Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

Our President is a coward. He is afraid to attend that event because he knows he can not stand up to his critics and he is such a narcissist that he would end up crying in public.
He is not invited and he is not welcome there why should he go?
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
Journalists? What journalists? I see propagandists who belong behind bars for inciting the murder of a President but journalists? No. That is an insult to the profession. I hear there is now talk of it being canceled. That is the best thing to do. I wouldn't allow these people anywhere near the White House.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
. Yeah you have a point, because there would probably be some very hurt leftist feelings when Trump got done countering their idiocy. The leftist are the ones destroying traditional events and forums due their hatred, and it's time he rise up above their petty bull crap. If have to, he should only associate with those who want to make this nation great again, and if the left becomes a recipient of that greatness then so be it. Maybe then they will look back and say wow what happened ?
Not sure what to think.

On one hand it's thin skinned. On the other why attend a dinner where you know you're going to be the target of endless jokes.

Could be the bigger guy or......

/---- he should send Alec Baldwin in his place. Then the press and Baldwin could have a circle jerk.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
. Wasn't he accused of having extreme anger problems ?
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.

When an adult gets thrown off a plane because he refuses to stop playing a video game on his cell phone he has some issues going on.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
. Wasn't he accused of having extreme anger problems ?

Severe anger issues going on...he acts like a petulant child
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
The Alfred E, Smith dinner. Was it the joke about locking her up that you found tasteless? Or...

“Hillary is so corrupt she got kicked off the Watergate commission. How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate commission?” he said as the guests booed.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
. Yeah you have a point, because there would probably be some very hurt leftist feelings when Trump got done countering their idiocy. The leftist are the ones destroying traditional events and forums due their hatred, and it's time he rise up above their petty bull crap. If have to, he should only associate with those who want to make this nation great again, and if the left becomes a recipient of that greatness then so be it. Maybe then they will look back and say wow what happened ?
A roast requires being able to laugh at yourself, and being able to poke fun without being hurtful. Neither of which are Trump fortes.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.

When an adult gets thrown off a plane because he refuses to stop playing a video game on his cell phone he has some issues going on.
...and he beats his wife and kids
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.

When an adult gets thrown off a plane because he refuses to stop playing a video game on his cell phone he has some issues going on.
I wasn't referring to him as the PERSON, I was referring to him as a Trump surrogate. You guys talk about the left being "low," having to insult the character of the actor impersonating Trump is as low down and desperate as it gets.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
. Yeah you have a point, because there would probably be some very hurt leftist feelings when Trump got done countering their idiocy. The leftist are the ones destroying traditional events and forums due their hatred, and it's time he rise up above their petty bull crap. If have to, he should only associate with those who want to make this nation great again, and if the left becomes a recipient of that greatness then so be it. Maybe then they will look back and say wow what happened ?
A roast requires being able to laugh at yourself, and being able to poke fun without being hurtful. Neither of which are Trump fortes.
They aren't the forte of the fake news, you mean. Trump laughs at himself all the time. What he doesn't laugh at is vicious mean-spirited insults from the media.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.

When an adult gets thrown off a plane because he refuses to stop playing a video game on his cell phone he has some issues going on.
I wasn't referring to him as the PERSON, I was referring to him as a Trump surrogate. You guys talk about the left being "low," having to insult the character of the actor impersonating Trump is as low down and desperate as it gets.

I'm referring to his character or lack of're just for anyone against's obvious.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Obviously Trump is not welcome there, why should he go?
. Oh he's welcome there alright, just like a mouse in a snake pit where the snake charms the mouse before it strikes. Look at the Hollywood rewards shows, and how quick they want to run their mouths in those forums. Hollywood is the complete enemy of Trump, and it is using it's platforms to get it's soul selling minions to bash Trump every time they can. They are all out in the open ranting and railing now, yet the suffering goes on because of these fools who ACT as if they care... Good grief... How stupid can America be ?

That is an interesting analogy as I read an article stating that witches were called upon to unite and curse President Trump. Here is the article:
This is a serious matter for witches to unite in cursing a President. Now we have the matter of this correspondence dinner which falls on the evening leading up to May 1st. Is this date a coincidence? Who chose it? May 1st is the highest day on the Druid Witches Calendar as you can see below from information posted from this link: Occult Holidays And Sabbats

c. April 19 - May 1

- Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire - the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.

