Trump " I have not conceded"

There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?

Russia hacked DNC emails and then had them dropped on the Internet which caused a divide between Hillary Democrats and Bernie Democrats.

You claim you've never been answered on this before... I seriously doubt that's true; but regardless, now you have.

We will note that you provided nothing.


Your delusions are noted and laughed at.

Simply stating facts. Nothing has been shown as to what exactly it is that the Russians supposedly did.

You're fucking deranged. I can't help you. Regardless of your mental condition, the Mueller report confirmed Russia hacked the DNC and the emails they exposed caused a rift among Democrats between Hillary and Bernie. To deny that cost Hillary votes is mind-boggling; but then you don't appear to have much of a mind so I'll excuse your abject ignorance.

A report created by Democrats trying to explain why Hillary lost. For some reason you are unable to state what it is that the Russians did but feel that calling me names is a proper answer to my question that you are unable to answer.

The DOJ was under Republican control. Mueller is a lifelong Republican.
The supporters of biden here argue the following.

Biden won fairly and legally
We hate audits that might out the above statement as 100% false
If they do out the truth that biden cheated and trump won, so what
We are not concerned about it,which is why we spend all of our time here flaming, trolling, shouting down, name calling, and never attempting to explain the MATH that resulted in 35 states with GOP control of statehouse and state senate
Does it concern you that the audit in AZ is being conducted by a company hand-picked by GOP legislators, a company whose CEO has pressed the "rigged election" stuff?

Does it concern you that the audit is not being conducted by anything approaching regular audit standards, with decreased transparency for outside observers?

If the situation were reversed, would it concern you if Democrats were ignoring multiple existing audits and conducting an audit in this way?

Please feel free to expand. Thanks in advance.

How about the data from the audit being taken out of state to a remote facility (someone's fucking home) in Montana for "analysis"?
Yep..nothing going on there! :)

Sounds like we're about to be spun a story.

Just because someone is telling you that something is happening does not mean it is. How many dates now have we had telling us which day Trump would be back in office?

Funny that this company is going to release their report in late July/Early August. Isn't that when the former Deluded-in-Chief thinks he's going to be re-installed?
Part 1 of your statement depends on how many people are willing to believe that something is actually happening...and then take steps to act on it.

That's the danger here. The lie, becomes the truth.
It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
It actually does matter. Aside from the wedge Trump continues to drive in this country, he's destroying faith in our election process, which is a foundation of this nation. He's doing more harm to us than Putin, Xi, Rouhani and Kim Jong Un combined.

Saying that Russian cheating was the reason Trump won in the first place didn't also do this?
At least there was evidence of that. There is zero evidence of any of Trump's claims of fraud. Aside from him being utterly unable to prove a single claim, every claim was thoroughly debunked. Some in real time as he made them such as his phone call with Raffensberger. Claims of Russia's interference proved to be true. I suspect even Trump knows he lost fair and square but due to his psychotic narcissism, would rather put the country through he'll if he thinks he can steal a win in the manner he's trying. It's why I personally rank him as the worst president ever. More than any president we've ever had, he puts himself and his own personal interests above that of the nation.

There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?

There is no evidence they changed any votes after the fact. Whatever effect their stealing and releasing Democrats emails they hacked, along with their sophisticated media strategy to aid Trumpybear as laid out in the Mueller report, is completely subjective. However combine with the GOP's decades long effort to denigrate the former SoS, that caused the hate factor for her rise exponentially.

The main issue in the Mueller report are the obstruction of justice charges. Which are all over Part 2 of the report. He should have been gone on that alone.
But sure, we can suspend disbelief and think the Trump Tower meeting was about adoption. :)

Here's the bottom line. If we were ready to throw Nixon out based on what he was accused of but not willing to apply the same logic to Reagan or Trump...then turn around and be ready to show Clinton the door over lying about a sex act...then I guess anything goes.
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

Sure he conceded...

"We didn’t win." ~ Donald Trump

I like this part...

I was disappointed that he didn't send it back. I felt he had the right to send it back, and he should've sent it back. That's my opinion.

... can you show where the Constitution grants the vice president the authority to unilaterally reject a state's electors?

Rump has never read the Constitution - (or anything else ;-)

Trump doesn't read! Wow, the eight year old insults just continue to flow in!

That's correct. Trump avoids reading at all costs.. His staff was very frustrated reducing reports to bullets that he still wouldn't read. Trump is severely dislexic and has always compensated by being a bully. His family did his homework and he hired people to take tests.

He simply cannot read. He tried to read the US Constitution for a photo op and quit in a rage saying it was too hard like a foreign language.

Trump was severaly neglected by his mother as a kid and bullied by his father. He has absolutely no scruples and no boundaries.
People can't even safely walk through their towns...crime is up under Joe 100%....shootings and robberies theft....
Bring back a law and order president and let him do his job....

