Trump " I have not conceded"

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Democrats did it in the open. You changed election laws to disconnect votes from voters then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election. Now you just run around saying no it's not! no it's not! no it's not! Yes it is, and everyone knows it. You just were for it

No they didn't. REPUBLICAN legislatures approved the changes to the laws. You see, these things happen at the STATE level. Not the city or the town. So again, nothing was stolen.
He lost. PA, MI, and AZ legislatures are all controlled by REPUBLICANS.

That's just a lie. Pennsylvania and other courts specifically overrode the legislatures and Unconstitutionally overrode election law. And the legislatures did not say those Democrat dominated cities could keep counting and voting until they win

2016 no, 2020 yes.

Stupid? You voted for Joe Biden, didn't you?

You know, I've had enough of this nonsense. I really don't give a shit if people on this forum hate me because
I'm a Trump supporter. I think it's time for a signature edit. (That wasn't directed at you btw.)

From the guy who's so upset no one is upset the hate Democrat Nazi party kept impeaching Trump. Poor faun. You're really upset now


You never stop the kiddie stuff, do you?
I post what's appropriate. You say stupid shit like that, all I can do is pity you.


You seriously never get tired of the kiddie shit, do you? And I'm the one who's stupid?

LOL, dude, you're a grown man, act like it

This rules BTW :)


Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Democrats did it in the open. You changed election laws to disconnect votes from voters then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election. Now you just run around saying no it's not! no it's not! no it's not! Yes it is, and everyone knows it. You just were for it

No they didn't. REPUBLICAN legislatures approved the changes to the laws. You see, these things happen at the STATE level. Not the city or the town. So again, nothing was stolen.
He lost. PA, MI, and AZ legislatures are all controlled by REPUBLICANS.

That's just a lie. Pennsylvania and other courts specifically overrode the legislatures and Unconstitutionally overrode election law. And the legislatures did not say those Democrat dominated cities could keep counting and voting until they win

No they didn't. Stop repeating lies.

Wow, there were a lot of lies in PA. :)

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
And...another lie. You Trumpers are getting too predictable. And boring. :)

2016 no, 2020 yes.

Stupid? You voted for Joe Biden, didn't you?

You know, I've had enough of this nonsense. I really don't give a shit if people on this forum hate me because
I'm a Trump supporter. I think it's time for a signature edit. (That wasn't directed at you btw.)

From the guy who's so upset no one is upset the hate Democrat Nazi party kept impeaching Trump. Poor faun. You're really upset now


You never stop the kiddie stuff, do you?
I post what's appropriate. You say stupid shit like that, all I can do is pity you.


You seriously never get tired of the kiddie shit, do you? And I'm the one who's stupid?

LOL, dude, you're a grown man, act like it

This rules BTW :)

View attachment 504389

DrLove: Ooohhh, you are totally out toddlering him, faun! Bam!

You are the strangest people. Can you even pretend you're an actual man?
then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election.
NO one voted after the polls closed on election day

Except in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Those cities kept voting until Biden stole the election.

That they all went from solid Trump wins to statistically insignificant Biden wins then they stopped counting being legitimate is mathematically impossible. Some people win the lottery. No one wins it six times

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Democrats did it in the open. You changed election laws to disconnect votes from voters then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election. Now you just run around saying no it's not! no it's not! no it's not! Yes it is, and everyone knows it. You just were for it

No they didn't. REPUBLICAN legislatures approved the changes to the laws. You see, these things happen at the STATE level. Not the city or the town. So again, nothing was stolen.
He lost. PA, MI, and AZ legislatures are all controlled by REPUBLICANS.
Those Republicans also appointed alternative electors because many believe and still believe fraud happened. Come back when you what you are talking about.
  • Thanks
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The supporters of biden here argue the following.

