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was funny preventable as these people illegally entered your country.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...

You guys sound a lot like us progressives in 2006

Working Americans have always known this simple equation: More workers, lower wages. Fewer workers, higher wages.

Do a little math. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are 7.6 million unemployed Americans right now. Another 1.5 million Americans are no longer counted because they've become "long term" or "discouraged" unemployed workers. And although various groups have different ways of measuring it, most agree that at least another five to ten million Americans are either working part-time when they want to work full-time, or are "underemployed," doing jobs below their level of training, education, or experience. That's between eight and twenty million un- and under-employed Americans, many unable to find above-poverty-level work.

At the same time, there are between seven and fifteen million working illegal immigrants diluting our labor pool.

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)
Shouldn't we be compassionate? Of course.

But there is nothing compassionate about driving down the wages of any nation's middle class. It's the most cynical, self-serving, greedy, and sociopathic behavior you'll see from our "conservatives."

There is nothing compassionate about being the national enabler of a dysfunctional oligarchy like Mexico. An illegal workforce in the US sending an estimated $17 billion to Mexico every year - second only in national income to that country's oil revenues - supports an antidemocratic, anti-worker, hyperconservative administration there that gleefully ships out of that nation the "troublesome" Mexican citizens - those lowest on the economic food-chain and thus most likely to present "labor unrest" - to the USA. Mexico (and other "sending nations") need not deal with their own social and economic problems so long as we're willing to solve them for them - at the expense of our middle class. Democracy in Central and South America be damned - there are profits to be made for Wal-Mart!

Similarly, there is nothing compassionate about handing higher profits (through a larger and thus cheaper work force) to the CEOs of America's largest corporations and our now-experiencing-record-profits construction and agriculture industries.

What about caring for people in need? Isn't that the universal religious/ethical value? Of course.

A few years ago, when my family and I were visiting Europe, one of our children fell sick. A doctor came to the home of the people we were staying with, visited our child at 11 pm on a weeknight, left behind a course of antibiotics, and charged nothing. It was paid for by that nation's universal health care system. We should offer the same to any human being in need of medical care - a universal human right - in the United States.

But if I'd applied to that nation I was visiting for a monthly unemployment or retirement check, I would have been laughed out of the local government office. And if I'd been caught working there, I would have been deported within a week. Caring for people in crisis/need is very different from giving a job or a monthly welfare check to non-citizens. No nation - even those in Central and South America - will do that. And neither should the United States.
People forget Republicans loved illegal immigrants in 2006

Published on Wednesday, March 8, 2006 by

Conservatives are all atwitter about illegal immigrants. Some want to give them amnesty. Others want to reinstitute the old Bracero program. Others want to build a wall around America, like the communists did around East Berlin. Some advocate all of the above.

But none will tell Americans the truth about why we have eleven million illegal aliens in this nation now (when it was fewer than 2 million when Reagan came into office), why they're staying, or why they keep coming. In a word, it's "jobs." In conservative lexicon, it's "cheap labor to increase corporate profits."

Recently George W. Bush insulted working Americans by saying that we need eleven million illegal immigrants here in the United States because (in a slightly cleaned-up version of the more blatantly racist comments of Vicente Fox) there are some jobs that "American's won't do." As the modern-day Sago miners, and the 1950s Ed Norton character Art Carney played on the old Jackie Gleason show (who worked in the sewers of NYC) prove, the reality is that there are virtually no jobs Americans won't do - for an appropriate paycheck.

It's really all about breaking the back of the most democratic (and Democratic) of American institutions - the American middle class.

One of the tools conservatives have used very successfully over the past 25 years to drive down wages, bust unions, and increase CEO salaries has been to encourage illegal immigrant labor in the US. Their technique is transparently simple.
Trump must be a Thom Hartmann fan

As the '60's and '70's showed - during the height of the American middle class's economic and political power - a strong middle class will challenge corporate power and assert itself economically and politically. This represents a very real threat to conservative ruling elites. "The people" may even suggest that the most elite of the elites should pay stiffer taxes on the top end of their income, so that money can be used to provide the economically most disadvantaged with an opportunity to become socially and economically mobile. It would reduce the most massive of the wealth and the power of the most elite of our conservative elites.

Offshoring, union-busting, and nurturing a huge population of illegal workers (while pretending to be frantic about it and bleating about building fences, fielding vigilantes, or offering "amnesty") are the core ways to destroy an economic middle class, thus ensuring the ongoing political power of the conservative elite takeover that began with the so-called "Reagan revolution" and continues to this day.

This is why conservatives who complain about illegal immigration in front of the cameras won't lift a finger in the halls of congress to pass legislation that would put employers of illegals into jail. (They may support "tough fines," just so long as they're high enough to sound like a lot of money to the average working stiff but low enough to be a "cost of business" for a corporation that gets caught.)

If Congress were to pass a law that said, quite simply, that the CEO of any business that was caught employing illegal immigrants went to jail for a year - no exceptions - then within a month there would be ten million (more or less) people lined up at the Mexican border trying to get out of the United States. The US unemployment rate would drop close to zero, and wages would begin to rise. The American middle class would begin to return to viability, as would the union movement in this nation.

Legal immigration is a good and healthy thing for a nation, because it is done at a rate and in a way that allows a country to collectively decide what sort of labor/jobs ratios it wants to maintain. Limitless illegal immigration, however, leads to the modern-day equivalent of slavery, benefiting only the conservative corporate elites.

