‘Trump hurts my feelings when he speaks ill of DeSantis’…Repubs starting to sound like Democrats? What percentage have joined the Orange Man Bad Club?

Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.

You never see Democrats attacking each other like this (except Dem House Campaign Chief attacking AOC on tbe way out right now)

- Yes, there are some things even Democrats won't do.

Its frowned upon, not an issue of 'upsetting' anyone.

Isn't 'being to mean people' one of the reason you snowflakes hate Trump so much?
Are you even aware of what just happened?
It is important to realize why the hell did we not have a red wave?
If there was ever a time to have one it was this year. But it didn't.
I am here to tell you part of that reason is Donald Trump. He is caustic.
He isn't worth the fallout that occurs every time he opens his mouth.
Like it or not, this nation isn't going to return to sanity without some of the Democrats voting for our side. We need those folks. Enough of those folks on Long Island switched to Republican and we won 5 seats because of it. Without those Democrats switching - Long Island would have still been royal blue. You can arguably say that New York is turning Purple.
That is HUGE!!
And with Florida currently deep red now... we are gaining momentum.
And now you have this fucking tyrant shitting on these wins because it isn't good for him???
Fuck him!!
We will not gain any appreciable number of Democrat votes if he is the nominee in 2024.
Absolutely not. And the Dems will take back both houses and with the White House again.
I care more about that happening, than supporting a selfish egotistical man who just wants to be vindicated.

With runaway inflation and historic gas prices, a Red Wave was obvious

But Trump led his own wave of election deniers, obnoxious behavior, religious demagoguery and MAGA madness that turned off voters
DeSantis is still afraid to take a shot back at Trump, and will be until he is confident that Trump has been rejected and taken down.
DeSantis is still afraid to take a shot back at Trump, and will be until he is confident that Trump has been rejected and taken down.
At this point DeSantis doesn't need to take a shot back at Trump. He can't be "better" at being Trump than Trump so he should even try to get in a pissing match with him.
You never see Democrats attacking each other like this (except Dem House Campaign Chief attacking AOC on tbe way out right now)

- Yes, there are some things even Democrats won't do.

Its frowned upon, not an issue of 'upsetting' anyone.

Isn't 'being to mean people' one of the reason you snowflakes hate Trump so much?

Actually you do and worse but media covers up....

Some dem spat end up like dePape and Paul...

Hillary does not like Ralph Nader....
With runaway inflation and historic gas prices, a Red Wave was obvious

But Trump led his own wave of election deniers, obnoxious behavior, religious demagoguery and MAGA madness that turned off voters

More precisely,

Donald trump reminded many undecided and Dems who really do not like the Dems why

They hate trump even more
Republicans were willing to put up with the pathological narcissist as long as his personal agenda and the Party's coincided.

After his having been the first POTUS since Herb Hoover to lose his Party the House, the Senate, and the Presidency in a single term, and his dismal showing in '22 by anointing his bum kissers rather than electable candidates - especially with an authoritarian upstart in the offing - Trump has become far too heavy a pantload to run with.

He is confronting multiple legal jeopardies, and the sordid spectacle of his goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy - while he pleasured himself by watching for hours - is not something they want to have to continue to have to deal with, as they try to move forward as he is mired in his lurid past and his petty vendettas.

His cult aside, they have had enough of his

DeSantis is coming off a big win in the Dangling Appendage State, and he enjoys a subservient legislature eager to polish his prowess.

Trump smells like he is well past his expiratory date.

The Republican Party does not need the Cry Baby Loser's whining.

Aside from who is or who isn't dumping Trump, did you know Boris Epshteyn is on Trump's legal team and Trump takes his advice over the attorneys Trump is overpaying?
DeSantis is still afraid to take a shot back at Trump, and will be until he is confident that Trump has been rejected and taken down.
And next you will say my guys' dick is bigger than your guys.
DeSantis in known for not retaliating back against trash talking. He has more important things to do than spend all day on Twitter and in front of microphones trashing his own party.
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And next you will say my guys' dick is bigger than your guys.
DeSantis in known for not retaliating back against trash talking. He has more important things to do than spend all day on Twitter and in front of microphones trashing his own party.
One reason to back DeSantis. He knows better how to pick his fights.
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And next you will say my guys' dick is bigger than your guys.
DeSantis in known for not retaliating back against trash talking. He has more important things to do than spend all day on Twitter and in front of microphones trashing his own party.

There is a strong correlation between

Those defending trump's childish amateurish nauseating attack on Ron right before midterms


Not understanding BASIC FUCKING MATH
And what you see here folks is how a fizzled red wave turns into a blue wave in two years because Trump will pit himself and his fanboys against their own side and split the party in half.

Look at what this man has you guys doing! You are ridiculing and speaking against Republicans!! Because he told you to.
1) Stand with Trump and watch the Republican Party split in half and the Dems take everything.
2) DUMP THE TRUMP and take the country back.
And what you see here folks is how a fizzled red wave turns into a blue wave in two years because Trump will pit himself and his fanboys against their own side and split the party in half.

Look at what this man has you guys doing! You are ridiculing and speaking against Republicans!! Because he told you to.
1) Stand with Trump and watch the Republican Party split in half and the Dems take everything.
2) DUMP THE TRUMP and take the country back.

Two things held back a red tsunami


Massive fraud
And what you see here folks is how a fizzled red wave turns into a blue wave in two years because Trump will pit himself and his fanboys against their own side and split the party in half.

Look at what this man has you guys doing! You are ridiculing and speaking against Republicans!! Because he told you to.
1) Stand with Trump and watch the Republican Party split in half and the Dems take everything.
2) DUMP THE TRUMP and take the country back.
There's always a Lyin' Ted/Little Marco ticket!
Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.
If Trump praised DeSantis's big Florida win.... his fan boys would be here praising DeSantis to.
That should make a person pause for a second, and realize they are just carrying water.

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