‘Trump hurts my feelings when he speaks ill of DeSantis’…Repubs starting to sound like Democrats? What percentage have joined the Orange Man Bad Club?

Aside from who is or who isn't dumping Trump, did you know Boris Epshteyn is on Trump's legal team and Trump takes his advice over the attorneys Trump is overpaying?
The Muskovite is probably preferable to Rudy, even in jurisdictions where he has not been debarred yet. Same for all the other Trump lawyers who have been fined, had their licenses suspended, have been sanctioned, and/or been stiffed by the Loser.

Trump's cult will still have the occasional hajj to his grievance jamborees, regardless.
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DeSantis is still afraid to take a shot back at Trump, and will be until he is confident that Trump has been rejected and taken down.

Ignoring Trump is the best possible shot to take at him.

DeSantis is smart enough to know that one should never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
The Left from 2016-2021:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”

The Right from 2016-2021:
”We don’t care about Trump’s words, it’s all about his policies….stop being a pussy you fragile TDS-ing homo!”

The Left in 2022:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”

The Right in 2022:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”
This is getting to be great fun!



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DeSantis is smart enough to know that one should never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
That says that you 'get it', even though you probably don't understand why you 'get it'.
DeSantis isn't going to wrestle with the pig, because he's not confident that the American people call his opponent a pig yet.

DeSantis knows that the pig could be 24's emperor!

Then governor DeSantis could be impeached for being a traitor to his party!
This is fun….watching ’Republicans’ morph into Republicrats is fun as hell.
Conservatives are hellbent on taking back their Party from the RINOs of Trumpery, and Trump soiling himself in public on November 8 has given them the testicular fortitude.
SAD, that so many are so nutless. It’s the conservative way...SPINELESS..it’s why I hate conservatives

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

A conservative used to be the smartest person in the room.

Now the people who claim to be conservatives are like you. The most embarrassing person in the room.
PLEASE STOP with your “I used to be a conservative” bit….NOBODY here believes that bullshit….you are left as fuck and you’ve always been left as fuck.

See above….I’m DEFINITELY not a Conservative….I fancy myself as a Hardcore Nationalist / Extremist….I’m that guy that makes you pee your pants.…the guy most Conservatives wish they had the ballsack to be.
A conservative used to be the smartest person in the room.

Now the people who claim to be conservatives are like you. The most embarrassing person in the room.

Conservatives used to be George Will, William F Buckley, William Safire.

Now they are a circus sideshow with Sean Hannity, Marjory Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert. All College Dropouts
A conservative used to be the smartest person in the room.

Now the people who claim to be conservatives are like you. The most embarrassing person in the room.

Conservatives used to be George Will, William F Buckley, William Safire.

Now they are a circus sideshow with Sean Hannity, Marjory Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert. All College Dropouts
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to do anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls, they’ve become retaliatory as hell and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no morals, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to do anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls, they’ve become retaliatory as hell and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no morals, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

Actually, I miss those conservatives who had informed opinions, were not batshit crazy, we’re not trying to inflame the masses, had wit

Todays conservatives are poorly educated flame throwers
Pussified conservatives just haven’t recognized that they are on the side of the likes of yourself Golfing Gator g5000 and rightwinger quite yet….wait til that occurs to them.
It's about winning, and Trump has burnished his credentials as a Loser.

In a midterm election with a president of the opposing party with low approval numbers, Democrats picked up 47 seats in 2018. The average midterm gain of the out-of-power party is 28. However, in 2022, Trump picked lickspittles, not credible candidates.

Mitch McConnell: "Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome."

The GOP pushing a lying, abortion-sponsoring wife abuser with a fake resume is not where they wanted to end up.
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Suddenly some Republicans don’t like Trumps over-the-top, aggressive and unfiltered style.
We see thread after thread and post after post here….Known Lefties liking known Conservative posts and threads…..isn’t that all Conservatives need to know with regard to how far off they are on their position? I know I’m screwed up in the head if any Lefty ever agrees with me on anything.
Be careful Conservatives….the Left is starting to own you and steer you on this one. Trump is exactly was he’s always been, outspoken, unbridled, unfiltered and unafraid of what anyone thinks…like a bull in a China shop, he’s exactly what you wanted in 2016 and exactly what we need now. Nothing has changed….the Left is starting to program you and you don’t even know it.
GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF….denounce your membership to the Orange Man Bad Club before it’s too late.
He's hurting our party, not my feelings.

Instead of posting

"DeSanctimonious is a lousy douche bag who owes all of his success to me."

He could have posted...

"HUUUUUGE Congratulations to the great Governor Ron Desantis of Florida. As he has shown how our Conservative agenda brings freedom and prosperity to ALL Americans in Florida, we will do the same all across our country and restore Greatness to our nation."

Sorry if my post hurt your feelings. Trump should be celebrating the success of his fellow Conservatives, not trying to steal their limelight.

He's ticked off because the media is blaming him for the possible fizzle of the Red Wave. He's attacking the wrong opponents, making enemies where he needn't, and he should be more focused on they lying media and election integrity. There is some crazy stuff going on in Arizona and Nevada as we speak.

There is a big difference between mean tweets directed at Dems or RINO Republican party traitors, and attacking fellow Conservatives.
This is getting to be great fun!



Every Rupert Murdoch news outlet save one newspaper endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992,

Bill "finish the "job" in Iraq by having just the US invade and fuck our 124 gulf war allies" Clinton

Because Rupert Murdoch is 100% Zionist fascist

Every "country of the willing" that invaded Iraq in 2003 had huge Murdoch news properties.

The rest of the world noticed 911 was a total fraud
He's hurting our party, not my feelings.

Instead of posting

"DeSanctimonious is a lousy douche bag who owes all of his success to me."

He could have posted...

"HUUUUUGE Congratulations to the great Governor Ron Desantis of Florida. As he has shown how our Conservative agenda brings freedom and prosperity to ALL Americans in Florida, we will do the same all across our country and restore Greatness to our nation."

Sorry if my post hurt your feelings. Trump should be celebrating the success of his fellow Conservatives, not trying to steal their limelight.

He's ticked off because the media is blaming him for the possible fizzle of the Red Wave. He's attacking the wrong opponents, making enemies where he needn't, and he should be more focused on they lying media and election integrity. There is some crazy stuff going on in Arizona and Nevada as we speak.

There is a big difference between mean tweets directed at Dems or RINO Republican party traitors, and attacking fellow Conservatives.
Trump is just doing what Trump has always done….the Left has you feeling like you haven’t always felt….that’s all.
The Left from 2016-2021:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”

The Right from 2016-2021:
”We don’t care about Trump’s words, it’s all about his policies….stop being a pussy you fragile TDS-ing homo!”

The Left in 2022:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”

The Right in 2022:
“Trump‘s words hurt my feelings….fuck his policies, I HATE HIM!”
The man owns you.
He has you attacking your own side already.
And if we lose in '24... it will be because Trump will split the party in half.
Sorry, but no one man is worth losing the war over. When someone is willing to destroy everything just to brush his Goddamn ego - he is nothing to me.
The man owns you.
He has you attacking your own side already.
And if we lose in '24... it will be because Trump will split the party in half.
Sorry, but no one man is worth losing the war over. When someone is willing to destroy everything just to brush his Goddamn ego - he is nothing to me.
While Trump owns me…The Left owns you.
You are now on the side with Golfing Gator rightwinger Kondor3 and all the rest…they are loving all your posts right now….You took the bait, they have you right where they wanted you all along….CONGRATS!

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