Biden won fairly and legally
We hate audits that might out the above statement as 100% false
If they do out the truth that biden cheated and trump won, so what
We are not concerned about it,which is why we spend all of our time here flaming, trolling, shouting down, name calling, and never attempting to explain the MATH that resulted in 35 states with GOP control of statehouse and state senate
Does it concern you that the audit in AZ is being conducted by a company hand-picked by GOP legislators, a company whose CEO has pressed the "rigged election" stuff?

Does it concern you that the audit is not being conducted by anything approaching regular audit standards, with decreased transparency for outside observers?

If the situation were reversed, would it concern you if Democrats were ignoring multiple existing audits and conducting an audit in this way?

Please feel free to expand. Thanks in advance.

How about the data from the audit being taken out of state to a remote facility (someone's fucking home) in Montana for "analysis"?
Yep..nothing going on there! :)

Sounds like we're about to be spun a story.

Just because someone is telling you that something is happening does not mean it is. How many dates now have we had telling us which day Trump would be back in office?

Funny that this company is going to release their report in late July/Early August. Isn't that when the former Deluded-in-Chief thinks he's going to be re-installed?
Part 1 of your statement depends on how many people are willing to believe that something is actually happening...and then take steps to act on it.

That's the danger here. The lie, becomes the truth.
It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
It actually does matter. Aside from the wedge Trump continues to drive in this country, he's destroying faith in our election process, which is a foundation of this nation. He's doing more harm to us than Putin, Xi, Rouhani and Kim Jong Un combined.

Saying that Russian cheating was the reason Trump won in the first place didn't also do this?
At least there was evidence of that. There is zero evidence of any of Trump's claims of fraud. Aside from him being utterly unable to prove a single claim, every claim was thoroughly debunked. Some in real time as he made them such as his phone call with Raffensberger. Claims of Russia's interference proved to be true. I suspect even Trump knows he lost fair and square but due to his psychotic narcissism, would rather put the country through he'll if he thinks he can steal a win in the manner he's trying. It's why I personally rank him as the worst president ever. More than any president we've ever had, he puts himself and his own personal interests above that of the nation.

There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?

There is no evidence they changed any votes after the fact. Whatever effect their stealing and releasing Democrats emails they hacked, along with their sophisticated media strategy to aid Trumpybear as laid out in the Mueller report, is completely subjective. However combine with the GOP's decades long effort to denigrate the former SoS, that caused the hate factor for her rise exponentially.

The odds are very high that the emails were released internally and even then you blame Hillary and the crew for being so irresponsible with their correspondence.

Personally I believe if it had been Russia we should give them a medal for exposing the corruption in the party.

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Democrats did it in the open. You changed election laws to disconnect votes from voters then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election. Now you just run around saying no it's not! no it's not! no it's not! Yes it is, and everyone knows it. You just were for it

No they didn't. REPUBLICAN legislatures approved the changes to the laws. You see, these things happen at the STATE level. Not the city or the town. So again, nothing was stolen.
He lost. PA, MI, and AZ legislatures are all controlled by REPUBLICANS.

That's just a lie. Pennsylvania and other courts specifically overrode the legislatures and Unconstitutionally overrode election law. And the legislatures did not say those Democrat dominated cities could keep counting and voting until they win

No they didn't. Stop repeating lies.

Wow, there were a lot of lies in PA. :)

LOL, a leftist rage that doesn't even know the English language, that's pretty funny.

"Irregardless" isn't a word, the word is "regardless."

The article word parses it's way around that the Pennsylvania constitution says that the legislature determines election law and in this case the courts did it. The courts not agreeing with the legislature isn't a Constitutional basis for them to be able to do that
Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest but it was this very thing (blaming Pence for not doing what he couldn't even do) is one of the big reasons for it in the first place.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest? I have not seen anyone say that. There is more involved, but who said Trump supporters "had nothing to do" with it? You making your shit up again?

That's not what I said. Just because this is often done I'm going to break it down.

What I said.

Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest

What you said.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

Are you able to comprehend the difference in the two statements?

