Trump: ‘I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win’

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Why is Trump whining about a recount? Is he afraid the election was "rigged"? BTW, why does he keep doing that zero thingy with his fingers? Is he trying to tell us something...?

Why is Trump whining about a recount? Is he afraid the election was "rigged"? BTW, why does he keep doing that zero thingy with his fingers? Is he trying to tell us something...?

The only ones whining about a recount are the ones who want the recount.

Trump thinks its ridiculous. Which it is.

One has to wonder if Stein is going to send that seven million she got back to those who sent it or keep it for herself and her Green party???
No wonder the cons all love him. Whining is the cons natural state.
The reason we got Obama was because of the left whining about not having a black president. The reason you want Hillary is because you're whining about not having a woman president.

Global Warming = Whining
Abortion = Whining
Blacklivesmatter = Whining
Same-sex marriage = Whining
Income Inequality = Whining
Immigration = Whining
Obamacare = Whining
Iranian Deal = Whining
Corrupt Cops = Whining

You hypocrites do nothing but whine.
Here Are The Best Takes On Why Donald Trump Won The Election

Why is Trump whining about a recount? Is he afraid the election was "rigged"? BTW, why does he keep doing that zero thingy with his fingers? Is he trying to tell us something...?

The only ones whining about a recount are the ones who want the recount.

Trump thinks its ridiculous. Which it is.

One has to wonder if Stein is going to send that seven million she got back to those who sent it or keep it for herself and her Green party???
She's gonna keep it.
Trump is now even claiming himself that he won the popular vote if you exclude 3 million imaginary illegal voters, lol.

His ego is butthurt by the fact that he will go down in history as the president who lost the popular vote by the greatest margin in history.

That's his asterisk that he'll never erase.
Trump is now even claiming himself that he won the popular vote if you exclude 3 million imaginary illegal voters, lol.

His ego is butthurt by the fact that he will go down in history as the president who lost the popular vote by the greatest margin in history.

That's his asterisk that he'll never erase.
Trump is right.

And I noticed that you libs keep inflating the popular voter every time you bring it up. Started out at 200k. Now you say it's 3 million?

We need to create a rolling count online that shows how many new votes you Democrats are finding in blues states run by dishonest liberal asshole officials.
Trump is now even claiming himself that he won the popular vote if you exclude 3 million imaginary illegal voters, lol.

His ego is butthurt by the fact that he will go down in history as the president who lost the popular vote by the greatest margin in history.

That's his asterisk that he'll never erase.
Trump is right.

And I noticed that you libs keep inflating the popular voter every time you bring it up. Started out at 200k. Now you say it's 3 million?

We need to create a rolling count online that shows how many new votes you Democrats are finding in blues states run by dishonest liberal asshole officials.

I'll bet you think that was an intelligent post.
Trump is now even claiming himself that he won the popular vote if you exclude 3 million imaginary illegal voters, lol.

His ego is butthurt by the fact that he will go down in history as the president who lost the popular vote by the greatest margin in history.

That's his asterisk that he'll never erase.
Trump is right.

And I noticed that you libs keep inflating the popular voter every time you bring it up. Started out at 200k. Now you say it's 3 million?

We need to create a rolling count online that shows how many new votes you Democrats are finding in blues states run by dishonest liberal asshole officials.

I'll bet you think that was an intelligent post.
Taking into consideration your post, yeah.

It's no secret that that Democrats only wanted to open our borders for three reasons:

  1. To flood the country with new minority voters
  2. To create a permanent underclass
  3. To swamp the country with illegal drugs so that millions of Americans could spend the first half of the month high and the rest of the month waiting for their next welfare check
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How can you of all people comment on someone else whining? Trump sure does have you libtards in a tizzy.
How he could ever surpass our whiner in chief I don't know...

Obama Says He s The Most Frustrated About His Gun Control Agenda Being Stopped - Katie Pavlich

Obama vs. Fox News -- behind the White House strategy to delegitimize a news organization Fox News

The most powerful man on earth is a petulant whiner.
But this isn’t the first time he’s had a crying jag over his sad, sad life. Get out your tiny violins:
5 Things Obama Has Whined About in His Sad Sad Life as President - Breitbart

lol wtf? Trump whines even about Pence catching a few boos, that's not even in the same universe. Seems nothing is too small for "big game" Trump to spend time whining about.
Look at the flap handed faggots boo hoo about being held accountable for their actions.

Sucks to be them.
Trump's NaziCon base whines almost as much as he does.
He only said he whines because he wanted to help the real whiners feel a little better about themselves. It was his way of reaching out to them.
He's a good guy. :)

Why is Trump whining about a recount? Is he afraid the election was "rigged"? BTW, why does he keep doing that zero thingy with his fingers? Is he trying to tell us something...?
He knew it was going to make Hillary look worse than she already does. He was trying to save her from further embarrassment.
Trump is a very thoughtful guy. :)
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