‘Trump hurts my feelings when he speaks ill of DeSantis’…Repubs starting to sound like Democrats? What percentage have joined the Orange Man Bad Club?

Tulsi Gabbard

I like the chances of that ticket.
Tulsi is hot, but not my choice of VP.

We are trying to win a national election

A Ron/tulsi ticket would be a major problem for



To attack and demonize

Tulsi adds military and congress to ron's resume. Synergy

Both are like able personable honest straight talking patriotic Americans
We are trying to win a national election

A Ron/tulsi ticket would be a major problem for



To attack and demonize

Tulsi adds military and congress to ron's resume. Synergy

Both are like able personable honest straight talking patriotic Americans
Good point. I would probably vote fore A Ron/Tulsi ticket over the Democrats because of Ron, but not because of Tulsi.
And next you will say my guys' dick is bigger than your guys.
DeSantis in known for not retaliating back against trash talking. He has more important things to do than spend all day on Twitter and in front of microphones trashing his own party.
I would expect that to be the defense of DeSantis, on account of there being nothing else.

We'll just have to wait to see if DeSantis tries to go head to head with Trump?
Tulsi Gabbard

I like the chances of that ticket.
DeSantis shows great potential and he will obviously choose a running mate that is in sync with the politics of the moment. Depending on that tune playing in America, Kari Lake could be the best choice for VP.

But he must wait for a space to be created for him by Trump.
DeSantis shows great potential and he will obviously choose a running mate that is in sync with the politics of the moment. Depending on that tune playing in America, Kari Lake could be the best choice for VP.

But he must wait for a space to be created for him by Trump.
"Waiting for space" is the way to never be president. If he is presidential material, he has to take the space by running a good campaign.
At this point DeSantis doesn't need to take a shot back at Trump. He can't be "better" at being Trump than Trump so he should even try to get in a pissing match with him.
Yes, there can only be one Trump.

Sooner or later DeSantis has to show he has balls, unless he can wait for Trump to be taken down without him being involved.

DeSantis's election is over and so now is he going to fall silent and allow Trump to beat him up? He will have to unless he's willing to claim the crown out from under Trump.

Trump's people aren't quite ready for that yet, even though the noise against Trump appears to be growing quickly.
Yes, there can only be one Trump.

Sooner or later DeSantis has to show he has balls, unless he can wait for Trump to be taken down without him being involved.

DeSantis's election is over and so now is he going to fall silent and allow Trump to beat him up? He will have to unless he's willing to claim the crown out from under Trump.

Trump's people aren't quite ready for that yet, even though the noise against Trump appears to be growing quickly.

I don't think he has to do anything. I think letting Trump go after him in such a childish manner works to his advantage.

Look at the reaction on the board this morning.
"Waiting for space" is the way to never be president. If he is presidential material, he has to take the space by running a good campaign.
But he still can't butt in on Trump's territory. That could change any time but it will be evident in that DeSantis won't be risking the people's choice between the two of them.

Always keep in mind that DeSantis is only a reserve bid.
I don't think he has to do anything. I think letting Trump go after him in such a childish manner works to his advantage.

Look at the reaction on the board this morning.
If it works to DeSantis's advantage then he will then have to stop playing the Trump game. Trump is much better at it.

Just remember, DeSantis is a 'reserve' bid for the nomination, in case Trump doesn't attempt it.
Trump, for all of his positive qualities, is a megalomaniacal, narcissist who can never admit when he is wrong.

He is too old to change.

The only thing that Trump loves, is Trump.

Not a good quality.

Trump attacked DeSantis

Trump called DeSantis names and claimed to have dirt

Lying about that does not change it.

The problem first started when trump opened his mouth when he should have shut it.

A class guy in trump shoes would praise DeSantis for the great job he has done in FLA and nothing more.

Trump is an amateur and he is out of his league, and he picked

ATtorney for W

As FBI director

I never did like that style. I didn't vote for him in 2016 partly because of that so called style.... but also because I live in such a "red" state that voting 3rd party didn't really matter.

He disrespected Virginia (the red part) and that is unforgivable. Time to move on.

You are just unable to see a person for who they are because you can't see past your starry eyed version of him.
There is more to this country than one man.
100% the case - if there are more of you the "Always Trumpers" than the people who are more interested in WINNING 2024 - then the Democrats will sweep in 2 years.
If Trump actually won the primaries and became the nominee (which isn't going to happen) he will bring down the whole party with him.

Republicans were willing to put up with the pathological narcissist as long as his personal agenda and the Party's coincided.

After his having been the first POTUS since Herb Hoover to lose his Party the House, the Senate, and the Presidency in a single term, and his dismal showing in '22 by anointing his bum kissers rather than electable candidates - especially with an authoritarian upstart in the offing - Trump has become far too heavy a pantload to run with.

He is confronting multiple legal jeopardies, and the sordid spectacle of his goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy - while he pleasured himself by watching for hours - is not something they want to have to continue to have to deal with, as they try to move forward as he is mired in his lurid past and his petty vendettas.

His cult aside, they have had enough of his

DeSantis is coming off a big win in the Dangling Appendage State, and he enjoys a subservient legislature eager to polish his prowess.

Trump smells like he is well past his expiratory date.

The Republican Party does not need the Cry Baby Loser's whining.

Attacking democrats and the Nazi party is fine. Heap it on heavy.

Don't attack your own.

You never see Democrats attacking each other like this (except Dem House Campaign Chief attacking AOC on tbe way out right now)

- Yes, there are some things even Democrats won't do.

Its frowned upon, not an issue of 'upsetting' anyone.

Isn't 'being to mean people' one of the reason you snowflakes hate Trump so much?
The Left from 2016-2021:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”

The Right from 2016-2021:
”We don’t care about Trump’s words, it’s all about his policies….stop being a pussy you fragile TDS-ing homo!”

The Left in 2022:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”

The Right in 2022:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”
I don't think he has to do anything. I think letting Trump go after him in such a childish manner works to his advantage.

Look at the reaction on the board this morning.
This board isn't any indication of Trump's status.
Trump himself is going to have to decide whether or not he can win the nomination.

Keep in mind too how Trump won't be able to cope with being rejected. His reaction to that happening could only be his call to violence so he can feel that he went down as the popular choice, in his own mind at least.
At this point DeSantis doesn't need to take a shot back at Trump. He can't be "better" at being Trump than Trump so he should even try to get in a pissing match with him.
Agree, Trump will find other things to go after just let it lie.

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