OK, fair enough. So I'll fix it.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

No one said that. Trump didn't tell anyone to commit violence or go INTO the Capital. But I've never heard anyone deny he said to go to the capital and protest. Democrats protest at the SCOTUS, at the White House and AT THE CAPITAL.

He did say to go to the Capital and protest, but you're such a total fascist that you believe that only Democrats are allowed to protest at the Capital or anywhere else. You're a Nazi

Tony Norman: Blame America for Jan. 6, but not Trump?

I explained myself right from the beginning. Things like blaming Pence is what caused Jan 6th and he is still doing it.

Your quoting a local nut job reporter in Pittsburg who claims to read minds proves what exactly?

I have no idea who he is but that's really not the point.

The protest on Jan 6th were over things like Trump blaming Pence and he is still doing it.

OK, read the question again:

- Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

Trump said to go to the Capital and protest. No one denies that. Nothing you said contradicts that.

YOU LIED. Of course you did, the Democrat party lies, it's your inner being

You aren't even addressing what I said. His blaming Pence most certainly played a role and he is still doing it.

You need to put on your big girl pants and back up.

You said people deny Trump had ANYTHING TO DO WITH JANUARY 6.

I pointed out that no one says that, everyone knows Trump said to protest.

You're going on about Pence. That doesn't change the discussion we had. If you're making another point, then you need to clarify what that point is.

So, start over. You said people said Trump had NOTHING TO DO WITH JANUARY 6. You were wrong. Now you are trying to make another point. Which is what?

Many have argued that what happened January 6th was not because of anything Trump did. It was. I am not wrong.

OK, you're changing your story. But be specific.

Before you said people said Trump had nothing to do with January 6. That was a lie.

What does "what happened" mean now? What are you blaming Trump for and what's your evidence? Try to stick to the same story this time

People did say that. It was said here over and over. You calling that a lie does not make it so.
then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election.
NO one voted after the polls closed on election day

Except in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Those cities kept voting until Biden stole the election.

That they all went from solid Trump wins to statistically insignificant Biden wins then they stopped counting being legitimate is mathematically impossible. Some people win the lottery. No one wins it six times

Voting ceased by midnight on 11/4/2020. Mail in votes in several states were allowed to be counted up until Friday after the election. Most of the swing states (controlled by Republican legislatures) passed laws that would not allow mail in ballots to be counted before election day. Therefore, until the polls closed and the election day votes were counted, the mail-in votes could NOT be counted. You were warned thoroughly ahead of time there would be red and blue "mirages" and you would need to wait until all the votes were counted. Do you remember the last time a Presidential election was called five days after Election Day?....Me neither. :)

Oh yeah...Trump lost. :)

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Democrats did it in the open. You changed election laws to disconnect votes from voters then kept voting in six cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix) until you stole the election. Now you just run around saying no it's not! no it's not! no it's not! Yes it is, and everyone knows it. You just were for it

No they didn't. REPUBLICAN legislatures approved the changes to the laws. You see, these things happen at the STATE level. Not the city or the town. So again, nothing was stolen.
He lost. PA, MI, and AZ legislatures are all controlled by REPUBLICANS.
Those Republicans also appointed alternative electors because many believe and still believe fraud happened. Come back when you what you are talking about.

Close it conspiracy boy. You've had your six. :)
You had Republican and Democrat state election officials saying there was no fraud.
Your boy lost. He's done and gone. I suggest you move on and pick up the pieces while there's still a chance to
save whatever ideology you espouse this week.

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
And...another lie. You Trumpers are getting too predictable. And boring. :)

You're a squirrely dude. You really think that leftist judges said they hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil are getting into the merits of the case? I suppose you do
There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?

Russia hacked DNC emails and then had them dropped on the Internet which caused a divide between Hillary Democrats and Bernie Democrats.

You claim you've never been answered on this before... I seriously doubt that's true; but regardless, now you have.

