Trump: ‘I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win’

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Trump is only second to Nutanyahoo when it comes to whining. Trump is NOT a great negotiator - he just whines the shit out of people until they can't take it anymore. Much like a persistent spoiled child. Whining isn't winning.
Look at this jew hatred and crying like a bitch all in one post..... Love how you idiots consistently show your true intolerance.
No wonder the cons all love him. Whining is the cons natural state.
The reason we got Obama was because of the left whining about not having a black president. The reason you want Hillary is because you're whining about not having a woman president.

Global Warming = Whining
Abortion = Whining
Blacklivesmatter = Whining
Same-sex marriage = Whining
Income Inequality = Whining
Immigration = Whining
Obamacare = Whining
Iranian Deal = Whining
Corrupt Cops = Whining

You hypocrites do nothing but whine.
I realize this is an old comment, but how did it turn into race and gender?
Trump is only second to Nutanyahoo when it comes to whining. Trump is NOT a great negotiator - he just whines the shit out of people until they can't take it anymore. Much like a persistent spoiled child. Whining isn't winning.
Look at this jew hatred and crying like a bitch all in one post..... Love how you idiots consistently show your true intolerance.
"Jew hatred"? Where do you get that? I'm curious.
Trump is only second to Nutanyahoo when it comes to whining. Trump is NOT a great negotiator - he just whines the shit out of people until they can't take it anymore. Much like a persistent spoiled child. Whining isn't winning.
Look at this jew hatred and crying like a bitch all in one post..... Love how you idiots consistently show your true intolerance.
"Jew hatred"? Where do you get that? I'm curious.
I dont expect you to see it.
Yes, the Trump man-child just keeps whining and whining and whining and whining and whining...

Wow, liberals are gold medalists at whining.....racism....awwww....need paid child care...awwwww...need free college....awwww......cultural's so hard....awwwww. I' think I'll live with my parents since I got a philosophy degree...awwwwwww
"I do whine because I want to win, and I'm not happy about not winning, and I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win," he said on CNN.

More: 'Trump I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win' - The Washington Post

Trump: 'I Am The Most Fabulous Whiner' | The Daily Caller

Well, at least he's honest about it. He is definitely a world class whiner.

too bad Barry wasn't honest about it. He invented it.
Red herring fallacy, the thread is about Trump, not the president.

If conservatives aren't whining or lying they're trying to deflect.
If Trump isn't winning - he's whining about it being "rigged"...

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