Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Yes yes yes. Widen the divide until the whole thing breaks in tiny pieces.
Meh! Red State conservatives polorized and divided the country 8 years ago because they were pissed off America had the nerve and audacity to elect a Black man to their WH!!!! So now, Red State Amerika suddenly wants the country to come together just because Trump got elected with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!! It ain't happening!!!! Trump will be met with the same resistance that Republicans gave to President Obama.
. Nothing wrong with a black man being elected, but electing a racist black man, now that became a problem.
Red State Amerika elected a racist white guy to the WH.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
. Can't grow any wider than Obama accomplished. He did damage that may lead eventually to war... It's still building.
What damage????
. If you weren't paying attention for the last 8 years I can't help you.
When do you think the world and this country will stop protesting Trump????
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Yes yes yes. Widen the divide until the whole thing breaks in tiny pieces.
Meh! Red State conservatives polorized and divided the country 8 years ago because they were pissed off America had the nerve and audacity to elect a Black man to their WH!!!! So now, Red State Amerika suddenly wants the country to come together just because Trump got elected with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!! It ain't happening!!!! Trump will be met with the same resistance that Republicans gave to President Obama.
. Nothing wrong with a black man being elected, but electing a racist black man, now that became a problem.
Red State Amerika elected a racist white guy to the WH.
. Fake news
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
. Can't grow any wider than Obama accomplished. He did damage that may lead eventually to war... It's still building.
What damage????
. If you weren't paying attention for the last 8 years I can't help you.
When do you think the world and this country will stop protesting Trump????
. Don't bring the world into it... This situation is between the Americans, but you Lefty's want to drag the world into our affairs in hopes to try and muddy the waters. The nation is on to that bull crap also.
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Keep an eye on the DNC everyone, because they may be going deeper and deeper into electing racist and anti-jewish leaders into their top positions now, and if so you will see a huge push back soon by the nation if it has any sense left at all. Anyone tired of the bull crap yet ??
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
. Can't grow any wider than Obama accomplished. He did damage that may lead eventually to war... It's still building.
What damage????
. If you weren't paying attention for the last 8 years I can't help you.
When do you think the world and this country will stop protesting Trump????
. Don't bring to world into it... This situation is between the Americans, but you Lefty's want to drag the world into our affairs in hopes to try and muddy the waters. The nation is on to that bull crap also.
Its Right Wing-Red State Amerika vs Liberal-Progressive America. The fight and divide continues.
. Can't grow any wider than Obama accomplished. He did damage that may lead eventually to war... It's still building.
What damage????
. If you weren't paying attention for the last 8 years I can't help you.
When do you think the world and this country will stop protesting Trump????
. Don't bring to world into it... This situation is between the Americans, but you Lefty's want to drag the world into our affairs in hopes to try and muddy the waters. The nation is on to that bull crap also.
Its Right Wing-Red State Amerika vs Liberal-Progressive America. The fight and divide continues.
. No it's Americans verses anti-American, anti-jewish, anti-white racist who are using any and every means possible to put the nation back on track to where they had it heading prior to the upset. They didn't give a crap about the pantsuit queen, other than she would have stayed out of their way while they operated behind the scenes, and she would have supported anything they wanted. She was a weak vessel, and they knew it, and they loved it. Thank God America didn't fall for it.
Keep an eye on the DNC everyone, because they may be going deeper and deeper into electing racist and anti-jewish leaders into their top positions now, and if so you will see a huge push back soon by the nation if it has any sense left at all. Anyone tired of the bull crap yet ??
Red State Amerika has pushed back against the U.S. for over 30 years......hence the U.S. states is not a Red State Majority!!!! So Keep Dreaming. The U.S. in the 21st Century will not appreciate being ruled by an un-compromisng Republican thin majority's in the congress, the WH and the supreme court.
What damage????
. If you weren't paying attention for the last 8 years I can't help you.
When do you think the world and this country will stop protesting Trump????
. Don't bring to world into it... This situation is between the Americans, but you Lefty's want to drag the world into our affairs in hopes to try and muddy the waters. The nation is on to that bull crap also.
Its Right Wing-Red State Amerika vs Liberal-Progressive America. The fight and divide continues.
. No it's Americans verses anti-American, anti-jewish, anti-white racist who are using any and every means possible to put the nation back on track to where they had it heading prior to the upset. They didn't give a crap about the pantsuit queen, other than she would have stayed out of their way while they operated behind the scenes, and she would have supported anything they wanted. She was a weak vessel, and they knew it, and they loved it. Thank God America didn't fall for it.
Its Right Wing-Red State Amerika vs Liberal-Progressive America. The fight and divide continues.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

He's the biggest pussy of all. All hat and no cattle. A scared little coward dressed up like a bully. A FAKE.
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.
Who's laughing now, shithead? :lol:
Everyone is still laughing at Trump

MMm, sorry, your sides extreme butthurt is quite visible for all to see.

Your denial fails.
Yeah I don't really belong to a side. But clearly the butt hurt side is trump. Waaaa The media is unfair waaa The FBI is unfair waaa Saturday night live is unfair waaa i'll show them I'm not going to the media correspondence dinner

So, you missed the rioting and the calls for coups? Kind of trumps verbal complaints...
Well he wanted to be king president. Over half of voters chose Hillary. Does he think they'll just sit by quietly as he lies to their face everyday and tries to dismantle progress that has been made?

Riots and calls for coups are not normal loyal opposition, they are hysterical butt hurt.
Really? If he thinks he's had enough, he really isn't going to like what's coming his way. Lots of us think he hasn't had nearly enough.
The press's job is to report news. But when it comes to Trump, they propagate political bias. Why should he subject himself to more abuse?

If he doesn't want his dumb actions reported, he needs to quit doing dumb stuff. Trump doesn't like the media. He should fear the people.
Don't know why Trump doesn't "TRUST" the media. The media gave Trump over 2-3 billion dollars in free advertisement and interviews during the campaign both in the GOP primary and in the general election. QUIT COMPLAINING AND CRYING--TRUMP.
In spite of the fact that their coverage was slanted to hurt Trump. It backfired on them big league.
Trump won't win taking on the 4th Estate.

Right. THe way for republicans to win is to not fight back.

THanks for your advice lefty. We will give it all the consideration it is due.
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.

What you vile lefties do is not self deprecating humor, it is vile vicious shit.

He would have a better chance walking into a burning house with a can of gasoline, than putting himself at a disadvantage with scum like lefties.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

who's the coon??
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.
. No he's just not the dam fool you wish he were, and he just keeps on escaping the traps you people keep setting up for him... You people would starve to death in the wild. LOL
Barry mocked him at the 2011 dinner and put in motion the force of nature that will undo his entire presidency, Donald J. Trump. Once again we see what a moron the Kenyan sissy always was.. :lol:
The GOP hated and were revengeful toward President Obama for 8 long years!!!! Now the question is, why can't Trump be treated the same wy??? Why is Red State Amerika crying foul now that the shoe is on the other foot??? GROW UP.
. Because you're not justified in your attacks on Trump, but Obama after revealed his overall agenda was ripe for anyone attacking that agenda. Why can't you all get that through your thick skulls ?
Seriously,'re a fucking brick....
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.

What you vile lefties do is not self deprecating humor, it is vile vicious shit.

He would have a better chance walking into a burning house with a can of gasoline, than putting himself at a disadvantage with scum like lefties.
What you vile lefties do is not self deprecating humor, it is vile vicious shit.

Have someone with an IQ over 35 read that and let you know where you went so terribly wrong.....

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