Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

Anyone who ever watched the love fest between the MSM and the Obama administration understands the way the system works Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump at one of the love fest dinners and Trump remembers it. Let the sleazy fools entertain each other this time..
Trump had attempted to destroy Obama. He should have expected retaliation.
It was enjoyable to watch.
. You must have a really short term memory, because Obama got on the campaign trail for Hillary, and he started campaigning for her, and attacking Trump along with his wife the same. Trump only gives back what he gets, other than that he is our president now, and the nation as a whole should be proud.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Really? If he thinks he's had enough, he really isn't going to like what's coming his way. Lots of us think he hasn't had nearly enough.
The press's job is to report news. But when it comes to Trump, they propagate political bias. Why should he subject himself to more abuse?

If he doesn't want his dumb actions reported, he needs to quit doing dumb stuff. Trump doesn't like the media. He should fear the people.
Don't know why Trump doesn't "TRUST" the media. The media gave Trump over 2-3 billion dollars in free advertisement and interviews during the campaign both in the GOP primary and in the general election. QUIT COMPLAINING AND CRYING--TRUMP.
In spite of the fact that their coverage was slanted to hurt Trump. It backfired on them big league.
Trump won't win taking on the 4th Estate.
Bullshit. It got him elected. Enough of us voters recognize the problem with media.
Anyone who ever watched the love fest between the MSM and the Obama administration understands the way the system works Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump at one of the love fest dinners and Trump remembers it. Let the sleazy fools entertain each other this time..
Trump had attempted to destroy Obama. He should have expected retaliation.
It was enjoyable to watch.
. You must have a really short term memory, because Obama got on the campaign trail for Hillary, and he started campaigning for her, and attacking Trump along with his wife the same. Trump only gives back what he gets, other than that he is our president now, and the nation as a whole should be proud.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump ..
And the Orange Buffoon deserved every barb that went his way....always thought he was a pussy. Now he's proving it.

You spent the weekend obsessing over Trump, he doesn't even know you exist. lol

I hardly posted at all this weekend. That aside, shall we have a little look at how many Obama or Hillary rants you've made? Talk about being a Neville Nobody...
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Obviously Trump is not welcome there, why should he go?

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.[/MEDIA]

He called them out on lies and they're still lying...

He recently called FAKE NEWS media the enemy, not all news organizations. And they're wondering why....


Twitter link
Trump has lied and continues to LIE.
The First 100 Lies: The Trump Team's Flurry Of Falsehoods | The Huffington Post

Huffpost? Are those the same guys who claimed Trump had 13% chance to win the presidency?

President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Obviously Trump is not welcome there, why should he go?

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.[/MEDIA]

He called them out on lies and they're still lying...

He recently called FAKE NEWS media the enemy, not all news organizations. And they're wondering why....


Twitter link
Trump has lied and continues to LIE.
The First 100 Lies: The Trump Team's Flurry Of Falsehoods | The Huffington Post

Huffpost? Are those the same guys who claimed Trump had 13% chance to win the presidency?


ISIS must be shaking in their sandals.
They just have to wave a microphone at him and he'll run away.
Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump ..
And the Orange Buffoon deserved every barb that went his way....always thought he was a pussy. Now he's proving it.

You spent the weekend obsessing over Trump, he doesn't even know you exist. lol

I hardly posted at all this weekend. That aside, shall we have a little look at how many Obama or Hillary rants you've made? Talk about being a Neville Nobody...

Lib please we have all seen your Trump meltdowns, Trump lives rent free in your head.
The intelligent people want anti-establishment. The extremists want their own establishment to maintain control. Trump doesn't give a shit what either side thinks. He isn't owned by anyone. It's the big and powerful who own politicians and are pushing toward one world government that hate him. They are behind all the protests and the rhetoric that convinces people that racists, greedy wealthy people, white supremacists and bigots are running things. It's all bullshit and designed to pit people against each other.

We have what we need right now. Most people understood that and we are lucky that the radical masses in a few states weren't able to stop us. Trump isn't perfect. Love him or hate him, he's the best one to keep America alive. Hillary was set to sell us down the river to one world order.
Trump is not anti-establishment, what gives you the idea he is?
How about the fact that the establishment is trying to destroy him?
Hasn't he been snuggling up with the target of your recent gofundme campaign, Talking Bratwurst?
Is that supposed to mean something, skinny dick?
Does anything mean anything to you, Bripat?

It would have to make its way through that spectacularly impressive adipose.........uh.........helmet.......
You incoherent babbling doesn't mean anything to me or any other member of this forum capable of committing logic.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year
Can't blame him :lol: He's notoriously thin-skinned and Obama humiliated him at the last one. The whole room laughed in his face :lol:

Who's laughing now, shithead? :lol:
Everyone is still laughing at Trump

MMm, sorry, your sides extreme butthurt is quite visible for all to see.