We will note that you provided nothing.


Your delusions are noted and laughed at.

Simply stating facts. Nothing has been shown as to what exactly it is that the Russians supposedly did.

You're fucking deranged. I can't help you. Regardless of your mental condition, the Mueller report confirmed Russia hacked the DNC and the emails they exposed caused a rift among Democrats between Hillary and Bernie. To deny that cost Hillary votes is mind-boggling; but then you don't appear to have much of a mind so I'll excuse your abject ignorance.

A report created by Democrats trying to explain why Hillary lost. For some reason you are unable to state what it is that the Russians did but feel that calling me names is a proper answer to my question that you are unable to answer.

The DOJ was under Republican control. Mueller is a lifelong Republican.

Can you state what it is the Russians did?

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
And...another lie. You Trumpers are getting too predictable. And boring. :)

You're a squirrely dude. You really think that leftist judges said they hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil are getting into the merits of the case? I suppose you do

A lot of those judges were appointed by the guy who lost.
Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest but it was this very thing (blaming Pence for not doing what he couldn't even do) is one of the big reasons for it in the first place.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest? I have not seen anyone say that. There is more involved, but who said Trump supporters "had nothing to do" with it? You making your shit up again?

That's not what I said. Just because this is often done I'm going to break it down.

What I said.

Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest

What you said.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

Are you able to comprehend the difference in the two statements?

OK, fair enough. So I'll fix it.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

No one said that. Trump didn't tell anyone to commit violence or go INTO the Capital. But I've never heard anyone deny he said to go to the capital and protest. Democrats protest at the SCOTUS, at the White House and AT THE CAPITAL.

He did say to go to the Capital and protest, but you're such a total fascist that you believe that only Democrats are allowed to protest at the Capital or anywhere else. You're a Nazi

Tony Norman: Blame America for Jan. 6, but not Trump?

I explained myself right from the beginning. Things like blaming Pence is what caused Jan 6th and he is still doing it.

Your quoting a local nut job reporter in Pittsburg who claims to read minds proves what exactly?

I have no idea who he is but that's really not the point.

The protest on Jan 6th were over things like Trump blaming Pence and he is still doing it.

OK, read the question again:

- Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

Trump said to go to the Capital and protest. No one denies that. Nothing you said contradicts that.

YOU LIED. Of course you did, the Democrat party lies, it's your inner being

You aren't even addressing what I said. His blaming Pence most certainly played a role and he is still doing it.

You need to put on your big girl pants and back up.

You said people deny Trump had ANYTHING TO DO WITH JANUARY 6.

I pointed out that no one says that, everyone knows Trump said to protest.

You're going on about Pence. That doesn't change the discussion we had. If you're making another point, then you need to clarify what that point is.

So, start over. You said people said Trump had NOTHING TO DO WITH JANUARY 6. You were wrong. Now you are trying to make another point. Which is what?

Many have argued that what happened January 6th was not because of anything Trump did. It was. I am not wrong.

OK, you're changing your story. But be specific.

Before you said people said Trump had nothing to do with January 6. That was a lie.

What does "what happened" mean now? What are you blaming Trump for and what's your evidence? Try to stick to the same story this time

People did say that. It was said here over and over. You calling that a lie does not make it so.

You never showed any evidence anyone denied Trump said to go to the capital and demonstrate, which makes your claim people said Trump had nothing to do with January 6 a lie.

When I asked for evidence, you gave a bizarre link to someone in Pittsburgh who claims to read minds. I was like WTF.

Now you're stamping your feet and just saying you're right, you're right, you're right. Are you holding your breath, too?

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
And...another lie. You Trumpers are getting too predictable. And boring. :)

You're a squirrely dude. You really think that leftist judges said they hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil are getting into the merits of the case? I suppose you do

A lot of those judges were appointed by the guy who lost.

I'm sure that's true. Trump appointed hundreds of judges. Your point?

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