‘Trump hurts my feelings when he speaks ill of DeSantis’…Repubs starting to sound like Democrats? What percentage have joined the Orange Man Bad Club?

Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.
You are just unable to see a person for who they are because you can't see past your starry eyed version of him.
There is more to this country than one man.
100% the case - if there are more of you the "Always Trumpers" than the people who are more interested in WINNING 2024 - then the Democrats will sweep in 2 years.
If Trump actually won the primaries and became the nominee (which isn't going to happen) he will bring down the whole party with him.
One does not have to hold the opinion of "Orange Man Bad" to have the Opinion of "Florida Man Better" And yes, I'm calling DeSantis "Florida Man" even though Trump has a residence in Florida.
You are just unable to see a person for who they are because you can't see past your starry eyed version of him.
There is more to this country than one man.
100% the case - if there are more of you the "Always Trumpers" than the people who are more interested in WINNING 2024 - then the Democrats will sweep in 2 years.
If Trump actually won the primaries and became the nominee (which isn't going to happen) he will bring down the whole party with him.
No starry eyed version, he goes after the dregs in both parties and so far, is the only one to do it regularly. DeSantis has potential but he lines up too closely to the RINOs for my liking.
Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.
Republicans were willing to put up with the pathological narcissist as long as his personal agenda and the Party's coincided.

After his having been the first POTUS since Herb Hoover to lose his Party the House, the Senate, and the Presidency in a single term, and his dismal showing in '22 by anointing his bum kissers rather than electable candidates - especially with an authoritarian upstart in the offing - Trump has become far too heavy a pantload to run with.

He is confronting multiple legal jeopardies, and the sordid spectacle of his goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy - while he pleasured himself by watching for hours - is not something they want to have to continue to have to deal with, as they try to move forward as he is mired in his lurid past and his petty vendettas.

His cult aside, they have had enough of his

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DeSantis is coming off a big win in the Dangling Appendage State, and he enjoys a subservient legislature eager to polish his prowess.

Trump smells like he is well past his expiratory date.

The Republican Party does not need the Cry Baby Loser's whining.

No starry eyed version, he goes after the dregs in both parties and so far, is the only one to do it regularly. DeSantis has potential but he lines up too closely to the RINOs for my liking.
Trump goes after anyone that doesn't praise him, or is getting attention that he wants on him.
What he did to DeSantis is unforgivable.
DeSantis turned Florida from a bluish purple - to ruby red. BIG WIN for Republicans. PERIOD.
And what does Trump do? He acts like an 8 year old school yard bully and starts shitting on DeSantis's wins.
Instead of celebrating with him.
But Trump would never celebrate anyone or anything that he thinks isn't good for him personally.
He knows DeSantis is gaining popularity, he doesn't like it.
So he speaks out against him and what do you guys do??? - You follow right in line along with him
Fuck that.
I am for taking this country back from the lunatic progressive leftist. That is what I want. A helluva lot more than I ever liked Trump. I will not "stand with Trump" if it means losing everything in the process.
Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.
Attacking democrats and the Nazi party is fine. Heap it on heavy.

Don't attack your own.
Trump goes after anyone that doesn't praise him, or is getting attention that he wants on him.
What he did to DeSantis is unforgivable.
DeSantis turned Florida from a bluish purple - to ruby red. BIG WIN for Republicans. PERIOD.
And what does Trump do? He acts like an 8 year old school yard bully and starts shitting on DeSantis's wins.
Instead of celebrating with him.
But Trump would never celebrate anyone or anything that he thinks isn't good for him personally.
He knows DeSantis is gaining popularity, he doesn't like it.
So he speaks out against him and what do you guys do??? - You follow right in line along with him
Fuck that.
I am for taking this country back from the lunatic progressive leftist. That is what I want. A helluva lot more than I ever liked Trump. I will not "stand with Trump" if it means losing everything in the process.
Why is it unforgivable, I call it part of politics and positioning. The best candidate will rise to the top over the next year or so and Trump isnt going to sit around and let others get a leg up on him. Not sure why you get so upset, Trump is a candidate like the others fighting for the nomination. He isnt going to sit around and do nothing.
Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.

You lost in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

You can start winning or you can keep culting.

Your choice.
One does not have to hold the opinion of "Orange Man Bad" to have the Opinion of "Florida Man Better" And yes, I'm calling DeSantis "Florida Man" even though Trump has a residence in Florida.
Trump is no more Floridian than he is a Republucan

It is a means to an end
Some people on this board have an IQ above their shoe size and know that a battle between the Trump side and the DeSantis/Youngkin side will destory any chance the GOP has of winning anything in 2024.

They can put that ahead of their worship of Trump, you cannot.
Is this your way of saying you have to shop in the boys section at your local shoe store?
Why is it unforgivable, I call it part of politics and positioning. The best candidate will rise to the top over the next year or so and Trump isnt going to sit around and let others get a leg up on him. Not sure why you get so upset, Trump is a candidate like the others fighting for the nomination. He isnt going to sit around and do nothing.
Are you even aware of what just happened?
It is important to realize why the hell did we not have a red wave?
If there was ever a time to have one it was this year. But it didn't.
I am here to tell you part of that reason is Donald Trump. He is caustic.
He isn't worth the fallout that occurs every time he opens his mouth.
Like it or not, this nation isn't going to return to sanity without some of the Democrats voting for our side. We need those folks. Enough of those folks on Long Island switched to Republican and we won 5 seats because of it. Without those Democrats switching - Long Island would have still been royal blue. You can arguably say that New York is turning Purple.
That is HUGE!!
And with Florida currently deep red now... we are gaining momentum.
And now you have this fucking tyrant shitting on these wins because it isn't good for him???
Fuck him!!
We will not gain any appreciable number of Democrat votes if he is the nominee in 2024.
Absolutely not. And the Dems will take back both houses and with the White House again.
I care more about that happening, than supporting a selfish egotistical man who just wants to be vindicated.
Are you even aware of what just happened?
It is important to realize why the hell did we not have a red wave?
If there was ever a time to have one it was this year. But it didn't.
I am here to tell you part of that reason is Donald Trump. He is caustic.
He isn't worth the fallout that occurs every time he opens his mouth.
Like it or not, this nation isn't going to return to sanity without some of the Democrats voting for our side. We need those folks. Enough of those folks on Long Island switched to Republican and we won 5 seats because of it. Without those Democrats switching - Long Island would have still been royal blue. You can arguably say that New York is turning Purple.
That is HUGE!!
And with Florida currently deep red now... we are gaining momentum.
And now you have this fucking tyrant shitting on these wins because it isn't good for him???
Fuck him!!
We will not gain any appreciable number of Democrat votes if he is the nominee in 2024.
Absolutely not. And the Dems will take back both houses and with the White House again.
I care more about that happening, than supporting a selfish egotistical man who just wants to be vindicated.
Wow slow down. We have taken back control of Congress and dumped useless waste like Abrams and Beto from the face of the planet. Red Wave was just a bunch of hype. Poopeypants wont be able to do anything for the next two years now and we can start to reduce spending and bring some semblance of reality to the country. You dont get it all in one election.
Dims can rant about killing babies all they want, but we had some key victories and some red got redder, two great candidates for 2024 are emerging, there is good news. But Trump is going to be in the mix whether you like it or not.

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