Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

I swear I thought you were talking about Obama.

Me, too. Trump doesn't want to fundamentally change America the way the left did. He wants to preserve our constitution, not destroy it.
Preserve the Constitution? Trump violated it by banning people for their religion. I'm sure one could think of other violations.
. That's your interpretation, but no one else's, and I mean even if they don't have anything but half their brain they no better than that, so why don't you ??
Even his appointees try to undo the stupid remarks he's made, as I said.
Yes...they're on a REAL World Apology Tour. How Ironic.
. Yeah apologizing for Obama, and how stupid we were for electing that one track small minded loon to be our president. Now the DNC has elected another big mouth Obama clone, who is backed up by Ellison the ultimate hater. If these idiot Democrats/liberals think that these people have the interest of all Americans at heart, then they are some of the biggest fools in the world. The saga of the real racist agenda in this country continues within the Democrat party, and we have so many idiots out there now, that it is just flat outright amazing at how well it has been all worked on them over the years. I am an expert at recognizing racist rehtoric immediately when I listen to someone speak or when I read things people write. Just sayin..
I've never heard it, but then again I don't live in your twisted dank hate bubble universe. The left has gotten very ugly since they lost power and Trump has taken more abuse than anyone I've ever seen in my life, including Reagan and Bush.

The will be little humor involved I'm sure. Lefties these days think insults are funny, as long as it isn't aimed at them. Look at their comedy shows like SNL, it's nothing but viseral hatred.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Obviously Trump is not welcome there, why should he go?
. Oh he's welcome there alright, just like a mouse in a snake pit where the snake charms the mouse before it strikes. Look at the Hollywood rewards shows, and how quick they want to run their mouths in those forums. Hollywood is the complete enemy of Trump, and it is using it's platforms to get it's soul selling minions to bash Trump every time they can. They are all out in the open ranting and railing now, yet the suffering goes on because of these fools who ACT as if they care... Good grief... How stupid can America be ?
Me, too. Trump doesn't want to fundamentally change America the way the left did. He wants to preserve our constitution, not destroy it.
Preserve the Constitution? Trump violated it by banning people for their religion. I'm sure one could think of other violations.
. That's your interpretation, but no one else's, and I mean even if they don't have anything but half their brain they no better than that, so why don't you ??
Even his appointees try to undo the stupid remarks he's made, as I said.
. That's the problem "YOU SAID", but it's all just political theater.
I guess Fox didn't cover those.
May have, but it all depends on your perspective as to how the coverage is perceived. You can see things that may not be there if try hard enough. It is a problem with sheeple these days.
Yeah, they are acting like republicans...
. But Trump is not your typical Republican even though you people want to tie him to that baggage. Trump is anti-establishment in which is what America kept crying for, but once they have their wishes come true they get scared ?

The intelligent people want anti-establishment. The extremists want their own establishment to maintain control. Trump doesn't give a shit what either side thinks. He isn't owned by anyone. It's the big and powerful who own politicians and are pushing toward one world government that hate him. They are behind all the protests and the rhetoric that convinces people that racists, greedy wealthy people, white supremacists and bigots are running things. It's all bullshit and designed to pit people against each other.

We have what we need right now. Most people understood that and we are lucky that the radical masses in a few states weren't able to stop us. Trump isn't perfect. Love him or hate him, he's the best one to keep America alive. Hillary was set to sell us down the river to one world order.
Trump is not anti-establishment, what gives you the idea he is?
How about the fact that the establishment is trying to destroy him?
Hasn't he been snuggling up with the target of your recent gofundme campaign, Talking Bratwurst?
Is that supposed to mean something, skinny dick?
Anyone who ever watched the love fest between the MSM and the Obama administration understands the way the system works Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump at one of the love fest dinners and Trump remembers it. Let the sleazy fools entertain each other this time..
Trump had attempted to destroy Obama. He should have expected retaliation.
It was enjoyable to watch.
. You must have a really short term memory, because Obama got on the campaign trail for Hillary, and he started campaigning for her, and attacking Trump along with his wife the same. Trump only gives back what he gets, other than that he is our president now, and the nation as a whole should be proud.
Trump's an embarrassment worldwide. His appointees are covering for him in Europe and Mexico.

Typical mindless leftwing insults. That's all you losers have.
Trump is telling the Libtard press that they are not near as important as they think they are. More Liberal tears. I wonder what state will be flooded next.

Trump got elected without the help of those bozos by going directly to the American people. He doesn't need the Liberal press near as much as they think he needs them.

Great to have somebody stand up to the fake news assholes.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

I think that is a brilliant idea. Hit them where it hurts. Until they can actually do their jobs, screw them.

Those leftwing reporters hate being barred from White house press conferences. It's a big career boost to have them on your resume.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Ha.Ha.--Someone might ask him a question, and he won't have his top physco babble interpreter Kelly Ann Conway there to decipher.


Yep, ole crazy lying Conway may get disbarred and end up in the pokey.

I think there may be several of them that end up in the pokey. Treason is a very serious charge in this country.


And lets not forget about this guy


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

And Rudi Guiliani & James Kolstrom may be lead off in handcuffs over this one too.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Hope springs eternal in the snowflake breast.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Ha.Ha.--Someone might ask him a question, and he won't have his top physco babble interpreter Kelly Ann Conway there to decipher.


Yep, ole crazy lying Conway may get disbarred and end up in the pokey.

Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell. We'll have at least 4 years to find out.

No, you're not going to have 4 years, not after this.

Shep Smith FOX NEWS in the below video states that Trump campaign aids were in contact with the Russians on the VERY DAY that DNC databases were being hacked into. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON. Clearly they have phone records to prove it, and those never go away.

It's clear from these massive protests and what is going on in Republican Town halls across this country that Democrats will take over both houses in 2018. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, (with Obama in office) it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

There's only two options:
1. Republicans can save the party and their honor by outing Trump a.s.a.p.
2. Or they can burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond. A massive cover up will be added to Treason, if they don't react or try to keep Trump in the Oval office.


The American public will not be fooled by this. This is a 1000 times worse than Watergate. There is no rational explanation for Trump campaign aids to be in contact with the Russians during the campaign season.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

I love to watch snowflakes deluding themselves. None of the people in those protests voted for Trump, and they convinced no one to change their vote. The audiences in the town halls are full of paid protesters. You have to be supremely gullible to believe they represent actual voter sentiment.
Our President is a coward. He is afraid to attend that event because he knows he can not stand up to his critics and he is such a narcissist that he would end up crying in public.

Why should he "stand up" to a gang of petulant children? Do you stick your finger in a light socket just because someone double dares you?
I've never heard it, but then again I don't live in your twisted dank hate bubble universe. The left has gotten very ugly since they lost power and Trump has taken more abuse than anyone I've ever seen in my life, including Reagan and Bush.

The will be little humor involved I'm sure. Lefties these days think insults are funny, as long as it isn't aimed at them. Look at their comedy shows like SNL, it's nothing but viseral hatred.
I'm certain it will be full of nasty means-spirited cracks that no one but them laughs at, just like the stuff douche bag snowflakes post in this forum.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

Come again, "The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat."

I think that was The Little Red Hen.
Wrong. It's 2nd Thessalonians 3:10.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

The Written Word of God is pure. It is true. The little Red Hen is a work of fiction. It is not true. There is no comparison to be made.

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