Some of the very important historic dates that were staged according to this blood sacrifice day are:

(1). April 19, 1775 - Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable

(2). April 19, 1943 - After trapping the last Jewish Resistance Fighters in a storm drain in Warsaw, and holding them for several days, Nazi Storm Troopers began to pour fire into each end of the storm drain, using flame-throwers. They continued pouring the fire into the drain until all fighters were dead. Blood sacrifice brought about by a fiery conflagration.

(3) April 19, 1993 - 50 years later, to the day, government troops, tanks, and other military equipment stormed the compound of David Koresh and his followers at Waco, Texas. Certainly, this operation fulfilled the basic requirements for a human sacrifice: trauma, fire, and young sacrificial victims.

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City bombing - Once again, many young children were killed this day

April 19 of any year in the 20th Century is a day of fearful contemplation, for it seems that, as we head into the final stretch of time, Satan is becoming more and more bold, and is using April 19 more often.

April 19-May 1st

- Beltaine Festival, also called "Walpurgis Night".

This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required. Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that Adolf Hitler decided to kill himself on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus creating a "333" and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltaine time frame.

Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility. We find it interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine "Balefire" every year ["America's Occult Holidays", Doc Marquis, p. 30]

The "Maypole" originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ.

Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation - remember, this is a "fertility" celebration day!

To demonstrate their occult, Illuminist ties, Communists have always celebrated "May Day". If you have not been taught how the Illuminati created Communism, and for which purpose, you need to hear our Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History".

According to the article
Other spell casting rituals are slated to be performed on March 26, April 24, May 23, and June 21.

But to counter the witches, some Christian groups are calling for “a day of prayer.”

Kevin Ambrose of the Christian Nationalist Alliance said, “This is a declaration of spiritual war and it requires a response.”

“As such, the Christian Nationalist Alliance is announcing a Day of Prayer on each of these days. We beseech all Christian soldiers to answer this call to action by reading from Psalm 23,”..


Praying Psalm 23 is fine but that is not spiritual warfare. The Christians in this country who know how to pray should call a fast and pray destroying the powers of witchcraft (according to Luke 10:19) and pray for President Trump's protection. Is it any coincidence that the MSM has arranged for this correspondence dinner to happen on the eve of May 1st? I don't believe so.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
. Yeah you have a point, because there would probably be some very hurt leftist feelings when Trump got done countering their idiocy. The leftist are the ones destroying traditional events and forums due their hatred, and it's time he rise up above their petty bull crap. If have to, he should only associate with those who want to make this nation great again, and if the left becomes a recipient of that greatness then so be it. Maybe then they will look back and say wow what happened ?
A roast requires being able to laugh at yourself, and being able to poke fun without being hurtful. Neither of which are Trump fortes.
. At this point in time it is a snake pit set up, and Trump is done being set up by the left. The business of this nation is most important than playing these idiotic games.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?

What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.

When an adult gets thrown off a plane because he refuses to stop playing a video game on his cell phone he has some issues going on.
I wasn't referring to him as the PERSON, I was referring to him as a Trump surrogate. You guys talk about the left being "low," having to insult the character of the actor impersonating Trump is as low down and desperate as it gets.

I'm referring to his character or lack of're just for anyone against's obvious.
Yeah. That's me all over.
I think you've gotten into the sauce this beautiful Sunday morning.
Does anyone remember the dinner to fete the presidential candidates that was held by some organization in NYC during the campaign--it's a tradition every four years. Trump and Clinton went and did a little roasting each other. Trump's jokes pretty much sucked. One was so over the line it was a tasteless insult. So the journalists aren't missing much. Maybe they'll invite Alec Baldwin instead?
. Yeah you have a point, because there would probably be some very hurt leftist feelings when Trump got done countering their idiocy. The leftist are the ones destroying traditional events and forums due their hatred, and it's time he rise up above their petty bull crap. If have to, he should only associate with those who want to make this nation great again, and if the left becomes a recipient of that greatness then so be it. Maybe then they will look back and say wow what happened ?
A roast requires being able to laugh at yourself, and being able to poke fun without being hurtful. Neither of which are Trump fortes.
. At this point in time it is a snake pit set up, and Trump is done being set up by the left. The business of this nation is most important than playing these idiotic games.