Link to "crime up under Biden 100%" please - Otherwise, SHADDUP
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.
And was impeached twice by the House.

No one remembers that now. No one cared when Democrats did it, no one talked about it after they did it.

That was just your manifestation of pure hate because you're fascists who believe you can shut down opposition by whatever means necessary. You're Nazis
LOL...............Look at these libturds madder than hornets..................My job is finished

I know, right? Moonbat thinks that it's our problem that his party failed to remove Trump and no one cares because everyone knows what a fascist, partisan show it was

Well everyone knows what the facts are. Neo_GOPer's simple accept the Dirty Don's corruption in strong arming the President of a foreign nation, as well they accept his inciting the PinHead insurrection.

Democrats are not squeaky clean either. They accept the corruption associated with lying about a blowjob.
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds
To be undiplomatically blunt, too many of you are taking this thread way way too seriously.

Not that the topic ain't current, or doesn't require attention, but.......but in the face of some of the, ummmm, more 'notable' contributions here this philosophical quarrelling over who-stole-which-election-when-and-by-how-much kinda pales in the humor department.

I mean by that, this recent post by most everybody's concept of Wacky Uncle Wally got ignored by most everybody here. Tho one did comment in sort of an 'exasperation' tone (I'm speculating on that).

Everybody else ignored it. Notably, none of the Trumplandia citizens jumped in to support and 'attaboy' one of their own. Nor did they publicly embrace --yet-- a comrade and his view that the January 6th Republican Patriots = Homosexuals. (There may be a little disloyalty dynamic goin' on there, imo.)

So c'mon mi amigos ....let's not let the Good Ship Lollypop sail by and not comment on its "correlations".

It's this post, of course:

"The truth is that 911 and 1/6 were both Zionist hate hoaxes, fascist false flag attacks....
........many of the most Zionist Zionists in DC are HOMOS also
correlates with the obvious truth that homos are sick people..

Now, to be clear, I'm not pokin' fun at a poster, or the good citizens of Trumplandia, nor am I ascribing all of the above "1/6 hoax' assertions to that poster alone. Rather, you gotta admit, it has sorta the tone of coming straight out of Mar-A-Lardo's style of grievance complaining. So, our good poster may be under that influence, a mindmeld thingy.

However, in my view, there's something there for both Looney Trump Sycophants and Rational Trump Skeptics.

Something where both can productively discuss their views. Their views on Don Trump. Their views on Zionist flying planes into buildings, and the LGBQ takeover of the Republican 'Patriot' movement....and the Oathkeepers subsequent resentment over being called 'queers' by an anonymous poster on an internet chatroom.

Just sayin'.

911 fraud

North tower - bomb, nothing hit it, naudet video is photo shopped.
South tower - 767 plane, black, no markings, cargo version, 2200F molten steel pouring out (jet fuel burns at 600F) proof of thermite being used to demo structure
Pentagon - cruise missile
Shanksville - a ditch with metal junk doused with gasoline and set on fire - missing plane and corpses
Osama - CIA/Mossad double agent col Tim osman, job was to pop up and take credit for CIA/Mossad terror

Capitol police told to stand down and not erect standard barricade
Homos in MAGAdrag trolling trump supporters, urging a rush
Some trump supporters were dumb enough to follow
Capitol police officer death - fraud, guy clocked in next day
Babbitt - murder either by Chris wray's FBI or homO's hate hoaxing homos

In both cases, Zionist media did nothing but lie 100%.

Check the 1/6 crowd and you will find they are overwhelmingly homos who joined oath keepers or another group under false pretenses. Behind the homos is homO, the real community hate hoax organizer...
View attachment 504357

Thanks for the entertainment Mister E :lol:


No one remembers that now. No one cared when Democrats did it, no one talked about it after they did it.

That was just your manifestation of pure hate because you're fascists who believe you can shut down opposition by whatever means necessary. You're Nazis
LOL...............Look at these libturds madder than hornets..................My job is finished
Yes, back to yer terlit trenching, have fun.

I like a lot given what fascists democrats are that you twice impeached Trump for things that you did. It removed all doubt about what you are

I am surprised you can still defend Trump and blame his behavior on Democrats.

You're a terrible reader. I said that Democrats impeached Trump for what you did. That isn't blaming Trump's behavior on Democrats, it's just criticizing you for your behavior.

Let me guess, you went to government schools, didn't you? I mean it is what it is, but don't you want a better education for your children than the shit education you got?
People learn more out of school than in one.

That doesn't contradict anything I said. You really are that stupid, aren't you?
you have mastered the use of one word, congrats.

You've mastered being stupid. Though actually it comes naturally to you, doesn't it? Be honest
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

Sure he conceded...

"We didn’t win." ~ Donald Trump

I like this part...

I was disappointed that he didn't send it back. I felt he had the right to send it back, and he should've sent it back. That's my opinion.