Your denial fails.
Yeah I don't really belong to a side. But clearly the butt hurt side is trump. Waaaa The media is unfair waaa The FBI is unfair waaa Saturday night live is unfair waaa i'll show them I'm not going to the media correspondence dinner

Clearly it's all the media snowflakes who are suffering from terminal butthurt. They've been crying about being called "fake media" ever since the term backfired on them.
Who's laughing now, shithead? :lol:
Everyone is still laughing at Trump

MMm, sorry, your sides extreme butthurt is quite visible for all to see.

Your denial fails.
Yeah I don't really belong to a side. But clearly the butt hurt side is trump. Waaaa The media is unfair waaa The FBI is unfair waaa Saturday night live is unfair waaa i'll show them I'm not going to the media correspondence dinner

So, you missed the rioting and the calls for coups? Kind of trumps verbal complaints...
Well he wanted to be king president. Over half of voters chose Hillary. Does he think they'll just sit by quietly as he lies to their face everyday and tries to dismantle progress that has been made?

What "progress" is that?

Trump is president. If the snowflakes don't like his agenda, they should have worked harder to put that criminal Hillary in office.
Trump had attempted to destroy Obama. He should have expected retaliation.
It was enjoyable to watch.
. You must have a really short term memory, because Obama got on the campaign trail for Hillary, and he started campaigning for her, and attacking Trump along with his wife the same. Trump only gives back what he gets, other than that he is our president now, and the nation as a whole should be proud.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country

Lib please we have all seen your Trump meltdowns, Trump lives rent free in your head.

First, I'm not a lib. Don't take my disdain for Trump as being a pro-lib platform. Just like you're a Deplorable, I'm normal. Any normal person, of any political persuasion, is finding it hilarious that a reality TV star can be president of the US. And it is. It is batshit funny. Only in America....
Everyone is still laughing at Trump

MMm, sorry, your sides extreme butthurt is quite visible for all to see.

Your denial fails.
Yeah I don't really belong to a side. But clearly the butt hurt side is trump. Waaaa The media is unfair waaa The FBI is unfair waaa Saturday night live is unfair waaa i'll show them I'm not going to the media correspondence dinner

So, you missed the rioting and the calls for coups? Kind of trumps verbal complaints...
Well he wanted to be king president. Over half of voters chose Hillary. Does he think they'll just sit by quietly as he lies to their face everyday and tries to dismantle progress that has been made?

What "progress" is that?

Trump is president. If the snowflakes don't like his agenda, they should have worked harder to put that criminal Hillary in office.
But Ttrump is a criminal.
Anyone who ever watched the love fest between the MSM and the Obama administration understands the way the system works Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump at one of the love fest dinners and Trump remembers it. Let the sleazy fools entertain each other this time..
Trump had attempted to destroy Obama. He should have expected retaliation.
It was enjoyable to watch.
. You must have a really short term memory, because Obama got on the campaign trail for Hillary, and he started campaigning for her, and attacking Trump along with his wife the same. Trump only gives back what he gets, other than that he is our president now, and the nation as a whole should be proud.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Yes yes yes. Widen the divide until the whole thing breaks in tiny pieces.
MMm, sorry, your sides extreme butthurt is quite visible for all to see.

Your denial fails.
Yeah I don't really belong to a side. But clearly the butt hurt side is trump. Waaaa The media is unfair waaa The FBI is unfair waaa Saturday night live is unfair waaa i'll show them I'm not going to the media correspondence dinner

So, you missed the rioting and the calls for coups? Kind of trumps verbal complaints...
Well he wanted to be king president. Over half of voters chose Hillary. Does he think they'll just sit by quietly as he lies to their face everyday and tries to dismantle progress that has been made?

What "progress" is that?

Trump is president. If the snowflakes don't like his agenda, they should have worked harder to put that criminal Hillary in office.
But Ttrump is a criminal.

What crime did he commit?

Lib please we have all seen your Trump meltdowns, Trump lives rent free in your head.

First, I'm not a lib. Don't take my disdain for Trump as being a pro-lib platform. Just like you're a Deplorable, I'm normal. Any normal person, of any political persuasion, is finding it hilarious that a reality TV star can be president of the US. And it is. It is batshit funny. Only in America....
Yeah, right, you aren't a lib. And I'm the queen of England!
Trump is not anti-establishment, what gives you the idea he is?
How about the fact that the establishment is trying to destroy him?
Hasn't he been snuggling up with the target of your recent gofundme campaign, Talking Bratwurst?
Is that supposed to mean something, skinny dick?
Does anything mean anything to you, Bripat?

It would have to make its way through that spectacularly impressive adipose.........uh.........helmet.......
You incoherent babbling doesn't mean anything to me or any other member of this forum capable of committing logic.
capable of committing logic.

You say that as if it is a bad "frottage".....
How about the fact that the establishment is trying to destroy him?
Hasn't he been snuggling up with the target of your recent gofundme campaign, Talking Bratwurst?
Is that supposed to mean something, skinny dick?
Does anything mean anything to you, Bripat?

It would have to make its way through that spectacularly impressive adipose.........uh.........helmet.......
You incoherent babbling doesn't mean anything to me or any other member of this forum capable of committing logic.
capable of committing logic.

You say that as if it is a bad "frottage".....
Fun on the commute.

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