Playing a rigged game is the act of a fool.

Walking away is wisdom.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Obviously Trump is not welcome there, why should he go?
. Oh he's welcome there alright, just like a mouse in a snake pit where the snake charms the mouse before it strikes. Look at the Hollywood rewards shows, and how quick they want to run their mouths in those forums. Hollywood is the complete enemy of Trump, and it is using it's platforms to get it's soul selling minions to bash Trump every time they can. They are all out in the open ranting and railing now, yet the suffering goes on because of these fools who ACT as if they care... Good grief... How stupid can America be ?

That is an interesting analogy as I read an article stating that witches were called upon to unite and curse President Trump. Here is the article:
This is a serious matter for witches to unite in cursing a President. Now we have the matter of this correspondence dinner which falls on the evening leading up to May 1st. Is this date a coincidence? Who chose it? May 1st is the highest day on the Druid Witches Calendar as you can see below from information posted from this link: Occult Holidays And Sabbats

c. April 19 - May 1

- Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire - the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.

Some of the very important historic dates that were staged according to this blood sacrifice day are:

(1). April 19, 1775 - Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable

(2). April 19, 1943 - After trapping the last Jewish Resistance Fighters in a storm drain in Warsaw, and holding them for several days, Nazi Storm Troopers began to pour fire into each end of the storm drain, using flame-throwers. They continued pouring the fire into the drain until all fighters were dead. Blood sacrifice brought about by a fiery conflagration.

(3) April 19, 1993 - 50 years later, to the day, government troops, tanks, and other military equipment stormed the compound of David Koresh and his followers at Waco, Texas. Certainly, this operation fulfilled the basic requirements for a human sacrifice: trauma, fire, and young sacrificial victims.

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City bombing - Once again, many young children were killed this day

April 19 of any year in the 20th Century is a day of fearful contemplation, for it seems that, as we head into the final stretch of time, Satan is becoming more and more bold, and is using April 19 more often.

April 19-May 1st

- Beltaine Festival, also called "Walpurgis Night".

This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required. Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that Adolf Hitler decided to kill himself on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus creating a "333" and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltaine time frame.

Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility. We find it interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine "Balefire" every year ["America's Occult Holidays", Doc Marquis, p. 30]

The "Maypole" originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ.

Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation - remember, this is a "fertility" celebration day!

To demonstrate their occult, Illuminist ties, Communists have always celebrated "May Day". If you have not been taught how the Illuminati created Communism, and for which purpose, you need to hear our Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History".

According to the article
Other spell casting rituals are slated to be performed on March 26, April 24, May 23, and June 21.

But to counter the witches, some Christian groups are calling for “a day of prayer.”

Kevin Ambrose of the Christian Nationalist Alliance said, “This is a declaration of spiritual war and it requires a response.”

“As such, the Christian Nationalist Alliance is announcing a Day of Prayer on each of these days. We beseech all Christian soldiers to answer this call to action by reading from Psalm 23,” Ambrose wrote on the organization’s website.


Praying Psalm 23 is fine but that is not spiritual warfare. The Christians in this country who know how to pray should call a fast and pray destroying the powers of witchcraft (according to Luke 10:19) and pray for President Trump's protection. Is it any coincidence that the MSM has arranged for this correspondence dinner to happen on the eve of May 1st? I don't believe so.

NEWS FLASH: Witches aren't real. Witchcraft isn't real. They figured that out in Salem 300 years ago.
What is you loons infatuation with Baldwin? He's a freaking loon and I've seen at least three of you crowing about the used up asshole.
He's the only Trump surrogate I can think of at the moment. I agree he's not that great. Some of the lines he's had on SNL have been pretty funny, though.

When an adult gets thrown off a plane because he refuses to stop playing a video game on his cell phone he has some issues going on.
I wasn't referring to him as the PERSON, I was referring to him as a Trump surrogate. You guys talk about the left being "low," having to insult the character of the actor impersonating Trump is as low down and desperate as it gets.

I'm referring to his character or lack of're just for anyone against's obvious.
Yeah. That's me all over.
I think you've gotten into the sauce this beautiful Sunday morning.

You really need to stop with your meager attempts at insults, for one they don't work with me and secondly you're lousy at it ya old hag.

You're transparent and that's your achilles heel

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