Condemning the frightened working-class white guys organizing citizens' militias along our southern border, or vilifying those who listen to Limbaugh and are convinced that "liberals" are in some sort of collective plot to undermine America may feel good, but it doesn't address the real problem. Progressives will be most effective when we reach across the divides created by Bush, Specter, et al, and point out how this is really all about corporate conservative efforts to replace the American middle class with a workforce of "working poor" Americans and powerless illegal immigrants (or powerless "amnestied" workers) - all so CEOs can fatten their paychecks and further reward the "conservative" investor class.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

Even one is too many, because they were never supposed to be in the country in the first place. Of course crime will be under reported in illegal communities and how many have been assaulted, robbed or raped and they cannot confirm that the person is an illegal?

Only those arrested will count in the stats. However most important, if a government is not doing it's duty to defend it's border and citizens, are they doing their job at all? Would America allow 10 Million Chinese citizens to enter the U.S?

National Security. Your economy and your borders.
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

That neither dems or repubs try to implement real solutions tells me all I need to know.
Trump is at least doing something.
I turned on CNN and wouldn't you know it, one of their panel chastised him for "appealing to emotion". LOL, you can't make this hypocrisy up.

The video stream recording is up if you want to watch it, some powerful stories. It's true, none of it gets the media attention it deserves unlike other crimes this was fully preventable as these people illegally entered your country. Good to see the kind words for the Border and ICE agents as well. These men and women just defend the border and are treated unfairly by so many. Those who broadly attack them for just doing their jobs can kiss my behind.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...
Oh, dear, I wish Trump would not do this. I really, really, wish he wouldn't.


There are two sides to a story. Is it not fair for both to have a voice?
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

Even one is too many, because they were never supposed to be in the country in the first place. Of course crime will be under reported in illegal communities and how many have been assaulted, robbed or raped and they cannot confirm that the person is an illegal?

Only those arrested will count in the stats. However most important, if a government is not doing it's duty to defend it's border and citizens, are they doing their job at all? Would America allow 10 Million Chinese citizens to enter the U.S?

National Security. Your economy and your borders.
I already told you why I don't like the approach and you have not changed my mind. It is to slander Hispanics and bring immigration fever to a boil so Trump can have his Wall. It's not going to work, though. The eleven million illegals already living in this country have not caused the mayhem you describe. Every Republican and Trump supporter is crowing about the fantastic economy and screaming against minimum wage increases, so please don't cry to me about how these illegals have ruined our economy and depressed wages.

I don't like people entering the country illegally either, but I think it needs to be a better thought out approach than the one the President just attempted. And this continual smearing of illegals/Hispanics is more divisive than anything BLM ever dreamed of.
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

That neither dems or repubs try to implement real solutions tells me all I need to know.
Trump is at least doing something.
Yes, sowing hatred and creating scapegoats as quickly as possible.
How many of these folks are there? And how many illegals living in this country?
Do the math, give me the percentage. I am not trying to minimize these families' loss. Statistically, though, it is much more likely that the horrible death would have been caused by an American citizen.

It is just another way to underscore Trump's subliminal message that all illegals are criminals--murderers, gang bangers, rapists and drug dealers. No one walking down the street can tell one from the other, so they all get smeared.

That's why I wish he wouldn't do this again.

It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

That neither dems or repubs try to implement real solutions tells me all I need to know.
Trump is at least doing something.

Exactly right! :thup:
It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

That neither dems or repubs try to implement real solutions tells me all I need to know.
Trump is at least doing something.
Yes, sowing hatred and creating scapegoats as quickly as possible.

Why do you think Trump got elected?
It's not just the criminals that are causing a problem.
They undercut American workers and are a drain on our tax dollars.
On top of that they send most of their money back to whatever shit hole they came from and thats costs us in lost tax revenue.
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

That neither dems or repubs try to implement real solutions tells me all I need to know.
Trump is at least doing something.
Yes, sowing hatred and creating scapegoats as quickly as possible.
Well this is a problem that us liberals were championing during the bush era. Trump was smart to take this on. It’s be hypocritical now for us to defend illegals.

Don’t hate all of their ideas only the bad ones
Fine. I don't hear about the employers being arrested though. What's wrong with e-verify? Or cracking down on stolen/fake SSN's and birth certificates? That's big bizness. Is our DOJ too stupid to put a dent in all of that? That is what is enabling this.

I'm all for fining the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Just like we should cut off all funding to sanctuary cities and arrest the mayors.
I said the same exact thing (first sentence) to someone yesterday who has a good friend in business. She is the one who told me about employees showing up with stolen SSN's, driver's licenses, and fake birth certificates, showing they are legal to work. Employers don't always know, and it's a huge business. Our justice department should be on this.

But that meat packing plant in Ohio that had 140 illegals working with fake papers? Please don't tell me a big business like that has such dumb HR that they don't know. My suspicion is that they tell these folks where to go for the documents.

That neither dems or repubs try to implement real solutions tells me all I need to know.
Trump is at least doing something.
Yes, sowing hatred and creating scapegoats as quickly as possible.
Well this is a problem that us liberals were championing during the bush era. Trump was smart to take this on. It’s be hypocritical now for us to defend illegals.

Don’t hate all of their ideas only the bad ones

Yep,both party's are to blame on this issue starting with Reagan.
You hear from a lot of liberals who claim they cant work a real job or vote since it's tough to get convincing documentation and to a certain extent they're right.
The problems come when they get amnesty and they can come out of the shadows to undercut American workers.

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