... can you show where the Constitution grants the vice president the authority to unilaterally reject a state's electors?

Rump has never read the Constitution - (or anything else ;-)

Trump doesn't read! Wow, the eight year old insults just continue to flow in!

That's correct. Trump avoids reading at all costs.. His staff was very frustrated reducing reports to bullets that he still wouldn't read. Trump is severely dislexic and has always compensated by being a bully. His family did his homework and he hired people to take tests.

He simply cannot read. He tried to read the US Constitution for a photo op and quit in a rage saying it was too hard like a foreign language.

Trump was severaly neglected by his mother as a kid and bullied by his father. He has absolutely no scruples and no boundaries.
Hey, c'mon now, be fair. Nobody can hold up a book as well as Trump.


2016 no, 2020 yes.

Stupid? You voted for Joe Biden, didn't you?

You know, I've had enough of this nonsense. I really don't give a shit if people on this forum hate me because
I'm a Trump supporter. I think it's time for a signature edit. (That wasn't directed at you btw.)

Democrats get lost too often in believing their own bull shit and lies and expect the rest of them to accept their delusions as reality too. It happens because they live in an echo chamber where they only hear what they already think. Democrats actually believe that science, economics and logic change based on partisan Democrat propaganda
He just might still have a chance
At what, a Fraudit Coup? One sided fraudits will not change any states EC vote from 2020.

His only chance is a violent revolution to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Patriots will never let Trumpybear and his Russian allies overthrow the Republic

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.
And was impeached twice by the House.

No one remembers that now. No one cared when Democrats did it, no one talked about it after they did it.

That was just your manifestation of pure hate because you're fascists who believe you can shut down opposition by whatever means necessary. You're Nazis
LOL...............Look at these libturds madder than hornets..................My job is finished

I know, right? Moonbat thinks that it's our problem that his party failed to remove Trump and no one cares because everyone knows what a fascist, partisan show it was

Well everyone knows what the facts are. Neo_GOPer's simple accept the Dirty Don's corruption in strong arming the President of a foreign nation, as well they accept his inciting the PinHead insurrection.

Democrats are not squeaky clean either. They accept the corruption associated with lying about a blowjob.

Clinton couldn't keep his pants zipped, but he was otherwise intelligent, well-educated and a patriot.

Trump is none of those things.. He's damaged by a cruel father, neglected by his mother ... He never worked. At 30 he was still riding around in his father's chauffer driven Cadillac making the scene in NYC and so failed to measure up. He was a pariah even then without social skills or any sense of noblesse oblige..
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds
Kazzer, some of those states' elections were under Republican control. :eusa_doh:

2016 no, 2020 yes.

Stupid? You voted for Joe Biden, didn't you?

You know, I've had enough of this nonsense. I really don't give a shit if people on this forum hate me because
I'm a Trump supporter. I think it's time for a signature edit. (That wasn't directed at you btw.)

From the guy who's so upset no one is upset the hate Democrat Nazi party kept impeaching Trump. Poor faun. You're really upset now

This election had 35 states return GOP control of both state house and state senate, a down ballot red wave like 1994.

Donald trump won all 35 of those, the lefties here know it, and that is why they spazz at these audits....
OK, you got us. I can't take it anymore and I am going to break ranks with my fellow Dems and admit the truth.

The entire election was rigged. The Domino machines have been rigged so that only the Dems can win. We did this by rigging it so that all the Repub votes are sent to China, changed to Dem votes, routed to Italy by way of Germany, and then sent back to the US Domino machines.

We also paid off every single Republican Governors, lower court judges, Supreme Court judges, Election board officials, and anyone remotely connected to elections. So, from now to the conceivable future, no Republican is ever going to win national office. Ever!!!

In short, it would be a waste for any Republican to vote. Did I mention the Domino machines & China? So, from now on, if you are a Republican, stay home on all voting days because your vote will just be converted over to Democrats.

Whew...that was a load of my mind. Sorry, my fellow Dems but I couldn't keep the secret anymore:crybaby:

Trump doesn't read! Wow, the eight year old insults just continue to flow in!

That's correct. Trump avoids reading at all costs.. His staff was very frustrated reducing reports to bullets that he still wouldn't read. Trump is severely dislexic and has always compensated by being a bully. His family did his homework and he hired people to take tests.

He simply cannot read. He tried to read the US Constitution for a photo op and quit in a rage saying it was too hard like a foreign language.

Trump was severaly neglected by his mother as a kid and bullied by his father. He has absolutely no scruples and no boundaries.

You are actually eight years old, aren't you? Be honest

2016 no, 2020 yes.

Stupid? You voted for Joe Biden, didn't you?

You know, I've had enough of this nonsense. I really don't give a shit if people on this forum hate me because
I'm a Trump supporter. I think it's time for a signature edit. (That wasn't directed at you btw.)

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Jesus is my Savior and Trump is my president.


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